Son of Man Is Most hated Man of Earth

Son of Man Is Most hated Man of Earth


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


When I was a child, we all was asked who do we want to be. I wanted to be God, I wanted to be the Son of Man, that I could have power to help those who are mistreated, be a just ruler and most of all to be loved for my deliverance. But after my long journey what happened when I returned?


Matthew 21:38


“But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’


Mark 3:21

When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.”


John 10:20

Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?”


Matthew 12:24

But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”


I have no honor in my family. They all think I am crazy and have no interest in my work.  Always trying to undermine me. In fact, they do not even take me serious.  So how can they love me and not love me for who I AM?  Either they think I am crazy or a lying schemer, but have no honor towards me. They would prefer to support a television ministry before joining with me. But will be the first with their hands out! 


The so-called Christian Community have become conditioned to believe Jesus Christ is white.  They have come to be conditioned to think they are Gentiles and they are Christians with faith in a white Jesus, when in fact they are the true Jews as describe in the bible and for proper identification I named them Zews.  And the spirit of the Zews or Zulu Nation who is being led in Americais and by Apostle Paul Castellano, who will receive a new name on the day he is duly recognized and crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  They are designed to reject Jesus regardless as to who comes unless he is white and this includes black churches with a black Jesus hanging on their wall. They don’t even believe it or preach it, they are just being defiant to towards their slave masters. How can a black church display a black Jesus who was Jew and call themselves Christians? I am a Jewish Gentile? This is an oxymoronic statement.


The co-called Jews who are the synagogue of Satan, if you understand the mystery behind  them, they are Gentiles who in many cases really think they are Jews. Them people didn’t die in Germanybecause they was truth to their game.  Most of these people are not involved in some type of conspiracy to mislead the world in order to rule over us.  Sure they want the benefits of this association and will therefore follow their bylaws and constitutions to gain them.  It is not my fault that they made this agreement and live by a code based on a the big lie that Jesus is white.  So I know they cannot ever even entertain the idea of a black Jesus and still think they are Jews. Because he would not fit their racial profile that they have used to make advancements in he world by feeding this into the minds of the masses, to achieve their agenda.  Power!  The Jews will not even entertain a black Jesus in the name Denzel Washington in a major Hollywoodscript.  And I can understand!


Why? Because this would destroy for one their security as a nation in Israeland on earth unless they disassociate themselves form this false knowledge.  Because it would become obvious to the masses that they are frauds.  The basis of their security is they idea that they are the Jews as describe in the bible.  If they are exposed what will happen?  They would be attacked from all sides and their Lord who is the United States of America  and not me, would no longer be able to justify coming to their defenses. They would be like me abandoned by everyone. But they are not me and will not survive. And like on 9/11, I will not allow them to cause total destruction with their nuclear weaponry, but only their own.  So how can they other than hate me or fear my coming into existence before the world, unless they are willing to accept who they are not?  And thereby losing the authority that comes with the title Jews, because its meaning will change.  Many so-called Jews serve us just as the Mafia is down with us, knowing they are Gentiles.  But they are not Jews and because of that they are going to have serious problems in the Middle East. Once the truth is known the sole lie behind the existence of Israel, which is about oil controls, will be made known as well as who they are.  They the people must individually decide what side of history they want to on. If I was an Israeli, I would move to America if i could afford it.


The Prince Hall Freemasons, who are the actual Pharisees as described in the bible, like the so-called Christians are ignorant to the knowledge of self. And therefore as in the bible, they were described as incompetent. They were supposed to be the knower of the laws and therefore know or be able to identify Jesus, but they didn’t even know Jesus and judged him to be sentenced to death. But they failed the prerequisite of ever being allowed to testify in the first place.  To testify about someone else, you have to first be able to identify yourself. The Price Hall Freemasons or Pharisees  think they are Gentiles and the synagogue of Satan who taught them their crafts and allowed them to practice their trades are the Pharisees. The key here is that they are teachable. But at this moment, I have accept that they are incompetent and therefore useless to me.


The New Jerusalem is here in the United States of America, which is the riches nation in all around world resources.  While many people might think Africa is the riches land on earth this is not true. America is the land of milk and honey. Whoever controls America will control the world, regardless of the economic state of its citizens. The resources are here.  The people running things here now, just do not care about the people.  They have become selfish and greed and attempted to create a one world government to oppress the world. But they screwed up and as in monopoly, their rules but they lost it to us.


Africa and the mystery will quick, I saw some old scrolls in Germany. This means this is the original knowledge that will always be preserved. It stated that the Garden of Eden is located in Africaand they have a geographic location. This means the garden of innocence. They gave value to things like diamonds and gold and we think this means the minerals are valuable in itself. No! The value is in what it represents. It symbolizes Slave labor from Africans Rule. Once the black man in America is emancipated it will no longer have any value.  And therefore how value is stored as assets will change. You will not be able to own the world based on minerals store in some safe deposit box and your ability to protect it with armed guards, because it will no longer have value. The only things that will really have tangible value are things like property, land and production processes. No! Not diamonds and gold this is all junk to us and an insult and heaven means streets of gold.  I advise all people who understand what I am saying, sell it while the gold prices are high.  If you invest in that stuff you are damn fool and deserve to go broke along with them.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

President and CEO – The National Community Network, INC.