The 2016 Martial Law Act – By Executive Order

Daddy P

The 2016 Martial Law Act – By Executive Order

A Jesus Christ Directive

  1. Population accountability via the proper execution of the Real ID Act of 2005, using electronic surveillance as acceptable under the Freedom Act.
  2. Military oversight over all government agencies to remove terrorism from within government.  As it applies.

Called Under Arms – It is Now your Duty to Bear Arms if you are Called to Duty:

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

Place under the Command of D.B.A. Jesus Christ under the Direction of Homeland Security:

(Pub. L. 89–554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 424.)
Jesus Christ – Title God and Above the United States Constitution

Executive Order – The Local Union Public Transpiration Act

Daddy P

The National Community Network, INC.

923 S. A. Ave

Order of Zews

Avon Park, FL. 33825



Executive Order under Martial Law For God Himself #: FL-000,009


RE: National Security

Date: 15 March 2016

RE: Executive Order – The Local Union Public Transpiration Act

Executive Order by God # FL-000,009

Public Transpiration Act Public Transpiration Act


Martial law: Under the Emergencies Act:


RE: Executive Order – The Local Union Public Transpiration Act

Every great city has a mean to transport its public to coordinate movement and reduce congestion.  Public transportation has historical failed not due to its concept but that cities have been run based on the Confederate and Satanic order of being nonproductive to create a cheap food source for these cannibals. We had cities taxing its citizens when they should be paying dividends checks.

The purpose of a mass transit system is to create production and not dramas of union against management or the big exposure of corruption in unions to distract the people from the real issue, why am I paying you to disserve me?

As we transition into a properly ran municipality, we will begin to transfer these properties to the City of Avon Park and so on, meaning McDonald’s, Burger king and any property that is used that is not nonprofit to include hotels, becomes property of the municipality. The production process ran inside, for example Wal-Mart, owns the trademark or license to create production and a city is a corporation without a trademark, making this perfect marriage and a separate accountability.

However our public transportation will be a nonprofit service.  We will renew the fleet at the current nonprofit public transportation system like Classic, but change it purpose from supporting this lie called healthcare and start moving people around here in town.

  1. I authorize 50% of all of the National Community Network, INC transportation donations to go towards establishing public transportation, using mini buses, during routes 24/7 in the New Jerusalem. This can be adjustable and is a 5 year project to fully establish public transportation free of charge using the bus pass or for a small fee for pleasure riding. Meaning an allocated free bus ticket budget to control movement and ridership to insure comfort and reliable transportation.
  2. Clark Restaurant will reopen as a trucker and bus stop station. Buses headed South and North can and will based on need stop at Clark’s Restaurant on Highway 27 in Avon Park, FL.
  3. We will offer an option to the major bus station to link you up and down the map, such as Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland and will expand our services as we go along and this is for a low but competitive fee.
  4. At least 50% of the gas stations will be owned by Seven/Eleven/ (7/11) and all of our gas comes out of South America and not BP.
  5. Immediately I need 2% of the fleet I get out of my 10%, based on last year’s sales, ready for pickup by 1 May 2016. We are talking bullet proof and high performance and I my pull some cars out of other municipalities to take care of royalty.
  6. AMTRAK will expand services as, the Love Train is a fleet of 10 and often the final destination is Avon Park, FL, via Sebring, FL and under Homeland Security creates a CRIPS presence. CRIPS are first generation Cherubim’s (Spirit Angels) Bloods a self-mutilators. That shit I did not create and it is evil and my CRIPS are among them.  See?  The judgment is soon.
  7. I allocate $100,000,000 ($100 Million of the $200 Billion) of the $200,000,000,000 to be allocated to build the New Jerusalem to come from Bridgewater and associates and 3G Capital to make a major investment in the roads, communications infrastructure, water sewage, place fish in the lakes and close them down based on season to insure to grow, placing our wiring underground, building our Wi-Fi Security Network. This will allow IBM/Microsoft, CISCO Systems and the light to the services based on this budget, keeping the cost of their highly functional products low.

I grant the authority of the National Community Network, INC to enforce this executive order upon these three agreeing signatures, John J. Gotti, Janet D. Jackson and Maria Sutherland, upon the complication vetting process by my Legal Team, under Florida law.











John Joseph Gotti




Janet D. Jackson




Maria T. Sutherland




Mary Donsky


Upon the three agreeing persons above and its being found lawful under the United States Constitution, I grant John J. Gotti and Nicky Barnes, my two top covert operatives the authority to deputize the needed staff and carry out this and all following executive orders using these same tests.



Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah better known as Jesus Christ, who chose the names Jesus Paul Messiah – The Capstone Zulu



Executive Order on Immigration and Homeless Rights

Daddy P

The National Community Network, INC.

923 S. A. Ave

Order of Zews

Avon Park, FL. 33825



Executive Order under Martial Law For God Himself #: God # FL-000,003A


RE: Executive Order on Immigration and Homeless Rights


Date: 14 March 2016


Executive Order by God # FL-000,003A


Martial law: Under the Emergencies Act:


God outranks all man or spirit by fair is the test, either prove me wrong or follow me.


Martial law is the imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.


RE: Executive Order on Immigration and Homeless Rights:

I could not find executive order FL: 000,003 and the important discovery to make the Lord and Israel inclusive to all who love God, is of God, wants to find God to Love him and of course my angels who can all pass the Lions Gate Test (To walk passed two lions who are not on restraints) or the Eagle Fellowship test, to eat at least 6 ounces of red meat, either beef or pork before three verified witnesses.  My loins will know anyone who do not love me or who is without Spirit.

Therefore I hereby under Martial Law in protection of the Hemisphere of the Americas, pen the gates of the South and close them on the North.  All the Islands of the Caribbean is hereby Territory under God’s ruler ship.

The State of Florida is hereby the declared Israel and Avon Park, the New Jerusalem and residence current residence of God.

Israel is home to God’s children and anyone who can say after looking at me, this is God, his name is Jesus Christ®1776 and I have no right they saying anything in that name he did not give me permission to say.  Sure I can discuss what I think, but never can I say, Jesus said or God said, knowing it was not said by:

  • Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah
  • Who has exclusive rights and permission since 1776 under the declaration of Independence, of the use of this name Jesus Christ which is God’s exclusive trademark? Or we can find out who is who.  Give him a machine gun and place us in a cage he has 1 hour to shoot me.
  • He was born 4 March 1959, exactly 8 months after 27 June 1958
  • His Social Security number adds up to 32 or in Degrees?
  • He was Birth in Long Island City, Queens, New York, the Foundation Rock shared with Manhattan .Long Island City his Birthright and all the diamonds underneath.
  • On 4 July 2015 – The IRS acknowledged Frank Paul Jones, the Agent of the National Community Network, INC.  And the title Frank Paul Jones holds is God.  There can be but one God and God under the Constitution of the Union is Jesus Christ and that is the Power vested in God and the Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah, INC® is the prize.
  • Therefore with all the powers vested in me in the name Jesus Christ, I put into effect the Mass Movement to God Act.
  • All the Islands of the Caribbean is hereby Territory under God’s ruler ship and anyone who love God is a citizen of Israel by birthright and has the right to carry out all my executive orders in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • All who love God cannot be homeless and therefore I call on my people to caretaker some of these houses I have vacant for you to live in, we have 4,500,000 vacant homes and counting.
  • We have more vacant luxury homes and luxury rooms than we have homeless people?

I hereby grant the authority of the National Community Network, INC to enforce this executive order upon these three agreeing signatures, John J. Gotti, Janet D. Jackson and Maria Sutherland, upon the complication vetting process by my Legal Team, under State of Florida law.







John Joseph Gotti




Janet D. Jackson




Maria T. Sutherland




Mary Donsky


Upon the three agreeing persons above and its being found lawful under the United States Constitution, I grant John J. Gotti and Nicky Barnes, my two top covert operatives the authority to deputize the needed staff and carry out this and all following executive orders using these same tests.




Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah better known as Jesus Christ, who chose the names Jesus Paul Messiah – The Capstone Zulu



Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

Daddy P

The National Community Network, INC.

923 S. A. Ave

Order of Zews

Avon Park, FL. 33825

Executive Order under Martial Law For God Himself #: FL-000,010

RE: National Security

Date: 15 March 2016

RE: Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

Executive Order by God # FL-000,010

Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

 Martial law: Under the Emergencies Act:

 RE: Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

We have reason to believe we are about to be attacked from the North, by the French Foreign Legion.  We shut down the Northern Borders and to infiltrate us they have to go through the United States Army and Air Force in full effect.

We opened the Borders to the South to allow entry of the many who are also being eaten in the Caribbean’s.  And we give special open hands to all who are from Haiti and know God, for they are the Saints or angel of God. How can recognize God and not his Cherubim’s.  The wrath of God is near and to prevent their entry is treason. 

We have 4,500,000 homes vacant and about 90,000 Americans who just disappeared in these mental institutions and ended up on a French gourmet.   They eat you dumb niggers. But will get every America of the street and into one of these beautiful homes and design communities without strangers.

You have spies down here, the real life Joseph’s who spy on you and you report’s us back to New York City?   When I was 15 years old, I made my first $50 million and invested in Bridgewater and Associates and it became hundreds of billions. So how much to Lil King Solomon have down here?

For this reason and the suspension that we might have a cell operating out of the Avon Park Housing Authority.  Lakeside Community is hereby transferred from The APHA and goes to the 5th Infantry Division Covert Units.  If they do not know God, they have to go and to in all rightness, if they have no job, they get transferred up North and out of Florida and receive $50,000 to go and do not come back. If they have a job, find out if they are a mole, who do not even qualify.  Still they have to leave Lakeside Community.

All nonprofit transportation is hereby placed under the National Community Network, INC control.  We got all the Florida Hospitals and all Zews will used Florida Hospital in Florida and for that end we provide transportation.  But more importantly is I need to watch this City 24/7 and these Vans that I plan to replace later anyway, will allow us to move around and report to Central Command sing  Lady Bug technology and a permanent satellite build just for the New Jerusalem.

This is in addition to all other Executive Orders ALREADY into effect.

All veterans how join the military prior to 1 January 1977, is the only citizen of the United States of America under the REAL ID Act of 2005.

The REAL ID Act of 2005Pub. L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, is an Act of Congress that modifies U.S. federal law pertaining to securityauthentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver’s licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.

Under Martial it will be applied properly and it an anti-terrorism bill.

The requirement to either produce an original variable birth certificate or a DD-214, are the only two was to prove you was born in America. And foreigner who did not enter into this country with un-expired Visa an I-94 and passport, are illegal aliens and must be place IN concentration camps until someone send for them back to their original country.

All veteran under the Old GI Bill has the right to bear arms and deny any search or seizures, upon disclosing their VA ID card.

Haiti and Cuba have free access in and out of the United States of America.


I grant the authority of the National Community Network, INC to enforce this executive order upon these three agreeing signatures, John J. Gotti, Janet D. Jackson and Maria Sutherland, upon the complication vetting process by my Legal Team, under Florida law.



John Joseph Gotti




Janet D. Jackson




Maria T. Sutherland




Mary Donsky


Upon the three agreeing persons above and its being found lawful under the United States Constitution, I grant John J. Gotti and Nicky Barnes, my two top covert operatives the authority to deputize the needed staff and carry out this and all following executive orders using these same tests.





Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah better known as Jesus Christ, who chose the names Jesus Paul Messiah – The Capstone Zulu




Jesus Christ, INC. Certificate of Status & Annual Report + 501 c 3 Updated to owner Declared


Hot Like Fire

Jesus Christ, INC. Certificate of Status & Annual Report + 501 c 3 Updated to owner Declared


OK, I guess this is the last Certificate of Status required, but in defense of new lies, maintain the records that it was filed based on the agree system for all applicants, but never again will I be insulted as to maintaining proper documentation for the integrity and not requirement of user friendly protocols to community a strong and union relations.  These Queens of Queens I can explain and there is still more I already know but cannot explain, like I did not even add Natalie Maria?  I knew I knew it was not the move on this document in the here and now.  But, these documents will be amended soon.
The most relevant updates are my newly documented Queens of Queens and great news, the National Community Network, INC 501 c 3, goes wherever I go, that is the power of 10% of the GDP.
Once to clean up your house, I can hand over Order of Zews and the rule Network, the Corporation.  That current organization has to go into administrative disillusion so at least a preliminary and unbiased investigation can begin.  Now everybody wants witness protection, to hang out in my condos and get rehabilitation.
Jesus Christ
2 Attachments

The Verdict of Jesus Christ


PS: 118:22

The Verdict of Jesus Christ

The Verdict of Jesus ChristEntertainment Version for Extended Attention Spanned

1Hour & 6 minutes in Duration

Did it Cost me my Soul


The Verdict of Jesus Christ – Entertaining to Increase Attention and Interest

Did It cost me my Soul

Betta Watch Out for P.C.

Save the World

Smooth Gangster

By:  Jesus Christ

The Fact Pattern

Jesus Christ breaks free from the Nazi’s in Avon Park, FL. He travels north on Greyhound and word got out Beyoncé Jones was to meet him to ride on the bus. Jesus Christ talks big time shit in the bus station and he sees this fine honey, sized her up and says wow, I never knew Beyoncé but grow to know her but this G here for Giselle, she is the one I fell in-love with eternal, see Jesus love the way she filled in, Yummy, Yummy. I remembered her. She said to the dude carrying her bags, that is Paul Castellano, Jesus knew what she said in the Spirit. She leaves and dude gets on the bus with her bags and boarding ticket. In in the crowd Jesus found a couple of Jay Z moles. Why? Jay Z does not know how Beyoncé really looks, he only saw her in makeup, and even male look alike date Hey Bey you look mighty manly today what s it?  Never got the pussy and do not even know what she looks like.  AM I Man or woman?  Now if Jesus can allude them he too they will never know and not one fool even took his photo, all they knew was what he was wearing.  He has a black Florida T-Shirt.

biggy-smallsI met him in Orlando – He tried to Sniper me in D.C.

Breaking News Suge and Tupac deal was about Biggy

I overheard a man say, “Oh, Biggy shot himself thinking it was Paul?

Meanwhile Jeh Johnson working undercover was getting the 411 on whom is who in the Knights of the Golden Circle aka the Illuminati. While in the deep south Jesus was talking big shit man, telling people if you even touch my during this trip, you die. White folks was saying Beyoncé daddy is crazy as hell, she don’t have to worry about Jay Z anymore.

In Savannah, GA. Biggy Smalls was chilling in his baseball cap. I mean old school New York City garb. Jesus said nothing, but about 45 minutes later, we hear, Jesus Christ spotted DS meaning Dead Sniper in Savannah, G. Then this 6.2 brother chilling to the T, gets up and walks out to a Limousine? That had to be Biggy?????

As the Lord approached the Southern Boarders into Pennsylvania, he knew if he chilled they would never be able to run the profile, off a big shit talking nigger on Greyhound. He slipped into the North.

Last Known Location – The Downtown Augusta, GA. Economy Lounge

1103 15th St, Augusta, GA 30901 US

Reservations: 844-453-4798

Then Jesus Christ showed up in Washington D.C. He surprised the NAZI Party in their stronghold. They say Jesus seemed to be everywhere in Washington DC and he was amazing had one lady saying, “If you forget it the pain goes away.” Pain is a memory, if you forget the memory you forget the pain. I love my enemy, he is amazing he is amazing.  They say one minute Jesus could not even hardly walk and he took off like the Bionic Man. No shit! The Lord just forget he was in pain????

Then he makes in the White House to find out Barrack H. Obama escaped. They attempted a coup. Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and you know Joe Biden had to be down, he was to become the President if Barrack was to die before the next presidential oath of office and their plan seems to have been to kill 1,000,000 black men in riots if Barrack death was to be announced.

Jesus Christ received the field grade promotion by Barrack H. Obama and is the General of the Armed Forces. Barrack survived and is OK. Jeh Johnson and Homeland Security is place under Jesus Christ as he runs our government under martial law and The Barrack H. Obama Administration runs our government under Jesus Christ under Martial Law. Meaning all government offices is now ran under military law and Barrack Obama was placed as the Lords Administrator over Government Affairs.

He marched across the World Trade and saluted the American flag accepting his commission and also commissioned his new fighting units.  Giving field grade promotions to Gen. Powell, Gen. Austin whole matching Command Sergeant Major Rocker with General Powell and Command Sergeant Major of Arms Forces Grimes put into effect.

The First Emotional Response – Based on the Moral Anatomy

I cannot turn it off, because I do not have my pin.  Why?  Because Ella CONTROLS my mail.  I never get anything but what she wants me to have. Then she goes and create these high bills and then I have to pay it and end up broke.  Then they dogs me out.  They showed me an evil, I never knew.  They are little kids and everyday is Halloween and they really enjoyed hurting me and stealing from me and watching me suffer.

11 Jan is Ella birthday is today?  So this time they made my life a living hell so she can have a birthday party.  They enjoy doing what they do?


Egeria Smith The Mom Dom Boss of Bosses

Alert! Alert! Alert! The Code Broken


Ena Lock in with Lady Bug Now:

The Chain of Command – Doris Ware to Ena – To Dahoud – Dahoud takes orders from Ena, she rules over him. She ordered him to attack me, she runs that apartment, the took this picture.

First they fucked me over all my life, then one day, I say, I can’t take it no more. So then I find out it is Dahoud and Egeria and Lujuana and Ella.  Egeria is their maker.  But let me tell you something. In 1989 or about that time Dahoud told me something about Janet.  See he had a life with her, but I never had a life with anyone.  So now that I know it is him, I know my enemy.  It is in the screenplay, Egeria was jealous of me, from the beginning.  And she is Dahoud maker.  Alicia named my son after him?

So all my life, I was a penniless joke.  But now the problem is I AM going to kill all those people. So now I still have to be broke and alone.  In a shelter, where the people are much nicer than all those niggers.  So you are doing the same thing, expecting different results?  I will lie, I care less.  How about I say, it’s alright and then get in position to fuck them all up? Dahoud said he was going die, he just did not know they all are going to hell.  Fuck them all.  What you took, you can never return.  My love for them. I feel like buying some gas right now and getting this shit over with.  All I asked for was bus ticket and any of his whores who want to remain whores and lesbians can stay with him.  I really do not care. I just realized what I said was turn when I was a child.  “A bitch is a bitch and a bitch ain’t shit.”  You know it is true, so why look for new bitches, they can still come to me.  But I know they ain’t shit and Egeria made them in her dike image.  So now that I did not die, oh, they just have to live.

See, you all loved them more than me then and even now, they are the concern and not me.  They are all going to die, because they will never get eternity and that let them control.  They wanted me hate the world. Now I hate the  world and see it for what it is.  This world is not about shit. it is ugly and unattended. Weeds everywhere, nobody does shit but lie, cheat and steal.  Be in Control. Control God. They are all going to die and there is no changing that. Why?  I hate the world and they are the world and the world will never get better until they are all gone.

Dahoud = David Smith. I hate that faggot homosexual lover and maker. You took all the glitter from my hopes and dreams, but now I AM supposed to keep on trucking?  I AM supposed to keep playing pretend? I AM supposed to just let these no good niggers get away with destroying a heart that know only love and now know only the desire of vengeance?  Oh, AM I supposed to desire vengeance for the next 57 years and just keep them healthy to make me sick?

My day of glory is the day they all are dead. Every last one of those liar dogs.  I AM tired of caring for something that is shit. They enjoyed themselves and stole my joy, so now I feel better hating those motherfuckers than loving a faded dream that just do not mean shit to me anymore. All I AM going to get is a nut out of this, he ruined them. He made them all out to be prostitutes and whores. And I want all their deaths to be as slow as painful as the long enduring pain and suffering they inflicted upon me.

Oh, so now they have a license to ruin my credit?  Why I still need credit. Oh, I cannot even get into my own damn home?  Why, because of plausible denial. To deny God and boast the Pope, to boast Homosexuals and boast Rene Elizondo whos is Dahoud and not me, I never was all into that Puerto Rican faggot shit.  To say Beyoncé is with Jay-Z, who again is Dahoud. Jay-z cannot right, use a computer, but cab recite Dahoud. He and anyone behind him, they cannot survive and this give me a reason to keep going. Lovin them, is not reason to love, because they never showed me any love. But watch dogs stick their dicks up their asses and NaQuila tried that on me too?  And Egeria had Daddy O’ have a dog fuck NaQuila, her own daughter and tell me, stay away from her.

To tell me, Beyoncé is nice, but Janet is a dike, turning daughter against mother and Father against children?  Yea!  I live for the day, that they are no more.  I hate the world now, I give up.  You stole my fucking dream, you took the glitter from the prize. But my union will heal, even if I have to give each and everyone of my children a new body. You enjoyed yourselves?  You had your fun and now like everything, because I just cannot understand how people can become so lowdown and evil, I have to vetted that too. I guess the only way I can save any of them is to first understand them.  Now had they tried to act like me they would have never done to me and the world what they have done.  And they chose to do me wrong, time after time.  I just cannot understand and I just need to know.  I need to see them suffer and suffer and suffer and hope and dream the suffering will end and every time they get close, create a new reason to make sure they stay in that suffering condition.

I mean wasn’t fun John, being in jail, but really in my condos.  Having your $25 Million mansion in Sarasota, Florida, while I slept in the streets or in an overcrowded room with Egeria boys. As she played like she was poor, to make me think this condition we all shared?  Tell me, how AM I supposed to feel. Should I say, I love you Janet, to you laughs, this fool is stupid they said.

There is nothing they did I cannot fix in my home, but they will not live to see it, because the damages will take a long time to heal. Like Tyra said, we will laugh together and we will cry together, I just want us to be together and as long as they live it is never going to happen and that is not expectable. I will not laugh, I know, like this moment, I will cry and cry and cry until it is over.  I do not even care enough to explain this feeling.  But whatever they did, they will not live to tell the world, what they did.  Unless they start real soon.  Yes, I hate the world and this world has nothing to offer me, so it mist be destroyed and they are the world. This world is evil beyond repair and that is the verdict.

New International Version

John: 3:19

“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”

So now I have to be broke to slip them out of town?  Because I know who they are and where they are?  But that is why, I AM going to start praying, because the Father is no liar.  he did not say it would be easy or painless, but that I will endure. His promises must be kept and will be kept.

No more tears, no more, no more tears and the dogs will be kick out to the gates and then and only then, can I ever no the true love and them too. All these lowdown dirty dogs, will be gone forever.  Because when they try to mass and attack, they will meet my friend Paul Neutron.

This is the response of the Moral Being.

The Battle of Armageddon Averted – President Obama & ISIS

Call President Obama ASAP: (202) 456- 6213 – Tell him please do not end the world.

Tonight at 9:00 PM President Obama will decided the fate of our world. He will decide if we are for or against the Lord Jesus Christ, the name people have come to know me as within deep secret circles of a diabolical government order known as the Illuminati.  Just read this fact pattern and if you want access to over 130 articles as I presented my arguments to the world, please go to. Our website for more information about our blog at:

If President Obama goes to war, he will be less than a pit-bulls to a drug dealers, who fights them for pleasure.  Because we cannot fight an ideology with weapons of war. And on 1955 this nation called  Austriaestablished themselves neutral in all nations, has no military budget, has a bigger Per Capita GDP than us, without any military responsibilities.  While they claim I am God, who Freemasons teach is Satan, they are about to decide not if they “are for or against me” and destroy the world, they are asking the world today are you for or against Satan, whose home is located in Bavaria and their home nation is Austria, We have been at it for about two weeks and below is my last letter to President Obama before his decision tonight.  His mission was to destroy the world making it seem like it was the fault of two dumb niggers.

Why is Austria allowed to be neutral?  But we must choose?  And they are Illuminati headquarters?

The Battle of Armageddon: Germany – The Great Roman Empire is father of Israel, who are Central Europeans and not the other way around as history want us to believe. Archaeological evidence is proof. Egyptian  mommies, will answer what Rome did in Egypt to establish this great lie.

Jews in Rome and Romans in Jerusalem: Jews have lived in Rome for over 2,000 years, longer than in any other European city.

Jewish history: Dated 1213-1203 BCE.

Rome: Archaeological evidence of human occupation of the Romearea from at least 5,000 years…the year given was 752.

Ashkenazi Jews: “The Jews of Germany”…coalesced in the Holy Roman Empire around the turn of the first millennium…throughout Central and Eastern Europe.

Great Britain:  Beginning effectively in AD 43.

Theodor Herzl: The father of modern political Zionism. August 29,

Adolf Hitler: German or German-Jew:  20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945 an Austrian-born German. In Central Europe.

Before WWII: Austrians vote 99% in favor of being united with Germany, resulting in the Nazi annexation in 1938, a blatant violation of the post-WWI treaty.

During WWII: Austrians participated in WWII alongside the Germans.

Americans and Germans fought as allies against the French…the battle have called it the “strangest” battle of World War II.[2]

Today, Austria…Austria is one of the richest countries in the world, with a nominal per capita GDP of $46,330 (2012 est.).  America = $45863.02.  Yet they have no military budget or responsibilities.

The Constitution of Austria (German): In 1955, Austria declared its everlasting neutrality and made neutrality a constitutional law.

In 1959, Frank Paul Jones was born.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah

D.B.A. Jesus Christ, aka Apostle Paul Castellano


The Basis of an Annulment

Order of Zews”

Intro By: Jesus Christ and Title God: Jn: 8:12-18

Marriage is the institution between one man and one woman. “George W. Bush.

Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah: Agent and Chaplin of the Pride of Avon Freemasons in Administrative Dissolution until “Order of Zews” Agenda is Fully Known.

In Freemasons The Creed is: “All Reverence Goes to God”

Satan is a feminine name and Jesus “Capstone Zulu” Christ is masculine in this arrangement anyway you look at it. The United States Constitution of Under God, who is Jesus Christ and he has been acknowledged by the Internal Revenue Service under 501 c 3 laws and rules to be Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah, as in D.B.A Do Business As Jesus Christ® and if you think it is a joke, sign every dime you have over to me and self I cash out on you? And he holds the Title God. Under Federal Laws and Rules.

And the Confederation is Satanic. The District of Columbia is a neutral district as is Austria the basis of the New York Order established on 27 June 1955. On 2 August 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed into law. This is a separation agreements between Satan and God. But Satan is simply one lying bitch.

For 240 years the flock of Jesus Christ in search for God, received not only no marital rights as ordered when a man and woman is granted a separation. But God and his flock was straight-out hated? I was persecuted and called crazy and forced to take mind and body control drugs for 24 years or more. And if you did it to me, you did to everybody. I received no love and no respect from Satan.

You tried to force me into believing in your false religions to make Men submissive to Women and the Women placed under Satanic Ruler Ship of the Serpent – Woman – Man is the Satanic Chain of Command. He deceives the woman and the woman deceives the man. He planned for me to hate myself because of the lies he made the world believe about my children. And I have a lot of children in Hollywood and the world will hear the truth. It has been 240 years since the co-called emancipation of 1776. Gen: 3: 1-6

But Satan even when Baby Jesus ran a powerful campaign to integrate America as one, Satan found a way to pervert this effort also. He had everyone celebrate Dr. King’s dream, a world ruled by homosexuals. Phil: 3:2. Remember in this passage understand that a dog get nurtured and not circumcised.

Satan has no love in her and God is love and if a marriage is never consummated, if the wife never submits herself to her husband to newlywed, this is the grounds for the annulment. No! Not a divorce but an annulment. Therefore all old ties a broken. An annulment ends all ties.

A divorce requires I continue to pay alimony and a separation requires I pay spousal support and child support. But under an annulment, I pay no such supports. It is my blue dough and I can do with it as I please. If you are my If you is my Spirit, we have always been one, if you have or would like to have faith in the living God and get to know him, “follow me.’ If you do not know me or care to get to know me, it is you I AM unmarried.”

The D.B.A’s: Held by God:

1. Jesus Christ®

2. Queen of Queens®

3. Queens Queen®

These titles can only be used by me or my Queendom Members, under IRS rules and laws.

Breaking News: The New Scientific Research Study

With possibly 60% or over 6 billion people in the world with O Type blood. And it was discovered that people with this blood type cannot procreate due to reproductive incapability’s, there is at least 6 billion people on earth with O Type Blood. It is said, the Zika mosquito virus attacks O type Blood. Something nobody is born with, but is made to have due to becoming sterilized. There is no cure to Zika simply because the blood of the lamb cannot catch it, his blood type is AB+. He cannot create O type Blood. Mosquito Exports predict Zika can be around a long time, even 10 years well into 2025.

Breaking News: Meteorologist predict coldest winter ever in South Florida

Meteorologist predict the coldest winter ever of 2016-17, to be the coldest in South Florida history and may cause a ripple effect on agriculture. Farmers are trying to determine how to experience the lease lost in tree, they already know the fruit will die this years, but will even those tree survive. But Zika will still be back in full swing by May 2017.

Breaking News: The Entertainment Breaking Edge is Social Media

With great new electronic products designed to support already available software applications. Sumner Redstone and some Castellano Crew members, decided in all fairness give the people a break already. Viacom opens into new wireless television market. Sumner as you know is from the old school and know the value of pulsation door to door operations. Ass Viacom lost almost 50% of its value and insiders attempted to divide Viacom and CBS operations as well as Paramount Pictures, under the current business arrangements controlled by Time Warner, the only wise decision had to be to start installing antennas. The Big Antenna Boom by Viacom/CBS in coordination with the Corporation®. If the agreement goes through with the FCC, it will make CBS the largest local broadcast in the State of Florida and Viacom the widest reach and frequencies on the Local broadcast network. The selling point is Viacom will be able to reach over 12,000,000 in the State of Florida alone and these are the consumers advertisements is always trying to reach. With great reception and making most commercial television free to the consumer’s. The President Barrack Obama Administration, alongside of him Attorney General Lynch, is looking at this closely for a supreme court decision for Viacom, under some FCC ruling Pres. Obama can enforce this law and many other laws written for the intent whereby Executive Orders would be required to prevent an overthrow of the United States Constitution or foreign ruler ship over our media.

Breaking News: Highlands County – Not Honor Miranda v. Arizona Rights

An alarming discovery was I was never read my rights and complained about this for over one month, until I realized in Florida, they do not read you your Miranda Rights. The proof or reason the burden of proof is now on the arresting officer until at least today, is not one officer under Sherriff Susan Benton was issued a Miranda Rights card. While they carry a gun and badge, they carry no shield of justice, making them the worst of thugs. State of Florida v. Frank Paul Jones.

31 Degrees = Zag to Zig whatever direction you are travelling.


Order of Zews Freemason

Zig Zag Zig

Where Zig is all the level, zag represents the wisdom of man. Zig Zag Zig is the teachings of Zulus, Jews and Hebrews United. It reveals the forbidden fruit as to tell a lie. Gen: 3:1-6.

The letter Z at 31 degrees at both angles creates a perfect square and our currency the Blue Dough will bear this symbol ($), but instead the two makers will have a Z placing God in the Center of the square, had to make two 31 degree turns on the way. On my birthday the Date: 03-04-1959 = 31 and when I was 14 years old, I could not get a summer job unless I got a social security number to be placed under SIS watch. Until reassigned a commerce social security number I must withhold this on in the open blog. But it equals 31.

Mankind Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

By: King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah bka Jesus Christ

1. The Bible Teaches that mankind can live over 700 years without the Spirit of God and with the Spirit of God humankind is eternal.

2. Life spans of man was reduced to about 70 years.

3. However, as Satan would kill mankind generation after generation, he himself an evil and diabolical PERSON – MORTAL – WITHOUT SPIRIT – lives long life spans, being he is in the business of death, he kill mankind and brainwashes mankind from birth, making it almost impossible for man to ever know reality, which is in Christ.

4. He created false historical records and be speaks in codes, so that history is preserved for his kind, but confuses the masses and sends mankind into the opposite direction of God and life, to Satanic worship and death.

5. Put simple Satan is in the business of death and God is in the business of life. The death business is your undertakers who are under a satanic code of secrecy. Life insurance, wars, diseases, crimes against humanity, crippling and addictive drugs, murder, confusion, lack of production and the list goes on.

6. Life, is without diseases and/or real diseases controls, world peace, the end of world hunger through proper distribution of fertilizer and farming technologies, Peace and Love, a strong economy and powerful production processes, 99% employment, eternal life and universal awareness as our first mission is to circle the universe in the next 220 million years.

The Secret Code: Satan is trying to make me destroy the world, based on the fact mankind hates God. But this is a condition he Satan created through deceit and confusion. He reduced man’s lifespan to 10% of what God intended for man. The Bible says, if you do not love God, you will die to sin. But with the spirit through the love of God, you receive eternal life. And because you did not have faith you was saved by my seed. For how can you believe what you cannot see, if you cannot believe what you see and you must believe to have faith in God.


The Problem – The Creation Theory Defined – The Satanic World – Click Link


Matthew 24:6 New International Version (NIV)

6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.

The Question of the Illuminati – Nazi Bible Prophesy Version: Do I do like Satan and kill everyone who hates me? In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God in the Beginning. But on earth due to Satan, there was darkness before there was light among mankind. The nature of man is to love God, but due to confusion, he knows not God. The nature of man is to hate evil and to hate Satan, but due to confusion he knows only wrong. So by nature mankind really hates Satan for Satan is death.

Or, do I reteach the world by showing mankind the true essence of love, ending diseases, creating longevity and create a world of truth, love and compassion? See, if man did not die in 70 years, while Satan lives 700 years, I would have continuity and therefore mankind can become teachable. And therefore eventually receive the spirit of God, but maybe not by 27 June 2025, when the Illuminati Prophesy ends its 6,600 years of ruler ship, which will take me 66 years. Thereby making my spiritual children the enforcers of God’s law, which is the Spirit Code. Mankind became dumb, deaf and blind and therefore unteachable children. And that is all Satan did, he created an unteachable world and said, see they are evil and hate you, so kill them all. But what he refuses to say is, I Satan made them this way, they were made Satanic and must rise to Godliness and Spirit and the 2025 deadline, I AM not too sure about.

The Conclusion: Yes light shined in dark places and was not received. Yes, Mankind has come to love darkness. Yes, all of mankind are sinners and committed a crime, making each and every man his own worst enemy. But, there is one important missing point in the Bible. Why? Because Satan cut man’s life short, mankind became an arrested development (Could not develop fully). Making mankind not guilty by reason of insanity.

The Verdict of The Living God – the only true judge: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity.

The world became insane and for this reason the world had to be saved from self-destruction. To kill all remaining sinners upon the Illuminati Nazi Destruction (27 June 2025) is too high a price!”

Insider Tip, it is more like 4 March 2021, the deadline is either love me or leave me.

Breaking News – God Demands Justice of Earth

God warns the world, by 4 March 2025, nothing, not one animal to include a dog will exist and do not love God. When hey hear the word Raid! Is it too late, are you now exposed? God say Checkmate! Who can you run to and where can you hide. On this day all accounts must be settled and all enemies’ destruction goes into effect. He told a man, “God created the lion to protect my people, while I was gone and Satan turned them into wild savage beast, but I paradise my pet lions will roam freely and even play with my youngest children. He will know love, but sense evil and anything or anyone who does not love God, he will forewarn the community. And on top of the Ritz Carlton, Battery Park, there he will have 2 Bold Eagles, whose home is airspace of the Kingdom of God and no longer must they hide for Satan who kills them because they know the Eagle knows God, he too is a spiritual animal of great wisdom, to them God will talk to. ”The watchful Eyes of The Kingdom of God.”

God Demands Justice on Earth and vengeance is the Lord’s. Love you enemy is to love yourself, for you are your own worst enemy.








D.B.A. Jesus Christ – The Only Living God – Eternal

Breaking News – Stopping the Final Assault of NAZI Currency Conspiracy


Breaking News – Stopping the Final Assault of NAZI Currency Conspiracy

Say My Name (Remix Beat)Nigger = God-less Sinner

Living in the Sunshine Beat

East Coast Gangster Beat

By: Jesus Christ

Understanding the terminology:

A Jew: Do not castrate but gets circumcised.  I was circumcised basically under Jewish law as a baby, but I AM not mutilated.

Phil: 3:2

 Describes the neutered as in dogs get neutered but I never saw a circumcised dog.  So when it says I teach the uncircumcised and the Pope leads the circumcised, it means I AM a leader of Made Men and he of Satanic Serpents without testicles who cannot know God.

The Confusion:

Uncircumcised men cannot enjoy a normal sex life.  Due to the sensitivity of the head of their uncircumcised dick, he hurts these guys to even jerk off and women have to shave their pussy for unprotected minute man sex, because this did not get circumcised they end up even considering castration as an option to constant DISCOMFORT. I hate being away from my Queendom, but jerking off is all the fun I get these days, but to them it is suffering to me castration is not worth living. It is estimated I have over 27,000 Prince Hall Causalities.  Understood?  Understood!

The NAZI – he has no balls and get his kicks off of drugs. They use all types of shot months at a time and go to jail to sleep to re-hydrate their fried brains.

He goes to symbolically, Venice, CA.  Gets him say for $100 he gets $500 in counterfeit money.  He goes to San Diego, CA, where they control the border and gets $14 Mexican dollars per $1 counterfeit dollar.  Or for his $100 he gets a total of spending power directly in Mexico $7,000 and then sends it over the U.S. Postal Service.  The down brothers get some lower price, but the game is based on funny money.

The Solution:

The E-Check – Depending on Human Intelligence

The computer chip in our ATM cards is chemistry for disaster.  It will create a press one button and Take it all mentality and world.  Why? Everyone want to become robotic as in MJJ doing the damn robot.  Computers are designed to serve and not be served as I AM to mankind. In my world we will once again depend on human intelligence and individuality.

  1. The E-Checking Card option only grants access to you routing number
  2. Human Intelligence, at a minimum every human will know his social security number or be placed in one is one stupid motherfucker school. You input your universal account number which should be your social security number into the ATM transaction machine.
  3. Step #1 – you had your State ID to cashier. Step #2 – You and she swipes cards – Step #3 –  you punch UAN into ATM – She say verifying – Photo of you and her is taken in digital high quality and lower quality long term storage.  Establish date – time and photo verification of transaction – The photo at the bank and the State ID must be synchronized. If it cannot be done, hey a bad make up day, you place your finger inside the fingerprint checking device.  If it is, you the transaction is cleared and if not a flag is placed on that account
  4. We have over $18 billion in fraud due to simple things like verifying the consumer. People 6’4” be buying shit on cards registered to someone 5’2” that is stupid. That is not even doing business, it is a giveaway game.
  5. We have these swipe cards to sell stuff, convert them to buying option devices. You take a photo on the laptop, swipe you state ID and ATM card. Verify and processed.
  6. El Chappo knows what time it is now on his end. Homeland Security is up on the U. S. Postal Service and Pay pal has the matching orders to introduce the E-Check Transaction, never leaving a paper trial.  And Donald can get with City Corp Group, Chase and Wells Fargo and do a major campaign about E-Checking once we get out all the kinks at Pay Pal and Net Spent.


Jesus Christ