The Palestine and Israel the Only Solution

The Palestineand Israelthe Only Solution


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


First of all Israelis a lie.  That place we are talking about is Palestine.  After world war two, these people who claim to be Jews was ran out of Europe.  It was by design under the order of Zionism, to eliminate the masses and win world sympathy not just for their migration into the middle east, but as the world power, after it was clearly determined that petroleum would control the world’s economy.


This caused all sorts of problems, from the need to build up military arms over hatred based on foolishness, to the constant destruction of nations in the name of democracy or non cooperation with Israel. But I will be upfront, I Am dictatorship and of the line of royalty and they know it, so this is bullshit. It is just an excuse to create demands that will harm these nations economies in the name of security due to the intrusion of these interlopers.


I recognize all the great contributions they brought to the middle east, in the sciences and technology sectors. Its development of the land occupied into the 21st century. But they are worst than the Apartheid Government.  At least the Apartheid recognized the black South Africans, but so-called Israeljust took over an area, named it Israeland said fuck the Palestinians, like America did the Native Americans  and then started making demands for its security, when they were the aggressors.  And how they are blowing up shit and damn a cease fire, for what?


With the understanding that I am the Son of Man, I cannot support the lie that they are the Jews as described in the bible.  And with due recognition of their education and advancements, I feel they deserve a home and a land they can call home.  But they must accept that they are immigrants from Europe who migrated into the Middle Eastas a result of Zionism.


Therefore the only solution is one Palestine. Under one Palestinethe European immigrants would have full citizenship  and there will be one government and one system of religion.  They must all know that they have all been deceived. And there can never be world peace until the world know who I Am and they are not.  Their hatred is based on a lie!


There must be equal rights in the schools and in business opportunities as must Americachange its positions in the middle east.


If they go up against this decision we will have no choice but to advance our research in the area of hydrogen fuel.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

A World Without AIDS

A World Without AIDS


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I think we figured out the easy part, which is finding the cure to AIDS.  But now we will be faced with another challenge.  What do we do with all these people, who in the plans of the Illuminati were setup to die and/or cost the government in medical costs, while making the pharmaceutical industry wealthier by the day.


Bill Gates made a wise decision to enter the pharmaceutical industry through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has a lot of billionaires down with him now.  So the money is there to end AIDS, though that may not have been the intentions of the alliances to prevent and find a cure to AIDS.


Due to what is about to be revealed, because I know Paul Castellano doesn’t make mistakes and he would have never handed them the power to kill him.  Therefore, whatever my blood does to prevent the spread of this virus is the answer to this quiz.


My concern is the aftermath, because finding the cure so soon was never the intent, but you already put your money up, so I guess I will be collecting my share soon.



I call on $100B for the cure at 51% share of the control of these medications.  I call on the end of the drug wars and a settlement with the cartels to enhance economic growth and reduce crime as being contingent to the release of AIDS cure.  I call on the government and the private sector to come up with $500B+ to be used to begin the process of rehabilitating all these nations who have been devastated by this biological weapon placed upon them by the United States of America, under the Ronald Reagan Administration.  And they know I am the true emancipator of the world.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano

The Cure to AIDS IS Found

The Cure to AIDS


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano

To: The People and President Barack Obama

26 July 2014


I think I finally discovered the answer and solution to curing AIDS.  I created it as a incurable disease in the winter of 1976-77, that was what was requested by the CIA under George H.W. Bush, who later became Vice-President and ran the government using his figurehead Ronald Reagan, an excellent team.


I knew if I did exactly what they said, without first protecting myself, they would use it to take me out.  Our agreement was I will do whatever they ask as long as it doesn’t get me killed.  Therefore even an incurable virus could not be created that could take me out.  Therefore the cure to AIDS had to be in me all the time.


Think about it, for 25 years the VA continually tested my blood, to check for signs due to medications I was almost forced to take, that never had any positive effect.  What did they do with m y blood?  Do you think the government really think I am crazy. I worked for the White House. Think?


I think once I prove a few things, we will be taken seriously enough to get some money for this discovery.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation alone is worth about $50B.  I could probably earn at least $100B for the cure within one year.  But my concern is what and how it will be issued. I think a $200B initiative could eradicate AIDS.  They plan to spend about $25B, not really accomplishing anything put long term treatments the government has to pick up the tab on.


Therefore, I have to own at least 51% of this drug. All we have to do, is I will write a grant and need help finding the proper licensed professionals to carryout this research project in Avon Park, FL. 


I want the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fund the research. Have someone verify what I just said at the Veteran Affairs, they have plenty of my blood. Once the Bill Gates knows my blood fights off the virus, we will proceed to determine the numbers and ownership of the cure to the AIDS virus. I do not think you can do this without me.


I do not want people running up on me with needles acting foolish. My blood is AB+and it would kill most people in a transfusion.  Have patience we waited this long, if people believed me, this would have been the first place they would have started for AIDS research.  But I am so damn crazy and all types of other names, it wasn’t even worth consideration.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano

An Honorable Mention of Queensbridge Woman

An Honorable Mention of Queensbridge Woman


There were a lot of woman I was attracted to in Queensbridge and in different eras. In 1989 I asked for the hand of Sharon Alston, during the integration and Mrs. Virgie said no.  I didn’t want to be alone, but I could not be happy with some else either. How could I have married Sharonand pursue Janet as I did.  Sharon would have had to been in to it too deep or ended up hating me.


Gail Wright, was my dream girl so to speak, be she would have messed me up.  When I was a little kid, I would go to her apartment all the time, her brothers were my best friends, Shorty, Vern and Victor.  When I was young, I hanged out with the big boys, Shorty, Eric, Warren, Juney, Randy and so and then they got old enough to have girlfriends and go out to clubs, I hanged out with the younger crew, Vern, Victor, Dante, Reid, Douglas and so on.


Gail use to try to give me sex when I was a little kid and I liked it, I was nasty, but if we got busted or I thought we would get busted, I acted like she was bothering me and she would get a beating for screwing me.  I was shy!


So when we got old enough to really get busy, Gail wouldn’t give me the time of day. I can go on, there were many fine woman in my eyes in Queensbridge, like Joyce Cresco, and Rebecca and I had a lot of classmates. When must never forget to mention Mona, she black I mean dark skinned and super fine.  I never had sex with Betty Freeman, she was afraid of getting pregnant, but she was the first girlfriend that I had a kissing affair with.  I just could not get involved in Queensbridge it would have ruined everything.  I basically left when I was 17 years old, then started coming and going seasonally.


The key is that once we break the code of the DNA of humankind, being I am the Lord, I can create my Kings Harem with the woman I always wanted and place them at their prime. I can say agree to this because it is my way or the highway.  But I am not that type of guy!


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano

Paul Castellano My First Girlfriend Helena

Paul Castellano My First Girlfriend Helena
How Janet became my Queen has to make a lot of people angry in Queensbridge.  But had I hooked up with one of them, I could have no longer been concealed.  They could not see me in the light they are being exposed to now, because everything we did was of covert status and still is.  It is very concealed, but we all know how government documents seem to leak over time as it security level reduces.  But that changes nothing.
I will give the title of first girlfriend to Helena Harrison. If I was a normal person, who was to progress in life, through formal education and public accomplishments, it would have been with her. She was my first love, I love her so much I could never tell her, because I was afraid.  She was smart and she loved me from the beginning. But it was not meant to be.
I remember how I always missed up when the chances was given to me in so many occasions. God wouldn’t allow it for some reason.  This I understand now!
With her, I would have been the first black president, but the way I did it, we conquered the world, because they underestimated me.  This is something until this day Helena could never do.  She knows what I can do!  She knew me as a child in a way I do not think I allowed with anyone else to discover, yet she never knew it. 
There were many girls and there was Helena when I was just a little boy.  Like Mona, Dante Bush big sister, she was older, but I use wait around the front just to see her come home.  Everyone did, she was super fine.  But now Paul Castellano, even as a boy he screwed older woman, but Paul, he had to be lonely. This is the part that hurts most.  Use your imagination.  “I still feel Mona I call her the finest woman in the world,”  People think I enjoyed a life.  I cannot even feel, I just know this stuff. What I feel is all the rejection and loneliness.  Because people really do  not know who they dealt with always. While I might have done some exiting stuff, it is just memory.
HelenaI still can feel until because I share a special moment with her. I was drowned by Dante Bush in a lake I could never swim well and he grabbed my legs and pulled me down, Raymond, I cannot recall his last name, saved my life and gave me CPR and I saw Helena in an outer body experience crying “don’t die, don’t die,” I was looking down on her and when I woke up there she was crying “don’t die.”  But yet I could never love her like a normal child.  I was deprived of my childhood.  But I know she will always know me, because I saw her outer body, crying for my life to continue!
Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano  

Willie B. Knight a Trader Against God

Willie B. Knight a Trader Against God


Open Letter:


WILLIE B. KNIGHT – Former Treasurer – The Pride of Avon – Lodge 462



I hear you have raised up against me and attempted to make my life a living hell, here in Avon Park. This cannot be because you have properly informed of what was to happen.  And for what a building worth $131G that I invest over $20G already and plan to invest another $30G to make it fully functional.  I hear you conspired against me nigger!  Did you?


Understand first of all, I am the Son of Man and Worshipful Master Roberts knew this. For this reason he assigned me as Chaplain and sealed the arrangement by selling the property owned by the Pride of Avon to our Organization who is now called, “The National Community Network, INC. 


This is proof he knew who I was.  He registered this Power of Attorney that it become public record for you all to see, to give you all hope in my message.  General Power of Attorney:  This document authorized the then imprisoned Mafia Dom  Godfather of the Gambino Crime Family to act as my agent over all affairs and making Worshipful Master Roberts as successor agent and therefore his arm and can act whereby when John J. Gotti could not. The established the connection between him and the Mafia through me.  John J. Gotti death was then faked and a closed casket funeral proceeded about 3 weeks later. That document was his pass out the back door of Springfield.  It gave him the authorization to act as me in all business affairs.


And on my day he will hand the world over to me as it was prophesized and I will get my settlement which includes a huge package concerning African Americans, than I will emancipate the black man and a new order will have to evolve in Prince Hall Freemasonry to insure, it alludes to the truth and the light I am now sharing to the world and there is much more to be revealed.


I would like to organize a committee or have one organized based on need to in know to write our Holy Scripture of the Zews based on our fulfilling of bible prophesy and the emancipator who name will be in it, to be done here in Highlands County. It will require a reasonable budget or man-hours through volunteerism.  It would require competent clergy, who can think outside the box, because on a lot of matters for historical facts their input is needed.  For example though I can share the truth unknown, I really have no idea how black people really feel, even as I journeyed through hell, I doubt many people black will have my endurance because had they, their condition would be as it is.  When you understand, I was dealt an impossible hand, when understand what was required of me. I had to be a homeless nigger and conquer the world both at the same time. 


That is why I am hurt by this.  As far as I am concerned you are nobody and is on your own from this day on. You are not my brother or servant, but is an outcast.  Just as you turned on my uncle, I now mat well turn on you.  You are nothing to me, you are a boy and less than a man and you are disloyal!


I gave Worshipful Master Roberts a Masonic Bible, that is now possessed by Vaughn Jenkins 33 degrees, who I mistaken as you, the one leading Prince Hall Freemason against me. I was beginning to get upset with close family members because of your plot against me.  And if he appraises that bible, it could be worth at least $1,000,000 or the price of the greatest piece of art on earth, because of who it came from, it age of 30 years in mint condition  and should be preserved and placed most highest in a tomb.  This book with the book we will write will act as one defined.  Why?  Willie B. Knight not only are you incompetent, but until Prince Hall Freemasonry Duly recognizes me as the Son of Man and their emancipator, Prince Hall will always be a clandestine order.  A Joke on the world stage.  The only Freemason without a God of his identity.  They cannot truly exist without first duly recognizing me in their every teachings. I am not demon possessed and such lies could mean death to a lot of people in the future.  So watch your mouth! Because for the survival of the black race these lies must cease to exist.


But you went up not just against your Worshipful Master making you a weed, but the Son of Man himself. I don’t know you and it is like you never existed from this day on. You can stay in hell when we all ascend above the darkness you as a boy to the illuminati place upon your own people, because you too was in darkness.  People like you are not worthy of being a part this thing or ours. If I have my way, which almost always do, I will make them call me MWGM if I find it to be righteous and make my home the Grand Lodge of all Prince Hall Freemasonry and Freemasonry ending Satan rein.  But you are no longer included in these plans, because you untrustworthy.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano