The Egeria Mystery Resolution

The Egeria Mystery Resolution


1: Tyrone Moss take a Polygraph Test and or Mafia Truth Serum.


If he has nothing to hide he will willingly take a polygraph test at Madison Square Garden at a cost of $1,000.  I will pay for it and if I am not satisfied he will be examined by the Gambino Crime Family of New York City. Why? While they had my bogged down here, it would not even seem complete unless someone was up there as well.  This make me wonder about Aunt Lois also, because when I saw her last, I saw fear in her eyes as if she knew she was about to die.  I just have to wonder after what they tried on me, Egeria was weak and sick.  She couldn’t defended herself from Tyrone.  The question is who is he loyal too.


2: We order 2 DNA kits to check for Ella and Dahoud compatibility. I think Dahoud should contact John J. Gotti and person the same check. Cost for four kits $400.


3: We will hire a lawyer to update all our documents and procedures and determine who will run this organization’s what and how in Florida before I leave to recruit some real men out of Queensbridge, who will see an opportunity to protect the financial futures and do community work that will have a nationwide impact.


Let us make our decision after we identity the players and there actual roles, based on these results.  While Ella is masquerading as the head of the Jones Family interest, maybe she is not even a Jones, she is a Gotti, while in reality I am a Jones. So whose house is she living in?  But she planned to put me on the street if I got sick and got Baker Act.


Meanwhile in the name of God, she probably tortured my uncle Worshipful Master Eston Roberts in his last days, who was my successor power of attorney with John J. Gotti as my agent.  He set me up as the Chaplain over the Pride of Avon Prince Hall Freemasons to insure the proper transition and knew who I was. But she called herself saving him my telling him to praise her Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, so that he may go to heaven.  When he just needed medical assistance. 


Now she feels she should has rights over that building because of what she did for him, by being his caretaker.  This is a rational for trying to move in on me, rather than accept her place and assist.  But they never made such an agreement, but this her character and lack of respect for men.  That building was set aside for me.  And for this reason she Married Dale Williams, someone she is smarter than and would depend on her financially. Someone she could boss around and control there destiny. We know how he ended up screwing with her.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

The Mystery of Egeria

The Mystery of Egeria


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I see an error in my judgment. I knew Egeria died and I do not know if Michael J. Jackson is really dead and I knew John J. Gotti escaped from prison soon after he received my general power of attorney, granting him the authority to carryout my affairs and not the Jones Family.  Because of family members like mine’s it is a wise thing to have people out there that can act as your agent.  More than one is even better, but make sure they are loyal and lay down their lives as their bond.  This can protect you from petty people like Ella Gotti.  Did I say Ella Gotti.  They need not be issued until ready to execute.


My mistake was that because John J. Gotti told me she died, it was because it was his call, meaning she did something wrong. But it was information given to me, to let me know a fact that her death was not a fake like my mother’s and John’s.  Understand the partnership between John and Egeria and Blond. John J. Gotti tried his best to create another me, he is the father of both Ella E. Gotti and Dahoud R. Gotti, but we will never have a blood test.  Right?  Because I am crazy?


Egeria seems to have been killed because she was the only person left in the world who was for me.  Even in the homosexual community she adopted the position that homosexual practices is by choice and when she did it, it was because that was what she wanted to do. Whoever whacked my sister will be found and punished, because she was the only person at that time in my corner in my life who knew who I was.


Now I understand Egeria’s message to me.  She would say, “I died before and I am not afraid and that is was peaceful.”  She said “the reason why me and her didn’t have anything was because Lujuana and Ella conspired to sell it all.” Now I understand what she was forewarning me about.  They are a team.


I think Tyrone owes me a written report about my sister’s last moments.  Because he was the only one there when she died. Tyrone claims all was fine, but she complained to me that he never paid any bills while he was with her. He is not a suspect, but I must investigate this. Tyrone has to meet with Apostle Paul Castellano that everything be made known.  I believe Egeria was killed, because she was the only person I had left in the world who was in m y support. And the $50G was not meant for Ella or Lujuana, so we will pay for some professional services before I leave to settle who will run what and how.


This stunt by Ella Gotti and crew, only awaken me to who Egeria was and why she died. Next I will make all responsible wish they were never born.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

I concede to Lord Jesus Christ

I concede to Lord Jesus Christ
Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano
I started a campaign about one month ago and I think my points were proven to at least a preponderance of evidence, which meets the qualifications to a civil lawsuit.  But the power in the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is too powerful to overcome here. Peoples minds are set on this idea, because this is what they want.  I do not know if they believe it or just want it more.
So-called Christians want the promise the bible made of eternal life, with streets paved with gold, whereby they do not have to do anything but lay up on the Lord. The place of nothing but social programs. While this is going on, I do not know who will be watching the heavens gates, if you have a flock of eternal retires.  Whereby nobody has to even farm or even serve the food on the soup line.
My promise was that if we work together in a coordinated effort, we can redevelop our communities and attract capital investment into them, that can in turn be used to fund the labor resources with materials and even salaries.  I was advocating a nationwide movement designed to eventually emancipate the African American People from physical and mental bondage.  All I did was anger people down here, to include my own family members, who decided to undermine me and team up against me.  Why so many people has to go up against one crazy man?
Now I know you cannot believe everything you hear, but I hear my sister Ella is now talking to people she claimed were her enemies, to explain this plan to have me found incompetent, to control my assets if the VA settles my claim, vote me out of the office as President and CEO of our organization, which I designed and setup and then have me committed into an insane asylum until I praise her God in the Name Jesus Christ?  And I believe this because she forewarned me on Facebook of all places, by telling me I am destroying myself by what I write.  In other words, she planned to use my own words against me in civil court.  And in the same sentence I was told she loves me.
Meanwhile, I put myself on the line, by saying things I knew would upset powerful people and perhaps even cause me not to even get any settlement at all from the VA, because of fear of me using the money right.  They like Vets to buy new cars and new homes and be consumers and smoke crack, whereby I wanted to invest my settlement into the community and create opportunities for at least a few people and  my family members. But they think they can just take my shit, so that is what they will have to do. I was going to invest in  property to be developed, but not anymore.
1: I said Keba is my daughter, she thinks I am crazy. Her mother says I am a lying. Neither one wants anything to do with me.  So this wasn’t even worth a blood test, because this is not what they want. So be it!  But I was just trying to get Keba her money owed her, they owe her at least 18 years of dependent pay, for whatever G rating they decide I deserve. Because I joined the Army when I was emancipated at 17 years old and having been working for them since.  Plus I was looking at my VA settlement. 
2: I told everyone about Richard Starks and Tyler Brooks, I didn’t even get one $20 donation to do a search on the internet to find them. That was worth much more than  a $20 donation. I didn’t even get a like on Facebook for that. I know this is true and they are living proof of this.  But now they will be tools for Queensbridge advancement.
3: I told you’ll about the AIDS vaccine that probably will be found in my blood and instead of saying I will march with you wherever we have to go or help you write a grant to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to do such research, again, I didn’t ‘t even get a like.  Whereby such research is common and it was done before with a little success, because later on the guy got AIDS again or something. But is not at all far fetch.  And the chances is if I created it, it cannot kill me.
4: I got Baker Act because I stood up to certain people and informed President Obama the night before. I was concerned with my settlement being so slow and my doctor decided I might get violent based on a hunch.  That is not the intent of the Baker Act of Florida and it was unconstitutional. But before I was released, I was given another shot telling me it was something else and now I am experiencing severe erectile dysfunction that pills cannot help.
5: I got in to it with Wells Forgo Bank, for practicing Jim Crow Banking practices.  Nobody supported me on that one either or even asked for any details about it.
6: Then I challenged the Civil Courts in Sebring, for unethical practices in credit collection services and again it went through one ear and out the other. But we are talking about millions of dollars being taken from people probably illegally.
7: Then as far as the people who want to just get rid of me and steal my shit, I gave this organization every administrative benefit it has and carried this organization for the full duration of about 5 years as of October, with a little help from anyone financially and none administratively, because I had a dream. But they said damn your dream now and hell with all the work you have done, or the money and time you put into it. I will give you $100 which is what you paid for the building and the hell with you. We are about to retire soon.  So you have to move aside.
Now its about Ella’s Gospel Works Ministry. They are all down but not with you, because you are crazy, but by the way, we will use what you established instead of creating our own organization.  But never even read “Operation Solution and Response” or even  attempted to help me draft any of the bylaws, plans, conflict of interest clauses, volunteer work agreement or anything necessary to run a legal 501 c 3 non profit organization. 
These are the things I am hearing and it is being done in the open.  I don’t know, I guess that makes me a punk ass bitch and Ella the Dom. I do not know, but if this is what they want, I will walk away and not turn back.
Then out of all the people in the world, the only person to say yes I am down with you Paul, was out of New York City. He is one of my oldest and dearest friends. I think I am remembering him learning to walk we go back so far.  1, 2 or 3 years old together until I left when I was 17 years old. The people I do not owe anything to, wants to take my property and dignity from me in the process, yet someone I had to leave behind, who was a true friend from the beginning of my childhood said I will support you Paul.  And I know there are many more of them back home. I know many of them want out of New York City also and just cannot find a way out of that place.  It is cold and hard up there.  They are still hungry and understand we are running out of time.  See I know now that I can return home and be loved like I never left, because real friends can just continue where they left off. But the Bible said;
1 John 3:17
If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?
So I concede to Lord Jesus Christ. If all works out and I get my money I will leave ASAP, quietly and I will leave everything intact and ready to use for them and wish them luck, because they will need it.  I will go back to my real home.  Because I will go ballistic if they tried me like that.  I’d rather die fighting than be played by a damn fool out of hatred in the name of God.  One should even love their enemies. But they are of God and I am the evil one.
This gives you all what, about 2 years to get you act together and organize to protect your community. Because HighlandsCounty and Avon Parkis valuable real estate and either I will be back with manpower and money to back me up or someone else will come, because the people on this real estate do not deserve this territory. It is time to harvest Avon Park. My brothers, my sisters, nieces and nephews, my cousins and my friends are Queensbridge.  That is what 1 John  3:17means to me.  I do not owe my bloodline anything, because they do not want to know me. If fact they hate me so bad as to send me in to an insane asylum?  Do you have any idea what they do to people in there?
Instead of here, I will build a recording studio for me and my true family who are my friends, travel and see friends like Ronald in North Carolina, get drunk and eat good steaks as I please, be merry and have sex without all these medications messing with me. To suffer another 15 years for you all, would make me hate you all at the end. For the record, you all really hurt my feelings and I will always remember the welcoming party you’ll gave me in Avon Park., which was 5 years of plotting and trying to make my life a living hell.
Therefore upon my return, do I comeback to family or back to a new land needing to be conquered economically and politically.  We are not talking about street fights and drug wars, no, we are talking about the establishment of this thing of ours.