My Understanding of the Wrongs I have Done

My Understanding of the Wrongs I have Done


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I probably did about everything at one point in my life, but always for a reason, even if I did not know why at the time of the action taken by me.  I did a lot of wrong things to a lot of people, but usually in the nature of abandonment or creating glass ceilings on people, simply because they were too close to me.


Take Vern Fleming he went on to become a professional basketball player in the NBA and was one of the first major success stories out of Queensbridge.  I loved the dude like a little brother, him and his twin brother Victor I favored when I was young and one of my mentors was their older brother Steven “Shorty” Wright.  Yet, I could not even get a dime from Vern during his whole career, at any moment. How do you think that made him feel?  Or even worst makes him feel now?  Think about our relationship as kids and how it turned out due to his successes.  Either I made him really hate me deep inside as child or made him mistreat me in order that he may live. Why?   Because I had to be kept down.  I had to suffer! I made him mistreat me!


Now think about all the friends I mentioned that never made it out of the housing projects and how they must feel today?  Oral Brannon always wanted to be a singer, my nephew Dahoud Smith did about 17 years, because he wanted to be a rapper slinging drugs for studio time, Ronald Delaney a DJ and I told you how fine Mona Rodriquez was, why she wasn’t made into a Hollywoodstar?   She had the rights looks and the right connections?  


I created glass ceilings for a lot of people and made a way for a lot of people I never met.  And those I did help could not help me, even if they wanted to!  On top of that my oldest sister who was within the timeline of the prophesy fulfilled and died, she did not make it with us. Why?  I do not know all the details, but I know she is dead and it was John J. Gotti’s call, while Michael J. Jackson I am not sure about and John J. Gotti, I know survived prison.  But how do I make peace within my family after that.  She must have done something really disloyal?


I have made men psychotic while in the military certain to get 100% service connected disability soon after and they knew something important, but would never be able to convince anyone of what they saw or know.   I did this to me to some degree, this was a wrong but for security reasons it had to be done. So it really was the right thing to do at the time.  Maybe one day we will have to readdress those who were made crazy.


Now NaQuila feels I spoke wrong against her and will make it harder for her in Avon Park, FL.  I am convinced she feels I did something that just doesn’t make any sense to me and would therefore be an act of hatred against someone for no apparent reason.  While I feel what I said about her blessed her, she feels it was a curse upon her.


The way it was written, I forgave her and she was the one who anointed me. The message behind my story was that it takes a village to raise a child.  And the people who judged her when she was in need and ended up living with a me a stranger, showed no love for their neighbor or self.  Because when they judged her, they should have been trying to figure out what her problem was, that needed addressing.  Why was she crying all the time. Then the truth came out!  And we are looking in  to it.


She was mistreated by her own community and that was to their shame.  I believe what she said may have happened or she was made to believe these things, because it makes sense, but I had nothing to do with that.  What she said, may have been a ritual by some group of people, but I didn’t plan this but must defend myself from it.  Because someone create someone who feels I wronged them for a lifetime of suffering, a claim I could never settle.  And she is allow 35 years old. This phase of my journey begun at age 30 and I am now 55 years old and is prepared for another 15 years of struggle if necessary. For this reason I am having problem understanding what she actually wants, she is too young to feel her whole life was ruined by anything.


See what NaQuila doesn’t understand is there are lot of people involved in my life, in  one way or another.  And I am not against her in anyway. But what she is talking about, if I focus on that stuff, I am going to miss out a lot more urgent matters needing addressing immediately.


She thinks I am against her and do not want her to prosper, but the reality is I made deals with other people that has to be honored also and there are real people who have authority over certain areas and affairs of mine’s and I gave them that authority to make these decisions I cannot make for myself.  I do not control my money yet, so everything I achieve must come from the power of persuasion and not brut force, I just talk tough sometimes because I can and its sets up a fairer negotiation.


Now let me tell you a fact. I was bragging about my sexual prowess and my future Queens and was starting to have a little fun in life. They Baker Acted me, as Dr. Borden said, she was afraid I might get  angry and become violent.  Then they tell me, hey you need a tetanus shot. They give me this big ass shot and I took it like a fool, now I cannot get a hard on anymore, they made me erectile dysfunctional all over again. After being normal for a couple of months for the first time in many years.  It might be a month or more before this stuff wears off.


Now they will call me delusional, when I say Dr. Borden was no love interest, Dr. Gonzalez was no love interest, so either Janet had me screwed up through the Secret Service or John J. Gotti through my power of attorney given him. In any case, I know one of two things, they feel I am not focusing on what I should be thinking about at this time or someone has a problem with me and NaQuila at this time. I cannot figure this out, fight for my benefits and plan for the future and focus on what she presented to me at this time.


So in essence she wants Rev. Frank Paul Jones, to make the decisions for Apostle Paul Castellano. I cannot makeup stuff along the way based it on what she or anyone else tells me or say, I have to follow the spirit within me, even if it seems like I am taking on losing causes.  My Marco management cannot be altered.


I could take that article down and I might for peace sake. I meant it as a blessing and I am sorry if she feels differently. But I cannot have confidential conversations with her, I cannot talk about. I cannot make any decisions based on anything we talk about without first checking in on it.  Because we planned this in 1989, how can I change what people are already setout to do already?  Either this is going to happen or not, but we are not changing our plans.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


The Power of the Spirit

The Power of the Spirit


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


First of all I am not Jesus Christ and please don’t get it twisted, but we have fulfilled the prophesy of the Bible, yet the world doesn’t know it yet.  What we have proven is that every name mankind has used to praise the Lord, was a name assigned by Satan. Because Satan’s master plan was to make all the world praise him.  This is the code of the mark of the beast and the 666 names assigned as a name of God, for all of the religions of the world to choose from. This is an important key.


The problem with so-called African American Christians as also other religions throughout the world is that they all think they got the right answer, yet the spiritual principles of all of these religions seem to be that they do not know what their God knows.  Yet, everyone seems to be denying me without any benefits of a doubt, simply because I presented myself to them with the right qualifications.  People like TD Jakes, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and even Tyler Perry are better received than I am about spiritual principles and the power of the spirit, yet none of them came with the right qualifications.  Being a broke down and a poor broke ass nigger, who knows something you don’t know and everyone thinks he is crazy and you are supposed to love me unlike the rest of the world and support me in faith and deeds. Sure you right!


But that isn’t the truth. I am the most hated man on earth and have to prove everything I say about my own experiences in life. The qualifications of having no honor, doesn’t give me more credibility, but removed even the littlest amount of dignity, I should have received for just being a US Veteran in America.  They treat people crying shellshock (PTSD) with more honor and much better than they treat me.  While you talk about faith and the power of the spirit, I can tell you what was accomplished through the spirit over the last 50 to 55 years and our place as a people on the historic timeline of humankind. But due to the proper qualifications seem you ignore or rebel to what seems like everyone knows but you.  They know who you are and what the plan was to oppress you and the world.


When we prove these things soon, which is that I performed the first successful human  testicle transplant, that produced an offspring and therefore we did in 1969, what they could not do until 2001  While I was only 11 years old, proven we was advanced in medical technology over mankind by 32 years at that early stage in my life.


What does this prove?  When we discover my blood fights off the AIDS virus.  You better start taking me more seriously, because what this should tell you, is there is nothing they could have possibly figured out or have done, that I cannot fix or repair through the spirit of God. This is the proof God exist. There is not a disease they could have possibly create I cannot cure. Why? Because they are simple minded, and God knows everything. 


Curing diseases and stuff like that will be the easy part. My problem than becomes, if we extend life to 150 years, cure most diseases to reduce the costs of medications or just save Medicare. What do I do, with a bunch of disloyal stupid people, who plan to praise Satan, for my work? Think about it 32 years advanced at 11 year old.  We could be 100 years beyond them now or even more?


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


Two Important Letters to my Lawyer

To: The National Community Network & Associates

From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano

RE: Two Important Letters to my Lawyer

Date: 30 July 2014


People can judge me and not support anything I plan of propose, but you all will be the one’s to lose out. Because what you are about to find out is that there is no going forward without me, if I am correct. If not, I just assume enjoy my enhanced quality of life, create music and blog. But if I am right a few things will have to be decided on. You concern is;


Where does this AIDS research take place? And how much money will be pumped into the local economy as a result of me proving these relevant facts, which will force people to respect and honor me.  And if I bring  money in to this area, you best believe it will be spent properly and not be squandered.


To: Mark R. Lippman, Esq.

From: Frank Paul Jones –

RE: Important Blood Tests

Date: 29 July 2014



Address: 917 South A Avenue

                Avon Park, FL 33825


Dear, Mr. Lippman, Esq.


I just realized I almost made a major error by not informing you about relevant information  to support my insanity defense and create a basis to a maximum settlement.


I got upset recently and got Baker Act by my psychiatrist, however, I challenged it on the ward as an unconstitutional act and I was right.  Because I never posed a threat to anyone but was only concerned with my financial circumstances and my strong belief that I am the Son of Man.  And for this, I found myself to be the most hated man of earth, I am even hated by my own family because of this.  And after 25 years on medications, it never left, but the side effects from these medications are causing me physical illnesses, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and erectile dysfunction.  So do I keep taking this stuff and kill myself young or demand respect as a human being with a belief that is protected by the United States Constitution.


Anyway I need a blood test to prove two important facts, that will help prove my insanity defense as I explained it should be presented


1: I discovered I have a daughter.  Her name is Keba and she has 6 children and 1 on the way and husband.  I feel the government owes her, because of the nature of my service, I couldn’t be a father to her.  And this is her current status!  Proving Keba is my daughter will verify to me that Janet had one also about a month later.  This will tell me I am owed at least my half of the Michael Jackson Estate and that they meant to settle as promised.


2: Read this carefully.  I said, I created the AIDS virus in 1976-77. The deal I made was I will do whatever I am told to do as long as it doesn’t get me killed.  Under CIA director George H.W. Bush, the orders came down for a incurable disease. I said. I cured AIDS in  1989.  Here is the catch. I never gave them the authority to kill me, therefore the answer to the cure to AIDS is in my blood and always was. I cannot catch AIDS and never could. Have my blood tested against the AIDS virus as far as how it response to the virus in a laboratory environment and not for my status.  Then we will negotiate this information with Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation.  I think the government knew this all along, because I am not delusional and they have been medicating me and testing my blood for 25 years.


3: Get my St. Elizabeth Hospital Records from around May 1991, when I got arrested by the Secret Service. It will verify my first diagnosis was bipolar. This was the decision of the White House, who I said I worked for and not the Veteran Administration or Federal Department of Corrections.  They are going by the wrong set of records for my diagnosis and therefore my credibility.


To: Mark R. Lippman, Esq.

From: Frank Paul Jones

RE: Important Provable Scientific Fact

Date: 30 July 2014

Address: 917 South A Avenue

                Avon Park, FL 33825


Dear, Mr. Lippman, Esq.


One more important supporting fact that I request a private investigator if necessary, but this should be provable with a basic search on the internet and then making contact by phone with these two men, with so type of proposal to insure they are compensated well.


Richard Starks – 41-01 10th street, LIC, New York 11101

Tyler Brooks – 41st side of Vernon Blvd, LIC, New York 11101


These two men are first cousins. Around 1969, we were playing and was having a competition of jumping over ramps with our bicycles. Tyler who was a bully, but still a friend challenged me to make a dangerous jump and I succeeded. Then he was forced to a the same challenge and his bike crashed and he lost both of his testicles.


My mother made me correct this, because I probably caused it. I did the first human successful testicle transplant placing one of Richard Starks testicles into his first cousin Tyler Brooks.  As a result, they both had normal sex lives, however, Tylerfathered a child who was the recipient and Richard did not father a child who was the donor.  Both testicles have Richard Starks DNA and that is the proof.


I think Richard has the blueprints?  This is proof of my being advance at about 32 years at 11 years old, over all of mankind in the scientific community.  Once we prove this, they will have to start taking me much more seriously and I think the information about these two men lives is very relevant in this scientific area of research.


Simply things like this will defeat any challenge as to my insanity being based on the nature of my duties to this government. And therefore, they owe me my disability compensation, but also the Department of Defense has some compensating to do as well.


I am an American hero who is being dishonored. I started working for the government officially in Sep. 1976, when  I was emancipated in to the Armed Forces at 17 years old.  And I should be paid for being on the payroll until current date at a very high Government Employee Rating.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano