The Illuminati Indictment and Nuwaubian Gets Masjid Muhammad

The Illuminati Indictment and Nuwaubian Gets Masjid Muhammad

                                                                                                      This is where I reassigned Maj. Gen Randy Starks

The Wire an HBO Series tells the Story

The Nuwaubian Nation

Name Masjid Muhammad, IN

The “Tama-Re” compound as it stood in 2002, as seen from the air.  The burned it down.

By: DBA Jesus Christ

The Apostle – Real Names – mp-3 

The Apostle real names – in PDF Format

Timothy Shands is a fuck up and I had to bust my son down, to prevent some type of retribution shit.  But read the screenplay the Apostle, he was conceived in International Airspace, when I earn the Medal of Honor for preventing the battle of Armageddon. The fine secretary is his mother Queen of Queens Lilian aka Diana Ross.  He was born to be an astronaut and not Homeland Security.  This is a job for Dante.  See?  He will pop a bitch ass, without hesitation and will enforce the decrees of Martial Law.  I raised Dante since he was born, he is Frank C. Jones son.

Command Sergeant Major of the Army Bobby Grimes – His other half is a Female – Born to mate

My Spec-4 Uniform had 5 Stars

This happened in 1969.  It was released by NASA about 4 years ago. It was I would travelled to nd from the moon.  I came up with the concept Crispy Critters.  I think it was Bobby who would laugh, Paul what you mean by Crispy Critters? I’d say, my Spacesuit got burned up.

In Elijah Muhammad FBI files 4 of20, it speaks about my conception in Sandersville, GA on 27 June 1958, exactly 3 years after the NWO was formed in Austria, a neutral government, are you for us or against us. On this day, it became are you for me or against me? It speaks about the inhalation  of all white inhabitants.  They claim Elijah said this, but I AM Elijah and consider my age at the time.  Today 80% of the world population is gone due to cannibalism. I do not eat people.

Operation Stronghold The Great Offensive of God

Cherubim is in the NIV Bible 63 times.  It was omitted many times in the KJV.

Why? a Cherubim has spirit and a Serpent does not. A Cherubim cannot deny God and a Serpent cannot make one right decision.

The Black Panther Promise: If you are willing to die to overcome oppression, your children will be with me forever in the Kingdom of God.  The Code:  My Spirit children will carry your names.  The are Cherubim and not Serpent.

Proof the Bible was tampered with. Notice how it jumped from verse 36 to verse 38.  To be explained in another lesson.

Understanding racial profiling.

Peter says Hey Joe

“Man in blue shirt, pants and hats, went around the corner.”

The John says Hey Joe, man with red shirt, blue pants and black hat came from around the corner

Joe says, no code.  We all look alike.

35 Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.

36 As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized ”
38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.

Basic Black Community Defense Ruling

Directive by: DBA Jesus Christ – The Only Living God:
I hereby place this nation on Curfew beginning Sunday 15 July 2017, at 11:00 PM.  The Curfew will run daily from 11:00 PM until 5:00 AM, as a result of a major military offensive, to prevent collateral damages among out own.  Please obey these directives, because it might get very dangerous during the next week or two through the United States.  We have and it under attack be Serpents.  Phil: 3:2

Philippians 3:22Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh

The Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement was a religious organization founded and led by Dwight York. York began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967.

This is who stood beside me in Highlands County Super-Max.  This is who built me many, palaces all over the country. They burned this one down. Big Deal. I have one in Bushwick, NJ right now.  He was the one who helped me fight this war against drugs and colonialism. He was the one who took a fall, so I could do what I had to do.  When I acquired the Masjid Muhammad Estates, I got it for them. But found people inside of my house.

In Washington D.C, I wondered who are these people. I said to them, I go back over 30 years, he said well this is something new and I do not know you.  I came to Macon, GA., and they say, this is Louis Farrakhan house?  What?  I just got this out of administrative dissolution, so you are in someone else house man.

And he gets the operation that is connected Cuba. Yes, when I said Washington D.C. get marijuana distribution nationwide, due to the fact, they legalized drugs there with the right intent. And because of this, there is a stay of execution for the release of drug dealers everywhere but there.

While I was in Washington, D.C, the Cubans was ready to take me there in Exile.  I said, no, not yet, because had I they was ready to sought retribution and they might harm the wrong people. But this is the last straw. I AM backing down and moving back on this. But let it be know, that house and all of the properties under Masjid Muhammad goes to the Nuwaubian movement  now named as a chapter under Jesus Christ, INC.  I AM done with all you liars.

I got Beat down and for what?

Everything I planned for you’ll they are doing. They held me for over two months and everyone claimed they did not know where I was. Yet, I was arrested in front of over 12 people, beat down unprovoked. They Police even pulled out a gun to shoot me, when a McRae brother, probably my son, stood up for me and say, why you want to shoot this man, why don’t you shoot me too.

So I threw my keys at him to give the officer a choice, go get the keys or shoot him. Then he walked off. The officers went into my house, without a warrant at 917 S.A., but what he was looking for was in 923 S.A, because I moved my stuff out already. Now all you can say is ask them for a fucking bus ticket? Yet my feet hurt, because I said I needed walking shoe and got this shit, to restrict me?

I guess I will cancel the damn appointment. Because I planned to fire every last one of those no good motherfuckers any way. They say, we are 4 months behind on transportation? But I got Baker Act in NYC in January, been on the run, since October 8th, 2014. How many times and how much money did I spend in the process? How mush did I get in transportation over the last 2 8 months+. They are all no good NAZI motherfuckers and I plan to set their dates for tribunals.

Timothy date, set it for the 21th of this month. And if I do not make it back on time, so be it. Guilty. They want me back, they have my fucking e-mail address and phone number. Fuck begging for my shit, over and over, How can you keep God a fucking secret and I gave Farrakhan a lease and what he do, praise bitch ass Jay-Z. What the fuck I got to go back too? Man fuck this dumb ass shit. They might just get what they been asking for. I do not fucking care no fucking more. Fuck it and so be it.

Fact Pattern
Board Bus to Augusta, GA. In Avon Park, FL. at about 2:55 PM Sunday 8 Jan 2017
The original Schedule changed in West Palm Beach due to long holdover.
Due to holdover, I did not arrive as schedule on the 9th during the afternoon, but got to Augusta,GA about 2:30 AM on the 10th. Almost 12 hours behind schedule.
Homeland Security photos will prove:
This is why they are trying to keep us from getting physical examination.  He knows these are my children and they are all in a conspiracy to steal my Sprit children for evil. He is a Serpent and has no testicles and cannot ever know God.  And I must say all four of them are beautiful and none of them look like those deformed character on the Internet and nothing like the ugly evil no good dog, who has just be indicted.
On the way to Augusta, GA, upon my leaving the bus in Augusta, GA.
1.  Jay-Z and a person got off the bus with me.
2. Michelle Ware aka Obama was on the bus with me, but stayed on as he got off.
3. His phone called the EMS.
4. he made a phone call prior to the last boarding to Augusta, and said Dahoud, as to say the conversation was with Dahoud Smith.
5. He told me he could not red or use a computer.
6. I went directly to the VAMC, Augusta, GA. Emergency room. that morning
7. Here is my second visit requesting travel over 4 months ago. So if travel is behind 4 month, why I never got these emergency room visits as a hate crime victim, who has to come to Augusta, GA., for medical.
8. I and then Beyonce stayed in the shelter in Augusta, GA., where she was hidden.  I say Josephine aka Baker there, we broke bread as well as Brain McKnight.
9. I pleaded with Sandersville, GA and Avon Park, FL. for emergency help.
I realized they did not give a damn and me and Beyonce returned to Florida.
10. She and I was photographed on the bus and she was behind me and the woman Izzy Jones was accused of raping, and my DNA and drivers license was entered into evidence as well as my children blood, with the woman signing an agreement to release her HEPA information to the courts, which was actually my family blood and my semen and Driver license information.
This is a conspiracy. And it constitutes a RICO Act indictment.  Therefore Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z, must be indicted under RICO for stalking with intent to defraud and kidnapped the children of God.
My bus tickets.  Due to a holdover, I guess so Jay-z could get on-board, I arrive about 12 hours late.
My requests to Sandersville, GA and Avon Park, FL. to help my Family in need due to hatred against us.
These clearance was in Augusta, GA. Where I and Giselle Faith held up, I moved around but she was under protection.
Tim Shands is Barrack Obama 
Records will show, I went directly to the VAMC in Augusta upon arrival about 2:30 AM and then again on this date and got not a dime travel.  When I realized they planned to leave us there abandoned, we left,
Michele Ware is Ms. Obama
Important note. 1. Giselle Faith had two pregnancies.  2. My children come in twos. 3. First I saw a boy and a girl, on the way back to Orlando from Macon, GA.  Because we went to Macon from Augusta, GA., in an attempt to enter Sandersville, GA., where we was rejected.  4. Then upon arrive in Orlando, I saw two different pairs of a boy and girl.  My children usually come in the same sex.  They mixed them up.  5. That morning, the woman who surrogated for us, did not know me, but her boyfriend did.  That is when they ran off to get on the bus. 6. She did not know me the whole ride of about 18 hours. 7. But the rape case was my semen, taken out of Alana room, where I slept while in NYC. and it was entered into a rape case against my son Izzy Jones, who asked me to look at his case. 8. I wrote the Public Defender as a concerned parent, not knowing at the time he was my son and the blood test entered into this case, was from my children, the semen was mine’s and the DNA did not match was from the alleged victim.  9. And in this case the alleged victim the woman who road on the bus with us, release all the DNA as to give up her rights to HEPA. That was a HEPA violation against me, my children and Giselle Faith, who has been so traumatized, she does not want to ever be called Beyonce again.
David F. Lanier is Michael Bloomberg?
I AM the heir to the Prince Hall Estate – This is the last will and testament.
And in accordance with article 6 of the will, when Ella executed this document to become the Representative of this estate, it all went to me.
I AM DBA Jesus Christ
I AM documented a Hate Crime Victim as are my children.
I saw Timothy Shands of 41-04 10th Street Apt. 5D
L.I.C. New York, 11101
In Queensbridge getting a haircut by Jeffery Jennings and he touch the document above , the one with the seal. He said, I can see it, I said, but you have to touch it. And he did. That is the fingerprint of Pres. Barrack Obama and now the want steal it, because it is proof of fraud.
This is animation.
Revelation 12:9
The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
When I was arrested at the Ritz Carlton in Battery Park, I told the Police remember, I said, how can I trespass on my own property.  The court decision is based on the will.  Like me show you something.
pride-of-Avon  Notice the address to the Grand Lodge and the Court Decision and it cannot be changed.  917.  See?  And who is the Agent?  And in Freemasons, all reverence goes to who?  And to who does all charity go to?
God 4 July 15  On 4 July 2015, the IRS declared I AM God
Jesus Christ, INC Certificate of Status  On 26 September 2016, I accepted the name Jesus Christ.
The two children who stood by me through thick and thin is the two who knew love and they would never, never, never place anyone before me.  I AM God and to them I will always be their Father first.  Those two are Giselle Faith and Alicia Charity.  Both who do not ever want tp be called Beyonce of Keys ever again
John 15:18
 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
 Matthew 10:22
You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

The Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement was a religious organization founded and led by Dwight York. York began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967. He changed his teachings and the names of his groups many times, incorporating concepts from Judaism, Christianity, and many esoteric beliefs.

In the late 1980s, he abandoned the Muslim theology of his movement in favor of Kemetism and UFO religion. In 1991 he took his community to settle in upstate New York; then they moved near the county seat of Eatonton, Georgia, United States, in Putnam County. His followers built an ancient Egypt-themed compound called Tama-Re and changed their name to the “United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors.”[1]

By 2000, the “United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors” had some 500 adherents.[2] They drew thousands of visitors for “Savior’s Day” (York’s birthday). Adherence declined steeply after York was convicted of numerous counts of child molestation and financing violations, and sentenced to 135 years in federal prison in April 2004. The Tama-Re compound was sold under government forfeiture and demolished in 2005.[3] The Southern Poverty Law Center described York as a “black supremacist cult leader”.[4]

They say Nicky Barnes is still doing time too.  I met with the Nuwaubian movement, in Washington D.C, in Maryland and in Avon Park.  But when I went to Chicago, Louis Farrakhan did not even give me a place to rest my head.

The group has taken numerous names, including Ansaaru Allah Community, Holy Tabernacle Ministries, United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors (after the move to Georgia), Yamassee Native American Moors of the Creek Nation (also used in Georgia when York claimed indigenous ancestry via Egyptian migration and intermarriage with the ancient Olmec) and Nuwaubian Nation of Moors.  The Moorish I met in Maryland, the Ansaaru, in New York City, they would hang out in 14th street and Union Square, I met with them, recently in Avon Park and in Washington D.C. Where is Farrakhan, praising Jay-Z.  What is the problem he asked. He claims my Queen of Queen lost her Chasity to him and my children are his? He stalked me all the way to Augusta, GA.  What is the problem?  It must be you!!!

Matthew 25:14-19 14“Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. 15To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. 17So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. 18But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19“After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.

National Sheriffs’ Association
1450 Duke St,
Alexandria, VA 22314
The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) is a U.S. trade association. Its stated purpose is to raise the level of professionalism among U.S. sheriffs, their deputies and others in the fields of criminal justice and public safety.

The Acquisition of all Marriott International Hotels and Ritz Carlton International Luxury Hotels and Condominiums.

Please be advised, I AM the owner of both establishment mentioned above.  And this nation is currently under martial law and military rule, due to an attempt to overthrow the United States Constitution.  And I hereby place the Ritz Carlton and Marriott International under Military control and command.

Front Desk

1. Everyone living inside of my Condominiums are to be moved out, by close of Business Sunday 16 July 2017.
2. All persons renting or leasing at my hotels, rent and lease agreement ends by close of business 16 July 2017.
3. Any person inside of these establishments, who are deemed unauthorized as based on the military command and decree will be arrest and place in jail for trespassing and under the REAL ID ACT of 2005, if found to be illegally in the United States of America, will be placed inside a concentration camp.
4. The Macon Marriott City Center is to be completely evacuated so as that my children have a place to stay in the interim of the removal of all unauthorized person in my establishment, as we are hate crime victims and I’ll be damn if my children must live day to day in uncertainty and homeless, while thieves live my hotels and condominiums.
5.  Attorney General Loretta Lynch will contact you with a court order by Monday morning.  And these establishments will be placed under Homeland Security with oversight by the 5th Division.
6. I will be sending the Army, Air Force and Marines to carryout and execute my military decree and anyone who attempts to challenge this decision, will be considered treasonous against the United States Constitution.
This decree is effective immediately.

Thank you in advance;

National Sheriffs’ Association
1450 Duke St,
Alexandria, VA 22314
The National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA) is a U.S. trade association. Its stated purpose is to raise the level of professionalism among U.S. sheriffs, their deputies and others in the fields of criminal justice and public safety.


National Sheriffs’ Association

National Sheriffs' Association
The National Sheriffs’ Association is a U.S. trade association. Its stated purpose is to raise the level of professionalism among U.S. sheriffs, their deputies and others in the fields of criminal justice and public safety. Since its founding in 1940, NSA has been the advocacy organization for the nation’s sheriffs in Washington, D.C. Its Government Affairs Division, in conjunction with the Congressional Affairs Committee, develops the Association’s policy positions and represents the Association before the United States Congress, the White House, and the various federal agencies.
I hereby declared the National Sheriff’s Association a Terror organization.  And all it’s affiliates are declared unconstitutional.  The reasoning is simple:

United States[edit]

Minor crimes and infractions[edit]

When there exists probable cause to believe that a person has committed a minor crime, such as petty theft, driving on a suspended license, or disturbing the peace, law enforcement agents typically issue the individual a citation but do not arrest them. The person must then appear in court on the date provided on the citation. Prior to the court date, the prosecution will decide whether to file formal criminal charges against the individual. When the accused appears in court, they will be advised if formal criminal charges have been filed. If charges are filed, they will be asked to plead guilty or not guilty at the initial court hearing, which is referred to as the arraignment.[7]

Arrests for serious crimes[edit]

When a person is arrested for a serious crime, in California for example, the accused is entitled to be released upon reasonable bail. The accused will be advised of the bail amount, which is based upon a bail schedule that is established on an annual basis by the judges in each county. When law enforcement agents believe to have probable cause to arrest a person for a serious crime, the police typically handcuff an arrested person. The accused will have their mug shot taken and be held in a police station or jail pending their ability to post bail. If the accused cannot post bail, they will appear at their arraignment where the judge will determine if the bail set by the schedule should be raised, lowered, or remain at the initial amount.[8]

Also, in certain states, the prosecution has 48 hours to decide whether or not to file formal charges against the accused. For example, in California, if no formal charges are filed within the 48-hour period, the accused must be released from custody. If formal charges are filed, the accused will be asked to appear at their arraignment. At the arraignment, the accused will be asked to plead guilty or not guilty, and the judge will set a bail amount (or refuse to set bail) for the accused.[9]

In 2010, the FBI estimated that law enforcement agencies made 13,120,947 arrests (excluding traffic violations). Of those persons arrested, 74.5% were male and 69.4 percent of all persons arrested were white, 28.0 percent were black, and the remaining 2.6 percent were of other ethnicities.[10]

The Mirandawarning, which can also be referred to as the Mirandarights, is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings.

Miranda Rights are the result of the 1966 Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona, in which the Supreme Court ruled when a person is taken into police custody, and before being questioned, they must be informed of their Fifth Amendment right against making self-incriminating statements.

ROE v. DBA Jesus Christ (U.S.S.C.) 2017

States everyone has the right to advocacy. And this includes the judicially injured.  The basis of Foster Care, being allowed to remove an abused child from their natural parents home and the authority of the courts to placed person (s) on parole, probation and supervised release under both local under state and federal law, is that these people have a right to advocacy.  A person on parole, probation or supervised release is considered judicially injured in the court of law and is therefore not allowed to advocate for self before a judge.  Therefore he/she cannot even plead guilty or not guilty and that is what his/her probation/parole officer duty is, but he still has the right to legal representation and his only right is to remain silent, but he cannot address the court.

A child under 18 years old and not emancipated, cannot address the court or make his/her own decisions before a judge.

And any person who cannot read or is considered illiterate under the court of law, is deemed, retarded and therefore cannot understand the nature of the charges being presented before him.  For example Jay-Z, is being charged with blasphemy.  Who wants to represent this bitch ass motherfucker. You want spare him, because he cannot read?  Well how it the hell he decide my Queen of Queens every married his illiterate ass?

And blasphemous statement about my children will be taken down of the fucking internet now!!

National Sheriffs’ Association is unconstitutional for a few reasons. 1) They do not have a change of custody after an arrest. The sheriff arrest you and then places you in her damn jail.  2) they do not read persons their Miranda Rights.  3) They do ask a person, do they understand the nature of the charges they face.  4) The force or accept pleas from the illiterate and judicially injured.

Solution: Replace these agencies with the Department of Corrections and the Department of Law Enforcement under Martial Law.

2405 N Atlantic Ave,
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
The charge 300% interest Rates and the State Attorney Bondi is the enforcer.
She forces you to pay them at risk of conviction under Federal and State statue.
Arbitration Act, 9 U,S.C. §1. et s
Chapter 674, Florida Statutes
Section 68.065, Florida Statue


ROE v. The Rev. Jones

State of Florida v, Frank Paul Jones Case No. 16-466 MM

Presiding Judge Anthony Ritenour – Highlands County Judge

The Indictment for Judge Ritenour

Fact pattern of these documents, makes clear:

1. I was kidnapped.
2. The intent was to defraud me and steal my inheritance and property.
3. It is clearly RICO, because several people are involved.

Ella E. Williams
David F. Lanier
Vicky Dunn
Judge Ritenour
State Attorney Bondi
And more to be named.

Note The Date of Discharged – I was arrested at my home at 923 S. A. on 2 December 2016

Matthew 20:16 16“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

  1. The person who received the name Roberts is Prince Hall.  The will is from Eston Edward Lee Roberts, as in Roberts Rules of Order.
  2. Sandersville, GA. is locale no.32 and Avon Park is locale no. 642.  To make sense of this knowing the Perfect Square is at a 31 degree vector, the first to become last must be found.
  3. The first has to be locale no. 31.  Timothy stole the White House I ordered to be painted blue as to say, I AM Prince Hall and Prince Hall is evil.  But Prince Hall is the brother of Eva, the mother of all the living.
  4. My case number tell it all.  State of Florida v, Frank Paul Jones Case No. 16-466 MM. He is claiming the White House or the Blue House is locale or he is probably saying Local 466.  But it is Locale no. 31.
  5. Therefore we can say at 31 degrees is a perfect square and a perfect square has 4 side and if you divide 62 by two you have 31 twice, which is a perfect square if you take the last alphabet Z = Zulu and place two vectors on it at 31 degree each.
 Note Date of entry into Hospital 3 December 2016  – The date of Discharge is incorrect, because missed my court date on 18 December 2016 due to hospitalization.  I was taken out of my home before 3 witnesses, Ella, Danielle and Shawanda.  I was arrested and then when brought outside, I was told it was an Ex Parte, where the standard of Miranda in an Ex Parte is higher than an arrest. An Ex Parte is not an end run to a Baker Act.  But a way to prevent someone from going into the judicial system.  Therefore not only must a person be Mirandized, but the apprehending authority must explain why this apprehension is taking place. Then they have 72 hours to give you an option to being tried in the court of law.  They kidnapped me and kept me until the 22nd of December  and refused by court hearing in Highlands County and the court decision in Orlando was the only medication I AM willing to use is marijuana, so go home and smoke.  But I was again arrested for failure to appear by the same apprehending authority in February o 2017.  And when I was released in August, 1. I never had a psych evaluation. 2. I was found incompetent without any medical records to declare I had a mental problem. 3. It was done by two psychiatrist.  By law. 1. you must be determined to be mentally ill.  2. The psychological evaluation must be done by two psychologist. Dr. Mooring has a MD.
Zews L 1Zews L 2Zews L 3Zews L 4Zews Lease Signing  My lease is until 2025 regardless of owner.
P. Incomp. 1   P. Incomp. 2   Note the date is the date of release based on being found incompetent, then I AM Ex Parte about a few hours after arriving from NYC.  They said, your mother wants to examined for 72 hours and took me out of my house on 923 S.A. Ave without an arrest or search warrant.
Then they want to take my home on code  violations

Locale no. 432 The Blue House of God – Built by the hands of Prince Hall himself – with some help by friends

I declared the Blue House of God my home and established it as a condominium.  They said it is taxable. I said how is God’s house taxable and a homeless shelter is not?  The brought the value of my home from $138G to $38G, I recently placed  roof on it worth about $20G and the central AC unit with the blower built in the roof is an easy $50G and the floors upstairs alone???  And look who lived there. I guess God brings down the value of Real Estate? The building has to Water lines and that means tow separate units and therefore it is a condo.
 Locale no. 32
Then they rezoned the whole SRA, all the property is now considered Commercial real estate and that is the story of meeting God for the first time face to face.  See?  Now the realize they need me, but really do not want me.

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, commonly referred to as Robert’s Rules of Order (or simply Robert’s Rules), is the most widely-used manual of parliamentary procedure in the United States.[1] It governs the meetings of a diverse range of organizations—including church groups, county commissions, homeowners associations, nonprofit associations, professional societies, school boards, and trade unions—that have adopted it as their parliamentary authority.[2]

The manual was first published in 1876 by U.S. Army officer Henry Martyn Robert, who adapted the rules and practice of Congress to the needs of non-legislative societies. Ten subsequent editions have been published, including major revisions in 1915 and 1970. The copyright to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised is owned by the Robert’s Rules Association, which selects by contract an authorship team to continue the task of revising and updating the book. The 11th and current edition was published in 2011.

In 2005, the Robert’s Rules Association published an official concise guide, titled Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief. A second edition of the brief book was published in 2011.

On Monday, July 17, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) raised an alarm over the recent visit of the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to Kaduna state governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai. IPOB

In 1960, Nigeria became independent of the United Kingdom. As with many other new African states, the borders of the country did not reflect earlier ethnic boundaries. Thus, the northern region of the country is made up of Muslim majority, while the southern population is predominantly Christian. Following independence, Nigeria was divided primarily along ethnic lines with Hausa and Fulani majority in the north, Yoruba and Igbo majority in the south-west and south-east respectively.[6]

In January 1966, a military coup occurred during which 30 political leaders including Nigeria’s Prime Minister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, and the Northern premier, Sir Ahmadu Bello, were killed. It was alleged to be an Igbo coup because Nnamdi Azikiwe, the President, of Igbo extraction, and the premier of the southeastern part of the country were not killed.

Biafra, officially the … during which over three million Biafran civilians died from starvation caused by the total blockade of the region by the Nigerian …

Haile Selassie I (Ge’ez: ቀዳማዊ ኃይለ ሥላሴ?, qädamawi haylä səllasé[nb 1]; Amharic pronunciation: [ˈhaɪlɜ sɨˈlːase];[nb 2] 23 July 1892 – 27 August 1975), born Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael,[4] was Ethiopia‘s regent from 1916 to 1930 and emperor from 1930 to 1974. He also served as Chairperson of the Organisation of African Unity from 25 May 1963 to 17 July 1964 and 5 November 1966 to 11 September 1967. He was a member of the Solomonic Dynasty.

Among the Rastafari movement, whose followers are estimated at between two and four million, Haile Selassie is revered as the returned messiah of the Bible, God incarnate.[10][11] Beginning in Jamaica in the 1930s, the Rastafari movement perceives Haile Selassie as a messianic figure who will lead a future golden age of eternal peace, righteousness, and prosperity.[12] Haile Selassie was an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian throughout his life. He is a defining figure in Ethiopian history.

Rastafari messiah[edit]

Today, Haile Selassie is worshipped as God incarnate[151] among followers of the Rastafari movement (taken from Haile Selassie’s pre-imperial name Ras—meaning Head, a title equivalent to Duke—Tafari Makonnen), which emerged in Jamaica during the 1930s under the influence of Marcus Garvey‘s “Pan Africanism” movement. He is viewed as the messiah who will lead the peoples of Africa and the African diaspora to freedom.[152] His official titles are Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah and King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God, and his traditional lineage is thought to be from Solomon and Sheba.[153] These notions are perceived by Rastafari as confirmation of the return of the messiah in the prophetic Book of Revelation in the New Testament: King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and Root of David. Rastafari faith in the incarnate divinity of Haile Selassie[154] began after news reports of his coronation reached Jamaica,[155] particularly via the two Time magazine articles on the coronation the week before and the week after the event. Haile Selassie’s own perspectives permeate the philosophy of the movement

  1. Abraham wife Sarai was baring. So that bloodline stopped.
  2. If you remember the Biafra famine took place in Ethiopia and it came after the Nigerian entered and then they returned to Nigeria.
  3. here is the key in scripture:
  4. Jeremiah 13:23 23Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.

Galatians 6:7 (NIV) ~ A man reaps what he sows. 

Image result for the island of jamaica and dominican republic

The Island of Satanic Creations – Island of Atlantis

By: DBA Jesus Christ

Atlantis, also spelled Atlantica, a legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean, lying west of the Straits of Gibraltar. The principal sources for the legend are two of Plato’s dialogues, Timaeus and Critias.

The Dominican Republic and Haiti is one Island. Dominican Republic is where they kill the dark babies and breed the light ones. We entered this Island from Africa in Haiti.  This process created self-hatred among the black human.  Dominican hates black people and the Haitian male does not identify himself as African but as a Haitian. He enslaves the Haitian Huwoman in the sugar-cane fields and he speaks a French dialect called Creole.   

a person of mixed European and black descent, especially in the Caribbean.

  • a descendant of Spanish or other European settlers in the Caribbean or Central or South America.
  • a white descendant of French settlers in Louisiana and other parts of the southern US.
  • a mother tongue formed from the contact of two languages through an earlier pidgin stage:
    “a Portuguese-based Creole”

And the end result is self hatred Niggers. (Godless Sinners)

There was two sisters, who was Hebrew.  Elizabeth and Mary who was from Germany.  In the scripture these question was posed.

Jeremiah 13:23

New International Version

Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil.

Image result for queen mary in dungun tied up and pregnant

Mary was raped and placed in a Dungun tied up. She was forced to give birth to a child of European decent.  Because a Hebrew did not intermingle and would rather die and kill that unborn child and rapist before doing what happened to her. A Hebrew is Paternal Zulu and Maternal Asia.  As a result For many generation the Russians of Asian decent being Paternal Asia and Maternal Zulu, would always get caught in the middle of fabricated wars waged by France and Britain who are by design eternally adversarial nations.

Image result for haile selassie

Haile Selassie was known as a child as Lij Tafari Makonnen.  

Lij is translated as “child”, and serves to indicate that a youth is of noble blood. His given name, Tafari, means “one who is respected or feared”. Like most Ethiopians, his personal name Tafari is followed by that of his father Makonnen and rarely that of his grandfather Woldemikael. His Ge’ez name Haile Selassie was given to him at his infant baptism and adopted again as part of his regnal name in 1930.

As Governor of Harer, he became known as Ras Teferi Makonnen About this sound listen . Ras is translated as “head”[16] and is a rank of nobility equivalent to Duke;[17] though it is often rendered in translation as “prince”. In 1916, Empress Zewditu I appointed him to the position of Balemulu Silt’an Enderase (Regent Plenipotentiary). In 1928, she granted him the throne of Shoa, elevating his title to Negus or “King”.[18]

On 2 November 1930, after the death of Empress Zewditu, Ras Tafari was crowned Negusa Nagast, literally King of Kings, rendered in English as “Emperor“.[19] Upon his ascension, he took as his regnal name Haile Selassie I. Haile means in Ge’ez “Power of” and Selassie means trinity—therefore Haile Selassie roughly translates to “Power of the Trinity”.[20] Haile Selassie’s full title in office was “By the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings of Ethiopia, Elect of God”.[21][nb 3] This title reflects Ethiopian dynastic traditions, which hold that all monarchs must trace their lineage to Menelik I, who was the offspring of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.[22]

Fact: King Solomon was a homosexual, so this blood-line is a lie.

Haile Selassie is a Jew and not a Hebrew and he is the false religion called.  And the foundation of Jamaica.

Emperor Haile Selassie is the foundation to the false religion called Rastafari, sometimes termed Rastafarianism, is an Abrahamic religion. Classified as a new religious movement, it developed in Jamaica during the 1930s. It lacks any centralised authority and there is much heterogeneity among practitioners, who are known as Rastafarians or Rastas.

He calls France the Fatherland and not Africa.

This is why they cannot dance. It is Called the instant mulatto shot. On the other side in the Jamaica they make white people look black the graph black child into white, by killing the dark babies and breeding the light one in the Dominican Republic coming out of Haitian and it started with the rape of a Hebrew.

The Jamaican is a white man turned black and the Dominican is a black man turned white, the Haitian male hates Africa and he enslaves the Haitian woman in the sugar cane fields.  The sugar comes to America to turn our children into addicts and addiction causes sexual immorality.

Upstairs is Jesus Christ, INC. A business
Downstairs is the residence of Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah
I have the only home and business in the zoned area that is commercial property that passes the commercial standards as a business and residence. If they condemn my house, everything gets condemned. But if I build a fence around it and include the whole community, in face city, I can grandfather everyone in, to include the Lodge on  Main Street.  With me is life, but without there is not life. In the case, they condemn my house they condemn themselves.

The Salvation Army – Eminent Domain – Under Decree set forth of 16 December 201

Question of Law? How can a non-taxable foreign entity be tax exempt under IRS 501 c 3 Rules and Laws?
Answer:This is not possible.
In any case hereby declare the Salvation Army a false religion. They do not know Jesus Christ, for I AM a hate crime victim and they refused me services they give to everyone else to include financial help.  They placed me in a bed infested with bed bugs.  This is a hypocrisy. And under 1. My authority to eminent domain any nonprofit to prevent the overthrow of the United States Constitution. My ownership of all nonprofit entities as owner of MY FLORIDA CORPORATION, INC., Being I AM DBA Jesus Christ and they showed me know love, either they do not know the only Living God or they are a part of this hate crime against me nan my family.
I hereby shutdown all operations under the Salvation Army in the United States and its territories. And call in the United State Division of Engineers, under the oversight of the 5th Division and management of the General over military fortresses, to convert the Salvation Army and all homeless shelters into concentration camps.  And to place those found to be in the United States illegally based on The REAL ID ACT of 2005, into these homeless shelter which will be fenced in to prevent terror organizations from operating within the United States borders

Mission statement:

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

In human social affairs, discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong rather than on individual attributes. This includes treatment of an individual or group, based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social category, “in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated”.[1] It involves the group’s initial reaction or interaction going on to influence the individual’s actual behavior towards the group leader or the group, restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making.
A False Religion

Blood & Fire
“With Heart to God, and Hand to Man”


  1. WE BELIEVE that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God; and that only they constitute the divine rule of Christian faith and practice.
  1. WE BELIEVE that there is only one God who is infinitely Perfect – the Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things – and who is the only proper object of religious worship.
  1. WE BELIEVE that there are three persons in the Godhead – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost – undivided in essence and co-equal in power and glory.
  1. Belief that in the person of Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are united, so that he is truly and properly God and truly and properly man.
  1. Belief that our first parents were created in a state of innocence, but by their disobedience they lost their purity and happiness, and that in consequence of their fall all men have become sinners, totally depraved, and as such are justly exposed to the wrath of God.
  1. Belief that the Lord Jesus Christ has, by his suffering and death, made an atonement for the whole world so that whosoever will may be saved.
  1. Belief that repentance towards God, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and regeneration (being born again) by the Holy Spirit are necessary to salvation.
  1. Belief that we are justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and that he that believes has the witness in himself.
  1. Belief that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ.
  1. Belief that it is the privilege of all believers to be wholly sanctified, and that their whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
  1. Belief in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the endless punishment of the wicked.

The Salvation Army has always seen itself primarily as a Christian church, but this has been eroded in the public’s perceptions over the years. It is now seen externally to be mainly a social servicescharity and/or thrift shop. This has caused a major rethink within The Salvation Army who are keen to re-emphasise their role as a Christian church.

A Foreign Governance in America During the Battle of Armageddon and clearly a Military operation
General is the title of the international leader of the Salvation Army, a Christiandenomination with extensive charitablesocial services that gives quasi-military rank to its ministers (who are therefore known as officers). André Cox is currently the General of The Salvation Army. Its founder William Booth was the longest serving general. There have been 20 generals as of 2016, 10 of whom were from Great Britain.
His ties are in Switzerland:
General André Cox (born 12 July 1954[2]) is the 20th General of The Salvation Army. He was commissioned as an Officer in The Salvation Army on 25 May 1979. He was elected to the position of General by the 18th High Council of The Salvation Army on 3 August 2013.

