The Publishing Rights Under God

p35 p36 p33

The Publishing Rights Under God

By: Jesus Christ

ASCAP – The American Society of Composers, Artist and Producers.  ASCAP is a nonprofit organization and therefore all members who register basically donate their works to God.  Royal-ty, is the Kingdom of God and all of those who enter it are among royalty. The Kingdom of God and all of those under the Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah, is the Royal Family of all the World.  We have the most powerful currency in the history of humankind, the Blue Dough.  And my picture goes on it, be nice and I might add a few Royal Family Members.  But I AM God and I do not have to.

It was never legal for an artist to sell his royalties.  Sure you can sell you intellectual properties, you can sell your copyrights.  And the royalties go to the Copyrights owner.  Copyrights and royalties and inseparable in all fairness in royalty payments and distribution.  When you understand, God owns all the copyrights registered at ASCAP, because it is nonprofit and all charity goes to God and not G.O.D. and you are not gods. Under Satanic ruler ship England controlled our Library of Congress. In fact, the Copyright Laws of 2015 has to be over drafted.  The laws in this copyrights laws are unconstitutional.   It basically surrenders all our intellectual properties to the Queen or some shit and they even said, hey God and we control the use of your damn satellites. They must have missed flight 587?  This world has become nutty, I do to sleep and wake up to the real life ‘Planet of the Serpents.”

It was never legal for an artist to sell his or her royalties, for one it is a gift for God, meaning the royalties belonged to me to begin with.  The analogy is a no good NAACP leader saying, hey, I will sell you this chapter here in Avon Park FL.  Located at the Chamber of Commerce and is led by a white lady.  I guess she owns the NAACP of Avon Park?  Hell Vicky Dunn owns the Post office.  It was a racket for dudes to think they was going to get rich by basically selling Michael Jackson all the copyrights.  But Paul McCartney and everyone else is getting the royalties based on some scam to divert the royalty payments to non-copyright owners.  Making men like MJJ have this huge catalog in music and say, he is worth $500 Million.  Yet, I AM about to earn about that in the next year off of just MJJ material. The WMA Revolution in music sound production and distribution.  They are lying. The MJJ catalog has to be worth at least, this is a minimum, $20-$30 Billion easy.  See?  But they somehow separated the ownership of the Copyrights holder with some underhanded royalty racket.  RICO Act type shit.

Now understand the law and once enforced the power of copyrights:  All images posted on the World Wide Web becomes public domain and become Wiki-Commons Properties – Nonprofit + Charity = God.  All royalties are to be paid to the contributor and under a fair system of royalty payments.  Therefore, based on the intent and the use of the Internet for exploitation, all imagery belongs to charity on Goggle and MSN.  For this reason, you can click images and find an assortment of photos made for public domain use.  Now nonprofit does not mean eternally free, but photographs on the World Wide Web at the time for the most part is free and is open source photography. You can even develop these photos but you just cannot own them.

Things such as electronic magazines, books and so forth.  If copyright protection software is required to include watermarks and watermark removal codes for paying customers, which will be another opportunity in tech apps.

If royalties come from God and God is charity, the government cannot add any taxations to such income and royalty payments is setup to go through artist and actor’s unions, to avoid the everybody got to be rich mentality to God’s favor is eternal.  This way more often and under the Constitution, I can keep my Angel Artists shielded from Caesar and all these taxes. Queen of Queens Rainbow Butterfly say, I need a Private Jet.  God says hey, John, I need a Jet donation.  God gives Queen of Queens a brand new private jet donation to assist her in serving God.  No taxes in this transaction.  In fact, who own this Jet, I know who will be directing that thing.  Which is more important?  Having all the money in the world or love?  Think about it, I AM the riches by fair on this planet and was born rich.  But broke ass Rene DeBar and all these bitch ass motherfuckers got all the respect and spent my fucking money. Why?  Because I got no love.  I was always rich, but never loved since my childhood ended.  That is how I feel today.  It might change in 50 years, but no way I can just forget this shit here.

The term publication as to publishing rights, means public exploitation.  Not everything for the security of our nation can go into public circulation.  Therefore, the question of freedom of the press has to be defined.  Can a just and wise ruler condone media whose sole intent is to deceive? No! Therefore, freedom of the press machine is clearly regulated by laws forbidding slander and libel. You cannot earn an honest living intentionally spreading lies.  And for this reason, there is a thin line between lies and fictional publications, opposed to fictitional publications.  In Christ is Reality!  It is one thing to tell realistic stories of hope or to change names to protect privacy, but to have cartoons tell our children be a bad boy?  Hell no!  Keep this a secret, we will all be married to same sex partners!  Hell no! Hell no!

The Copyrights Laws of 2016 – Post Emancipation Declarations:

It must address:

  1. Royalties and the nonprofit status of all media.  Entertainment by law is nonprofit and Satan is a liar.
  2. The non-taxation tax exempt status of all material collected by ASCAP.
  3. What can gain copyrights statuses and who can join ASCAP for public exploitation.
  4. Electronic Copyrights procedures and laws.
  5. Compensation made based on deeds by contributors and deposits.
  6. Copyright and privacy rights for public exploitation and copyrights ownership.  The Cameraman rule.  The paparazzi is out of business.  Why?  All those photos on the internet belong not the photographer but to charity.  Why by a photo owned by public domain?
  7. Electronic manipulation – Nothing is new under God – Jesus Christ.  Life is a journey of becoming aware to what was already created. You walk by faith and often you do not understand why it all happened until that experience is needed for a new decision.  Sometimes, you just come to understand, wow, now I know what he had planned for me, let me walk in the opposite direction of that fool.


Jesus Christ

Did we find the Number One Dope Kingpin Son of “Frank Lucas”


Original Article Published on: Sep 2, 2015 @ 16:56

A Great Future Prospect Kendrick Lamar he love God

Frank LucasBruce E. Hansley Frank Lucas 2

Frank Lucas and Look alike Bruce E. Hansley Head of the P.T.S. Movement

Did we find the Number One Dope Kingpin Son of “Frank Lucas”

Lead Investigator: King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – Kings of Kings – God Is Real

.1 He gained an interest in my nephew Dahoud in prison. That was the attraction.  But he called it spirituality that he fear dying in his sleep. I told him, no, that sounds like mind control and not spirituality, because  why would an immortal ever fear dying?  This I said to myself.  He is a liar!

2. He never makes any money, but he has all the damn ideas and answers. He uses our apartment as his studio.  He is always coming here.  And I am not being received by kids that knew me all their lives?  Wow!

3. Now how can Queen Rainbowlike not love me?  I called her Nazirah, she can have that name every time she pisses me off. But she goes to talking shit to me.  They all think this shit was about me getting a nut?  We had to find the mole and nobody was above suspicions.

4. The Slumlord Conspiracy was exposed. Bloomberg and all that property in the Dominican Republic.  Man that struck a nerve. See the reason I took back my desktop studio computer, he just took ownership of in our project apartment?

5. But his guy as a what 5 or 10 story house, it belongs to his mother, he says.  Man they probably are living lavish.  You cannot walk around that house, you have to be quit.  See?  But over here its guys, lets act wild and get drunk and work on these songs, so one day you will get picked up.

6. Everybody knows the music industry under the NAZI Party watch was about selling drugs.

7. My nephew Elliott was promised $60 million from someone as soon as the check clears.  And he just was barking at me every damn day.  I could not offer him anything.  Hey how about franchise of 13 Seven/Eleven and create me a new store layout. This can’t be, I said?

8. The move was made, Nazirah said, lets open bank account.  We go to a bank and she wanted to do all the talking and hands him my ID.  That ID identified me at the White House.  And none of the information was correct or complete?  I had to fix that but Pow.  She said, things I understood the code.  I knew a lot of money was going into that account last night.  My laptop broke, my computer password changed, thanks to Nazirah, but I go on without anyone knowing and just before my nephew Elliott walked in the living room I told Barrack everything he needed to know, placing this investigation under several investigation units.

9. This morning while Elliott was outside, his computer was lift on and I got everybody on the same page.

10. When I went to the bank they did not let me see what was deposited. It was that evil?  What $2 Trillion or some shit?

11. Its being controlled by the National Community Network, INC.  We are Top Secret Finances and Top Secret Management.  I had to share this because the spirit do not lie, but this has to be investigated.  It will lead to many crimes and murders. The Dope Game is Evil!


The account is the Chase Account.  Once you place money in, you cannot pull anything back out.  I instructed the Department of treasury to have me informed by the bank, once a withdrawal was attempted. The bank informed me an attempt was made the next morning.  The I proceeded to having my direct deposit from Social Security go to the chase account.  I did, not I could not withdraw it. So when I reported this to Social Security, they had to redirect my money to an active account.  That is how I knew my instructions was followed.  I have the banking report in the clouds.

The 20 Dec. 2016 – Update

1. I have photographs Bruce Hensley Dahoud friend is his son.

2. So one night we go over there, me, him and Dahoud.  He says you have to be quite.  This building belongs to my mother.

3. As we are walking upstairs a man opens the door and Bruce covers his lips as to say be quite and don’t tell anyone we came here.

4. We leave.  That was it.

5. One day he says to Dahoud for me to hear how he became attracted to Dahoud in prison because he thought he was spiritual.

6. 12 Step Programs is to organize felons and is not a religion. Arrest them on the spot.

7. Huge. This address investigate

500 Hart Street

Brooklyn, New York

This is where we went. One day he gave me this address. I never lost it until I now can remember it.

Frank Lucas the French Connection

This has to be the dope house as in the Movie.

Jesus Christ

King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – Lord of Lord – Israel

The Future of Social Media Power by Microsoft


The Future of Social Media Power by Microsoft

The MP-3 message Playback Technology

Tool: PDF to Mp-3 Convertor

Alicia and Beyoncé I AM really depending on you two on this.  Alicia will design a voice for each member of the Queendom.  This will be a BETA project with Microsoft.  For now, just make me about 10 to 30 voices that are no robotic.

I have about 2,000 to 3,000 blogs out there.

Frank Paul Gambino – The mythology of Prince Hall.  The Slave Eva and the Slave Master Son the mulatto being Frank Paul Gambino and the Slave Master Carlo Gambino DeBar. Yea, yea bullshit.

I have one on blogger, I have the National Community Network, INC, called the Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah.

  • Note: All my blogs must be converted in mp-3 because most of the people I AM trying to reach cannot read.
  • Meanwhile, be the first. I AM so sorry for not saying this a year ago. The reason why it so hard reaching these people I was calling.  Illiteracy. They cannot read and Satan made them that way.

The Solution and begin with your media and not that Muslim white nigger faggot shit or any of those bitch ass puck niggers you be just making them shine and shit.  Do articles about you, love, God and hope and as human beings who are concerned and loving. Fuck Hollywood Gossip crap This is how to reach them. But thank you, “had you said for even 5 years, I am a faithful woman and I love to masturbate waiting on my special man.  Then every man in the world would have acted like me, damn I got to win that prize.  I saw the prize they saw a fuck.

Use V.V.T. And make the articles on the Website with your voices instead of reading it, they can listen to you. This will catch on fast.  But do they have V.V.T. to bring Janet and Beyoncé into a conversation together?  Can they make anyone talk to another without coming out into the open?   No!  But now we can.  To my blog project assign two Queendom Queen to protect its authenticity and just save that for later use as I instruct. But start putting out short two or even 20 minutes minute mp-3 articles out with photos and music like I do and that would be real entertainment and light to those in darkness.  People will love and respect you for this. And Microsoft owns all a copyrights and IBM all patents because we own all the needed protocols to integrate below into the Paul Castellano Studio.

Required Software Configurations

  • Reason 9.1
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Movie Magic Screenwriter 7
  • Microsoft Office
  • Logo Maker
  • Install Goggle Earth Pro
  • Lip Sync software
  • Acid Pro 7 for the best possible loop player and loop creation possible but still in 32 bits. Upgrade to 64 bits in Pro 8.  Then all apps with ReWire and our ownership of Steinberg VST the Master, while our ownership of ReWire the slave, Acid, Wav and basically all the protocols and the patent to the IBM PC and IBM Power PC.  Using Cubase Instrumentations, the Mixing Panel as designed in hardware as well for use us VST Remote Access to allow studio session from different locations.  This is really be fun.

Jn: 12:36

Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them.


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ Dishonored by Lujuana the King Solomon Temple Prostitute


Jesus Christ Dishonored by Lujuana the King Solomon Temple Prostitute


Lujuana the Prostitute


Paul I asked you what I can do for you and you expressed your desire to live in the house Uncle Billy left for us. You also added a lot more information that I didn’t ask for. 

I just wanted to inform you that Ella allowed Dale to stay there with my blessings. You abandoned

the house and stayed away for a long time.  No one knew where you were or if you planned to come back.

Contrary to your belief, I have the legal right to do quite a number of things you are not aware of, however first and foremost are the wishes of Uncle Billy and the needs of my family.

I am instructing Ella to inform Dale that he must move out of the house asap.  I plan to be in Florida by the end of October and he should be cleared out by then.   

I understand you do not want to take any more medications for your emotional and mental disabilities, but you need a plan of action other than the use of illegal drugs.  You need to stop being so territorial over the community building and allow it to be used for the purpose the you, Egeria and Ella had originally planned.  That building was to be our family legacy and provide useful services to the community.  It was not meant to be a place to call home,

I know you are hurting and you are very angry but you do not have to continue to live that way. You do not have a fictitious  family, you have a family and we love you,  LuJuana

Jesus Christ


OK, supposed you is right. I have nobody but you’ll. Now what do you have to offer?  Now who do I sleep with at night. Who do I eat with in the morning? Who do I share all my creative ideas with? Those who rejected me?  Do not play yourself, the house was never probated.  Sure you had rights, but when you neglected mines who can ever trust you again.  Stay in New York City and he has to Monday or I will see you in court.  See, I do not press charges against family, but my mother, my brothers and sisters are those who hear my word and put it into action. Do not make me put you in prison.  I have no more time form you or Ella. I will pull off the kids gloves real fast.



Back Down or Go to Jail Enemy


Jesus Christ


Oh, so concerned?  Show me the missing person’s report. Liar


Jesus Christ


PS: Your argument is not even creditable

You and Ella are not the Network since 4 July 2015. You are not a part of Prince Hall, because they decided to place Roberts back at President and I AM the agent over all of Prince Hall. I cannot do anything for a dead president.  See? You just showed me you too had your tubes tied as did Ella and NaQuila. So you just cannot see me and knew me all your life. Do not play yourself, move the nigger out and stop acting like a homosexual lover bitch.

Read the Amendment. Anyone as of 4 July 2015, who did not know I was God. Did not meet the criteria of anything concerning the Network. You still call on white Jesus and think I AM your Equal? Oh, and you have the cracker edge on me?


Jesus Christ

Here is the deal. I want my keys back 12 PM Monday, I would make it sooner. Or



Lujuana the King Solomon Prostitute


Paul I still love you no matter what.  Do whatever you feel you have to do. I will be in Avon Park by the end of October.  Do not disrespect me.


Lujuana the King Solomon Prostitute


Also you are not God and our father Frank Jones was not the bishop. Get a grip of the real world and the same mind you apply to legalities apply it to your life

Jesus Christ


I got to David Lanier Office and request a copy of the probate.  No probate?  OK Probate?  Why my name was omitted?  Hell with that, he will say, it was never probated.


Water Bill Eston Roberts


Gas Bill Eston Roberts


Owner: Eston Roberts


Management heirs:  Heirs Lujuana and Paul


Paul’s address: 923 down the block


Residence from Nov. 2009 to Dec. 2016 at 917 A. Ave


Denied Access to home by fraudulent means.


You cannot win and I feel the same way you feel about me about you. You are just not worth my time


Jesus Christ

It is not even about you. I said in November, I needed a place to rest my head. I say today, I need a place to wash my ass. Some man Ella married and do not even fuck, pays no bill destroyed my property and I said, look, I need a place to wash my ass. I say, now be real sure you have rights, but how did Dale even get into the picture. I say, I need a place to wash my ass. You say I am coming done there in about one month, do not disrespect me.  I just said, I need a place to rest my head.


Who is really disrespecting who.  This is about to become legal. Maybe when you get here I can have you served?


Paul to you


Lujuana the King Solomon Prostitute


I know you are hurting and you feel alone but if you would get out of yourself and reach out to the true and living God, he will help you. I dare you to ask Jesus to come into your heart and heal you to save you from your sins. If you seek Him you will find Him and your life will never be the same.

Don’t look at other so called Christians but to Jesus the Christ who is the author and the finisher of your faith.

Read Psalms 139, Ephesians 1:17-18, John 1:12-14


Jesus Christ


God: Every American has a right to practice the religion of their choice.  You say what I think is God, Ella she is a prophetess, so I guess that makes her Jezebel as in Rev.2: 20-23.  It is my life and if I AM a liar, I get death and you do not have to die for me and I AM 57 years old.  How do you teach a cat new tricks.  I have a right to believe in the God of my understanding.


The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.


So how is that a problem to you?


Now if Ella is a liar and I AM the truth or if we are both lairs, what happens to her and her?  See? She has the right to practice those dark arts and Christians who really love the true and only living God has the right to love me the way the Bible tells them to.


When I went to Los Angeles to see about my so-called fictitious family, I spent about 20 months in the FEDS.  Why? I met my Army, at the time 100,000 strong. The CRIPS said, tell them we are the Christians. Then my IRS profile states, I AM D.B.A. Jesus Christ, I hold the Title God and that they even identified Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah and I Me is over all of Prince Hall as the Agent.  All decisions have to come by me.  In Freemasons, All Reverence goes to God. It looks like for the first time the Agent and Chaplin carries the title Reverend.  Therefore, every Prince Hall Freemason is in administrative dissolution.  So to say, I AM a Prince Hall Freemason makes you a lair. But all you are saying is Paul you are crazy, but I know better than you. See, Paul you are no God, because that is not the God, I believe in.  But the L.A. CRIPS do not have agree with you. They can love me with reverence.  But all you are doing is committing hate crimes again me and I AM God and not G.O.D. or one of many gods.


For example: Zika: My report says Zika like O type blood, we call it sweet blood. Who has O Type Blood?  WWJ says his children and he all have O+ blood type. But I have AB+ blood type.  Ask Shaneem before you condemn yourself.


Shaneem:  Hears my new album by Michael Jackson.  Then a song comes on, with Biggy Smalls on it. Shaneem says, Uncle Paul, Biggy is dead.  I really did not know him like that. She was talking about that guy on this record? Damn, he is dead and Michael just place him in this album?  I ponder.  Then she says, thank you uncle Paul, I knew you loved me.


Then I might Biggy in Orlando.  He shows me his steal plate on the back of his head, where they shot him. He says, my name is K-E-I-N-E, I am Keine Roberts as in Eston E.L. Roberts uncle Billy.  Then he say, do not fuck with my children. Then he said just one time too many, Mary J. is my wife and she has a twin system.  Then he says, I told her do not talk on the phone.  He is now in covert operation as a sniper.  And every time he makes a killing, he dies, gets a new name and a new insurance policy.


Two week after I left Orlando and one day after I got on my knees said, “Father, somebody has to die, for the way they are mistreating me. And the next morning I heard he answered my prayers 49 times or 7 times. 7. 


Cancun Mexico, hit by the eye of a hurricane. This was 2,000 miles spread of abundance, North Carolina, went under water, them and their Confederate Flag, Abundance Lujuana, is what you really want. Everybody who love Jesus Christ knows it is about God’s favor.  So whose favor do you have.


Check your blood type:  Check Ella too.  We brother and sisters?  How can that be if I AM AB+ and you’ll are O Type?  That is impossible.  Unless both of you have your tubes tied, which is equal to a man having his balls cut off like those Vaughn Jenkins Shriners? 


The last report I got is, Zika will be around for at least 10 more years, it attacks O Blood type the sweet faggots blood this time.  See?  And my job has to be done by 4 Mar 2025.  This is my life and not your life and I have a right to live my life according to the United States Constitution. So who is right and who is crazy Lujuana.  You cannot even enjoy a nut anymore, just like NaQuila, when she was young she nuts 15 feet, now little at all.


My religion of be God or not be God, is none of your concern.  The issue is that house and my right to be in it. Are you denying my right to go to my house?  And understand everybody is viewing this, my fake family, the Attorney General of the United States, the Chicago FBI Office. They say all your evil words spoken towards me. Can I have my keys.  Let it be yes or no.


Jn: 15:25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’

PS: 69:4 Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal.   

Ro: 11: It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.'” Jn: 8: 17-18 17 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 18I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”               


What you need to ask is me and my fake ass family going to be heard in court. And will our testimony hold up under the United States Constitution?  Do I have this authority I claim? What you believe matters little. You tied your tubes, you have O Type Satanic Bloodline and you cannot even prove in a  blood test, we have anything in common anymore. You are of Satan and I AM the King of Kings Jesus Christ.  And I have the right to say this and Christian know what they have to do. Either me or them. There can be but one Jesus Christ and I will get respected. You did not say Gambino said this or that and you will stop lying on God.


The law of blasphemy states. if you know that the person claiming they know Jesus and is lying on him or the same to claim he is God, you have to kill that man. But I survived so now they know, who I AM.  See?  Keep playing games.


Jesus Christ

The Conclusion of Property Rights:

Special Note:  I met a man named Jason Hunter he was the nigger over the NAACP and seemed to know the law and gave me a lot of good legal advice. They were going to kill him, when I got to Sebring.  And I just had to mention him, but who AM I to judge another man’s servant. He has to testify to be saved.  But I AM so glad, I read the statute of limitations, to find out this conspiracy against me, all the way back to when I was a little boy. The statute of limitations everything you are all doing to me, begins when I was found incompetent and released from jail.

The Issue is not AM I God, but AM I Frank Paul Jones the son of Blond Eva and the heir in the will of Frank C. Jones.  See my father is not Frank Clark Jones, it is Frank Jones and Blond Eva Austin. See my birth certificate does not claim you daddy is my daddy.  But his will says, yes he is my son, even if he is my adopted son he gets equal rights to my estate.  That is reality and not a delusion.

935 South Delaney Ave.  It says owner John W. Moss and he told me I was his favorite cousin, then when he sees you, he says, “Lujuana my favorite cousin.”  Then he said to himself, did I say they, damn he heard me and was sitting right there when I said it.

So he has about 7 Apple iPhones and about 5 iPads.  We gather together for Egeria funeral.  I got not one of any of that shit.  You did, he held one just for you and everyone got one but me. But when my insurance money came, I gave him $500, I gave you $4,000, Ella $2,500 and all of Egeria children $2,000 but NaQuila, because she was the most of evil in a bitch right?  And had I, all of you would have had a problem with that. But she got her, because I spent all my money in my house or on me.

And Egeria warned me.  Paul Lujuana and Ella are thieves, they stole everything from us, this is why we do not have anything. But while you were going from house to house and staying with Egeria, she ends up owing you $4,000. I did not even have to honor a dead person debt, but this debt paid proves you is liar and a fraud.  And you love the homosexual Daddy O more than me, because he is your brother in Satan. 

That shop was sold by Geraldine to Lois Catlin and in reality that belong to Blond Eva and not Juanita, but I will show Roberts children love on that one.  The law states:  Read Exclusion to statues of limitations.

917 S. A. Ave was never probated.  You think David Lanier is going to take the fall for you?  Me and your name was placed on that will, so how only your name and up posted as owner and how did Ella become management over my estate.  I AM of sound mind and memory in civil law, but judicially they claim I AM incompetent, meaning I cannot be held in jail, because I cannot be tried in State Court on criminal charges.  And due to the facts of law in the state of Florida and the Federal Government, the VA never had the right to carry out Baker Act in the State of Florida against me by even Florida Stater Law. A VA Police is not considered law enforcement under Florida Baker Act law.  Meaning once I get to the VAMC, they have to send me back home.  They cannot transfer custody. No more Baker Act and a huge cash settlement for all those unlawful Baker Act by Dr. Doris Borden.

919 S.A. Ave.  Geraldine sold it to Lois Catlin for $100 and before the ink dried, she sold it to Fogle for said, $10,500 of something but really got some crack money. It all started to happen when you’ll got aunt Lois on crack?  Oh.  The Fogle sold it to Marshall Johnson Jr. for $25,000 and took it back at 4 years, so he should not pay the 5th year and own it legally even as a squatter.  Looks like I an ally who is owed $25,00 plus damages due to his credit getting screwed up in this fraudulent RICO shit. Remember, if I prove you been fucking me over all my life, where the statute of limitations begins.

That house belongs to me from Blond Eva.

923 is a place for business. It is called Family Business. Not a fucking public charade. What you thought your faggot friends was going to hang out in here. Bitch please!  I AM the Network and I AM Prince Hall and I own this shit and own the lease until 2025 rent paid or not.  You is a dumb bitch.

Statute of limitations Exclusions

International crimes

Under international law, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes are usually not subject to the statute of limitations as codified in a number of multilateral treaties. States ratifying the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity agree to disallow limitations claims for these crimes. In Article 29 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes “shall not be subject to any statute of limitations”.

When an officer of the court is found to have fraudulently presented facts to impair the court’s impartial performance of its legal task, the act (known as fraud upon the court) is not subject to a statute of limitation. Officers of the court include lawyers, judges, referees, legal guardians, parenting-time expeditors, mediators, evaluators, administrators, special appointees and any others whose influence is part of the judicial mechanism. Fraud upon the court has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to “embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery cannot perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication”.[10] In Bulloch v. United States, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled: “Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury … It is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted or where the judge has not performed his judicial function—thus where the impartial functions of the court have been directly corrupted

Heinous crimes

Crimes considered heinous by society have no statute of limitations. Although there is usually no statute of limitations for murder (particularly first-degree murder), judges have been known to dismiss murder charges in cold cases if they feel the delay violates the defendant’s right to a speedy trial

Continuing-violations doctrine

In tort law, if a defendant commits a series of illegal acts against another person (or in criminal law if someone commits a continuing crime) the limitation period may begin to run from the last act in the series. In the 8th Circuit case of Treanor v. MCI Telecommunications, Inc., the court explained that the continuing-violations doctrine “tolls [freezes] the statute of limitations in situations where a continuing pattern forms due to [illegal] acts occurring over a period of time, as long as at least one incident … occurred within the limitations period.”[13] Whether the continuing-violations doctrine applies to a particular violation is subject to judicial discretion; it was ruled to apply to copyright infringement in Taylor v. Meirick (712 F.2d 1112, 1119; 7th Cir. 1983) but not in Stone v. Williams (970 F.2d 1043, 1049–50; 2d Cir. 1992).[14]

The Conclusion of Property Rights:

Special Note:  I met a man named Jason Hunter he was the nigger over the NAACP and seemed to know the law and gave me a lot of good legal advice. They were going to kill him, when I got to Sebring.  And I just had to mention him, but who AM I to judge another man’s servant. He has to testify to be saved.  But I AM so glad, I read the statute of limitations, to find out this conspiracy against me, all the way back to when I was a little boy. The statute of limitations everything you are all doing to me, begins when I was found incompetent and released from jail.

The Issue is not AM I God, but AM I Frank Paul Jones the son of Blond Eva and the heir in the will of Frank C. Jones.  See my father is not Frank Clark Jones, it is Frank Jones and Blond Eva Austin. See my birth certificate does not claim you daddy is my daddy.  But his will says, yes he is my son, even if he is my adopted son he gets equal rights to my estate.  That is reality and not a delusion.

935 South Delaney Ave.  It says owner John W. Moss and he told me I was his favorite cousin, then when he sees you, he says, “Lujuana my favorite cousin.”  Then he said to himself, did I say they, damn he heard me and was sitting right there when I said it.

So he has about 7 Apple iPhones and about 5 iPads.  We gather together for Egeria funeral.  I got not one of any of that shit.  You did, he held one just for you and everyone got one but me. But when my insurance money came, I gave him $500, I gave you $4,000, Ella $2,500 and all of Egeria children $2,000 but NaQuila, because she was the most of evil in a bitch right?  And had I, all of you would have had a problem with that. But she got her, because I spent all my money in my house or on me.

And Egeria warned me.  Paul Lujuana and Ella are thieves, they stole everything from us, this is why we do not have anything. But while you were going from house to house and staying with Egeria, she ends up owing you $4,000. I did not even have to honor a dead person debt, but this debt paid proves you is liar and a fraud.  And you love the homosexual Daddy O more than me, because he is your brother in Satan. 

That shop was sold by Geraldine to Lois Catlin and in reality that belong to Blond Eva and not Juanita, but I will show Roberts children love on that one.  The law states:  Read Exclusion to statues of limitations.

917 S. A. Ave was never probated.  You think David Lanier is going to take the fall for you?  Me and your name was placed on that will, so how only your name and up posted as owner and how did Ella become management over my estate.  I AM of sound mind and memory in civil law, but judicially they claim I AM incompetent, meaning I cannot be held in jail, because I cannot be tried in State Court on criminal charges.  And due to the facts of law in the state of Florida and the Federal Government, the VA never had the right to carry out Baker Act in the State of Florida against me by even Florida Stater Law. A VA Police is not considered law enforcement under Florida Baker Act law.  Meaning once I get to the VAMC, they have to send me back home.  They cannot transfer custody. No more Baker Act and a huge cash settlement for all those unlawful Baker Act by Dr. Doris Borden.

919 S.A. Ave.  Geraldine sold it to Lois Catlin for $100 and before the ink dried, she sold it to Fogle for said, $10,500 of something but really got some crack money. It all started to happen when you’ll got aunt Lois on crack?  Oh.  The Fogle sold it to Marshall Johnson Jr. for $25,000 and took it back at 4 years, so he should not pay the 5th year and own it legally even as a squatter.  Looks like I an ally who is owed $25,00 plus damages due to his credit getting screwed up in this fraudulent RICO shit. Remember, if I prove you been fucking me over all my life, where the statute of limitations begins.

That house belongs to me from Blond Eva.

923 is a place for business. It is called Family Business. Not a fucking public charade. What you thought your faggot friends was going to hang out in here. Bitch please!  I AM the Network and I AM Prince Hall and I own this shit and own the lease until 2025 rent paid or not.  You is a dumb bitch.

Statute of limitations Exclusions

International crimes

Under international law, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes are usually not subject to the statute of limitations as codified in a number of multilateral treaties. States ratifying the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity agree to disallow limitations claims for these crimes. In Article 29 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes “shall not be subject to any statute of limitations”.

When an officer of the court is found to have fraudulently presented facts to impair the court’s impartial performance of its legal task, the act (known as fraud upon the court) is not subject to a statute of limitation. Officers of the court include lawyers, judges, referees, legal guardians, parenting-time expeditors, mediators, evaluators, administrators, special appointees and any others whose influence is part of the judicial mechanism. Fraud upon the court has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to “embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery cannot perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication”.[10] In Bulloch v. United States, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled: “Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury … It is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted or where the judge has not performed his judicial function—thus where the impartial functions of the court have been directly corrupted

Heinous crimes

Crimes considered heinous by society have no statute of limitations. Although there is usually no statute of limitations for murder (particularly first-degree murder), judges have been known to dismiss murder charges in cold cases if they feel the delay violates the defendant’s right to a speedy trial

Continuing-violations doctrine

In tort law, if a defendant commits a series of illegal acts against another person (or in criminal law if someone commits a continuing crime) the limitation period may begin to run from the last act in the series. In the 8th Circuit case of Treanor v. MCI Telecommunications, Inc., the court explained that the continuing-violations doctrine “tolls [freezes] the statute of limitations in situations where a continuing pattern forms due to [illegal] acts occurring over a period of time, as long as at least one incident … occurred within the limitations period.”[13] Whether the continuing-violations doctrine applies to a particular violation is subject to judicial discretion; it was ruled to apply to copyright infringement in Taylor v. Meirick (712 F.2d 1112, 1119; 7th Cir. 1983) but not in Stone v. Williams (970 F.2d 1043, 1049–50; 2d Cir. 1992).[14]

The Law

  1. My name is on Eston E. L, Roberts will as an equal owner, but you were given management. How can you explain to the court what you just did to me from New York, while I lived right here in Avon Park, FL. By law? He is crazy and was gone one whole year? My medical records at the VA shows a couple of thing you should know.  I was in and out of hospital damn near monthly and some times daily all over the country. I had no ID card, Ella had my driver license. I never changed state citizenship, always request care fare to go home to Avon Park and was always refused care fare to come home.  But never was there any missing person’s report. Had you made one, they would have had to send me home to stink bitch.  You left me out there to suffer, while you plotted to steal from me. So much for he abandoned the house, crazy and ran off and I so love my brother. This might end up RICO.
  2. You relinquished your rights to 206. I gave that house to her, I said she needs it more than me. Then Dale moves in and the taxes was not paid for 5 years.  Uncle Billy contact me, Ella is about to lose that house, she has not paid the taxes for 5 years. I send her $2500 and said to uncle Billy, if you do not pay it, I guess she will be homeless.  I had to support Dale for you stink whores?  OK
  3. I live in 917 S. A. Ave from about Nov. 2009 to Dec. 2015. My ID proves it and I paid the taxes the 1ts five years there. Do you know the tax laws? Had uncle Billy will been probated, in would have owned it anyway. I and not you, live in that house and paid those taxes.
  4. On 206 East Joe Hilton Street, you relinquished you rights, so Ella could say it was her house. But the will says Egeria, Lujuana, Paul, Ella. Not Ella and Lujuana.  And Lujuana removed herself. But the deed says Ella only, what happened to Paul and Egeria?  See? Then Ella borrows about $40,000 on it. I never authorized that and I know Egeria did not.  So Ella eat up her inheritance or pay me my $40,000 back, as for Egeria, do you have her death certificate? You cannot even prove she is dead.
  5. And because you are a Satanic Tied Tubes King Solomon Prostitute, you think this is fantasy and the dumb shit you be doing the way of the world and it is Oz Fantasy, in Christ is Realty. If I was D.B.A. Fred Flintstone, it reality, I would be Fred Flintstone. Write me a check for $1 million in the name Jesus Christ, No write it to fictitious Queen of Queens Janet. You are a dumb stink ass bitch. Get that nigger out my fucking house.

Jesus Christ


PS: I think I will share this evil ass conversation with the world, so you can have your respect.


Updated Summary & Floor Plans


To: The Queendom

Updated Summary & Floor Plans:

  1. I own everything up and down highway 27 the Spirit says. See they just wanted to connect them municipalizes, such as Orlando sites to Tampa to Miami.  They just wanted to connect the cities from New York to Miami. This is a great opportunity to tell a story. I see Victor from apartment 2D, he and Raymond knew me all my life.  I was born in apartment 2B and Bob Harper, little know was Lucky Luciana, father of Fidel Castro whom these knuckles head come from.

Victor: Paul you are crazy.  He laughed, as he was walking in the 7 Train Subway Station.  Victor, you knew me all my life and you know me. Please listen to me. I AM not crazy, what I AM saying is true.  I know you cannot understand, but I know always loved me and you know I Am smart. Please just do not call me crazy.  And he looked at me and he saw my sincerity.  It was his men who gave me Carlos Slim. I know because they were built like Raymond, big, strong and loving and kind.

Victor would cheap me out of my baseball cards, I get so mad and punch him in the face and run.  He would catch me and laugh. I never tried to ever hurt me in any way. Never. We parted when the Puerto Rican Movement Begun.  He said, I am Hispanic.  Man you crazy you are a black man.  He became a Cartel Rican, while Fidel is Cuban and Robert is Sicilian. