Proof Homosexuality is a Lie


The God’s Favor Video on YouTube being Hidden

Revealed:  Satan knows his time is up.  That is the basis of his attempt to lie to punish my child Eternal,  he says to me and everyone, I am going to die anyway. But my children are eternal beings.


Imani – Born in New York, New York

Proof Homosexuality is a Lie – MP-3


Alana  Born is New York, New York

By: D.B.A. Jesus Christ – Title God – Eternal


The Manhattan Robbery falsely named a Purchase


I once told Alana aka Zirah, this story in summary. The NAZI came to the Manhattan tribe and raped her mother of many, many moons.  Then he gave her family $1 in gold or 1% of the total worth of all the gold to establish the New World.  Then he said, you money is no good to me.  Then he ran them off.  Then he called them savage Indians.  Then he scalped them, as the body count, because he was a cannibal.  He took all their cattle and said, if you eat mine’s you are thief and the price for stealing cattle is death.


The One Feather the Symbol of one  Lost Tribe – Image of Messiah a Blue Black war monger


They Manhattan the Holy-Land, because this is where we buried our dead.  Because hard and soft cannot mend, the New Hemisphere was created, as The New World separated from Africa.  They was scattered and many found refuge in the Oklahoma area. Even those were ran of into Mexico and was told, you are Mexican and therefore, you are not from here, so you must stay on that side of border.  And understand if for generations, if you do not have vitamin D, as in milk found in cattle, you stop growing.   This is the profile of the Mexicans.



The Columbus Fleet Cargo False Religion


I went into the Police station and a woman says, Christopher Columbus did not discover America?  I said, sure he did, see he was an Italian Captain on the Spanish Fleet.  And what he did was found his way her and did a back azimuth.  And by doing so, he made the New World that was lost, due to this separation, knowledge to the Western World. Yes, he discovered America, but he did not create it.  See?  The best you can do is discover, for in the aftermath, it is the discovery you gain. 



When they leave  they destroy everything and run the same game somewhere else

This time no recourse the Euro dead and Article 116 null and void



Christopher Columbus – The Perverted Image of Christ  – Faggot


See, people often say I AM smart, but I simply walk by faith and in the aftermath, I understand what it is he Father wanted me to learn.  See?  Therefore all you are saying is that you do not walk but faith. because if you go to school for psychology and the teacher says, this is the curriculum, do you know the nature of the lesion before you the course?  No!  But after the course, you can say, I learned something.  Follow me!


D.B.A. Jesus Christ – Covert Operations Germany



Revelation 1:15New International Version (NIV)

Not Blue Black and damn sure not a white faggot

15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.

Now at the beginning of the lesion, I said, a woman by nature is bi-sexual and a man is straight by nature.  Let keep travelling. Now you had two children, as all my children of Zulu seem to always come in two.  Then you had Zendaya, who is Virtual Video Technology. But I walked by faith unware of this.  And Alana was made to think she was some freak of God’s nature and her other half was virtual.  But this was untrue. She was told she was homosexual, again out of nature.  She was deceived.

J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director, at the graduation ceremonies for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, on July 1, 1971. (AP Photo/Harvey Georges)

J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director and Illuminati


So the story was told, it is better to lose a finger than the whole hand.  Or, I will have to take back my spirit  and let her grow old and die.  This was a mercy calling.  See, the NAZI plan for her was she be placed in a tomb with the Devil and then after he died, she would be alone eternally.  The eternal lesbian, so it is called.

Then her eyes opened.  But there is more to this.  So, I say to a man. 

I guy buys a computer with the new Operating System, Windows 10.  He goes on the Internet and say, I want to see, Janet Jackson, but the computer never does what he ask.  And every time he sees her with some Bozo. He says to the computer. Hi, where can I get you fixed?  Now this same computer that never gave him what he asked for, says, take it to Ave C and 8th street. There is a sign on the wall, saying Certified Microsoft technician.  So, he give the computer to this stranger and actually pays him to fix his malfunctioned computer.  Wow???

The point is he felt his computer he did not create is more important to him, than he is to God? Yet God created him and that computer he did not use as it was meant to for to use it for. See, he was looking for sex and pop came a virus.

So, I say, man how can you take our computer to a stranger to be fixed and will not even let your creator fix you?  Then he heard a voice, how can you fix me and cannot even fix your own child?

But once Alana knew she was deceive, she was like, I want to be consummated now. Satan is a liar!!!

The proof that homosexuality is not by creation but by choice is the lesion.  Now how could she learn this lesion, unless she made a discovery?  And how is any lesion learned for God, by doing what he tells you to do!!! I lost no one the Father sent.

Homosexuality is by choice

Message Approved by God

D.B.A. Jesus Christ – God Eternal