Satan is a Virus that Is Timed Out


Capstone Zulu

Satan is a Virus that Is Timed Out

By: D.B.A. Jesus Christ

Marijuana is very helpful for me right now. The things I tell you, requires I know even more about things I rather not know. But, I know, I have to know. That is my curse? Only if, I allow this attached emotion to outlive its use.

People are all into the idea that the prophesy must be fulfilled it some predetermined idea of theirs. The Bible is Satan’s floor-plan to prevent and or destroy the Spirit World, we as Human-Kind is about to enter. I gained what? I was attacked. So how did I gain, by destroying an attacker? I survived a bitter sweet victory. But what have I gained?

When you understand, anything dead had to already die. So how can I gain anything by vengeance? The Bible is a floor-plan to attack against God himself and it qualifies as a hate crime against God and is a RICO Investigation.

I and the Father is one, so my testimony is always witnessed under your laws. I AM an immortal being, so I can really wait out anyone. So, I AM walking down the block and hear this noise. Kill, I am going to Kill you nigger. I said to a young woman, he is threatening an immortal? Damn, I can’t die. That is like a bunch of flies in a net saying, I am going to bite you nigger and here I AM holding a bottle of Raid. I say to myself.

See? Sinners really make me sick. I cannot take all these sinners. Cutting off their nuts, tied tubes and as early as 12 years old? Lie after lie, never tell the truth, a nation of 70% unemployment, because everybody is on S.S.I. And do not compare yourself to me, had I not got disability, I would have had to turn Robin Hood on their ass, but the real Hood. I was made unemployable and was labeled crazy before the whole world for over 25 years. But nobody has a job these days.

Satan is a liar. It is a lie. It is codes. It is people not thinking for themselves. I ended it. There is no Code for God. It was dying anyway. I give it 4 more years, with Zika on the rise. The first law of nature is self preservation. Meaning if homosexuals try to rule and cannot procreate it must self destruct before procreation ceases.

Satan is a freak of nature. It is not the proper order of God. A.K.A. Queen Elizabeth I saw in Orlando, she says, I wasn’t going to fuck that queer. She is a 94 year old virgin. That is the point. See, Elijah is a stupid ass-hole, but not Satan. Satan is the Institution of Queen Elizabeth. An it has been destroyed and now is Eternal Queen of Queens Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth was the Institution of lies and deceit and never any love, she cannot ever consummate. She is a lair.

D.B.A. Jesus Christ

Message Approved By God

The NAACP in Involuntary Desolation – A NAZI Fraud


The NAACP and CNN Started the Ferguson City Riots

The NAACP in Involuntary Desolation – A NAZI Fraud
From: Jesus Christ
Simple Solution:  Make The NAACP a fictitious name of the Network and it becomes a D.B.A. meaning Due Business As and upon update uses the FEIN of the Network, who is owned by Jesus Christ, INC and I AM Jesus Christ.
The NAACP is the Chamber of Commerce, whoever control this organization, runs the local Chamber of Commerce.
When I was in Orlando, I met Alex and another young man going bold. They had a similar hair-line.  I wonder about them due to their ages. About the time I went to Fort Sill, OK and consummated Rainbow Butterfly.  Alex damn near the whole time I was there was bugging out, “I want to die, let me die.”  I said how about 1,000 years in the pit?
Nashville was a major issue.  I was given a hotel name in Nashville, I lost it. I might mean something now?  In any case this is the paper trial to the NAACP.  The National Corporate Research, LTD, INC owns the NAACP operations which seems to be a conglomerate of corporations with 501 c 3 statuses.
This here is a major discovery, we need to place a time on it, but the Avon Park Chapter, I believe is inactive still.  Al Hinson and Brenda Grey needs to look into who they associate with.
I cannot pull the FEIN: They are under involuntary administrative dissolution.  This is what they planned for me.
Why NCR?
National Corporate Research, Ltd. (“NCR”) is a professional registered agent company that has been providing nationwide statutory representation, corporate and secured transaction services since 1980.
Many people have not contacted their Chamber of commerce in Avon Park FL or for that matter, even know it exists. What is a Chamber of Commerce in Avon Park Florida? In short, it is an organization comprised of local people and business owners that is voluntary and not-for-profit, and is dedicated to the development of business growth and the economic environment of a community. Most cities and towns have a Chamber of commerce in Avon Park FL, although in some instances of lesser populations the Chamber may include a region of multiple cities or towns. The first Chamber of commerce in Avon Park Florida was founded in France in the year 1599, The first such organization in the United States was the Chamber of commerce in Avon Park FL of New York which was established in 1768.  I arrived to planet in the flesh and with a fully developed mind in the year 1959.

1599 the first chamber of Commerce in the world – 1776 – The Declaration of Independence –  1768 The Second Chamber of Commerce, in New York City – 1959 – The Birth of Christ

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NAACP Hires Noted Attorney Kim M. Keenan as General Counsel
(BALTIMORE, MD) – The NAACP congratulates Kim M. Keenan, who was selected for the position of General Counsel of the Association. Keenan is the youngest attorney and second woman to hold this position in the organization’s history. Her career demonstrates her strong commitment to public service, improving the legal profession and redressing the inequities still impacting women and people of color.
Throughout the 1940s the NAACP saw enormous growth in membership, recording roughly 600,000 members by 1946. It continued to act as a legislative and legal advocate, pushing for a federal anti-lynching law and for an end to state-mandated segregation.
Civil Rights Era
By the 1950s the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, headed by Marshall, secured the last of these goals through Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which outlawed segregation in public schools. The NAACP’s Washington, D.C., bureau, led by lobbyist Clarence M. Mitchell Jr., helped advance not only integration of the armed forces in 1948 but also passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1964, and 1968, as well as the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s echoed the NAACP’s goals, but leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, felt that direct action was needed to obtain them.
The Baptist World Alliance is a worldwide alliance of Baptist churches and organizations, formed in 1905 at Exeter Hall in London during the first Baptist World Congress. The organization counts 42 million people, being the largest organization of Baptist churches in the world.
In 1934, King, Sr. attended the World Baptist Alliance in Berlin. Traveling by ocean liner to France, he and 10 other ministers also toured historic sites in Palestine and the Holy Land. ‘‘In Jerusalem, when I saw with my own eyes the places where Jesus had lived and taught, a life spent in the ministry seemed to me even more compelling,’’ King recalled (King, Sr., 97). A story appearing in the Atlanta Daily World upon King’s return to Atlanta in August 1934 increased his prominence and relative affluence among Atlanta’s elite. This was also reflected in the final transformation of his name from Michael King to Michael Luther King and finally Martin Luther King (although close friends and relatives continued to refer to him and his son as Mike or M. L.).
W.E.B Du Bois, a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) through most of his life was a staunch integrationist.  In 1934 however he advanced the argument that since integration would not happen in the nation any time soon, African Americans had to take steps to develop their own economic and political resources independent of white help and support.  Du Bois gave this speech on June 26, 1934 as he resigned from the NAACP.
W.E.D. Bois Negro Nation Within
In Atlanta, King, Sr. not only engaged in personal acts of political dissent, such as riding the ‘‘whites only’’ City Hall elevator to reach the voter registrar’s office, but was also a local leader of organizations such as the Atlanta Civic and Political League and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In 1939, he proposed, to the un-opposition to more cautious clergy and lay leaders, a massive voter registration drive to be initiated by a march to City Hall. At a rally at Ebenezer of more than 1,000 activists, King referred to his own past and urged black people toward greater militancy. ‘‘I ain’t gonna plow no more mules,’’ he shouted. ‘‘I’ll never step off the road again to let white folks pass’’ (King, Sr., 100). A year later, King, Sr. braved racist threats when he became chairman of the Committee on the Equalization of Teachers’ Salaries, which was organized to protest discriminatory policies in teachers’ pay. With the legal assistance of the NAACP, the movement resulted in significant gains for black teachers.
D.B.A. Jesus Christ

D.B.A. Jesus Christ – Chain of Command



Palms: 118:22

A Directive by: D.B.A. Jesus Christ – The Only Living God – Eternal

D.B.A. Jesus Christ – Chain of Command

CSMAF Bobby Grimes acting Commander General 4 stars and answer’s to me.

Barrack gets his 4th star back and is Administrative General under Martial law.
Gen. Powell 5th Division and Pentagon Command.
Gen. Austin. Central Command
Gen. Booker Supplies and Logistics Promotion from Lt. General.

Lt. Jeh Johnson Homeland Security.

Lt. Gen. Eric Hutchinson Transportation and Greyhound Federal Contract – linked to Homeland budget oversight.

Lt. Gen. Dante Bush Covert Operations.

Maj. Gen. Loretta Lynch DOJ and Prosecution

Maj. Gen. Randy Starks – The Queendom Guard all Guards wear the Maj. Left.

Maj. James Comedy – FBI and investigations.

Brig. Gen. Johnson FDLE – Federal Jurisdiction
Brig. Cooper Dept. Corrections
Brig. Moss – Dept. Parole and Probation
Brig. Gen  Donald Simmons Federal Fire Department Central Command.

Additional Field Grade Promotions

Boykin “Rahmel” Hilton Field Grade Promotion from Lieutenant  Colonel To Full Bird Colonel.

As Full Bird – He is placed over the Lt. Colonel A.K.A. The Elijah K.9 Units.

By doing this my Lt. Colonel K. 9 Unites will have a Full Bird to Full Bird Representation, I cannot have Lt. Col. In Full Bird Colonel Turf, without equal representation to prevent a chain of Command Issue.

Walter Alston– Full Bird to command the N.Y.C.D.P.

The Board of Generals and Staff under Acting Commander Grimes, will create a selection committee to continue adding Full Bird Colonels to Command Local Law Enforcement under on Central Command.

Brig. Gen. Lorenzo M. Jones – Department of Law Enforcement Nationwide

Gen. Raymond V. Jones – Department of Energy – Our position is we have the solution for global warming a known reality. And the 1,000 years energy plan for our 220 million years journey ahead.

Gen. Vaughn JenkinsPending an assignment.  Order of Zews – Report to King Roberts.

P.O.W. Veteran  -S.F.C .- Vaughn Jenkins  These are your marching order in rationality.

Mark Rucker – Command Sergeant Major – The 5th Division who gets the honor and respect and not the Pentagon they command.

New Field Grade Appointments – There is a rational reason for these updates.
Gen. S. Lawhorne – Department of Communications and the enforcement of Article 47 and shut down all these Satanic Cable Stations down.  National Security.
Gen. Jackson M.D “UG” Under God. – Promoted to Four Stars Gen. – As Surgeon General of the United States – Director under Martial Law.
Gen. Pete Green – Top Cop The General over all Law Enforcement Affairs Nationwide
Gen. A.K.A. Nicky Barnes – Covert Operations Nationwide Jurisdiction – Assigned, East, West, North and South District Brig. Gen. over covert operations at those jurisdictions.
Gen. J. Gotti – Covert Operations World-wide – Has Agents with worldwide asignments.
Lt. Gen Bush – Covert Operations Documentation and Verification.
Col. J. Hunter – Local Law Enforcement answers directly to God
Bill Gates Maj. Gen. Technological Research and Development
Gen. Timothy Shands, PH.D. Mental Health Oversight and Prevention
Ella Williams – Command Sergeant Maj. – Parole and Probation – Nationwide
Brenda Giles – Brig. Gen Federal Division of Probation and Parole – Nationwide
Maj. A. Williams – Parole and Probation Nationwide
Maj. J Kerney – Construction Contract, Licensing and Planning – State of Florida – Linked to Dept. of Treasury and Accounting done by Maj. Samuels and both answers to God only,
Command Sergeant Maj. of Arms Forcing – Acting Commander General Over the Board of Generals and Staff
Gen. Bobby Grimes – All my documents will cross CSMAF Grimes desk.

More Field Grades and Budgeting Logic

Gen. Jesse JacksonNational and International Commerce

You have a situation which is simple to solve once an audit of all locations a established. The NAACP is in involuntary dissolution. They even tried to steal the name Jesus Christ.

Once I take the fictitious name N.A.A.C.P. Under the ownership of the National Community Network, INC., or Jesus Christ, INC, which has the same 501 c 3, any name I use as a D.B.A. Is therefore a tax exempt organization, as long as it carries out my purpose. All nonprofit budgets will be a part of my overall agenda or not at all. Charity must be focused to succeed in its objectives.

Gen. John A. Jones aka Gotti – The Plus able Denial Detail – Operation Blue Diamonds?

Brig. Gen. B. Giles

Maj. over Administrative Staff – A. Williams

Public Notice

  1. I will not enter my home at 923 S.A. Ave – Order of Zews, until the City of Avon Park, gets my proper documentation from the law office of David Lanier.  Claimed estimated estate value is $16.1G, but we are not only talking about 462 Masonic Lodges World Wide, but the Men and Women and the Institutions accomplishments which we think exceeded $16.1 Billion.
  2. My family are victims of hate crimes and in hiding.
  3. The County Court of Highlands is included in this Hate Crime Investigation
  4. blue-house-deed

Brig. John Moss is out of P&P. He goes to plausible denial. He can keep the Star. He will need it at District Level as John is Nationwide.

Brig. Brenda Giles gets a Star to run P&P.  CMS Ella Williams talks to much shit even to me.  She cannot be a Commissioned officer. She gets Field Grade Court Martial to Command Sergeant Major over P&P. Now she can bark at EM’s.

I AM sending Major A. Williams to P&P.

Actions Needed Taken ASAP

Directive: D.B.A. Jesus Christ

  1. Maj. Gen. Gates – Technology and Research

  2. I need electro magnetic plates, put onto the sides, front and back of all K-9 Sport Cars. The cars can come out of Germany Engineering. The deal will be salt for about 96 or a fleet of 12 times 8 teams, that can come in at high-speed with remote control weaponry interface on the co-pilot side. The positive and negative waves, will prevent high speed accidents as the come in at speeds as high as 20 mph.

  3. Forget about the bling watches. Put out high technology user friendly watches, allowing voice communications, GPS and so forth. Try to  the universal communicator, whereby people speaking different languages on the word-site can communicate.

  4. Reader devices, whereby I write it and you just copy and paste into window and it reads it to you and allows you to look up words you don’t know.

  5. Laser/GPS guiding for very small munitions. For Sniper Rifle support and upgrades.

  6. Prepare to do a BETA on the Paul Castellano Studio

Avon Park Preparation for Construction

New Minimum wages

$15 per hour atheist $25 per hour agnostic $35 per hour for those who love Jesus and believe in God.

If you say I believe in God and love Jesus Christ and then they show you 10 photos of men in Army Uniform and say which one is Jesus Christ? If you do not pick me, you are a liar atheist and would have been better off saying, I am not sure about God or if there is not a God, I need to think about it. $25 per hour.

The Rational

If you pay a person $50 per hour and place things on the shelves. They will end up spending $60 per hour and at the end of the year, you will have to forgive their debts, but look at all the loot you made?

We ae running municipalities and not competing stores, we are bigger than that.

Gen. Kevin Jackson:

Do your research and prepare to legalize marijuana at Federal Level. I have the documents for you examine. One thing. People should be able to have at least on pound in their homes, but maybe one ounce on their person. This way you have a party need not say, bring you own weed, you can say, I have varieties

Gen. Booker Start utilizing our right to get whatever we need to make this governance function. Start taking cars off the lots, even if you have to order them some more. I should not ever be without. Not just me, but anyone. The best way to move the production process forward is move stuff off the shelf.

We need plenty of conventional neutron grandees. For Motorcycle Urban assaults.

Gen. Powell – Call in the Division of Engineers and hire some construction crews and induct them if they need that clearance.

Gen. Hardy Has – Covert Operation Nationwide Jurisdiction.

Gen. Lawhorne – Enforce Title 47 – Take control of the media – It is out of control

Gen. Obama – Start applying Nationwide curfews

Lt. Gen. Johnson – Start checking driver license against the Homeland Security Date Base and start creating systematic road blocks.

Gen. Austin – Place NASA under Central Command Direct oversight.

Maintain this level of pressure for about one week. And let us see if they decide to hand over my inheritance. They are still looking for me and what if they find me?

D.B.A. Jesus Christ

Daddy P








Need more flow contact Bobby.

Gen.  Booker – Logistics Command

  1. 1 million Army Grade Water buffalo
  2. Water Treatment Potable Type – Selection and Purchase Commitment and Delivery ASAP Top Priority exceeds already processed orders and are re-directed under Homeland Security Escort.
  3. 48 high Performance Sports Cars, fitting Driver, Weapons Expert and one K-9 Seated in rear. Contact Lockheed and Martin for immediate fitted weaponry controlled by weapons expert by remote control and be ready to deploy at Rapid Deployment Level of Movement.
  4. 1 million portable natural gas units, They control our underground gas lines in an illegal deal with TECO. Take it back. I said that deal was not sanctioned. They did it anyway. The records will show.
  5. The Dead Snipers Unit. Provide needed Sniper rifles with at least 2 miles in range with laser guided munitions capability. Inventory covert.
  6. 500 television antennas to install for local news from real sources Starting in the State of Florida.
  7. 2,000 Wi-Fi Expanders with High Speed Cable Installation and services to local nonprofits, churches and so forth to allow installation of public and or community semi-public/private security Internet and Wi-Fi signals out of each and every church or nonprofits and government buildings, a Wi-Fi signal with a 20 city blocks or 1 mile radius.

Gen. Powell Logistic Command Response

  1. Underground pipeline with natural gas throughout the State of Florida under enemy control.  Strategic response.
  2. Water bill is fraud,  Water is free.  Sewage is free.  Water Supplies in danger, what are our options to maintain water supplies to the friendly?
  3. Call Jones Chemicals?  Hi, this is Dr. Kevin Jackson Head Scientist.  We have great options for businesses that want get into the private industry of water distribution, directly from the safest water in the world, the aqueduct which runs under Manhattan.
  4. Hey, contact Barrack, we need to build a highly secured pipeline going South from NYC.


Have the Laundry, the Restaurant and Middle Building to be the Social Club, owned by Ray, handed over to the National Community Network, INC. It is located on Main Street. John does not go back there, just process the paperwork and Brig. Gen. Johnson has Full Bird Colonel Hunter enforce it. That social club will be a link into the so-called Mexican Community. I need English Speaking Mexicans to be able to meet and plan with African Americans and this is where they will meet and congregate over weed and coffee, I like Ice Coffee.

The Weed Parlors are Delaney Street Operations.

They want me to give this to Suge and Dale, so Malcolm can deal with the Nation issues and I guess Malcolm-Lewis is mine’s too. He is strong and respectful, but do he talk, talk and talk. Malcolm runs that show. Malcolm-Lewis first question is do I have to kill Louis Farrakhan for killing Malcom X? I said Malcom X is not dead. And was looking at Biggy, so was that really hard to conceive?

Freemasons inducted both commission and non commission CRIPS and Veterans are called to arms




The time had come to leave Fort Polk and go back to Germany, and I was sent to the same town, but to different Barracks. The name of the town is Schweinfurt Germany.


Welcome to Germany, we have been expecting you.


So this is it?


Yes this will be your home for the next year and a half or so.


Do you like it here Staff Sergeant Winston?


It’s a job. You just missed Latoya Jackson; she came here to check out your new home.


Why would she do that?


Don’t ask me, she came with her manager, this little short White dude, and he is a funny dude. They changed the grease they fried chicken with just for her, she said the chicken was good, then she performed at the E M club.


Was it a good show?


She was all right, the Enlisted Men went crazy. I know you may not understand what I AM trying to tell you now, but I was told to tell you this. Welcome to Schweinfurt Germany, a home of the 3rd Infantry Division.


Thank you.


We went on a field trip to see the mountains of Bavaria. At this place where we went there were men who called themselves Monks. Most of them were fat, and they made there own home made brew.

I was brought to a Monk who had a message for me; I call these mountains the mountains of deception.


How do you like it up here?


All I see is bunch of mountains, to be honest.


How would you like to stay here and rule the world?


After my tour in Germany I have to go back home.


You could stay here and we will send for that girl, and everything you can imagine will be at hands length.


Who are you going to send for? Janet?


Forget about that little girl, we will send for the beautiful one Latoya, she said, if you stay she will come and live with you. If you decide to stay, we will show you what is inside these mountains, it will amaze you.


The only thing that amazes me is you, you’re the Devil himself, and they brought me here so that you can tempt me. Man I am not staying up here.

This conversation went on for a while, I don’t know how long, but, when Staff Sergeant Winston came back for me he said.


You are still here!

Then he laughed and said.


He made his decision, and he doesn’t want to stay here, so we will take him back to Schweinfurt.

At a campaign dinner in Ohio, Senator Robert F. Kennedy stands before a photograph of his late brother, President John F. Kennedy, 1966. Photograph ©Bill Eppridge. All Right Reserved.

At a campaign dinner in Ohio, Senator Robert F. Kennedy stands before a photograph of his late brother, President John F. Kennedy, 1966.
Photograph ©Bill Eppridge. All Right Reserved.


City Manager – MP-3
City Managers will be selected and hired by the Network.  The Corporation. I was going to give Bill Clinton the first city manager job.
Cannot do this in good conscious. My suggestion is Robert F. Kennedy and he can be a living testament there is a living God.
Pete got law enforcement I AM done.

Preparation Review by Board of Officers

  1. Save the World – Smooth Gangster – The Agent John Joseph Gotti Investigative Reports
  2. The Queendom, Sons and Friends Music Videos Collection. Copyrights Blessed by God, a work in progress.
  3. Proof Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah – Inherited all 462 Local Freemason Lodges from the Will and intent of its execution by Eston E.L. Roberts.
  4. Proof, I inherit 130 Church of God by Faith. I AM God and is above the United States Constitution.
  5. The Distribution of Media under Rhythm Nation Distributions and the Housing Settlement of the CRIPS and alleys as a result of nonprofit fraud into Housing Developments stolen from those it was intended for.
  6. Operation Water Buffalo – And the protection of United States utilities and services from foreign ruler ship. That is unconstitutional period. This includes media especially when it is by design meant to confuse and destroy America for which is stands for being Freedom, Justice and Equality.
The Southside Redevelopment  Area Solution form Exclusion
I cannot be explaining shit to late blossoms.
1. The made the whole SRA Commercial Real Estate and not Industrial.
2. The Water Bill and the tax Statement is proof, along with my state Driver License, this is my home and it was authorized by the property appraisal office as a condominium.  Victory.  But, OK, all these homes named commercial but are not up to standard can be link to 923 S. A. Ave – Order of Zews and improvements can be made.  Great.
But then what business here owned by blacks that can pass the Commercial Real Estate Standard, but 923 S. A. Ave – Order of Zews.  Therefore, I do have (a) two sewage lines, one for upstairs and one for downstairs.  It is their burden to place a second water meter on this property.  Though they really measure zones they call cycles.
Beyoncé has a Comcast Offer. It is already cable ready upstairs. Turn on Internet, phone and cable upstairs, for the Jesus Christ, INC.
Now we will have the studio upstairs as a Professional nonprofit Service Business and downstairs as our residence.  Now both residential and business is covered in the SRA.  Then we can redevelop it.
Well Fargo is under hate crime investigation.  They have a lot of my dough.  But the good thing is that it is my local 501 c 3 account and all you have to do is identify yourself and clear that up and we are up and running.  I do not have to open an account, I have one at Wells Fargo that was defrauded and this is the verifying letter to that account information.  A job for Shorty. Gen. Wright.

D.B.A. Jesus Christ – The Only Living God – Eternal.

Message Approved by God

D.B.A. Jesus Christ


Hippocrates Oath – Wi-Ki – MP-3 – Psychiatry Unconstitutional


Hippocrates Oath – Wi-Ki – MP-3 – Psychiatry Unconstitutional

A Homeland Security Operation Rapid K-9 Support at Full Fleet Movement of 12 x 8 high-speed assault teams.

Hippocrates Oath – Wi-Ki – MP-3

Original Oath for an M.D.
I swear by Apollo The Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the Gods and Goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the physician’s oath, but to nobody else.
I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me
Modern Version for an M.D.
I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:… meaning to continue to call on Apollo The Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the Gods and Goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.
I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. Above all, I must not play at God.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can but I will always look for a path to a cure for all diseases.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
Written in 1964 by Louis Lasagna, Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University, and used in many medical schools today.
It is often said that the phrase “First do no harm” (Latin: Primum non nocere) is a part of the Hippocratic oath. The phrase as such does not appear in the oath, although the oath does contain Latin: … noxamvero et maleficium propulsabo (Also … I will utterly reject harm and mischief).[6] The phrase “primum non nocere” is believed to date from the 17th century (see detailed discussion in the article on the phrase).
Another equivalent phrase is found in Epidemics, Book I, of the Hippocratic school: “Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient”  ] The exact phrase is believed to have originated with the 19th-century surgeon Thomas Inman
Modern use and relevance
The oath has been modified numerous times. One of the most significant revisions was first drafted in 1948 by the World Medical Association (WMA), called the Declaration of Geneva. “During the post World War II and immediately after its foundation, the WMA showed concern over the state of medical ethics in general and over the world. The WMA took up the responsibility for setting ethical guidelines for the world’s physicians. It noted that in those years the custom of medical schools to administer an oath to its doctors upon graduation or receiving a license to practice medicine had fallen into disuse or become a mere formality”.[10] In Germany during the Third Reich, medical students did not take the Hippocratic Oath, although they knew the ethic of “nil nocere” – do no harm.
In the 1960s, the Hippocratic Oath was changed to require “utmost respect for human life from its beginning”, making it a more secular obligation, not to be taken in the presence of God or any gods, but before only other people. When the Oath was rewritten in 1964 by Louis Lasagna, Academic Dean of the School of Medicine at Tufts University, the prayer was omitted, and that version has been widely accepted and is still in use today by many US medical schools.
In the United States, the majority of osteopathic medical schools use the Osteopathic Oath in place of or in addition to the Hippocratic Oath. The Osteopathic Oath was first used in 1938, and the current version has been in use since 1954.
In a 1989 survey of 126 US medical schools, only three reported use of the original oath, while thirty-three used the Declaration of Geneva, sixty-seven used a modified Hippocratic Oath, four used the Oath of Maimonides, one used a covenant, eight used another oath, one used an unknown oath, and two did not use any kind of oath. Seven medical schools did not reply to the survey.
In a 2000 survey of US medical schools, all of the then extant medical schools administered some type of profession oath. Among schools of modern medicine, sixty-two of 122 used the Hippocratic Oath, or a modified version of it. The other sixty schools used the original or modified Declaration of Geneva, Oath of Maimonides, or an oath authored by students and or faculty. All nineteen osteopathic schools used the Osteopathic Oath.
In France, it is common for new medical graduates to sign a written oath.
In 1995, Sir Joseph Rotblat, in his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, suggested a Hippocratic Oath for Scientists.
Upon completion of the required understanding of a M.D. Profession, the only reuirement is to call on me, “So help me God.”
D.B.A. Jesus Christ

The Martha Mitchell effect is the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health clinician labels the patient’s accurate perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly.

According to Bell et al., “Sometimes, improbable reports are erroneously assumed to be symptoms of mental illness”, due to a “failure or inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place, no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy clinician”.[1] They note that typical examples of such situations, may include:

Quoting psychotherapist Joseph Berke, the authors note that “even paranoids have enemies”. Any patient, they explain, can be misdiagnosed by clinicians, especially patients with a history of paranoid delusions.

Of note is how habitually patients are diagnosed as delusional when their grievances concern health care workers and/or health care institutions, even when the patient has no history of delusion. “A patient arriving claiming to have been injured by another health care professional is regarded as a crazy person who potentially could ruin the career of an innocent colleague.”[2]

Fact Pattern

  1. in 2009 the designed Baker Act Laws in the state of Florida, where I moved to.
  2. The mind is abstract.
  3. Therefore, the term mentally ill is to make a medical decision on something abstract.
  4. We have documented sworn testimony by the FBI concerning the Martha Mitchell effect .
  5. I was unlawfully Baker Act and placed in psychiatric wards where I was literally torture, time and again, they tried to kill me with poison to include enough heroin to kill 10 mules.  And, I always told them, I AM God.
  6. It is clear, based on these actually chain of events of hates crimes against God himself and all these people that are now missing to never return, from city to state to town to town, missing people, that got into the EMS and was never seen again.
  7. Arrest every last psychiatrist and register him or her, for future investigations.  The code.  They did a lot of people wrong who know of friends gone to never return.  But what they could not do is this.  If you harm someone and give them inhibitors.  Once they wear off, you are fine.  That is why they Baker Act over and over, to keep you surprised and under control.  But because they was never found incompetent, due to the psychology profession never made that atheist commitment to supply the human food market.  And greed played a big part.  A psychologist has to sit and talk to you, refer you and earn their keep, a psychiatrist write a prescription every 5 minutes.  Now all those people they harmed get to testify against these doctors of death.

Gen. K. Jackson, M.D. – Has the authority to outlaw psychiatry all together and start recognizing Martha Effect as a cause to employability.  Now Veteran are no longer considered Mentally Ill under the United States Constitution and have a Disability caused by the Government’s misdiagnosis.

Maj. Gen. Comey – Investigations

Maj. Gen. Lynch – Prosecutions

Brig. Gen. Cooper – Accommodations

The New oath of the Medical Doctor the M.D.  Is “So help me God.”

D.B.A. Jesus Christ

The Extortion of Hollywood Exposed – Q. of Q. Toni tells her story

Queen of Queens Toni Jones tells her story

They are the Parent Company of my companies?  How are they over Universal?  How do they own CBS and everything below it.  This is the operations of the Southern Poverty Law Center the invisible nonprofit network of lawyers into extortion.  The Southern Poverty Law Center – Eminent Domain and audit. Under 501 c 3 law and rules that applies to Jesus Christ, INC.

Vivendi SA (formerly Vivendi Universal SA) is a French multinational mass media conglomerate headquartered in Paris, France. The company has activities in music, television, film, video games, telecommunications, tickets and video hosting serviceEminent Domain and place under New Management. Gen. Lawhorne authority granted by the State of Emergency Act 47. 

LaFace Records was an American record label based in Atlanta, Georgia that operated as a unit of Sony Music Entertainment and was historically a part of Bertelsmann Music Group from 1989 to 2004. It was most active and achieved its greatest commercial success during the 1990s; dealing largely in the field of urban music. It was originally distributed by its co-creator Arista Records from 1989 through 2001; after which it was shuttered and absorbed into Arista. In 2004, the label was rebooted, and it began operating through Jive Records until both were absorbed into RCA Records in 2011. Today, the label’s back catalog and reissues are managed by Legacy Recordings.

Sony and therefore I own it. Hey, Queen of Queens Toni, you can have Legacy.

Russell Wendell Simmons (born October 4, 1957)[2] is an American entrepreneur, producer and author. The Chairman and CEO of Rush Communications, he cofounded the hip-hop music label Def Jam Recordings[3] and created the clothing fashion lines Phat Farm, Argyleculture, and Tantris. Simmons had a net-worth estimate of $340 million in 2011.

Def Jam Recordings is an American record label, focused predominantly on hip hop and urban music, owned by Universal Music Group. In the UK, the label takes on the name Def Jam UK and is operated through Virgin EMI, while in Japan, it is Def Jam Japan operating through Universal Sigma Music. The label distributes various record labels, including Kanye West‘s GOOD Music,[1][2] LudacrisDisturbing Tha Peace, and ARTium Recordings, headed by Def Jam…

Universal I Own it, L.L. Cool has the Movie Studios???

Rick Rubin

Rubin, September 14, 2006, Abbey Road Studios, London, working with U2

Background information Birth name Frederick Jay Rubin Also known as DJ Double RBorn(1963-03-10) March 10, 1963 (age 53)

U.S. Origin Lido Beach, New York, U.S. Genres Rock, hip hop,[1][2] heavy metal, country Occupation(s)Record producer Instruments

Frederick JayRickRubin (born March 10, 1963) is an American record producer and former co-president of Columbia Records. Along with Russell Simmons, Rubin is the co-founder of Def Jam Records and also established American Recordings. With the Beastie Boys, LL Cool J, Public Enemy, and Run–D.M.C., Rubin helped popularize hip hop music.

Eric Wright (Eazy E, EZ E Part 01 of 1

I AM not going to search everything. Ask Diddy his response to police questioning. They could not say anything because the lawyers was the extortionist.

The NWA – Is connected in Tupac Shakur Part 1 of 1 to

The Jewish Defense League and they are the muscle of the Entertainers Extortionist Legal Crew.

The Southern Poverty Law Center – But they have no files – Eminent Domain they are nonprofit, just roll in on them unsuspectedly.

Confidential Informant # 47 or search = C.I. 47 aka Al Sharpton

What do I do with Al?

Abbey Roads leads back to Paul McCartney who is Paul McCarty

Search – Paul McCarty on www, = 16 files

Search – Paul McCartney and now you get 6 files

Now did he really think he was going to steal my copyrights? I AM Sony and therefore, I AM Columbia or CBS.

Jesus Christ

The David Smith – Mathew Knowles Code of Shame


The David Smith – Mathew Knowles Code of Shame

American Gangster

Exposed by Jesus Christ

I do not know how to put this, but I have to share this, because it I don’t, they feel that you all will not believe this is Spiritual, so I will do this, one last time, because I really do not care that you evil people think anymore.

The David Smith Code of shame, is he makes everyone eat his shit.  The video they say did not happen, but he was going to say it happened like that.  And the reason for all these problems is my children became shamed and afraid of a ghost?  Not even a ghost, but illusions and lies.

Dahoud Crew 20 Sep 2015

The Shit Feast – David Poo – mp-3

     Ruling with An Iron Fist

The Target of this Investigation

The Speculation. The little girl survived.  Dahoud and I was supposed to rape her and sacrifice her, oh boy, lets get moving, it was his birthday.  Dissension – Bruce, what you was supposed to?  Do you know what you just did. Oh, I who you talking to fool?  A break up of two leaders who argued.  But it was the dissension.

Jay-Z Cathy White

                                                                I heard about a murder before Giselle

Bruce E. Hansley

Nobody ever even mentioned Bruce and a woman

Frank Lucas

The Real Frank Lucas captured at the Frazier – Ali Fight at the MSG in 1973

I AM at Egeria apartment and Bruce hands me a note.  500 Hunt Street.  This was where he took me and Dahoud in Brooklyn.  It is about 3 stories tall.  It is the real life scene, when see all those naked fine ass bitches cutting his dope in a project trap. But it is really faggots inside, I saw the homo open the door and when he saw us, Bruce told him shuss.  Do not say anything.  Now 500Hunt street is wiped out of Goggle Earth Pro.

A now Bruce is not flamboyant  “Remember the scene, “Never again and he burns his$25,000 fur coat?”  Unbelievable.

  1. He did not have that sexual act with Solonge, but the rumor is he was boning Beyoncé Giselle.
  2. He surrogates Beyoncé with Dark Child – Rumor she was defiled.  She says, this is God’s child, meaning I did nothing wrong.  But the code was a sex act and how could it be used?
  3. He really does have these evil sex acts to destroy a woman’s temple.  To turn them out.
  4. The Smith code, it is not rape if a woman enjoy it.  I was supposed to rape Zirah Alana.
  5. OK, everyone eats my shit, this is to let you all know, you ain’t shit and if you ever turn on me???
  6. Then they eat.  But who is that little girl.  Identify her.
  7. She if, he did not do this to Solonge but control them by this act, this is what he makes sure you see and know, it will be you in a moment time, if you ever turn on him.

So the Mathew Knowles code is he made everyone eat his shit.  He blackmailed them and he probably did go around rapping girls to make their first sexual encounter and very, very, bad experience.  And this explains this photo.

And, I remember, one day, Egeria said, “Paul, I am going to eat David’s shit.”  I said, eat his shit?  Yea!  I did not respond, but I was angry, that he would have my sister do such a thing.  But because of this, I know and now so does she what he make people do.

Then there is the use of Acid and other drugs, like truth serum.  So, you know at any time, he can mind fuck you and know if you turned on him.  It is a trap.

Michael Smith Sighting

Was there a recent David Smith or Michael Smith sighting?  It had to be Michael?  Anyway, earlier, I get mad with John “Smokey” Jones, they got to his nerves, all he do is smoke cigarette after cigarette and rolls them.  He was even in the bathroom at the Salvation Army Shelter?  See? Who was really in there?  So, while coming in, I reported a Michael Smith sighting.  He is aboutn6.2, slim, and has the demeanor of Michael Smith???  Then came the bullshit. He pulls out a badge and says, I am an agent from Israel and just escorted the Governor.  Wearing enough gold to buy enough dope to supply anywhere he goes. That is how they exchange, they go to the pawn shop and sell gold.


The Living Dead

The Underworld – This is the underworld

And this is what you just experienced.

The Thriller

The Toni Braxton Story


U.S. Prison Locations

When you understand that World War Two Reports about the NAZI Party, was actually a prelude of what is going on today.  And with this understanding, can you see the parallel in the state of the black man in America.  6,000,000 Jews they lied and said died in the Holocaust during World War Two.  And the Jews boasted never again.  But this is a fact, there are 6,000,000 black men in America, who are disenfranchised.


NAZI Death Camps – But they Never Really Existed


State Hospital Location Map U.S.A. Today – This is why 90,000 people is missing at all times in America on a two weeks messing persons cycle.  That is the code of the Concentration camps, they was doing human research, to fuck us up now.

D.B.A. Jesus Christ

Message Approved by God