Proof I AM the Wisest Man on Earth

Paul at 11 years of age performed first successful testicle transplant
Proof I AM the Wisest  Man on Earth


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


Richard Starks and Tyler Brooks, is living proof that I am the wisest man on earth. It proves the existence of Apostle Paul Castellano and how far advanced I AM compared to all the scientist in the world. I did at age 11, what it took them 30 more years to accomplish. I am in negotiation with the National Enquirer. We cam prove our successful testicle transplant done around 1969 by me at 11 years old. Placing us 30 years advance in science compared to all the world.  And remember I was only 11 years old at the time.


I feel it would be best to begin our national media campaign by such type media as the National Enquirer.  It will therefore be more socially acceptable by mainstream society not  ready for this and will seem less intimidating and a  threat to current status quo thinking and mentality.


Once approved at the White House, who has the ability to deny their knowledge of this, people will be forced to take us seriously. All money earned from this will go towards funding our non profit work, given them (the National Enquirer ) the ability to make tax deductible as a means of payment for a huge opportunity to make an earning.


This will drastically change how we do business in the future.  And now the Prince hall Freemasons will recant  that allegation of casting out demons with demons. Because i have what they need.

Rev. Paul