Russian Ukrainian War Not America’s Affair

Russian Ukrainian War Not America’s Affair


Ukraine wants to do business as a member of the European union and Russiathinks they are too close to their borders to have this economic freedom.  They are the main transit route for Russia into Europe who gets over 40% of its oil from Russia. It seems the real solution is an economic partnership recognizing the need for this point of transit. Therefore Americaas the police of the world takes the lead in resolving Europe’s interest.  Whereby this is really about Russian/Ukrainian economics.


Meanwhile we are over 100% our GDP in debt in $15 Trillion economy and running an annual deficit in our budgets, meaning while we pay the interest on our debt at about $385B annually, which is about 7% of our budget, we continue to borrow more reducing our spending abilities in the future unless we balance it out with more borrowing.  Meaning more debt and higher interest payments.  Understand this debt should have never exceeded 35% of our GDP.


Meanwhile Israel is raising hell, whom controls the middle east oil, which is a substation of the United States or military base and no more. But understand it is Europe who imports 60% of that petroleum, while America gets 3% and Chinahas a huge stake in Iraqi oil and are partner with Iraq.  But America has to resolve this issue, while borrowing money from the exact people they are supposed to be helping.


Why are we concerned with the European Unions oil or China’s oil? What is our interest in Israel other than friendship and why are we bankrolling the resolution in Ukraine, when it is an economic issue of  Russia/Ukraine and the European Union?


Americans have falling asleep and will go for anything the media tells them these days.  There should be war protests from coast to coast concerning America’s positions in these wars, especially in the absence of China, Russia and the European Union at the lead.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

How Easy It is to Destroy Israel

How Easy It is to Destroy Israel


If a Suitcase Nuclear bomb covering 7,000 sq miles ignited it would cause un-repairable damages on Israel if ignited on the Gaza Stripe.   Israel would no longer exist that fast as we know it.  They would in retaliation fire off their ICBM nukes that our nuclear umbrella would defends us and our future interest against.  America is actually self sufficient in things needed to run our economy.  Because the middle east and their oil would be destroyed. We all know they exist (suitcase bombs), because we sold Israel one that they used on 9/11.  So if nobody knows or hears me they have ears.


Knowing this how these people continue to do me anyway they feel they can or try to control those people in this high tech society using ancient iron hand ruler ship.  They can easily be destroyed in a flash, if just a few Palestinians decided “I have nothing to live for and the world is profiting off of my obedient to this evil. So the hell with it.  What makes you think you can buy one but they can’t get one for free?


And all it would take is for someone to give such a device to someone who really means he wants to be a suicide bomber. 


My point is we must start educating the world based on not a fantasy or a bunch of superstitions, but on the truth. Or it will all certainly be destroyed. And Europe and the Illuminati will suffer the most.  They are the one’s who need these resources and not America.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

If Apostle Paul Castellano Became an Enemy of the State

If Apostle Paul Castellano Became an Enemy of the State


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


I know my timeline to the degree of what accomplishments must be made for me to fulfill my mission within the lifetime of mankind, being the promise is 70 years. Every great plan has gates based on (and/or) based on (if). 


The government will begin to compensate me in a timely manner, first by approving my service connected case, then verifying publicly the findings of my blood against the AIDS/HIV virus and how it fights it off, upgrade my third discharge, grant me a presidential pardon, fund my non profit organization with AIDS related research funding in the billions thru Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation, compensate my children (Keba) as dependence since birth due and due to the nature of my duty to country make it lucrative and accept my offer to pay the national debt in full becoming the nations sole creditor now and in the future by constitutional law.


You cannot decide the order and it all should happen quickly, but my VA service connection decision is the first decision that must be officially made.  And a no answer will not receive an appeal but a decision based on (or), because it disrupts my timeline.  Therefore I have to weigh what is my other options without government support or recognition. That answer will be based on something John J. Gotti told me that I said I did not want to do.  Honestly, I thought he was trying to whack me.  Though I believe I am protected against any intruder to include him, I am not sure if I am protected from myself.  But I need to know is if this is true if they decide on the answer no.


I was told that then I will place a gun to my head and try to kill myself, but the gun will not go off and then I will know for sure who I AM.  If the government denies me this time, based on my timeline this has to be put to the test.  Why? Because the rules to this mission was that “I could say anything I want to say as long as I do not act on it.”  But everything would be done by the law.  Then when I announced the good news (we are the Zews, I am the King) I got Baker Act and now they are trying to silence me.  I was ask how do you know all these things?  then it was suggested to consider forgetting everything.   I said maybe I am the matrix, but I rather suffer than believe the lie the world have been bamboozled into accepting as reality, whereby the world is one big fantasy.  People kill everyday based on a foundation of lies.  This is a lost world.


I need to know my capabilities for sure to make my next move and I will never know until I attempt suicide by handgun.  If I cannot die and I believe they know it and that is why they will never try to have me killed. I am unstoppable.  If it comes to this due to a denial by the VA, which means the government never plans to settle with me. I will put John J. Gotti words to the test. If I die, he set me up and if not America is about to catch pure hell. Because on that day I will become judge and jury and take whatever I want whenever I want it, from whoever I want to take it from and kill anyone who gets in my way and have killed whoever I please and hope someone comes to try and stop me.  If I die, I will just be one more stupid nigger who will soon be forgotten but gladly out of his misery.  My sister Egeria promised my death is peaceful, she died and came back to tell us about death.  I believe that is what she wanted.  As for me they can burn my body! I personally do not want death, but I demand death before dishonor.  That is the code of a true leader.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

Apostle Paul Castellano Predicts his Death

Apostle Paul Castellano Predicts his Death
To: President Barack Obama
From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones
RE: The Truth
Date: 8 August 2014
Response to VA Requiring more info:
My mission was to stop America from giving this country away. I succeeded by buying it before someone else did. I said we will pay the national debt, but you will owe us to insure we have operational funds of about $500B per year.  Is that a problem?  Black people shouldn’t have to beg you anymore nor I.
The pattern is the longer it takes the more it will cost you all,  because the more we will have to take from you.  If you start another war in Iraqi and it will require you to borrow even more money from us. While you are way over your head in debt. And just like you are fucking Frank Paul Jones, whose to say we don’t call in our markers.  But you refuse to give Frank Paul Jones a decent life in a timely manner because this case is 25 years old and you still have more to figure out?  And I am an innocent man who just happened to be the temple or body of Apostle Paul Castellano dwelling, but you want to award Israelbillions and everyone else with Paul Castellano’s hard earned money. But never Frank Paul Jones who was the one to carry the burden of Castellano all these years.
So I warn you, even out of fear of death because I was made that way. Frank Paul Jones does not want to die.  But I am willing to smoke a lot crack if necessary or something to make me angry to begin my last and/or final mission on earth, if it means not paying my bills to buy a gun, because it will end soon anyway, I will purchase a handgun off the streets.  If I am a lie the bullet will kill me because the gun will not go off with that gun pointed at my head and you will all be done with me forever and you can have this self destructive world as is, but not as long as I live. Because if I do not die in this act of suicide, than I will know for sure what you already know, that in any gun fight or battle, I will always be the last man standing and can only be taken alive after I run out of ammunition.
I cannot take having no money to my name in the bank on 8 Aug 2014 and cannot even afford a McDonald’s meal date with a woman none the less a real restaurant and I know all of what I know about world affairs and always shared it with your office?  I’d rather be dead!  And Israel needs to understand someday a Palestinian or a few of them together are going to decide on death before dishonor and a nuclear briefcase will explode in Israel.  You can’t control people by keeping them down forever in this highly televised world of high technology that promotes desire.  People get tired of wanting what they cannot have, while everyone seems to have a laptop computer, a nice car, a nice home, a woman who respects them because they have something and not love them like one of their children they love.  Since when did a black man require a woman’s love?  We need more respect and in this capitalist society respect comes with money.  But me, what do I have or really have to lose but a dream you plan to forever bar from reality?   This is not a bluff, because I know deep inside I am tired and is ready to lash out, I just haven’t figured out the best bang for the buck.  I have always been impulsive and at on a moments notice, because I was made this way.
To make this easy, if you do not want to pay me have me please have me assassinated or killed or put a lot of people at risk.  Sure you can Baker Act me, but you will only turn me against you forever and therefore I will never be useful to this country ever again.  And I will become your worst enemy. Because I am really starting to hate America.
I was played by a lot of people so it is starting to seem like.  My family all but outcast me as a lunatic.  The VA gave me high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and erectile dysfunction all in one.  For treating me for delusions which wasn’t my first diagnosis from St. Elizabeth hospital.  So what do I really have to live for, but the fear of death and my sister already told me it is peaceful because she been there twice and came back to tell me what is felt like?  And what do I really care about this world anymore?  In fact I am not even sure if I even want to prize anymore. I do not even know if I want to live anymore?  For what?  To be called crazy everyday and be treated like less than a man and can’t even afford a steak dinner without planning for it a month in advance.  I prefer death before dishonor and I truly believe my death, is all it will take for yours to follow Mr. President.  The people using you against me are not really fore you, they are just against me.
Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano