Open Letter Complaint Against Judge Ritenour to Florida Bar

Open Letter Complaint Against Judge Ritenour to Florida Bar


To: The Florida Bar – Department of Lawyer Regulation

From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – President and CEO – The National Community Network

RE: Judge Anthony Ritenour & My Summary Judgment Request

Date: 21 July 2014


All supporting documents were included with complaint.


I filed a summary judgment on about 6 July 2014, on several grounds. I have a small claim court case that I suspect is an act of extortion that is being condoned by Honorable Judge Ritenour and the Highlands County Civil Court.  What I am suggesting is a   possible RICO Act violation.  And the reason for this is there is no federal oversight in Highlands County, so they do as the please down here. But due to the rich real estate, things have to change and progress. Because land will be hard to find as the environment continues to deteriorate.


On my day in court 3 July 2014, I notice that most of the people who were supposed to come to court that day, received default judgments. Something that the Judge recognized as suspicious but chose to due business as usual, granting the credit collections there request for default judgments.


However, I notice I was served at the wrong address and my debt is assigned to someone else’s address. I never agreed to a phone witness being admit able, there is not record of this debt ever being transferred to these debt collectors from my creditors or what authority was established for the debt collector who claims to now be the new creditors.  Thereby being a creditor, while acting as a third party collector of said debts, seems to be beyond the intend of the law establishing debt collectors. I think either the judge should know this and be deemed corrupt or be deemed incompetent.


What is going on will require someone to go to this court during these credit collector civil court proceedings and actually see what is going on here.  But it doesn’t stop there, the whole County Court System here is corrupt and black people are systematically mistreated and jailed. However, my concern is why hasn’t my summary judgment been answered after over a month and a half. They didn’t even give me the dignity or respect to give me a discovery that I can prepare my defense.  But tell me, you have to defend yourself and as  paralegal by education, I can see through what is attempting to be done to me on 28 Aug 2014, my court date. A kangaroo court?


I might be getting a large settlement from the VA soon. Paying my debts isn’t the issue, but these are not my debts anymore and I never borrowed anything from Midland Funding and m y creditors forgave me and closed all account with zero balances. Yet Midland’s strategy is to also add on all these outrageous compounded interest rates, whereby the law state they cannot charge me more than the original debt, which is zero.


Their scheme in an nutshell:  File a lawsuit in civil court based on debts that do not exist and make people either mediate without legal representation, thinking they owe these people, while the judge acts like they do or get a default judgment, so they can just take peoples money without them even knowing it is being taken from their account, causing all kinds of financial problems for people who already suffered enough.  Double Jeopardy?  My argument is Judge Ritenour is in on it. Because how can he not see what is being done and call himself a judge?





Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano




In the County Court of tenth Judicial Circuit,

in AND for Highlands County Florida

                                                                                   Case No. 14-166 SPS

Midland Funding LLC






Frank Jones


Defendant Motion for Summary Judgment

AND Memorandum of law in support thereof



1: Introduction:  I Frank Paul Jones who is competent and a resident of the State of Florida brings this motion of summary judgment against the pending claim that he owes Midland Funding LLC the amount of $4255.25.  First of all, the Midland Funding does not plan to produce any witnesses

Under Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.530(d)(1).  I never agreed to the plaintiff being allowed to present their telephone witness at my trial. Under Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.530(d)(1), it is clear that all parties must agree to such an arrangement. I do not concur with your decision to allow this and was never asked while in court.  And therefore, I request that the court finds this witness to be inadmissible at my trial.


Case law interpretation of this rule held that, under Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.530(d)(1), a trial court’s only has the discretion to allow testimony to be taken over the phone if all of the parties consent.  See Cole v. Cole, 86 So. 3d 1175 (Fla. 5th DCA 2012).  If the judge allowed a party to testify by phone over the objection of another party, the trial court committed error.   See Cole, 86 So. 3d at 1176 (citing S.A. v. Dep’t of Children and Family Servs., 961 So. 2d 1066, 1067 (Fla. 3d DCA 2007)).  Your Honorable Judge Anthony Ritenour,  although many judges thought that they had some discretion to allow a party to testify by phone under the Rules of Judicial Administration, there was simply no such discretion.  See M.S. v. Dep’t of Children and Families, 6 So. 3d 102, 103 (Fla. 4th DCA 2009).


Secondly, under RULE 1.280 GENERAL PROVISIONS GOVERNING DISCOVERY, I requested a discovery by requesting that certain questions be answered at pretrial.  They are all on record and a copy of them are in your possession.  None of my questions were answered at pretrial to include my request to dismiss this case against me on the grounds of the 4 questions or issues raised.   At pretrial,  I gave the court and Midland Funding LLC, my information and concerns and therefore showed them my hand. The court accepted my information to then be forwarded it to Midland Funding LLC, but I never receive my discovery and therefore have no idea what to expect upon my trial date. This clearly puts me at a disadvantage. These are also grounds for dismissal.  If my request for summary judgment is denied, I request that I receive the discovery for this case from  Midland Funding immediately, so I can prepare for trial.  And please for the record have them answer my pretrial questions, because it is important information pertaining to this case.


Thirdly, As I showed you all of my credit card accounts were closed, with a zero balances and one late payment recorded on each of them. Therefore this high debt amount of $4255.25 is above the original debt by far and a debt collector cannot charge more than the original debt.  The interest they are claiming does not exist. I made this clear to the court and it went unanswered. The account in question is billed to Frank P Jones 2940 N. Buckingham Rd, Avon Park, Fl. 33825, which is also the address that as served until being redirected to the proper address.  This is not my bill, because I never lived at that address or ever used it to receive mail.


Fourth, Being the accounts were closed by the original creditor, the second party being HSBC, no longer exist in this business transaction and therefore Midland Funding no longer qualifies as a third party. This is exactly what the law was designed to prevent under 2013 Florida Statues




 (6)“Debt collector” means any person who uses any instrumentality of commerce within this state, whether initiated from within or outside this state, in any business the principal purpose of which is the collection of debts, or who regularly collects or attempts to collect, directly or indirectly, debts owed or due or asserted to be owed or due another. The term “debt collector” includes any creditor who, in the process of collecting her or his own debts, uses any name other than her or his own which would indicate that a third person is collecting or attempting to collect such debts.


The exception to this rule would the that my debt be assigned to Midland Funding LLC.  However under the . FLORIDA CONSUMER COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT “FCCPA,” Midland Funding was required to inform me of such assignment. 559.715 Assignment of consumer debts.  The problem here is that I never received such notification from Midland Funding LLC.  Midland Funding never properly established their ownership of said debt.


WHEREFORE, I the Rev. Frank Paul Jones of 917 S. AVE, Avon Park, Fl., prays that this court grant me the relief sought herein.  (1) I request this case be dismissed without prejudice. I request that the court require that MidlandFunding LLC, be required to validate all alleged debts owed by to them. And if they cannot prove I owe these debt, I request that court require them to close all of these accounts and notify of their actions.


I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the foregoing has been furnished by hand delivery to:




Name: ____________________________________________________________________



Name: Frank Paul Jones







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          917 South A Avenue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Avon Park, FL. 33825-4114

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Telephone Home: 657-2896

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cell: 863-458-0396





             Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me on 6 June 2014 by Frank Paul Jones.






                                                                                             DEPUTY CLERK




___________ Personally known



___________ Produced Florida StateDrivers License









Wells Fargo Under Dept. of Treasury Federal Investigation

Wells Fargo Under Dept. of Treasury Federal Investigation


On 3 July 2014 Rev. Frank Paul Jones was denied the right to open a saving account for the National Community Network, INC., and was given a signed document from the store manager stating to the effect that all key members of this non profit organization will have to be present and do a roll call before her, prior to her authorizing such business transaction.


We took this up the ladder of Wells Fargo Corporate Department and still after first stating this doesn’t make any sense, they would redirect us by saying there is something in your records that was placed there, the will not allow me to open your account.  We were denied again on 7 July 2014 and again this weekend and it is all documented.


This matter was reported to the Department of Treasury office of the Comptroller of Currency.   The argument presented by Rev. Frank Paul Jones, is that this is just one example of Redlining and Jim Crow Banking practices in the South. I realize now these are some of the barriers that have to be broken if our community is to ever advance.  The system down here is design to repress blacks. The laws are racially biased and unfairly enforced.


Such banking practices puts us at a huge disadvantage in competing with white non profits in Highlands County. It disallows us to run crowd-funding campaigns in order to raise immediate funds. For example if a kid needs an operation or even tuition to stay in school and has no insurance or money from his parents, we would require to open an account in his/her name but under our non profit entity tax exemption  statuses, until funds are transferred.


Another business disadvantage is for  example we have Pay Pal, because we cannot open another account, we cannot create a chiasm or gap between Pay Pal and our actual general funds.  Therefore anyone who has an account with us can charge us outrageous debits and we would have no recourse until Pay Pal completes their investigation. Such a stunt could destroy us financially.  But this is how negroes are supposed to do business down here in the South, says Wells Fargo.


We are waiting on the decision of the office of Comptroller and then will decide on the proper response to these unethical business practices. We want to insure that all black non profit agents and churches are allowed to open bank accounts quickly and without scrutiny as a result of our complaint. This will open the door to community charity.  And we want a public apology from Wells Fargo on the front page of the Highlands Today Sunday Edition. So that everyone knows Wells Fargo is no longer a Jim Crow Banking Establishment.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

Highlands County Corruption Investigations Led By the NCN

Highlands CountyCorruption Investigations Led By the NCN
1: We have documentation for the store manager at the Avon Park, FL. Wells Fargo Bank, clearly denying us the right to open a saving account to our non profit organization, unless every officer and director in our organization, do a roll call at there bank, before it is authorized. This is the power of the spirit that she would be so arrogant.   To deny my state constitutional right is writing.
We made a complaint to the Department of Treasury, office of comptroller of currency, who this morning said we have an open case that is under investigation.
Then Wells Fargo further injured themselves by sending me a letter denying my request, which is still under investigation by the federal government for practicing Jim Crow Banking Practices.
I plan to move all my money out of that bank once I settle with the government and sponsor a campaign that will either make them rectify their evil banking practices or close down.  And I might have Samantha fired! We do not need them, they need us!
Then there is another major case, but I cannot fill you in yet. Because it reaches high places.
The Issue: Suppose a child needs an emergency operation. They are denying black community the right as a tax deductible organization to start a crowd funding campaign in that child’s name under tax deductions unless they all report to the bank manage first, they are telling me that our account that is linked to Pay Pal cannot create have a  chasm to protect our money from fraudulent debits.  Meaning anyone with Pay Pal authorization can rob all our money from our account at will. This is RICO shit! I might sue them for class action damages
Rev. Paul

The Great Sin of the Avon Park Slaves

The Great Sin of the Avon ParkSlaves


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano


First of all, you do not have the power you may think you have. But the fulfilling of bible prophesy will happen, even if it is despite you. Either you will be a significant part of it, due to your blood associations and blood ties, or be left behind and replace by more competent messengers, preachers and community leaders.


Important things must take place right here in Avon Park, at our headquarters location. What people failed to realize is what actually occurred when  took ownership of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge as Agent and Chaplain.


The Roman Catholic Lie: Peter Represents the Pope


And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.


James 1:27 The true code of Freemasonry.


27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


It is here that I will establish the one and true Master Plan or Grand Architecture of the World under the Ruler ship of the King of Kings and descendent of the Zulu’s. Until than Prince Hall Freemasonry doesn’t even exist, because it foundation is based on my emancipating the African American Slaves who or mentally crippled.


We are building the foundation of everything Prince Hall Freemason will be allowed to practice, because if they do not duly recognize me, they will remain clandestine.


The sin: They do things and think they have power they do not have and are slowly hanging themselves and hurting nobody but themselves.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano


The Significance of Highlands County & the Prophesy

The Significance of Highlands County & the Prophesy
By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano
We have been watching this area for a very long time. This is an area of underdevelopment and underinvestment. Yet it is some of the most prime pieces real estate in all of the world, without any value due to its underdevelopment. This place is full of vegetation to include its populous.  We know there are a lot of So-Called Christian here who are set in their ways and Freemasonry has strong southern influence.
When the white man came to the new world Americas, he spotted this prime real estate, but the Native Americans would not submit to slave labor and therefore were killed off and replaced with Africans. That this prime real estate could be harvest cheaply.
Our problem is we need a certain level of talent and skills to transform Highlands County into a nice size city of about 250,000 to 300,000. We need the children here to be better educated or we will have to hire someone else’s children in the future, because with or without the current inhabitants, this town will and must grow due to geographic needs and necessities of the world and nation.
The problem is this is where my family is located and therefore many of them knew about me during my childhood. And many of them are loyal to Satan. They prefer to be a servant field negro for Satan, than a part of the royal bloodline of the Lord. And that is a choice I will allow them to make. Because family against you is the worst kind of enemy you can have. So it is best I know now!  Yet I know because they are family, I must settle with them.
20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar. For if a person does not love his brother, whom he has seen, then he cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
I was explaining in raw terms what a King of the Zulu’s was like to my cousin. Comparing him to a street gang leader. My point was it is not a democracy, but his conclusion was, oh, “we have to kill you to take your position?”  What I should have told him was about John J. Gotti’s promised, was that they will drop a nuclear bomb on the bombing range, if I as much cannot be found in this town around here. And John J Gotti has my Power of Attorney and is supposed to be handling my affairs from below the radar. 
So if I was replaced or killed, first of all Highlands County would be totally destroyed. Either we will develop this town or it will never happen and If I do not survive, who is going to report to John J. Gotti in my name or do you even know it, to solve all of these many unresolved issues of world affairs and collect my earning for my job well done, meaning all of the world.   Nobody qualifies to be me, because nobody walked in my shoes.  Therefore nobody can collect my wages.  So such a move is moot.
I see the problem here is that I took my journey around the world and back, but for some reason because these people are of my bloodline and I know some of them thought and hoped I had no children or offspring. And think we are playing local games, when this is about the world.  They tried to set my e up to not have children. But all they did was bar themselves.  Because I do not know of one child of mine’s in Avon Park. And everywhere a Zulu conquers he leaves a seed?   The Bible told you Prince Hall Freemasons was incompetent and you should have know it and not followed the blind. They were described as the Pharisees in the bible who were the knower of the law, yet they could not even identify their leader.  And today they are just as incompetent.  And they might have played themselves.
For 25 years I allowed people to call me names, like crazy and delusional, only because it was written I allowed it. But now certain facts are about to be established and most doubters will without a valid argument. And I will not only be a power to deal with, but not too much will go down around here without my direct or indirect influence.
And like I said, Satan needed slaves to harvest the land. Now this is what you have become. You’ll or a bunch of mentally screwed up confused slaves and refuse to let go of a lie, you know makes no sense, because you want to judge the messenger and not the message.  But the massager you received is what you asked for, a broke down man, who has nothing but the good word, waiting on your faith to make it all happen. But I see I might have to take things into my own hands.
Now I am telling you, if you continue down the road of mental ignorance, refusing counsel that will lead to a better educated and untied community, you will all be left behind and passed over for children from other parts of the world. See what is going to happen will happen despite you all. It is the real estate we need and not you, but because you are here, you get first shot at it harvest. But understand we do not need slaves worshiping Satan, waiting on a white Jesus or even saying he is black, but he is not you, yet we know no other option.
So if I was you, I would support Rev. Paul to include money donations and bring up the value of this real estate, that they do not steal it from you. But believe me they will soon be buying it, for no other reason than people are running out of places to go that is safe from the environmental factors that come with the territory.
Many are called but chosen are few!
Now a secret: In 1991 we did a roll call, 100,000 Crips, 1,200 Gambino Family Members. Only Gambino Family Members were allowed to operate in Crips territory in LA. It was decided the organized the Federalized Crips, who would be supervised under the Prince Hall Freemasonry Umbrella.  So you do you really think is among Prince Hall today and through you they located nationwide. But the question is do we have to find out who they are loyal to? If the leadership has no honor for me, my men will have to perform a coup d’état.  You can call my bluff!
Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano