Merry (Gay) Christmas – The True Meaning of Natalee


Merry (Gay) Christmas – The True Meaning of Natalee

Queendom Presentation

Janet Mixes

By: King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – Lord of Lords

The truth usually comes to me as a speculation.  Often what is true starts as a thought, rumor or theory?  The idea or concept is based on spiritual insight from God who is one in me and of course based on fact patterns, again based on insight given to me from the Father who is the spirit of God, who became on in the Son of Man, who like you is in enemy territory, the human body.

The Son was born into the flesh, which is what the bible tell Jesus Christ is, God in the flesh or the God becoming one a human body (Hu) meaning of color.  The speculation is the white man got off of the assembly line too fast, ran off into the damn caves, learned about fire and just raised hell.  They had 6,600 years to do their thing.  They set out to prove good could be made into evil in 6,600 years and I set out to prove them wrong in 66 years and I AM now 56 years old.

Now if I speculate you can bet on it.

The True Meaning of Christmas:

First of all, Christmas is real, but it is not on 25 December.  I was born on 4 March 1959, meaning on that day I took my first breathe in the Kingdom of God.  But something extraordinary happened on the day of the birth of Messiah aka Christ. When Eva had me, I bust a nut in her at birth and she did something that mankind cannot acknowledge and not acknowledge I AM God, she got pregnant again.  And this is why you have Christmas.  Queen of Queen Natalee – Meaning a Gift from God – Means Christmas, see I was born a King and my throne including my first Queen of Queen, who is over all of Israel.  She was my gift on my birthday. 

But not on 25 December 1959 and if took 8 months for a spirit to go from conception to the first breathe.  This is the true day of Christmas. It would be even more powerful if they elected governance on her birthday.  Whereby she was born on my birthday, I was born 8 months prior or 27 June 1958.  Now we defined born verse birth.  One must go from untaught (Born) to confinement (Birth) to (Rebirth in Spirit) and I AM innate OR PREORDAINED INTO THE WORLD.  Queen of Queen Natalee was therefore preordained and was a gift and not the prize, as are the 300 other Queens I had to fight to include my other gift Queen of Queen Janet, did Satan go after Baby Janet and Baby Jesus?  But he just did not know, now did he? 

There was only few things I remembered about my Natalee.  She was tall, skin complexion like mines, slim and she has the most beautiful smile unmatched. I found her only because of her smile.  See, Queen of Queens Janet is her equal and now she has a sister in father and mother and Queen of Queen Illaysah equal is Queen Tanya, whom must have another Queen on her title, to truly be equal, so I guess more will be revealed.  All I can remember is many times looking over my shoulders after I done did something stupid just to impress her, to see her beautiful smile.  And never forgot her smile and I can still see her face from over 40 years ago.  I remember faces and never forgot hers.  But all I had to go by was her smile this time.

On Christmas I plan for us a National Day of Mourning.  On my day of birth, on my day of confinement into this body, is the day we will mourn for all those who did not make it.  But be not fooled, because many people you think are dead are alive and many people you see every day are walking dead’s. Many family members you think are dead, have just left the scene for a while. This world is filled with who have no God in them.  Here in Avon Park, FL., every church pays tithes to Satan.  The Church Service Center is a Nazi extortion and money laundering operation. Which every black church lines up to hand them their money and even on so-called Christmas I was not included in their lives.  But now about 8 out of 10 has HIV and AIDS, but they will call on me to cure them, but love their white Satan, because that is who they feed.  And that is why a bunch of people here goats to go. This may be the Promise Land, but I doubt if many are my Promised People.  They show me no love!

On so-called Christmas 2015, I am surrounded by Godless people, because most of those who believed I had to send off. Because on my day no man could know I exist and therefore could not have faith and the prerequisite of faith is to at least believe.  Today very few people even believe a God even exist.  And I AM the true one and only living God and they simply cannot see me.

Christmas is a day of mourning because on that day I was given birthrights, with birth comes an inheritance.  And because my Queen of Queens was born on that day, my birthrights became the Kingdom of God and because I was conceived in the Garden of Eden, where my father, being I AM the Son of Man was born and birth, the Garden of Eden too is my birthright and the Promise Land is what it states a promise or inheritance and here we will build the New Jerusalem. And when the Kingdom of God is fully constructed, the great underground city sealed in diamond walls, with streets made of precious stones, which must be dug to create my eternal command center, as we journey the Universe.  On Christmas we will mourn and then from 5 March to 21 March the astrological New York, I will put up as much as 10% of my 10% of the GDP towards festivities for God gift to me is my Queendom and my gift to humankind is your annual birthday gifts of fun, peace, love and emancipation.

Jesus Paul Messiah

Trivia: Can Jesus Christ sleep without sleeping aids? Myth: No! Reality: Jesus enjoys drinking homemade ice coffee. The THC in marijuana counteracts the caffeine. Yes he can sleep, if he does not drink so much damn coffee. He allowed people to think he needed weed, only to see who cared. Nobody?