National Community Network Ad Grants Campaign Summary

National Community Network Ad Grants Campaign Summary


We believe we can make a major social impact in our community and nation over time by developing a system of volunteerism joined with Community Service Workers on probation and/or parole, which will be centrally managed to create a planned outcome.  Our goal is “Building a better community.”  This must be defined by them and we just want to show them the way and create a dialog on the subject. The theory behind “Operation Solution and Response,” is to convert volunteerism into in-kind contributions to create more revenue within our revenue depleted communalities, that can be used as matching funds to gain cash revenues thru grants to support our labor services, in accomplishing our mission.  We believe this will create jobs.


1: Promote “Operation Solution and Response,” which is a comprehensive community based economic and social development program.


2: Through blogs and music we will challenge the communities we serve with views that we believe can help create community unification for these causes. We promote proper culture rather than religion.


3: Upload audio and video files to support and describe our fund raising needs and what we are doing and plan to do with the funding. On the top of the fund raising  agenda is gaining capital investment. We have a $131,000 building, we cannot use most of the time of the year, due to no cooling system being in operation. It is a $300 per month liability and we need to turn this around ASAP.


4: We plan to recruit and attract volunteers and community service workers from the state, in order to fill in the slots necessary to carryout “Operation Solution and Response,” The key to our success is volunteerism as explained in OSR.


We will measure success in more than one area.  To name a few:


1: Our following Data increases. How many people come to our website and why. The key here is setting up a good campaign to get them to us and setting up a website and other communications to bring them back as often as possible. Increasing of following and support is the main indicator of successes.


2: Gaining all the personnel necessary. We need people who are good with computer skills. We realize that gaining key personnel may mean OJT programs and/or references to needed training.


3: The funding and grants received.  An important measure of success would be our getting a cooling system installed into our headquarters building. And gaining the funding and grants needed to at least begin OSR.


4: The reduction in the crime rate and criminal recidivism within our community and our clients is major telling point and is a part of our purpose as well the one on the main goals of OSR. 


5:The the increase value of the real estate in the communities we serve and the poverty rate reduction.


6: The services we can ultimately deliver.


We believe togetherness may come with the true understanding of self rather you are rather Jew or Gentile.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano