Deployment Security Concern and Star Wars the Solution


Star Wars – Day of Flight 587 to D.R.

The only thing that could work against us is the windows.  We are open to sniper fire.  Deploy at least two men teams into buildings you decided will be a vulnerability and do a physical check into apartments and let them know they will be moving soon.  Locate my Star Wars Satellite into the area.  Any firing into our deployment retaliate with a laser beam.


We get all Housing Police Department buildings with NYCHA.  Go in now and start setting up patrols.  Because once my Queendom is located this will be the ne 24/7 reality.  Start deploying CRIPS into this area to run the streets and the stores we inherited with the new Federal Jurisdiction. Now legal weed shops become reality.  We get everything down from about Ave B to FDR Drive.  Do not openly locate on Ave A., so to allow 1st Ave to remain to seem to have the same activities.
Now our children have a school.  Most of those children will have to register at a different school anyway.
Jesus Christ

The Economic Crisis written on 9 September 2001


The Economic Crisis written on 9 September 2001


To: The Illuminati


Answered on:  11 September 2001 by a terrorist Act

Business activity in the United States is in a continuous declining stage.  And, a lot of politicians are starting to include the word “Recession,” in their vocabulary.  Even as some politicians attempt to convey their interpretation of our current economic decline with optimism, I sense pessimistic overtones, as they consider dipping into the so-called social security “Lock Box,” which they vowed not to do except for as they now say in the case of war or a recession.


It is said that our economy is “Consumer based” and “Energy driven.”  The average person’s interpretation of this statement is that, as long as the multitudes use their money to consume goods and services, and the energy supplies are available to sustain these business activities, we will experience good economic times.  In reality this statement is a deception, the reality of the matter is that our economy is actually “Capitalist based,” in that as long as investors can make a profit by means of our consumerism, we will experience a good economy, meaning that they will hire people for jobs, as long as they spend most of their earnings on consumer products, and pay their taxes.


I understand the importance and the nature of these capitalistic principles, which allows many Americans to enjoy a high standard of living; however, it has its faults.  By design our economic system deprives many Americans of the so-called American dream, whereby the average hard working American can not accumulate moderate holdings, either one will have abundance, or not much at all.  Too many Americans are living as little as two checks away from homelessness.


It is my position that our current economic woes are as a result of corporate greed and government mismanagement.  The bottom line is that we the American people are in over our heads with government and consumer debts, and the big corporate America investors are cashing in on their profits.  It is no secret that the government is in enormous debt, and is using the social security surplus to pay down on it, which will have to be paid back by tax revenues in the future and/or new borrowing.  But, also one must recognize the enormous consumer credit card debts, which are in the range of seven trillion dollars.  People are not engaging in consumer spending as much as in the past, because they are trying to pay for what they already purchased.  Meanwhile, companies are firing people, because profits are down.


You may think that my statement about corporate investors cashing in on profits is absurd, because everybody knows the stock market is on a down trend.  However, the price of stock depends on what people are willing to pay for it.  Stock prices raise when there are more buyers than sellers, and when people try to unload their stock to cash in on their profits in large numbers, the stock prices decline.


What people need to realize is that the so-called booming economy we recently experienced was a big gimmick that was generated by credit, and now stock prices are basically coming back down to earth.  The whole economic boom was a big scheme, and the American people played right into it.  As a result of this recent charade, unlike never before, there is a huge disparity between those who have and those who have not.  And, I know for a fact that, key members of the underworld not only orchestrated this strategy to create enormous consumer debt, but, also they orchestrated the strategy that created our current government debt.  The whole economic crisis is a conspiracy.


The basis of the recent booming economy was a technology craze, and Microsoft played a major part in it.  People were sold on the idea that computers are not only an important part of the future, but, that everyone should immediately own one.  As people were attracted to this new technology and lead on by constant upgrades that were preceded by the new millennium glitch hype a lot of money was made in the high tech industry.  People jumped into the technology industry without reservations, both in the consumer and investment ends, in what seemed to be an endless and promising systematic activity that people now realize was a very risky enterprise.


