Apostle Paul Castellano & People Issues

Apostle Paul Castellano & People Issues


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I can say a simple thing and it will become a discussion over my psychic development. People have been calling me names since I was 30 years old. People say I am delusional, without any professional authority to back up their opinion (therefore it is an insult). And in the same line say I love you, yet I just disrespected you as a man and I can do this because I know you or I am your sister.  But if I said, you are a closet case homosexual, so why hide it it’s acceptable now or  you are a low life dishonest bitch, I would be out of place. But calling me delusional is a respectful opinion about someone. To openly say I am crazy, but I cannot say all these things you really are, from closet homo to thief is fairness in the game?  Something is wrong with this picture, because I am being accused as an arrested development individual yet with more education than most of you all, who are name calling.


Then my daughter Keba, who I planned from the beginning becomes an issue that just couldn’t be a simple answer yes, she is your child.  Maybe she don’t want a business they say or maybe she don’t want a blood test. Then her mother Lori says I never slept with him. And then there is my cousin Boykin, who had to hold the title father and what will be a peaceful solution to his letting go, of this title with dignity.


Meanwhile the point is that Keba is a princess of the bloodline of the Lord.  Once she understands who she is, she will understand her powers. No door can remain closed to her. While they are ganging up on me, so that you cannot see who you are.  I am talking about Prince Hall Freemasons. Whatever she wants, all she has to do is plan it wisely and instruct each player in the plan as to what they must do to make it happen. Knock, Ask, Seek.  Once she understands who she is, she will learn how to apply her authority to make mountains move. And I cannot allow these power to be misused by people who practice Witchcraft or serve a white Jesus and dishonor me.


Lori: I made an agreement with her, it was the same agreement I made with Janet, I will comeback and if you do not have a child from another man you will be my Queen (Wife). Janet did about everything but have a child. She was very disrespectful, but I know why, she was hurt by me. But she didn’t break the agreement.  I sent her back off in 1989 when I didn’t settle for half of Michael estate or $500,000,000 and all that is happening now was planned then. We had three days to do it all, because important people had to be in one place at one time and no pictures were allowed at all, by orders of John J. Gotti.


Lori I understand had two more children. I do not know how Paul Castellano thinks along those lines.  I know this will not about sex anymore, once I ascend. I will probably breed like a stud, in order to make allegiances and control my assets through my seeds.  But I cannot answer that question, only Paul Castellano can answer this.  For her answer and settlement she will have an appointment to see Apostle Paul Castellano. I really think the day is soon, but until than she shouldn’t hurt for anything.


NaQuila: She wants to be left out of what is going on, but I see a real problem that has to be addressed, but not now. If I addressed her issues now, it would mean I have to alter what I am doing to accommodate her as if she was in on this from the beginning. This would mean she is a distraction, which is what they want her to be to hold me back.  I believe something seriously wrong hapeened to her bad and was calculated as a means to create a weed in m y house, because Avon Parkis a very wicked place and certain family member5s who sold their loyalty to Satan has been planting weeds for a long time. Sometimes I really want to turn my back on this town and walk away, but I was forewarned by Frank Clark Jones, he said, “Have mercy of these fools.”


NaQuila’s argument is I did  something to her sexually at age 6 years old, that would have been an error.  Understand Janet was 13 years old and a women under Zulu law and this was never reported and will not until I receive a presidential pardon.  Lori was 16 years old, but I did not come to her, she came to me while in m y sleep, which would never hold up in court as statutory rape.  These were women as I teach our culture.

Apostle Paul Castellano is infallible and every move is calculated. If I did what NaQuila said, I would be an evil God and I am not.  Therefore if I did this thing, I would have had her eliminated long ago to cover up my mistakes, that I can presented unblemished. I therefore could be an evil God, fronting like it is all good. But what she claims I had nothing to do with and could never compensate her for this.  It would be like settling out of court for child molestation.  But the deal is, once I have time to focus on these allegations, I will find out what happened.  Therefore, NaQuila has an appointment to meet with Paul Castellano.  Either she is lying or the Freemasons planted a weed to hurt me and the truth will come to the light.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano



The Keba Case on Standby

The Keba Case on Standby


I just got a letter from my sister Ella stating, Lori said she never slept with me, Keba is Hilton, Janet is a delusion and if I want to help Keba do it out of the kindness of my heart do it for Jesus Christ.  These are the types of things that make me feel dishonored. My own sister, didn’t believe anything I said and didn’t spend one penny to search for the truth, but claims she love me. She says you are smart, but then says, you do not even know Jesus is white so how can you be him?  She placed the credibility of Lori, who she never met, Boykin a known everything immoral and Pat a habitual liar and thief over me, but she loves me


Lori said she didn’t sleep with me, which is a true statement. The fact is that she actually had sex with me while I was sleep and left me to go to her bed, but the spirit sent her to me.  But the spirit isn’t admit able in court.  Because you say it doesn’t exist.  Therefore she had sex with me while I was sleep and to some it is called that rape.  Being she was not my woman who slept with me, what right did she have to my seed?  So the spirit is her only defense. Now if she claims she never had sex with me and Keba DNA matches min e’s, what can she say for herself. I raped him to steal his sperm, so that people would  think Boykin is a real man and Paul is a crazy fool.


Now like I said, I am no sperm donor and I will not allow a seed of mine’s to continue down the road of praising a white Jesus and thinking I am delusional and someone to be ashamed of. When I am the light of the world.


When I get my money, I will invest in information and information resources.  I will hire a private investigation agency. On the top of the list will be to solve the Keba dilemma. What a DNA kit cost $100 and all I need is a piece of hair, a soda can she drank out of, get real.  They told me maybe she doesn’t want a blood test. Why? I offered her $10,000 just to take it at the VA. This would be very easy money and I can made all the arrangements.


So I am supposed to get a bunch of money, continued to be called delusional by family, friends and the media whenever, I say something they do not understand, to end up in a nursing home at the VA, where they will change my dippers and tell me I am delusional until I die. Or they set me up as incompetent for handling my financial affairs and take control my assets, as they are building their case now to carry this out. I am 55year old and time is running out?  If it takes every dime I get, I will find peace of mind, by searching for what I know is true. And I might do it out of South African, I do not feel at home here anymore. Because not one person believes me and admits it, even when they say they do, in the heat of the moment I am a liar all over again.  But I know if I leave the Prince Hall Freemasons will eat my sister Ella alive, because I know Lujuana knows the truth, due to her association with my nephew and his father, she just has to pick her side and soon.  But Ella, she is just naïve and never respected men.

In his dying bed, she called herself saving my uncle Worshipful Master Roberts who knew me and knew I was the Lord and was handed a Masonic Bible by me, which if Vaughn Jenkins had any sense, who appraise it at least $1,000,0000 and place it in a vault. But her rather waste my time and his with these childish games. 

All these years, I have been called delusional based on what the media said. When I was arrested at the White House, I said everything I am saying and they said I was bipolar and not delusional, so based on who am I delusional?  Never was as much as a penny was spent to prove or disprove anything I said. They just spend crazy money medicating me and keeping me down, so nobody would listen  to me. Yet these fools cannot see why.


Rev. Paul