He was the Chief of the Staff of The Salvation Army from 1 February 2013 to 3 August 2013. In the wake of the unexpected retirement of General Linda Bond in June, 2013, Cox fulfilled the duties of General as Acting General for a little under two months until his actual election.

Born in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia (today Zimbabwe) to an English father and Swiss mother, Cox spent his childhood years in Southern Rhodesia and the United Kingdom, before moving to Switzerland where he met and married Silvia Cox (née Volet), who was born to Swiss parents in Argentina.

The Salvation Army was founded by William Booth in London in 1865 as an Evangelical movement called The Christian Revival Association. It then changed its name to East London Christian Mission. After starting the work outside the East End, the name changed to The Christian Mission. William Booth resigned as a New Connexion Methodistminister because the New Connexion attempted to shackle his emerging ministry.

A Salvation Army corps is local church organization [1] and physical place of worship in The Salvation Army. Like the Christian term “church” a corps includes both the physical building and the body of members who attend at the building.[2] In keeping with Salvationist convention in using military terminology, corps are sometimes casually known as barracks. Traditionally many corps buildings are alternatively called temples or citadels, such as Openshaw Citadel .[3] The Salvation Army also uses the more traditional term “church” for some local congragations and their buildings.

Corps are usually led by an officer or married officer couple, who fulfil the role of a Pastor[4] in other denominations. Officers in these positions are known as “Corps Officers” or CO’s,[5] and are generally Lieutenants, Captains or Majors. Terms for Officers vary in each country and often serve a term from as little as six months to 10 years. Appointments are decided on by the countries Territorial or Regional Headquarters with much prayer and planning.

Worship is very important in the local corps and brings encouragement, teaching and spiritual guidance to the attenders. Everyone is welcome to the local Salvation Army corps worship service – it is not exclusive to soldiers only, although preference is given to those in uniform with respect to participating in the service. All worship services are open to anyone who is searching for truth about Jesus Christ.

Chief of the Staff
High Council

Officer · Soldier · Corps

Exemption Requirements – 501(c)(3) Organizations

To be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, an organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3), and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual. In addition, it may not be an action organization, i.e., it may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates.

Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) are commonly referred to as charitable organizations. Organizations described in section 501(c)(3), other than testing for public safety organizations, are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with Code section 170.

The organization must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interests, and no part of a section 501(c)(3) organization’s net earnings may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposed on the person and any organization managers agreeing to the transaction.

Section 501(c)(3) organizations are restricted in how much political and legislative (lobbying) activities they may conduct. For a detailed discussion, see Political and Lobbying Activities. For more information about lobbying activities by charities, see the article Lobbying Issues; for more information about political activities of charities, see the FY-2002 CPE topic Election Year Issues.

Additional Information

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 26-Jan-2017

ROE v. DBA Jesus Christ (U.S.S.C) 2017

Good Morning Family and Friends

It is a nice morning in New York City. The weather seems to be a little humid. But overall, it is the type of day, when you might want to get you a bottle of water and take a walk and adopts block.

To adopt a block is to go somewhere in your neighborhood or one of a friend or family and clean up the area and show some type of self-love and pride for self, family, community, nation and God.

If a contractor sees potential in this development, he will b attracted by a loving and welcoming community of people, wanting a better way for their children, who are tomorrow and make tomorrow today.

In Washington D.C., they use this type of ordinance to help give community residents and passer byers a safe haven from all types of unconstitutional acts of aggression against the poor and other the Veteran’s community, because everybody knew until today, “Veteran don’t get Veteran Benefits.” So who does? The criminals, who took over America. The criminals, for good is bad, so the baddy, baddie is called the good guys or Wise Guys. The undercover FBI Informant, who call the FBI the Full Blooded Italians.

This is constitutional, because you can tell on someone for doing something wrong and if they are found to have violated the constitution, then that person must stand as a witness. Therefore the basis for assuming the investigation was based on a credible witness and not an adversarial decision based on personal issues.

But if that person is found to have not done ant wrong doings, that person, should know why this investigation took place. Therefore these Whistleblowers should be imported by the new Veterans calls to Arms, granting jobs in the right places, based on VETS First.

What the Law Implies – The Organized Crime Control Act of 1970

The Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91–452, 84 Stat. 922 October 15, 1970), was an Act of Congress sponsored by Democratic Senator John L. McClellan[1] and signed into law by U.S. President Richard Nixon.

The Act was the product of two sets of hearings in the Senate, the Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management hearings of 1957-1959 and the McClellan hearings of 1962-1964.

The Act prohibits the creation or management of a gambling organization involving five or more people if it has been in business more than 30 days or accumulates $2,000 in gross revenue in a single day. It also gave grand juries new powers, permitted detention of unmanageable witnesses, and gave the U.S. Attorney General authorization to protect witnesses, both state and federal, and their families.[2] This last measure helped lead to the creation of WITSEC, an acronym for witness security.

Part of the Act created the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.[3]


The Basis of such Needed Protections:

United States

Further information: United States Federal Witness Protection Program

The United States established a formal program of witness protection, run by the U.S. Marshal Service, under the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970. Before that, witness protection had been instituted under the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 to protect people testifying against members of the Ku Klux Klan. Earlier in the 20th century, the Federal Bureau of Investigation also occasionally crafted new identities to protect witnesses.[15]

Many states, including California, Connecticut, Illinois, New York and Texas, as well as Washington, D.C., have their own witness protection programs for crimes not covered by the federal program. The state-run programs provide less extensive protections than the federal program. They also cannot hold or have as many people involved as the federal program.[16][17][18]

Before witness protection funds can be sought, law enforcement must conduct an assessment of the threat or potential for danger. This assessment includes an analysis of the extent the person or persons making the threats appear to have the resources, intent, and motivation to carry out the threats and how credible and serious the threats appear to be. When threats are deemed credible and witnesses request law enforcement assistance, witness protection funds can be used to provide assistance to witnesses which helps law enforcement keep witnesses safe and help ensure witnesses appear in court and provide testimony.[19]

Special arrangements, known as S-5 and S-6 visas, also exist to bring key alien witnesses into the US from overseas.[20] T visas may be used to admit into the United States victims of human trafficking willing to assist in prosecuting the traffickers.[21]

The Enforcement Act of 1871 (17 Stat. 13), also known as the Civil Rights Act of 1871, Force Act of 1871, Ku Klux Klan Act, Third Enforcement Act, or Third Ku Klux Klan Act, is an Act of the United States Congress which empowered the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus to combat the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other white supremacy organizations. The act was passed by the 42nd United States Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on April 20, 1871. The act was the last of three Enforcement Acts passed by the United States Congress from 1870 to 1871 during the Reconstruction Era to combat attacks upon the suffrage rights of African Americans. The statute has been subject to only minor changes since then, but has been the subject of voluminous interpretation by courts.

This legislation was asked for by President Grant and passed within one month of the president’s request for it to Congress. Grant’s request was a result of the reports he was receiving of widespread racial threats in the Deep South, particularly in South Carolina. He felt that he needed to have his authority broadened before he could effectively intervene. After the act’s passage, the president had the power for the first time to both suppress state disorders on his own initiative and to suspend the right of habeas corpus. Grant did not hesitate to use this authority on numerous occasions during his presidency, and as a result the first era KKK was completely dismantled and did not resurface in any meaningful way until the first part of the 20th century.[1] Several of its provisions still exist today as codified statutes. The most important of these is 42 U.S.C. § 1983: Civil action for deprivation of rights.

The Basis Review:

The KKK v. Organized Crime or Civil Law v. Criminal Law

The Enforcement Act of 1871 (17 Stat. 13), also known as the Civil Rights Act of 1871, Force Act of 1871, Ku Klux Klan Act, Third Enforcement Act, or Third Ku Klux Klan Act, is an Act of the United States Congress which empowered the President to suspend the writ of habeas corpus to combat the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and other white supremacy organizations. The act was passed by the 42nd United States Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on April 20, 1871. The act was the last of three Enforcement Acts passed by the United States Congress from 1870 to 1871 during the Reconstruction Era to combat attacks upon the suffrage rights of African Americans. The statute has been subject to only minor changes since then, but has been the subject of voluminous interpretation by courts.

This legislation was asked for by President Grant and passed within one month of the president’s request for it to Congress. Grant’s request was a result of the reports he was receiving of widespread racial threats in the Deep South, particularly in South Carolina. He felt that he needed to have his authority broadened before he could effectively intervene. After the act’s passage, the president had the power for the first time to both suppress state disorders on his own initiative and to suspend the right of habeas corpus. Grant did not hesitate to use this authority on numerous occasions during his presidency, and as a result the first era KKK was completely dismantled and did not resurface in any meaningful way until the first part of the 20th century.[1] Several of its provisions still exist today as codified statutes. The most important of these is 42 U.S.C. § 1983: Civil action for deprivation of rights.


42 U.S.C. Statute 1983

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.

(R.S. § 1979; Pub. L. 96–170, § 1, Dec. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 1284; Pub. L. 104–317, title III, § 309(c), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3853.)


ROE v. DBA Jesus Christ (U.S.S.C) 2017

A Precedent Supreme Court Decision – Based on Writ of Certiorari by DBA Jesus Christ

This is a precedence setting case, based on the proper interpretation of ROE v. Wade, the 5th Amendment, Mapp v. Ohio and Miranda v. Arizona. And also it is supported by the essence of the Department of Families and Children and the offices of Probation and Parole. In that all persons have a right to advocacy, rather an in-emancipated child, one who is retarded under the law or one who has be judicially injured.

And the consequence for doing these types of unconstitutional acts, clearly places the convicted person(s) of the decision of indictments based on 42 U.S.C. Statute 1983.

In ROE v. Wade, two things was made very clear, 1. Marriage is unconstitutional, due to this woman having the right to choose without any joint discussions with her husband, who did not want her to get an abortion.

But then we had to define abortion. To abort it to prevent, before conception, because life begins at conception. Actually this case was her conviction. Yes, you had the right to an abortion, but that child was a living fetus and that constitutes murder in the 1st degree.

Then comes the question of rights to all humankind. As sure as we allow Forster Care to operate and place person’s on probation and parole and have a failing education system, people not only have a right to an advocate, but it is the duty of this nation to provide them to each and every person whose rights are being violated. Therefore that unborn child, had a right to a guardian advocate to prevent her mother from murdering her. Just as we remove a child from a home of an abusive parent how much more urgent is the case of a fetus removed to be killed?

Therefore the same rationality to assist those who are illiterate of or retarded due to the lack of understanding of the nature of the charges being presents for a plea. Due to being judicially injured, without civil rights, all you can do is remain silent as said in the reading and understand Miranda has to be read and not recited. A Convicted Felon has to be mirandized and represented before the court appointed attorney, due to their inability to represent self.

Public Information Laws North Carolina and the United States Federal Agencies

Understanding Public Records

Questions and Answers:


1. What is the public policy regarding public records?

The North Carolina General Assembly has declared as a matter of public policy that the public records and public information compiled by agencies of North Carolina government or its subdivisions are the property of the people. N.C.G.S. § 132-1(b)


2. What are public records?

Public records are documentary materials that are either made or received by government agencies in North Carolina in carrying on public business. Public records include documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data-processing records, artifacts or other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristic. N.C.G.S. § 132-1


3. Who may inspect or get copies of public records?

Any person may inspect and get copies of public records. N.C.G.S. § 132-6


4. To whom should a request for public records be directed?

The Public Records Law does not describe any specific procedure that a person must follow in requesting to inspect public records.  Normally, a request to any employee in a government office is sufficient to get access to records in that office. However, it is the custodian of public records who is specifically required to allow those records to be inspected. The public official in charge of an office is designated to be the custodian of records for that office. N.C.G..S. § 132-2


5. When are public records available for inspection or copying?

The Public Records Law says that inspection and examination of records should be allowed at “reasonable times” and under the reasonable supervision of the agency. “Reasonable times” is generally understood to mean during regular business hours. N.C.G.S. § 132-6


6. May citizens request copies of public records in any media available?

If an agency has the capability to provide copies of public records in different kinds of media (for example, in print or on computer disc), people requesting copies may choose to get copies in any and all the media available. People requesting copies of computer databases may be required to make their requests in writing. N.C.G.S. § 132-6.2(c)


7. May an agency charge fees for public records?

Government agencies may not charge fees for inspecting public records. Fees for certifying copies of public records are provided by law. However, unless otherwise provided by law, no public agency shall charge a fee for an uncertified copy of a public record that exceeds the actual cost to the public agency of making the copy. N.C.G.S. § 132-6.2(b)


8. Must a public agency provide information in verbal form?

The Public Records Law requires that government agencies permit people to inspect or get copies of information that is in recorded form. The law does not indicate that government agencies are required to provide information verbally to people who request it. N.C.G.S. § 132-6.2(e)


9. What about inspecting or getting copies of records that contain both public and confidential information?

Some records contain both public and confidential information. Government agencies may not refuse to permit inspection or to provide copies because public records contain some confidential information. Agencies must permit inspection and provide copies of the public, non-confidential parts of these records. N.C.G.S. § 132-6(c)


10. What are the remedies available if an agency refuses to release or disclose a public record?

Any person who is denied access to public records for the purposes of inspection or examination, and any person who is denied copies of public records, may bring a civil action in court against the government agency or official who is denying access or copies.

Courts are required to set public records suits for immediate hearings and to give hearings of these cases priority over other cases. The court may order the agency to permit inspection or provide copies if the court determines that the person seeking the records is entitled to them. N.C.G.S. § 132-9


11. Are certain government records exempt from disclosure?

The public records law exempts certain types of records from required disclosure. The law says that records containing certain communications between attorneys and their government clients, state tax information (N.C.G.S. § 132-1.1), trade secrets (N.C.G.S. § 132-1.2), certain lawsuit settlements (N.C.G.S. § 132-1.3), criminal investigation records (N.C.G.S. § 132-1.4), and records about industrial expansion (N.C.G.S. § 132-6(d)), are not public records.

Several statutes regulate public disclosure of personnel information of government employees. Although some personnel information is public (for example, name, age, date of employment, current position, title, current salary, date of most recent salary or position assignment change, location of current assignment and the written notice of final termination decision) personnel files of state, county and municipal employees are generally confidential. See N.C.G.S. §§ 126-22, 153A-98, 160A-168, 115C-321, 115D-29, 122C-158, 130A-42, 131E-97.1, 162A-6.1. These rules apply to personnel information for applicants, current employees and former employees.


12. If records containing “criminal investigation” information are not public records, does that mean that all law enforcement records are confidential?

N.C.G.S. § 132-1.4 (a) states that records of criminal investigations conducted by public law enforcement agencies or records of criminal intelligence information compiled by public law enforcement agencies are not public records. However, unless otherwise prohibited by law, certain information collected by public law enforcement agencies is public record as defined by the Public Records Law.

For example, the time, date, location and the nature of an apparent violation of the law reported to a public law enforcement agency, and the name, sex, age, address, employment and alleged violation of law of a person arrested, charged or indicted are public information. N.C.G.S. §132-1.4 (c) (1) & (2)

Note: State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) records are not public records and access to them is not available under the Public Records Law. Case law has held that access to SBI records is controlled entirely by N.C.G.S. § 114-15. Similarly, case law has held that prison records are confidential and are not subject to inspection by the public or by the inmate involved.


13. Does the Public Records Law cover access to records of federal agencies?

Records of federal agencies in North Carolina are not covered by the Public Records Law. However, in 1966, Congress passed the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. § 552) generally provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, of access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions thereof) are protected by one of the nine exemptions or by one to three special law enforcement record exclusions.

Persons seeking federal records under FOIA should contact an agency public information officer. If this informal contact is not successful, a formal written request should be filed. Appropriate contacts may be determined by calling the agency or by referencing the Federal Register, available in the documents sections of larger institutional libraries or through the state library.



Have Questions?

Argument for the 6th Amendment

United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 218 (1967)

The 6th Amendment – Litigation

United States v. Wade

No. 334

Argued February 16, 1967

Decided June 12, 1967

388 U.S. 218




fbi witness protection violation rights to cross examination of witness

The Jencks Act 18 U.S.C. Statute 3500

The Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3500, provides that the government (prosecutor) is required to produce a verbatim statement or report made by a government witness or prospective government witness (other than the defendant), but only after the witness has testified. Jencks material is evidence that is used in the course of a federal criminal prosecution in the United States. It usually consists of documents relied upon by government witnesses who testify at trial. The material is described as inculpatory, favoring the United States government’s prosecution of a criminal defendant. The Jencks Act also covers other documents related to the testimony, or relied upon by government witnesses at trial. Typically, the material may consist of police notes, memoranda, reports, summaries, letters, related to an indictment or verbatim transcripts used by government agents or employees to testify at trial.[1] This also includes a witness’s grand jury testimony, if the witness testified at trial.[2]

After the government’s witness testifies, the court must, upon motion of the defendant, order the government to produce any statement of the witness in the government’s possession relating to the subject matter as to which the witness testified. The court’s denial of such a motion by a defendant is reversible error, although the court need not order the disclosure sua sponte.[3] The usual remedy for failure of the government to produce the documents is a mistrial and dismissal of criminal charges against the defendant.[4]

Call United States Department of Justice – Civil Rights Division: 1- 301 583 7350

Under the Jencks Act, every record and the name and fictitious name of any and all witnesses protected by the FBI Witness Protection Program, must be upload as public information on the Official FBI vault website.  This is the duty of the Department of Justice, to be carried out with due diligence and in sound mind and memory, for the people, who this information belongs and to the accused as a their right to cross-examination in all future court appeals.

The War on Drugs Declared Unconstitutional & Stay of Execution of Releasing Prisoners

In 1973 the Richard Nixon Administration declared a war on drugs.  This is a mythology, can the dope do time in prison?  it was a war against the American people.  And by executive order, to enforce this temporary decree, his administration established both the FDA and DEA. One being Legislative in authority and the other judicially a law enforcement agency.  But the law enforcement agency, being the DEA determined the law by scheduling drugs.  And then 2004, under the George W. Bush administration, the FDA schedule THC at schedule 3.  And today in many health stores CBD is being sold as a vitamin supplement.  The two active ingredients in marijuana is THC and CBD, yet Marijuana is a schedule one drug.  And therefore in the United States though, THC is schedule 3 and by law can be sold over the counter in a drugs store and CBD is found to be a great supplement and cure to many diseases, in the United States, due to the scheduling of marijuana United States pharmaceutical companies cannot develop both THC and CBD.  But if they are in these chemical forms, they can in fact sell them over the counter.

The United States is 51 separate and distinct governments. And no state government can supersede the Federal government.
The United States of America (/əˈmɛrɪkə/; USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic[20][21] composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[fn 6] Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America between Canada and Mexico.
There is no state rights over federal jurisdictions:
In American political discourse, states’ rights are political powers reserved for the state governments rather than the federal government according to the United States Constitution, reflecting especially the enumerated powers of Congress and the Tenth Amendment. The enumerated powers that are listed in the Constitution include exclusive federal powers, as well as concurrent powers that are shared with the states, and all of those powers are contrasted with the reserved powers—also called states’ rights—that only the states possess.[1][2]
The Department of Veterans Affairs Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100–527) changed the former Veterans Administration, an independent government agency established in 1930, primarily to see to the needs of World War I veterans, into a Cabinet-level Department of Veterans Affairs. It was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on October 25, 1988, but actually came into effect under the term of his successor, George H. W. Bush, on March 15, 1989.
The Department of Veterans Affairs Act of 1988 (Pub.L. 100–527) changed the former Veterans Administration, an independent government agency established in 1930, primarily at that time to see to needs of World War I, into a Cabinet-level Department of Veterans Affairs. It was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on October 25, 1988, but actually came into effect under the term of his successor, George H. W. Bush, on March 15, 1989.
Public Law 100-527 100th Congress

An Act
Timothy Shands aka President Barrack Obama
41-03 10th Street. Apt 5D
L.I.C. New York, 11101
He was the President billed as the Constitutional President from 2009 to 2017 – Baker Act was put into effect in Nov. 2009 in the State of Florida where I moved to in November 2009.  Coincidental?  Really?  But he has a college degree and or PhD in Sociology.  A Baker Act is clearly unconstitutional.  It violates the 5th Amendment and its extension Miranda Rights.  Being people was being kidnapped under his Administration. Furthermore, this brings to question his integrity.  Jesus Christ was Baker Act about 40 times under his administration, whom he knew personally since childhood. Yes he is legally Barrack Obama, but now he claims to be Donald Trump?

To establish the Veterans’ Administration as an executive department, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the “Department of Veterans Affairs Act”.

SEC. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF VETERANS’ ADMINISTRATION AS AN EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. The Veterans’ Administration is hereby predesignated as the Department of Veterans Affairs and shall be an executive department in the executive branch of the Government. There shall be at the head of the Department a Secretary of Veterans Affairs, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Department shall be administered under the supervision and direction of the Secretary.
The Rockefeller Law:
The RockefellerDrugLaws are the statutes dealing with the sale and possession of “narcotic” drugs in the New York State Penal Law. The laws are named after Nelson Rockefeller, who was the state’s governor at the time the laws were adopted.
Under the Rockefeller drug laws, the penalty for selling two ounces (57 g) or more of heroin, morphine, “raw or prepared opium,” cocaine, or cannabis or possessing four ounces (113 g) or more of the same substances, was a minimum of 15 years to life in prison, and a maximum of 25 years to life in prison. The original legislation also mandated the same penalty for committing a violent crime while under the influence of the same drugs, but this provision was subsequently omitted from the bill and was not part of the legislation Rockefeller ultimately signed. The section of the laws applying to marijuana was repealed in 1977, under the Democratic Governor Hugh Carey.
The Vietnam Conflict:
The Vietnam War was a long, costly armed conflict that pitted the communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies, known as the Viet Cong, against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States.
The Vietnam War (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh Việt Nam), also known as the Second Indochina War,[56] and known in Vietnam as Resistance War Against America (Vietnamese: Kháng chiến chống Mỹ) or simply the American War, was a war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955[A 1] to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It was the second of the Indochina Wars and was officially fought between North Vietnam and the government of South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese army was supported by the Soviet Union, China and other communist allies and the South Vietnamese army was supported by the United States, South Korea, Australia, Thailand and other anti-communistallies.[57] The war is therefore considered a Cold War-era proxy war.[58]
Chris Bush aka Frank Lucas (L) and Jimmy his brother (R)
They are from the 40th side of 10th Street in Queensbridge.  Chris was the Bartender at the Spot.  A club where we would drink and party while it was cold during the winter after this bust.  Then all of a sudden a bunch of people ended going to prison for selling dope.  But we was not even into dope. He was the French Connection. He took on the name Joe Hardy, birth name of Nicky Barnes the Undercover COP.  he thought Nicky was dead, because nobody comes back from Witness Protection.
The Frank Lucas Bust:
In January 1975, Lucas’ house in Teaneck, New Jersey, was raided by a task force consisting of 10 agents from Group 22 of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and 10 New York Police Department detectives attached to the Organized Crime Control Bureau (OCCB).[15] In his house authorities found $584,683 in cash.[15] He was later convicted of both federal and New Jersey state drug violations. The following year he was sentenced to 70 years in prison.[1] Once convicted, Lucas provided evidence that led to more than 100 further drug-related convictions. For his safety in 1977, Lucas and his family were placed in the witness protection program.[16][17] In 1981, after 5 years in custody, his 40-year Federal term and 30-year state term were reduced to time served plus lifetime parole.[1] In 1984, he was caught and convicted of trying to exchange one ounce of heroin and $13,000 for one kilogram of cocaine.[2] He was defended by his former prosecutor Richie Roberts and received a sentence of seven years. He was released from prison in 1991
Notice Important: The Date of Chris Bush being arrested for the biggest drug bust ever, he walked because the government cold not explain why those caskets had no bodies. Now while this was going on, he was working the Spot as the bartender and he raised NaQuila L. Hardy, who is my sister Egeria Joe Hardy, the undercover agent Nicky Barnes daughter.  And all types shit started to happen in Queensbridge.
And it gets deeper.

1: This religion is the Murphey’s law Religion:

Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah – Chapter 31

2. The Head of the Charles Nichols Family – aka Nicky Barnes – it is named after the alias given to the Real Joe Hardy, Charles Nichols is Nicky Barnes.  But that is a fictitious name.

3. He ordained the ministers with a non minister.  The Ministers are ordained in the name of Charles Nichols a dope Kingpin, who do not even claim to be ordained.  And Chris Bush  is not even Joe Hardy and Charles Nichols is an undercover agent name.  And Jay-Z insist he is married to my child based on some dope dealers decree.  This shit is totally insane.  Who do you ordain someone in the name of Dope Kingpin?  That is what this crazy Gay Mob shit is all about.  Crazy shit.

4. This is the dope network.The two Sects of the Satanic Order of Beulah:

Link to South River Baptist Association Drug Operations and links

Johnston Baptist Association Drug Operations and Links

No bodies was found in drug shipment from Vietnam.
Frank Paul Jones and Raymond went out for New Years Eve Night, but on the way Raymond brought Paul to a major recording studio. Raymond had a KEY, if you remember the hit at Raymond’s sister’s house, Raymond brought Paul there also. John Gotti arranged this meeting between The Jackson Brothers and Paul Castellano.
Paul are you ready, it’s time for you to do this studio work.
Raymond and Paul switched coats, and all the Producer knew was that Paul was a Mulatto, but Raymond was lighter than Paul, that is why they called him Red. He was Red and his hair was even Red, whereby Paul was just an everyday light skin person.
It’s you I have been waiting for?
It’s not me, he is Paul Castellano!
Are you’ll ready?
Give me a couple of minutes to get him ready. Paul Castellano it’s time for you to do the bass lines for the Jackson Family!
Do you have everything I told you’ll to have?
I have everything you instructed us to have.
Let me hear what you have.
Paul Castellano listened to the bass lines they had put together with the songs. He was there to do them over, with a lot of funk and style.
This shit sucks, who did this shit?
I did!
Now I see why you’ll need me, this shit sucks. All right, get ready to record, let’s do this!
Paul Castellano did all the bass lines for the Jackson’s Destiny Album. He did it all in one day. While he was jamming, the song said, “That’s the way I like it.” Referring to the bass lines.
Paul! Look up there!
Paul looked up and he saw Michael Jackson, he waved at Michael and Michael smiled and waved back, and then he looked to the rear of the studio and saw the rest of the Jackson Brothers. He had no idea all those people were there. Paul had to do the bass lines, because one of the Jackson Brothers stayed with the old record label when they moved on. What Paul Castellano did that day they couldn’t duplicate?
That album sold double platinum and put the Jackson’s back on the charts and Michael Jackson eventually broke the charts, this was to get things started again.
After Paul Castellano jammed they gave Raymond some money for them to party at the Studio 54. They partied for a little while, and after they ran out of money they went home and Frank Paul Jones didn’t remember what happened.
This is a typical night at the Spot for Paul, but this was the last night I Gambled there while in New York City. I played in two dice games the first one with people my age, and the second game with the older fellows who had too much money for me to win.
Carl you’re cutting the game?
Yea I got it.
So let’s gamble fellows. Gamba! Gamba! Gamba! Let’s roll for the bank.
We rolled for the bank and the highest number got the bank.
My bank I got $50 in the bank, I take all pushers and the rest are house rules.
I stop it!
Michael rolls the dice.
C-Low I win!
I stop it again, I bet $100.
I win, it’s my bank. I got $300 in the bank.
They gambled for about 3 hours until around 10 PM, Frank Paul Jones won in that game and had about $600 to get into the big game with the Crew and other people with big money. Frank played with them almost every weekend, and by the end of the night he would lose, but he always got money out of the game to collect the next day.
After gambling for about 4 hours.
C-Low my bank.
You have to put $500 or better in the bank or give it up. I will give you $100 for the bank.
I got the bank $700 is in it.
They rolled dice for a while and Frank was rolling winning numbers, the bank got up to $10,000. But these guys were big time hustlers and even a couple of professional Boxers were there.
Paul played $100 worth of number gave his friend Askia some money to hold, bought Cocaine from Mouse to sniff, bought girls drinks. He go a lot of money out of the game, because this game goes on for broke.
Everybody laid down big bets and Frank Ace out. After everyone was paid, Mouse was the last person on the payment line, and Frank paid out about $3000. But Mouse had a $20,000 bet, and won the rest of the money in the bank which was about $7000.
Damn! Fuck! I am busted, Paul had about $100 left in his pockets, but, he got money out of the game as usual to get his hustle on during the week.
That’s Paul Castellano, say it, say it, you are Paul Castellano.
Fuck you Mouse.
This guy, you did good for yourself, this guy always buys up my Cocaine with my Cocaine money.
Now get the hell out of here Paul!
Fuck all of you’ll.
Stop being a sore loser Paul, one day all of this is going to be yours.
Frank Paul Jones didn’t know what they were talking about, he just knew he was in a game with big time gangsters and lost before the end of the game as usual. And after so many months of getting high all the time he was tired, and wanted a change of scenery.
I called my Father Frank Clark Jones to tell him I was ready to move to Avon Park.
Hello, Daddy is this you.
What the hell are you doing calling 4 O’clock in the damn morning?
I AM burnt out; I need to get out of New York. I can’t handle anymore of this.
What’s wrong Paul?
I AM burnt out, it seems like nothing is working for me I need time to think. I got my G E D, and went to a school, but they were just after my tuition, I need a break.
You can come down here, I have a bedroom waiting for you, get a round trip ticket, so if you decide to go back or I want to go to New York, we will have a train ticket. Now listen, I want to you destroy everything in that damn apartment, I don’t want that damn Tim to get anything that belongs to me.
You’re talking about Lujuana’s husband?
I can’t stand that son of a bitch; destroy everything in that damn apartment.
If you say so, I am ready to leave as soon as I can.
Do what I told you and call me back tomorrow.
I went crazy and destroyed the apartment, the furniture you name it, I went crazy, and released all the frustration I had built up in me. The term for what I did was I had a fit. Billy who lived under me on the 1st floor, laughed at me, he was happy to see me fail. He was never a real friend; in fact he was my worst enemy. After I destroyed the apartment I went to sleep.
Two days later I found out I hit the number for $10,000. But I was so burnt out, I didn’t want the money, because I felt the money would have just been used to continue to live like I was living, which was much too fast.
Paul you hit the number for $10,000, you lucky mother fucker you. So I guess this money I got for you I can keep?
I am tired man, I plan to leave to Florida very soon, and my Father is expecting me. I don’t want the money.
They said the money will be ready for you to pick it up tomorrow.
You, Carl and the Fellows can have that money, put it to good use.
Paul are you serious, we are talking about $10,000, get your money and then go to Florida.
I need a rest man, money comes and money goes, but without peace of mind, what good is it, you’ll can have it. My rent needs to be paid for 6 months back, and my sister is going to move into it, make sure all my ends are covered and you’ll guys get you’ll a hustle started, I am leaving to take a rest. Understand Askia?
I will tell Carl and the fellows what you said; I will never understand you Paul.
How many times have I lost $10,000 in a dice game in the last 6 months?
Too many times to count!
So what good is it going to do me, if I am burnt out, you’ll guys put the money to good use, enjoy it.
I don’t know what to say Paul.
Don’t say anything, but what I told you to do. And, those two guns you are holding for me, you can keep them, because if you get your hustle on you just might need them.
Do you plan to come back?
To tell you the truth, I don’t know what the Master Plan is, but never count me out.
Why don’t you just pay the rent for one year and you will have it when you come back.
As much as my Father hates Tim, Lujuana’s husband, the fact is they need this place more than me. I will just take my bass and amp, and get out of dodge.
Damn you fucked this apartment up.
My Father told me to do it, but make sure they have what they need to get started, they have their own furniture, just make sure the rent is up to date.
So you are really headed to Florida?
I am really tired Askia, I have to rest up some or a pipe is going to bust.
A pipe is going to bust, I think that happened already. Look at this place. Fuck it, we are going to give you a going away party.
What part of burnt out don’t you understand, my whole damn life has been one damn party since I got out of the Army. The only thing I did right was get a G E D. If you’ll want to have a party fine, but don’t give it for me, give it for the money you just got.
Good luck Paul, I know you will be back; you love New York too much to leave and never come back.
You might be right, but deep inside I know what I AM doing is for a good reason, what the reason is, I don’t know, but I have to make this move, and I need a rest man, and $10,000 will just keep me going without a break. Take care everything for me promise me?
My word is bond.
All right than it is settled!
1.  The Veterans Affairs, does not give benefits to veterans. Vietnam is a lie that was to ship heroin into America.
2.  The only district to legalize marijuana within the confines of the United States Constitution was Washington, D.C. and therefore every state that legalized marijuana and not for the intent to change an unconstitutional law, every Governor and Attorney General is to be indicted under RICO statute for Racketeering.  Fr this reason there will be a stay of execution in every state, with the exception of the District of Columbia. Because in Washington, D.C. prior to their legalizing marijuana they ceased to enforce the law, but every state in the Union, continued to enforce this unconstitutional law while they legalized it, showing their intent was to profit and that is called racketeering.
3. I do not agree with this decision by the Congress to takeover the Veterans Administration. Because basically the same people who start wars are in control of the funds that goes to those injured by these wars.  But since it s being enforced at the time and I plan to transition this back to an independent entity.  Under martial, I hereby as the executive over all our Nations affairs, place the Veterans Affairs under God’s Control and management and under military management.
4. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 states we must give rights to sexual orientation.  Therefore the Mutant law States Mutants have no civil rights, but do have a right to advocacy.  And until every last claimed Veteran who gets Veteran benefits proves their sexual orientation, all service connected benefits is immediately stopped.
5. I was told, the VA is 4 months behind on travel pay.  Fine. if all my funds is not in my account by Tuesday, every last one of them is fired and will be tried for treasonous act against God and the United States Constitution.

Nicky Barnes – Beyoncé – The Beulah Baptist RICO Investigation


1017 South Delaney, Avon Park, Florida 33825 – established in 1954

beulah baptist church ap

1017 South Delaney, Avon Park, Florida 33825

Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah – Chapter 31

This is pure evil and Daddy O’ is into this shit.

This photo taken recently is grounds for a RICO investigation dating back when Beyonce was about 2 years old or at least 35 years.

The Mary Ann Jackson surrogated Beyoncé and repented.  They planned to steal my child.  Then Sammy Bull stole my son from her Frank and then on top of that, it all started by her being Beyoncé with Dark Child being surrogated into her.

In Fighting Temptations, after it was made clear in these churches that once in the choir, you cannot ever leave this secret occult society.  They have all these churches and all talent under control with an iron fist, yet the hide behind God, yet believe in Satan.

Beyonce was about 2 in the scene, when they gave it seemed Mary Ann got an ultimatum stop or do as I say, or die.  Then they go to the monument in front of The Beulah Baptist Church, these are grounds to go all out into a RICO investigation and auditing all the assist of every member of that church, expanding back at least 35 years, just based on Beyonce age, when this scene really took place.

Not the scene of the boy and Mary Ann, the scene of the boy being Darren Jay-Z Carter whoever and Beyonce in front of the church and the age of him when he was in front of the church and the scene where Mary Ann was given an ultimatum. That establishes this act of extortion and every crime in the book to have happened when Beyonce was about 2 years old.  This and this alone is grounds for an all-out audit of these churches and every occult member in this elaborate money laundering scheme and drug distribution. And this became Queen of Queens Beyoncé’s reality.

Beulah Baptist Church History = The Beulah Baptist Church drug operations – code stores

History of the Satanic Order of Beulah

A King of Kings Jesus Paul Jones Messiah Investigative Summary:

First response team:

  1. Goggle Earth Pro Location & Place 24/7 Satellite, link to electronic guidance and sniffer German Shepard’s. Hypnosis cannot elude this electronic configuration.
  2. Check Review all IRS 990 tax records
  3. Check all members social security records
  4. Eminent Domain all Beulah assets
  5. Great job Charles and separate the wheat from the weed. Never would I start such mess, but never would I not infiltrate and the self-destruct death.

The Head of the Charles Nichols Family – aka Nicky Barnes

Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah – Chapter 31

And this shit here is evil beyond evil.

Hyperlink Above:

Ministers Licensed through Beulah Baptist Church:

The Problem is this.  Anybody who ever gets fuck up with Nicky Barnes ends up dead or in jail, because I have a no drug policy.  I sanctioned Marijuana and will allow alcohol. This is not a Nicky Barnes operation but a setup that was turned into a Nicky Barnes sting.

Top 5 Notorious Gangsters Turned Informants

Above hyperlink are the top five hitmen?

Charles Nichols- 1994 – The Boss of Bosses in the Click – They call him Nicky Barnes the undercover top to insiders, everyone who works for him does life as a result.

Leroy Nicholas “Nicky” Barnes (born October 15, 1933) is an American former criminal (drug lord and crime boss), later turned government informant, who led the notorious African-American New York-based criminal organization known as The Council, which controlled the heroin trade in Harlem.[1] In 2007 he released a book, Mr. Untouchable, written with Tom Folsom, and a documentary DVD of the same title about his life.

Whoever worked for him and is against Gog always go down at the end.  Check his track record.

The Captains:

This is the Trinity Agreement/ The Heads

  1. Carl Dixon
  2. James David Tart
  3. Leon Tart

These are the Original Gangsters:

Separate the weeds from the wheat, I would never run such an operation and no such operation could ever allude my infiltration.

  1. & Mrs. Handy Mclamb
  2. Ockie Parker
  3. Sarah Barefoot
  4. & Mrs. L.H. Moore
  5. & Mrs. A.V. Parker
  6. & Mrs. B.B. Barefoot
  7. & Mrs. John B. Young
  8. Arlie Mclamb Young
  9. Bertie Raynor
  10. Winnie Smith
  11. & Mrs. Billy Hayes
  12. Anna Mclamb
  13. Florence Webb
  14. & Mrs. Henry Weaver
  15. & Mrs. Perry Lee
  16. & Mrs. Aldridge Parker
  17. & Mrs. Jeffro Lee
  18. & Mrs. John B. Raynor

This concludes the Head of the Charles Nichols Family

Beulah Baptist Church History = The Beulah Baptist Church (Drug Operations – Based on Code breaker substitute stoves with stores and understand it is a chain of command.

  1. Notice the actual power status among them.
  2. Understand the power of the Post Ordination of each and every Preacher in your towns and especially here.
  3. Yet they can hypnotize you, they cannot stop you from reading, to see through them.

Beulah Baptist Church originated in the late 1800′s. The exact date is really unknown but, the most recorded date as a church organization is 1895. The Lord provided a very unusual setting for the origination of Beulah Baptist Church. The church originated under a big oak tree. The original oak tree stood on the property of Mr. Walter Hudson. Permission was given by Mr. Hudson for use of the tree which stood near the pond of Mr. John W. Mclamb. Beulah Baptist Church was founded at this spot which was the previous location.

The first pastor of Beulah Baptist Church was the Rev. (Reddin/) Honeycutt. He gave his time and money and served the church for a period of approximately 30-35 years. Mr. Honeycutt and his family lived in (Salemburg?), which was about 23 miles away. Their only mode of transportation was by horse and buggy. The pastor and his family would come up on Saturday morning and spend Saturday night with a church member. Services were held each 4th Saturday evening and Sunday morning with dinner each Sunday after the worship service.

The church at this time was in the South River Association.

Preaching lasted under the old oak tree for a period of approximately 3-5 years with approximately 30-35 people accepting the Lord at this location.

The original building of Beulah Baptist Church was built free by John W. and Handy Mclamb at the previous location. The Rev. Honeycutt, pastor at the time, helped with the building of the church. He never charged for any of his services. During this time the church grew to a relatively large number.

In December of 1923 the church transferred from the South River Association to the Johnston Baptist Association with which it remains today.

The two Sects of the Satanic Order of Beulah:

Link to South River Baptist Association Drug Operations and links

Johnston Baptist Association Drug Operations and Links

In 1923-1924 the church building was used as a public school for the Johnston County School System. The teacher at this school was Wiley Eldridge.

From the mid 1920′s until around 1936 the church prospered and things went fairly well.

It was around 1937 the church sank to a low ebb. It had no pastor and the church was in bad need of repairs as the roof had many leaks and much of the wood was in need of a new coat of paint. It looked as if those faithful and sincere people who had been interested in this God-given spot had wasted their time and effort.

It was at this time that two of the members vowed to renovate the original building and strive to keep the church active. These to members worked diligently both day and night begging for donations and doing much of the renovations themselves. This project was completed by the cooperation of a few of the members and many friends in the community.

During the 1940′s, after this renovation the church gained new members and continued to have regular services and carry on the various activities of the church. In 1948 the church voted to purchase its very first communion set. Also, in 1948 the church voted to have its first ever Harvest Day fundraiser.

In the early 1950′s it was becoming apparent once again that repairs and renovations or new building projects were going to be needed in order to meet the needs of the church. In anticipation of this, various types of fundraisers were held, one of which was picking cotton with all labor going to the building fund. Also the Harvest Day events had proved to be a success and in 1950 the church voted to make this an annual event which we still continue today. And today, the same as when it was started, all proceeds from the Harvest Day Fundraiser go to the Building fund.

On Sunday, November 11, 1952 another big decision was made in the history of Beulah Baptist Church. It was on this day a conference was held to determine whether the church should remain at their current location or move to some other location. The vote was taken by secret ballot with a vote of 27 to 10 to build on to the original building and remain at their current location.

Immediately following, for a period of approximately 2 years from 1952-1954, the church was in a building program with the addition of the wings on each side which would serve as Sunday school rooms.  The Code has to be that the Church in Avon Park was built in 1954.

Also, the original pews were worn and badly needed replacing. The members decided to hand build new pews at the church with the oak timber being provided by a church member. The work on these pews was very slow as each pew was hand made using corrugators and screws and each pew was finished by hand. The men of the church worked for many months to complete this project.

With the 1960′s renovations was again in need. In 1962 the church was given additional space and a new look inside by the addition of the upstairs classrooms and the baptistery. Outside a new look was given to the old building by the addition of the steeple.

In 1965 the fellowship hall was added for church dinners and other church functions for use by its members.

In the late 1960s the parking area was paved.

In the 1970s stained glass windows were installed. Renovation again continued inside with the addition of wall-to-wall carpet, new cushioned pews, and new pulpit furniture was purchased. Also around this period of time walkways were poured to the fellowship hall.

It was also during the 1970s the fellowship hall was enlarged with the addition of the back portion, creating a large facility for the church social functions.

The church was active for the next few years and a period of time passed when the church had not type of renovation and basically no building maintenance of any type.

Beginning in the early 1980s the church had many new members and many new programs were started. The church had organized new activities for its youth and attendance at both Sunday school and worship service was good. In 1982 the church adopted its first budget.

In the mid to late 1980s renovation and updating of both the fellowship hall and the church building began. In July 1986 new stoves (code: stores?) were purchased for the communion hall and storm windows were installed in all the Sunday School rooms as well as over all the stained glass windows, after each stained glass window had been repaired. Also at this time all the Sunday school rooms were repainted and a gas cooker and gas stove was purchased for the fellowship hall.

Many renovations continued in 1987 at which time the interior of the church was repainted and the ceiling and the roof trusses were repaired. All the projects were completed by the men of the church with the only cost being that of the supplies.

Later in November 1987 the church voted to place vinyl siding on the exterior and replace the roof shingles on the church.

Improvements and renovations continued into 1989 with the addition of a new public address system. The roof on the fellowship hall was redone with new shingles in April 1989.

In February 1990 the church revised the original constitution which had been adopted in 1968 originally.

During the early 1990s the Lord continued to bless and the church was able to install a new heating and air-conditioning system. In addition a public address system equipment control room was added in June 1992, with all the work again being done by the men of the church.

On August 14, 1993 at 4:00 am the educational area, baptistery and choir area was destroyed by fire with much heat and water damage to the sanctuary.

After the fire, Sunday school and worship services were held in the fellowship hall. The church did not allow this to be a hindrance to them as far as their activities and functions.

In October 1993 a new heating and air-conditioning system was installed in the fellowship hall.

After the fire many outstanding events occurred. On April 10, 1994 the church voted to purchase 11 acres of land located on Hwy 242 from Clasper Beasley for $60,000.00 to relocate Beulah Baptist Church.

On June 22, 1994 the BIBLE CLUB Pledge Program was started to assist in funding the new building. On September 11, 1994 the first service was held on the new property which was an outdoor Vacation Bible School. There were 80 people in attendance at the service.

On January 22, 1995 the church voted to build a new building on the new site and in April 1995 the Planning Committee recommended the church use Jackson Builders, Inc. of Goldsboro as the contractor. Also in April 1995 the church voted to become incorporated.

In July 1995 the church voted to use the red and white theme for the interior of the sanctuary obtaining white pews with oak trim and the carpet and upholstery would be red rose.

This is the first 100 years of history. To be continued…….

Every Person below must be vetted and all asset discovered:

Pastors of Beulah Baptist Church ­–

These are the store locations: A total of 16

First assignment is to check each and every tax record and FBI records on file under my investigation:

  1. (Reddin?) Honeycutt
  2. J.M. Bain
  3. J.M. Fleming
  4. G.A. Bain
  5. C.D. Peterson
  6. Ammie Naylor
  7. L. Carnell
  8. E.C. Keller
  9. Douglas Stephenson
  10. J.B. Pritchard
  11. Howard Wiseman
  12. L.L. Barnhill
  13. Frank Turner
  14. James David Tart
  15. Michael Whitley
  16. C.H. Lee

There has been three ordained ministers through Beulah Baptist Church. They are as follows:

This is the Trinity Agreement/ The Heads

  1. Carl Dixon
  2. James David Tart
  3. Leon Tart

Ministers Licensed through Beulah Baptist Church:


Charles Nichols- 1994 – The Code how can he ordain anyone he is not even ordained?

Original Charter Members of Beulah Baptist Church – This is no church or even pretends to be.

These are the Original Gangsters:

Separate the weeds from the wheat, I would never run such an operation and no such operation could every allude me from infiltration.

  1. & Mrs. Handy Mclamb
  2. Ockie Parker
  3. Sarah Barefoot
  4. & Mrs. L.H. Moore
  5. & Mrs. A.V. Parker
  6. & Mrs. B.B. Barefoot
  7. & Mrs. John B. Young
  8. Arlie Mclamb Young
  9. Bertie Raynor
  10. Winnie Smith
  11. & Mrs. Billy Hayes
  12. Anna Mclamb
  13. Florence Webb
  14. & Mrs. Henry Weaver
  15. & Mrs. Perry Lee
  16. & Mrs. Aldridge Parker
  17. & Mrs. Jeffro Lee
  18. & Mrs. John B. Raynor

You can just arrest every last one of these on tax evasion and eminent domain the whole operation.  We already can see the setup and link, they claim one church, like it is one building, because the other churches are defined as stores aka Slumlord Operations in poor communities, bka Drug Operations.

The Southside Delaney Avenue Crew has nowhere to go now.

Living in the Southside SRA – The Song by Capstone Zulu has true meaning now.

The Southside Groove © 2011

By: Frank Paul Jones

It’s a little city, where people get off

You can be the boss, because money talks

On the streets there’s no rules, AIDS is old news

I heard a sister got sick and her brother did it

Talking bout the Southside of Avon Park

Turns to the Underground after dark

They be popping pills, ecstasy

Kill for the thrill, got to pay that bill (in jail) 

Because anything goes, done turned my ladies into whose

Friday, Saturday parties, on Sunday the Holy Ghost


Talking bout the Southside of Avon Park

Turns to the Underground after dark


She do what she got to do, to turn a buck

It’s a nighttime alley, in darkness just for you

Got us in a maze, living like a zoo

The people are in a daze

I am talking bout the Southside Groove


Talking bout the Southside of Avon Park

Turns to the Underground after dark


It’s a little city, where people get off

You can be the boss, because money talks

On the streets there’s no rules, AIDS is old news

I heard a sister got sick and her brother did it

1017 South Delaney, Avon Park, Florida 33825

This photo taken recently is grounds for a RICO investigation dating back when Beyonce was about 2 years old or at least 35 years.

The Mary Ann Code Cracker.  In Fighting Temptations, after it was made clear in these churches that once in the choir, you cannot ever leave this secret occult society.  They have all these churches and all talent under control with an iron fist, yet the hide behind god.

Beyonce was about 2 in the scene, when they gave Mary Ann an ultimatum stop or do as I say, or die.  Then they go to the monument in front of The Beulah Baptist Church, these are grounds to go all out into a RICO investigation and auditing all the assist of every member of that church, expanding back at least 35 years, just based on Beyonce age, when this scene really took place.

Not the scene of the boy and Mary Ann, the scene of the boy being Darren Jay-Z Carter whoever and Beyonce in front of the church and the age of him when he was in front of the church and the scene where Mary Ann was given an ultimatum. That establishes this act of extortion and every crime in the book to have happened when Beyonce was about 2 years old.  This and this alone is grounds for an all-out audit of these churches and every occult member in this elaborate money laundering scheme.

B-News – Meet the Real Mary Ann Jackson of Avon Park, she washed my feet with her hair in repentance.  She is no Beyoncé mother, Janet is. She carried her.

I have to sleep on this one and run the Fighting Temptations Video continuously, for about 5 more times.

Fact Pattern Covert Rational:

  1. I never went to church
  2. Darren is Jay-Z
  3. Jay-Z was raised in Marcy Project in Brooklyn, I know the neighborhood
  4. Jay-Z and Nasir was not friends
  5. Mary Ann was a known prostitute, but not one person but me could say she was a woman or a man. A well-known fact to determine her a hard core lesbian and accepted into the darkest level of evil.
  6. The storyline of the travelling singer, is the storyline for every town’s Mary Ann.
  7. This is the first time I saw the level of evil in the church. Remember, I never went to a church and if I did, I’d probably would not have seen the level of talent and celebrity status and artistic controls to extort talent.
  8. They control singers with the threat of “god” (code for Satan hates ugly – and when you leave the choir he kills your ass – now do this or that and it can be sexual too, because Mary Ann Jackson was a prostitute to be accepted into darkness) See?
  9. But I AM infallible and once I realized she is my Queen of Queens in the New Jerusalem, I know because of the level of greatness in our child Queens Queen Beyonce. See?
  10. Right now, the evilest levels of Avon Park has been crippled.
  11. Now couple the teachings of Queens Queen Elizabeth in “The Preacher Wife,” the Post Ordination of a preacher, (This was a Mount Vernon, New York – Operation but an obvious church wide practice. And The Queen of Queens Beyoncé  teaching in “Fighting Temptations” The death of Faith – an occult of Satanic evil – Drug Distribution within the small town everywhere –And right under my nose in Avon Park?  Hum, Um….
  12. This is my grounds to justly call immediate Eminent Domain on all the Churches located in Highlands County, Florida, for the security of my family and their just and proper accommodations.

Avonda from Park City

Every single marriage that took place in the church since 1994 is annulled. Even if Beyoncé married Jay Z in the name Beyoncé G. Jones it is annulled, because how can a dope Kingpin ordain but dope kingpins of workers, but certainly not an agent of God.

The Problem is this.  Anybody who ever gets fuck up with Nicky Barnes ends up dead or in jail, because I have a no drug policy.  I sanctioned Marijuana and will allow alcohol. This is not a Nicky Barnes operation but a setup that was turned into a Nicky Barnes sting.

Top 5 Notorious Gangsters Turned Informants

Charles Nichols- 1994 – The Boss of Bosses in the Click – They call him Nicky Barnes the undercover top to insiders, everyone who works for him does life as a result.

Leroy Nicholas “Nicky” Barnes (born October 15, 1933) is an American former criminal (drug lord and crime boss), later turned government informant, who led the notorious African-American New York-based criminal organization known as The Council, which controlled the heroin trade in Harlem.[1] In 2007 he released a book, Mr. Untouchable, written with Tom Folsom, and a documentary DVD of the same title about his life.

Whoever worked for him and is against God always go down at the end.  Check his track records.

beulah baptist church ap

Built in 1954

The Beulah Baptist Church Annulments

Jesus Christ

Feel Free – At Last

Space Age Beat

Say my Name

Every single marriage that took place in the church since 1994 is annulled. Even if Beyoncé married Jay Z in the name Beyoncé G. Jones it is annulled, because how can a dope Kingpin ordain but dope kingpins of workers, but certainly not an agent of God.

The Problem is this.  Anybody who ever gets fuck up with Nicky Barnes ends up dead or in jail, because I have a no drug policy.  I sanctioned Marijuana and will allow alcohol. This is not a Nicky Barnes operation but a setup that was turned into a Nicky Barnes sting.

Top 5 Notorious Gangsters Turned Informants

Charles Nichols- 1994 – The Boss of Bosses in the Click – They call him Nicky Barnes the undercover top to insiders, everyone who works for him does life as a result.

Leroy Nicholas “Nicky” Barnes (born October 15, 1933) is an American former criminal (drug lord and crime boss), later turned government informant, who led the notorious African-American New York-based criminal organization known as The Council, which controlled the heroin trade in Harlem.[1] In 2007 he released a book, Mr. Untouchable, written with Tom Folsom, and a documentary DVD of the same title about his life.

Whoever worked for him and is against God always go down at the end.  Check his track record.

The Captains:

This is the Trinity Agreement/ The Heads

  1. Carl Dixon
  2. James David Tart
  3. Leon Tart

These are the Original Gangsters:

Separate the weeds from the wheat, I would never run such an operation and no such operation could ever allude my infiltration.

History: Full Article –


Joseph Philip Kennedy aka Sammy the Bull Gravano

The Head of the Charles Nichols Family – aka Nicky Barnes

Select Fruits from the Highlands of Beulah – Chapter 31  – The sole purpose is to carryout Evil

The Clandestine order of faggots

Hyperlink Above:

Jesus Christ


Post Ordination 

Who is Hakim & Jerimiah?  Jesus Says – My Sons!

Say My Name – It is Jesus Christ Continue reading

The Veterans Active Duty ID – Transportation

I and the Father One

Placed into Effect Immediately Due to lack of Liquid Capital and State of Emergency:

Americans Right to Travel under Martial law

  1. Veterans who have their Veterans ID card or can verify their veterans status via the VAMC of home of records, an hereby travel on Greyhound and AMTRAC, without cost.  All payments will be paid for by the Veterans Affairs as a result of this executive Order.  The oversight of movement will be the Homeland Security Office, who I have planed Lt. Gen Dante Bush as the Director of these activities, He will be assisted by Lt. Gen Johnson as he transitions to Central Command.
  2. Everyone will be giving $400 per month in Food stamps.  Food stamps is hereby the Universal Currency to food purchase be it in supermarkets or restaurants. And the information gained by the consumer market will be used to protect our food supplies.  Every America must have a food stamp account by the end of August 2017.  Everyone who applies for food stamps will have in fact registered to vote and the will be a draft as, we are under attack by a foreign government.
  3. Every Veteran under Martial Law can rent a hotel room for between $100 and $300 per day per person as a way to end homelessness in the Veterans population. All payment will be paid the Veterans Affairs of the Veteran home of record providing VAMC.  This is a decree under martial law and under Chapter 38 of the USC.
  4. I hereby place both Greyhound and AMTRAC under Government Contract. They will receive 1 for 1 on all food purchases and will be compensated for all travel provided under  this state of Emergency decree.
  5. Both Greyhound and AMTRAC is under Federal Jurisdiction and therefore this bars any State or local agency or law enforcement groups any access to these transport systems, unless the authority comes from Homeland Security and or the United States Department of Justice.  Thereby making AMTRAC and Greyhound transportation systems and hubs a safe haven from all non-federal agencies and law enforcement groups.
  6. All AMTRAC and Greyhound employees are hereby place under the Federal Government and they are hereby considered Federal employees.  And all will receive a living wages, if in commodity credits and governments stamps, until new currency is issued.
  7. Persons placed under the protected group criteria based on being descendants of African Slaves under Field Order Number 15, will get first priority to all hate crimes funds.

VHA – The New Military ID

Member # 1196428360  Plan ID (80840) 7346 243 588

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is the component of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) led by the Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Health[2] that implements the medical assistance program of the VA through the administration and operation of numerous VA Medical Centers (VAMC), Outpatient Clinics (OPC), Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC), and VA Community Living Centers (VA Nursing Home) Programs.

Many evaluations have found that by most measures VHA care is equal to, and sometimes better than, care provided in the private sector, when judged by standard evidence-based guidelines.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]

The VHA is distinct from the U.S. Department of Defense Military Health System of which it is not a part.

The VHA division has more employees than all other elements of the VA combined.


VAMC Service Connected non-military

The Veterans Identification Card (VIC) is an identification card issued by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for eligible veterans for use at VA medical facilities. The VIC protects the privacy of veterans’ sensitive information, as it no longer displays the Social Security number or date of birth on the front of the card. The VIC will only display the veteran’s name, picture, and special eligibility indicators – Service Connected, Purple Heart and former POW, if applicable, on the front of the card. Only veterans who are eligible for VA medical benefits will receive the card.[1] Unofficial cards such as the Veterans Advantage Card offer discounts to veterans through the Wounded Warrior Project, unlike the official veteran identification card offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

VAMC out of date

The old outdated VAMC ID Card

The new Veterans Health Administration (VHA) ID card is the ID card required to use for transportation on Greyhound and AMTRAK.  It has special features required.

  1. Member # XXXXXXXXXX
  2. Plan ID (#####) #### ### ###
  3. The photo may be V.V.T. to prevent your being seen on it
  4. The Military Branch:
  5. Member Name:
  6. Card Expires date:
  7. Bar code on the bottom, which can be read with proper electronic devices to verify who is who. On these bar Codes, I want the data processor to place their orders on there cards to include, name, rank and serial number.

5 Stars

DBA Jesus Christ