The illusion of a booming economy without a foreseeable bottom, with enormous growth in the technology sector created strong consumer confidence.  Meanwhile, those who orchestrated this conspiracy were invested early, and therefore were recipients of huge returns, by enjoying their gains from the beginning.  Then, you had the investors who simply got on the bandwagon, some came out winners, but, far more were clearly losers.  And, you had the consumers who went on a spending frenzy, who now find themselves with a bunch of depreciating junk, and are now in enormous debt.  And, now if you observe the pharmaceutical industry, a new frenzy is on the horizon, whereby, people are lead to believe pills can “cure all.”


So now the questions are:  What is the solution to our economic crisis?  What role should the government play?  And, what role should the private sector play in finding a solution?  I believe that if we really want to find a solution to our economic decline, we must first honestly recognize the facts, as to why we are in our current situation, and stop pretending that our economy and its trends are by chance.  We must find a lasting solution to a declining economy that is plagued with consumers deeply in debt, with a government that is deeply in debt, and by nature an economy that selfishly thrives on profiting from consumer and government spending.


To tell you the truth, there is no conventional solution to America’s economic crisis.  The American government and its people have been financially raped.  And, it’s just a matter of time, that if unconventional actions are not taken, this nation will collapse.


These superficial solutions coming out of the political camps, to revive our economy are ludicrous at best.  The one that captured my attention is the idea that reducing the capital gains tax, would resurrect our economy by creating more investment capital.  In other words, like the Savings and Loan Scandal, they want the hard working American tax payers to absorb the losses of those who made bad investments, thereby, dragging the government and therefore the American people down further into debt.


The secret behind the only real and lasting solution to our long term economic crisis is the question of the legitimacy of our government’s debts, which must be paid back by the people.  We need to ask, who is really behind it?  What do they want?  And, with the understanding that the fall of America will not benefit either party, I believe we should really consider the re-distribution of our nation’s wealth, to include reparations for descendants of African slaves in America, and debt relief to the United States government by its creditors.  This can all be accomplished by creating laws as a result of negotiations that will create an even playing field for all Americans.  I believe America’s economic crisis is a wake up call; however; still it is up to the American people to respond to it, or continue to sleep in the bed we have made for ourselves, which will lead to our civil destruction, as a result of a financial collapse.

They document disappeared and was deleted in other places, but was place on the World Wide Web in parallel, so I was able to find it.  By them deleting the truth for world opinion, I found this more completed illustration, making it clear what Bill Clinton the Dom Kennedy try to hide.  Continue reading.

AIDS could spread Wildly in New Economic Climate


Over half the money dispersed to battle HIV/AIDS in 2009 came from governmental contributions.  President George W. Bush in 2003 during the State of the Union Address announce the creation PEPFAR ( President Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) intended to direct $15B between 2009 and 2013.


According to 2007 estimates 33 million have been infected with HIV/AIDS and 25 million died According to the Center for disease control and prevention.  It is now 2011 and the AIDS virus again has become a ghost.  Will AIDS victims become the forgotten group in the new budget cuts?


AIDS is biological warfare waged by new world governments.  I joined the Army under the Jimmy Carter Administration and he got the boot for a military buildup.   It was created in 1976 while George H.W. Bush was head of the CIA in Germany.  It was cured in 1989 in lab in the United States.  So why will so many people die in the coming years as a result of a short fall in HIV medications?  Because it is biological warfare waged towards ridding the world that the Illuminati sees as undesirables.  So you can assassinate the messenger as an insane fool or wakeup and demand real change in government policy


You think George W. Bush did something by introducing PEPFAR?   However, what he actually did was prolong the process of AIDS from getting sick to dying and increased the spread of the disease in the United States of America.  People live longer with the disease HIV/AIDS and they did little to nothing to prevent a person from spreading this dreadful disease while infected and receiving treatment.


The Center for Disease Control and Preservation since 2007 really has not maintained the stats on the spread of AIDS in the United States and the world.  As people with this HIV/AIDS are known here in Highlands County to infect others intentionally.  This is just another little town USA, and is a common practice by many evil people angry with the world and infected.  There are no laws protecting people from these acts of intentional murder.


There should be a law of disclosure for people receiving treatment for HIV/AIDS.  If the government can spend Billions of dollars treating people for this illness the tradeoff should be some type of behavioral modification and disclosure.  And therefore, what seemed to be a victory for AIDS patients was in fact a victory for them to carryout the further spread of this pandemic.  


It was the right thing to treat people with AIDS, to prolong their lives, but as people lived longer without noticeable symptoms many chose to infect unknowing others.  Now we are talking about an economic condition that may well reverse the spending on the life support medications many depend on to survive worldwide and here in America.


What will be President Obama’s position dealing with AIDS?  We know he will not be able to spend more on AIDS treatments as in PEPFAR.  However, he could make a drastic measure that will help protect those without HIV, by modifying the protectionism of those being treated for this disease and increase the funding for research.  This could lead a wave that will result in a cure being released.


As things stand the pharmaceutical industry has no incentive to release the cure to AIDS, because the current policy unconditional treatments and undisclosed spread of HIV/AIDS.


So President Bush made his move, which seemed good at the time, but in reality with the economic collapse in the making since his presidency and we know President Obama has inherited this mess.  How will President Bush explain to the world and the American people that many must die so that others may survive this epidemic called AIDS?  AIDS is still in the state of emergency in America and the World.  However here in America unlike the world our problem is its continued spread going unrecorded.  Why?


The Supreme Economic Structure


I find it necessary to share this idea with the world.  This is nothing of profound wisdom, but a matter of common sense.  I pondered and made an examination on the reality of economics during these times of a deep recession.  I asked myself just what would constitute change.  As we know things are about to change in the world and America, but what actually the evolutionary process is.


The 13 families will be replaced by the 6 families in the days of the last judgment.  But who is to say when the last days will actually be, as just the discussion itself can last for decades.  What we need be concerned with is how the society is designed to function. 


The inner circle always stays the same.  Now you have to picture a circle and then several circles within the circle, like a layer of onions. The closer to the inner circle the more powerful you are.  The economy allows people to prosper in different ways, usually based on education and sometimes bruit strength.  However the inner circle is an inheritance and not necessarily the most educated, strong or skilled, so how can this be?  The inner circle always stays the same! 


Power is handed down, given or taken.  Meaning it is an inheritance, it is given to people outside the family for whatever reasons or one has to take what they feel they deserve in life.  There are systematic structural designs already setup to suppress those who try to take and personal reasons to add more people to the inner circle areas or near it.  Sort of like if you have enough autonomy they will invite you into a new form of slavery with greater rewards.  This is the true meaning of adultery, as Lil Wayne put it; he is in love with money.  The inner circle is where the money is at, but if the old 13 families lost most of their money how can they still have monetary power?  How can this be if money is a symbol of power?  But remember those in power can change what is the symbol of power and money can become obsolete.


The bottom line is that the financial configuration is fixed.  The rule of the law is to maintain the status quo.  The way business is done may change, but the grand architect will find a way to keep people playing his games and by his rules.



Japan the Third Largest Economy Destroyed


Has Japan been reduced to a third world country?  Japan is in the process of an economic collapse.  The process has begun.  Japanese car dealers lost over 50% of its sales and are considering moving out of the country. This could mean resurgence in Detroit. 


Japan’s public debt is at 225% of their GDP, the highest of all sovereign nations in the world and to put it into prospective the United States with all these talks about the worst recession since the great depression, has a public debt at 58.9% during the year 2010.  Meanwhile Libya the nation that has to replace its leadership is almost fiscally responsible with a public debt at only 3.3%.  So out of the sovereign nations Japan was worst of in 2010 and Libya is the most responsible.  But we have to save the Libyan people from Gaddafi. 


The Japanese government is on the brink of bankruptcy and the debts of the nation are secured by its people.  Japan’s national debt is at a record high $7.47 trillion dollars and again to put this into perspective America the world largest economy national debt is above $14 trillion.  The whole world is in debt, as we spend more than we make in governments, so where is the money?  The whole world is living above its means which is impossible, because we cannot use what is non existent.


While Japan is finish doing business as they were used to.  Their infrastructure is destroyed.  The businesses are planning to move out of the country.  They cannot even eat their fish.  All hell is about to break loose.  Tens of thousands dead, water radiated and without water you cannot sustain life.  Hundreds of thousands are homeless overnight.  The reality of the matter is that Japan is hopeless as a world economy.


Can they bounce back, well I do not see how and the experts say no.  The only hope for the Nation of Japan is to rewrite the Constitution.  Japan as we know it is a done deal.

 This is what they wanted to push as the letter, the Economic Crisis, but this operation was the solution to the Illuminati.  Bill has to prove himself.

The Third World War (WWIII)



Old Money = Illuminati = the New World Order


New Money = Mafia and Associates


1: AIDS a biological weapon The Black Plague was discoverd  in 1976.


2: Banking Deregulation Act of 1980 created the S&L Scandal Passed by Reagan


3: Saving and Loans Crisis from about 1986-1991 – Money leaves the system old money loses, new money gains.


4: The Savings and Loans Bailout 1989 passed by Bush Sr. – Tax payers bail out the old money.


5: The Technology Bubble 1995-99-2000 –New money makes a killing.


6: The Technology Bubble Burst 2000-03 – Old money gets into the game late and new money pulls money out of the system.


7: Enormous Government Debt grows to present – self explanatory.


8: Rescue Bill 2008-09 – New money comes back into the system and is taxed, by the government and buys old money bad investments.


9: Economy recovers as new money pumps money back into the system and old money is stabilized.


10: Inventor to the cure to AIDS becomes one of the riches men in the world. The Son of Man settles with the new money and leaves them. AIDS was cured in 1989, but the FDA would only approve passing inhibitors or drugs to not cure but sustain life.

 Every request to settle was denied.

To: President Barack Obama & the United States Congress
From: Frank Paul Gambino
RE: Request for Final Settlement
Date: 29 April 2011

this is the foundation of what I want for myself, my family and my men.  I wrote this around 22 August 2006 to then President George W. Bush.  I think the best time to get serious about the negotiations is after I go home.  Once I go home we will get a KEY and get the information I am not conscious of, there should be a lot of numbers and information tuck away in my mind, that will require a KEY to get to it. 

I do not want a bunch of liquid capital; I want my money invested into the economy.  By printing more money the value of the dollar will go down and the price of American goods will become more competitive.  Buy American will make economic sense! 

NOTE: Printing money is unnecessary we will actually be giving money back to the government. I get a Presidential Pardon before we release cures to diseases & other Technologies:  


The Economic Crisis written on 9 September 2001


To: The Illuminati


Answered on:  11 September 2001 by a terrorist Act


Business activity in the United States is in a continuous declining stage.  And, a lot of politicians are starting to include the word “Recession,” in their vocabulary.  Even as some politicians attempt to convey their interpretation of our current economic decline with optimism, I sense pessimistic overtones, as they consider dipping into the so-called social security “Lock Box,” which they vowed not to do except for as they now say in the case of war or a recession.


It is said that our economy is “Consumer based” and “Energy driven.”  The average person’s interpretation of this statement is that, as long as the multitudes use their money to consume goods and services, and the energy supplies are available to sustain these business activities, we will experience good economic times.  In reality this statement is a deception, the reality of the matter is that our economy is actually “Capitalist based,” in that as long as investors can make a profit by means of our consumerism, we will experience a good economy, meaning that they will hire people for jobs, as long as they spend most of their earnings on consumer products, and pay their taxes.


I understand the importance and the nature of these capitalistic principles, which allows many Americans to enjoy a high standard of living; however, it has its faults.  By design our economic system deprives many Americans of the so-called American dream, whereby the average hard working American can not accumulate moderate holdings, either one will have abundance, or not much at all.  Too many Americans are living as little as two checks away from homelessness.


It is my position that our current economic woes are as a result of corporate greed and government mismanagement.  The bottom line is that we the American people are in over our heads with government and consumer debts, and the big corporate America investors are cashing in on their profits.  It is no secret that the government is in enormous debt, and is using the social security surplus to pay down on it, which will have to be paid back by tax revenues in the future and/or new borrowing.  But, also one must recognize the enormous consumer credit card debts, which are in the range of seven trillion dollars.  People are not engaging in consumer spending as much as in the past, because they are trying to pay for what they already purchased.  Meanwhile, companies are firing people, because profits are down.


You may think that my statement about corporate investors cashing in on profits is absurd, because everybody knows the stock market is on a down trend.  However, the price of stock depends on what people are willing to pay for it.  Stock prices raise when there are more buyers than sellers, and when people try to unload their stock to cash in on their profits in large numbers, the stock prices decline.


What people need to realize is that the so-called booming economy we recently experienced was a big gimmick that was generated by credit, and now stock prices are basically coming back down to earth.  The whole economic boom was a big scheme, and the American people played right into it.  As a result of this recent charade, unlike never before, there is a huge disparity between those who have and those who have not.  And, I know for a fact that, key members of the underworld not only orchestrated this strategy to create enormous consumer debt, but, also they orchestrated the strategy that created our current government debt.  The whole economic crisis is a conspiracy.


The basis of the recent booming economy was a technology craze, and Microsoft played a major part in it.  People were sold on the idea that computers are not only an important part of the future, but, that everyone should immediately own one.  As people were attracted to this new technology and lead on by constant upgrades that were preceded by the new millennium glitch hype a lot of money was made in the high tech industry.  People jumped into the technology industry without reservations, both in the consumer and investment ends, in what seemed to be an endless and promising systematic activity that people now realize was a very risky enterprise.


The illusion of a booming economy without a foreseeable bottom, with enormous growth in the technology sector created strong consumer confidence.  Meanwhile, those who orchestrated this conspiracy were invested early, and therefore were recipients of huge returns, by enjoying their gains from the beginning.  Then, you had the investors who simply got on the bandwagon, some came out winners, but, far more were clearly losers.  And, you had the consumers who went on a spending frenzy, who now find themselves with a bunch of depreciating junk, and are now in enormous debt.  And, now if you observe the pharmaceutical industry, a new frenzy is on the horizon, whereby, people are lead to believe pills can “cure all.”


So now the questions are:  What is the solution to our economic crisis?  What role should the government play?  And, what role should the private sector play in finding a solution?  I believe that if we really want to find a solution to our economic decline, we must first honestly recognize the facts, as to why we are in our current situation, and stop pretending that our economy and its trends are by chance.  We must find a lasting solution to a declining economy that is plagued with consumers deeply in debt, with a government that is deeply in debt, and by nature an economy that selfishly thrives on profiting from consumer and government spending.


To tell you the truth, there is no conventional solution to America’s economic crisis.  The American government and its people have been financially raped.  And, it’s just a matter of time, that if unconventional actions are not taken, this nation will collapse.


These superficial solutions coming out of the political camps, to revive our economy are ludicrous at best.  The one that captured my attention is the idea that reducing the capital gains tax, would resurrect our economy by creating more investment capital.  In other words, like the Savings and Loan Scandal, they want the hard working American tax payers to absorb the losses of those who made bad investments, thereby, dragging the government and therefore the American people down further into debt.


The secret behind the only real and lasting solution to our long term economic crisis is the question of the legitimacy of our government’s debts, which must be paid back by the people.  We need to ask, who is really behind it?  What do they want?  And, with the understanding that the fall of America will not benefit either party, I believe we should really consider the re-distribution of our nation’s wealth, to include reparations for descendants of African slaves in America, and debt relief to the United States government by its creditors.  This can all be accomplished by creating laws as a result of negotiations that will create an even playing field for all Americans.  I believe America’s economic crisis is a wake up call; however; still it is up to the American people to respond to it, or continue to sleep in the bed we have made for ourselves, which will lead to our civil destruction, as a result of a financial collapse.

Updated: 11 July 2007: 

Business Handlers

#1: My Administration

#2: Freemasons Board & Knights of Columbus

#3: Heads of the Five Families of New York

#4: Queensbridge Administrators – The Gallo Family which is the sixth family
#5: Crips & Bloods Board under one Banner – The Freemasons

#6: Board of Clergymen Leaders

#7: Lawyers ($5 billion Legal Fees Fund) – Help people being released from prison and establish estates

#8: Accounting Firms

#9: Business Management Firms

  Western Corporation

#1: Lending Institution

#2: Insurance Company

#3: Land (Farms and Agriculture)

#4: Construction Companies

#5: Trucking Companies

#6: Warehouses

#7: Supermarkets

#8: Packing Plant

#9: Sugar, Salt and Flour Production Plant

 Media and Entertainment

#1: Paramount Pictures (Pictures)

#2: Warner Music Group & EMI or Paramount Music (Music)

#3: Warren Communications (Newspapers) will expand

#4: Clear Channel Communications

#5: Casinos & OTB (Gambling) will make profitable

#6: New York Knickerbockers (Added to List) for the kids

#7: Cable Companies (Added to List)

#8: Control of Hotels in New York City / Legalized Casio Gambling will give men something constructive to do.


Energy and Transportation

#1: Oil Company (Energy) will develop an alternative form of energy and our cars will be designed to use it.

#2: Heavy Stock in General Motors (Auto) will design cars for them

#3: Car Dealerships (Added to List)



#1: Undeveloped Land (For Real Estate & Wood)

#2: Gambino Research Facility (Technology & Pharmaceuticals) (25%)

#3: Federal Prison: Located in Florida

#4: Federalized Crips:  Former members of Covert Operations and Elite Units


If people break the rules, I figure we can just send out the Federal Crips and put them in prison, until they get it right.


From here they can just select businesses they want to get into.  I think this is a very good foundation.


RE: First Settlement Request on 22 August 2006

The settlement is $500 Billion.  My cut is $50 Billion.  I will use this to settle with my family, friends and certain organizations.  If Bill Gates can have this kind of money so can I.  I will disperse about $25 Billion to $30 Billion to all parties. I will use the $450 Billion to settle everyone else.  I will settle with the African Americans (Jews) that I see eye to eye with; the rest can fight for their reparations, I do not care. Also, I will settle with the Gentiles.  Basically I will settle with the Church, being those who will support our cause.  I think this is a fair deal, considering Iraq! 

The way I see it, I will have about $250 Billion to $270 Billion after I take care of my men and women, to settle with the church.  Those who are called Jews as far as I am concerned are actually Gentiles, but if they insist on being Jews so be it, because I will treat all members of the church the same way.  In the same way I will establish a bank to settle with my men; I will also establish a bank for them. 

My annual budget will be based on the interest payments of my total assets, which will be 20%; this will allow me to support the economy instead of trying to monopolize it.  Plus I want 25% of the profits made by the Gambino Enterprises, being the two research divisions.  The other 75% will go to share holders.  I will pay taxes on my income and then do charity with the balance minus the rate of inflation which will accumulate into my estate to maintain the actual value of my assets.  My settlement is after taxes, it does not make sense to print the money to tax me, you figure out what the taxes is and add to the settlement.  Everyone else will pay their taxes out of the settlement.   


Lending Power: $4.5 Trillion 


RE: Second Settlement Request on 29 April 2011


The first request still applies plus interest; we want interest on the money held for the last 5 years.  Personally I feel I was held down too long, therefore I want my account at the Veterans Affairs solved.  I have a case that is about 22 years old to date. This was intentionally withheld from me to keep me behind.  Once I get my settlement and my non profit organization the NCNCHINC is in full operation, we will consider a third request that will take the state of the union into consideration.  Where is the money?  Can the whole world be broke?  I want my non profit organization in full operation before we get serious about talks.  You can check your records and verify that this letter the Economic Crisis was delivered on the date it was written by Fax to the White House and it was answered partially on 10 September 2001 with a warning in the New York Post Pisces zodiac sign as this is how I communicated with John J. Gotti while he was in Springfield.  They wiped it out from the archives on the Post, however I am sure the Secret Service will be able to show you the response, if you have not already been briefed.  We are running out of time, therefore it is time to act.  Settle my claim at the VA because it is my retirement from the military.

The 7 Names used by Paul:


#1: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah
#2: Apostle Paul Castellano
#3: Frank Paul Gotti
#4: Frank Paul Gambino
#5: Capstone Zulu
#6 Daddy P.
#7: D.B.A. Jesus Christ – Title: God



To: President Barack Obama & the United States Congress
From: Frank Paul Gambino

RE: Request for Final Settlement
Date: 29 April 2011

Open Letter to the FBI

Official Records POA in Highlands County Clerk of Courts

#1: On 5/15 2002 I gave John J. Gotti POA and Worshipful Master Eston E. L. Roberts S/POA.

#2: I received confirmation it was accepted by him from Springfield, MO.

#3: Two weeks later he allegedly died.

#4: He had a closed casket funeral.

#5: Photo shows no sign of throat cancer

Do I have a right to know about how my affairs were handled?

Is he really dead?

Where is my money?





Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano

They Hated Me Without Reason


They Hated Me Without Reason

By: Jesus Christ


If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.  (The fact the Kennedy Family made everyone hate me and the Bible is the master plan hate crime, whereby they have everyone just playing roles.)

Understand the flaw of mankind is fear.  By nature you destroy what you fear.  Mankind calls G.O.D. the hitman they cannot see?  But I AM the one the hitman cannot see and I have come to set you free. Humankind unlike mankind is being groomed to love God and not fear Satan who is G.O.D. or Gothic Oz DeBar.


John had to watch this dude – Sammy

aka Sammy Bull is in fact Joseph Philip Kennedy.  Joseph is the Prince of princes as in Dan:8:25 and Philip is the one who Baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch.

Note:  Acts:8:37 is omitted?  Why?  They code: If you are a true believer?

34 The eunuch asked Philip, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?” 35 Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.

36 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” [37] [c] 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. 39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing.


See Philip was never right – He was raised to be a murderer

Jn: 14:8-9

Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

John did not bring Sammy the Bull to me during the Integration during July 1989, because he knew already he was a Serpent homosexual.

Jesus Christ

Sandersville, GA. Kaolin Capital of the World – White Gold


Sandersville, GA. Kaolin Capital of the World

elijah 1


The inheritance of Elijah and Robert and Elijah was born first.

Sandersville is known as the “Kaolin Capital of the World.” One of Georgia’s most important minerals, kaolin is a white, alumina-silicate clay used in hundreds of products ranging from paper to cosmetics to the nose cones of rockets.

Kaolin is also used in medicines, paints and many other products, all of which are shipped around the world. At the end of the 20th century, kaolin was an $800 million business and Georgia’s largest volume export. Mining companies have reclaimed and restored more than 80 percent of the land that has been stripped since 1969. The lie is it is more like $1 Trillion or $800 Billion.

Proof: On Wiki: Kaolin production in 2011 was above 5.5 million tons at about $128 per pound. Elijah and Robert was born in the Garden of Eden and this is the fertilizer of the world. They planned to implode the world, but there is where the Spirit who left is at and where we are you cannot explode nuclear bombs or any weapon of mass destruction. You’ll are broke because your money is in Sandersville, GA. I told you Louis was hoodwinked. It took about 10 million

About 2.5 million tons of kaolin is shipped annually from Georgia’s “white gold” belt in 13 counties along the fall line that girdles the mid-portion of the state.

Mineralogists say that 50 to 100 million years ago, particles of kaolin or aluminum silicate were washed down from the rocky piedmont hills, coming to rest at the edge of a shallow sea, marked today by the fall line. Fragments of fossilized shark’s teeth and shells hint at the clay’s origin near the shore of the prehistoric sea.

An annual Kaolin Festival celebrates the importance of the resource. Washington County celebrates it’s heritage as people from all parts of the world gather to enjoy arts, crafts, antiques, music, food and a parade.

Founded in 1784, Washington County is one of the oldest Georgia counties. Sandersville was the first U.S. city named for General George Washington, victorious over the British the year before, five years before he became the nation’s first president. Two hundred years later, Princess Anne, representing the Queen of England, visited Sandersville as a guest of Anglo-American Clays Corp., a subsidiary of English China Clays, Ltd., a major kaolin mining and processing company in Sandersville. She received a much friendlier reception than the British troops fighting American rebels 200 years earlier.

Even before the Revolution, Georgia clay was being shipped to England. Some of it was carried, probably from near Augusta, down the Savannah River in canoes and shipped from Savannah.

Josiah Wedgwood, famous founder of the Wedgwood Potteries in England, used Georgia white clay in the 18th century, before clay deposits were discovered in Cornwall, England. Georgia’s deposits are among the purest and whitest in the world. At first, only small amounts of its kaolin were used, however, and mining it was a small-time activity in a few places. It wasn’t until the 20th century that farmers in the kaolin-rich counties began to see the white outcroppings of kaolin as anything but nuisances to tillable farmlands.

Today, workers are busy 24 hours-a-day, trying to meet the world’s ravenous appetite for “white gold.”

Jesus Christ

Islam is not the Truth Jesus Christ is God


Islam is not the Truth Jesus Christ is God

  1. Malcolm X and Frank Clark Jones – Came to New York City together.

  2. Malcolm and Frank had many children born in aka King Solomon Temple

  3. Example Mona Rodriquez is of Malcolm and I billed her the most beautiful woman in the world. I met my daughter from her in L.A. California.

  4. Louis had to be hoodwinked. He could not know me, but Malcolm did.

  5. I and the Father is One. My Father is Frank Jones and I became Frank Paul Jones

  6. Frank Jones in mythology is Shaka Zulu which is a white man’s lie about me.  I AM immortal and cannot die.

  7. I AM Elijah Robert Jones and not Poole seed. And Robert is Bob Harper aka Lucky Luciano. They are Hebrew half breeds, being Africa and Asia and I AM Ps: 122:18. I AM the Corner Stone, I AM the Capstone Zulu, I AM not a half Breed.

  8. Now the first Maria was perishable and she passed away, but my first child name Maria, she was born imperishable and will live forever.

  9. Elijah and Robert in one name as my children come in twos, I had to raise from then dead, that the world not confuses the Father and his sons.

  10. The Code: Jn: 39-54: “I shall lose none of all he has given me.” The Father is not a liar.

    Jesus Christ

The National Community Network goes under Malcolm Jones oversight.  Leave religion to God or pay taxes, any God or Jesus but the living God is not tax exempt.

The Spirit Code is the True Religion


Spiritual Fullness in Christ

Public Enemy

Don’t U Get Left-out

Save the World

6. So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7. rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
8. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
9For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. 11In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, 12having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.
13When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
Freedom From Human Rules
16Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. 18Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with idle notions by their unspiritual mind. 19They have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow.
20Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why, as though you still belonged to the world, do you submit to its rules: 21“Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? 22These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. 23Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.
Jesus Christ

Jason T. Hunter Field Grade Promotion to Brigadier General


Jason T. Hunter Field Grade Promotion to Brigadier General

Lt. Colonel Jason T. Hunter field grade promoted to Brig. General, wearing one star. This is to allow him to be the commander of Law Enforcement in the State of Florida. His understanding of Law and the fact he isa fighter who has been rescued. By granting him this authority. He will be able to correct a serious wrong. I might have to release everyone is State of Florida Prisons.

Miranda v. Arizona: In the State of Florida they never read you your Miranda Rights and they Baker Act those they have no grounds to arrest. Both actions are clearly unconstitutional.

No Miranda no clean arrest!

Jesus Christ

Ending AIDS

overcrowding-in-prisonsOvercrowding in African Prison

AIDS they Don’t Care

Ending AIDS

Directive By: Jesus Christ

  1. Cure it, it will take what one shot?

  2. Circumcise the uncircumcised

  3. Untie woman’s tubes

  4. Teach the principle of polygamy

  5. Release all non violent drug offenders

  6. Setup a system to take them from the Prisons and to the Street The PTS Movement

  7. Give the men in prison an anti-depressant called Anafranil. It will allow them to get a hard and be aware of manhood, but the semen comes out with the urine killing their sexual desires and ending the sexual predator environment in prison.

  8. Give them THC/CBD pills to sleep. They will be able to sleep without fear.

  9. Determine their abilities and interest and develop them into the economic structure.

Jesus Christ

The State of Martial Law & Temporary Military Rule


The State of Martial Law & Temporary Military Rule

Directives By: Jesus Christ

  1. Gen. Powell place “Operation Blue House,” in full effect. The White House becomes the Blue House.

  2. Operation Safe house, “ in full effect. The Queendom Queens have all been identified and vetted. Who is Rene “Nazirah” Elizondo? In any case she was never consummated, if so, she told me she would never leave me. She was gone all night and said nothing to me about her whereabouts? Annulled. In fact, never consummated. Placing the management of Highlands County and the NYCHA under Military management and rule. State moving people around and nobody below Above Top Secret Clearance’s can enter my home again.

  3. Have the $1,000 War Rations applied to the food stamps cards by Thanksgiving eve or sooner. People need to eat. There is no reason not to do this. Hunger can create a slave.

  4. Have my settlements placed into my accounts by Tuesday.

  5. It seem Nigeria is the new headquarters of Illuminati. I guess now one must be blue black, anything to deny the living God. Investigate and deal with it. They call themselves the Rosicrucian Movement.

    Rev” 1:15

    His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

    I AM not Blue Black and all who know me at least know this.

  6. Place all other Martial Law Orders into full effect and made sure the Administration properly documents them all.

  7. Get my Website up and running. The name is being held by Goggle until Feb. 2017. That is the proper name to be used by the new website. Under Martial Law, Goggle is to surrender that name to God immediately so my website can have it proper name.

  8. The Love Train Movements in full effect.  Bring my Queendom home ASAP.
  9. My General POA has always been how to get my signatures.  Place everything in full effect John the Baptist.

Jesus Christ


Good Work and first responses, thank you.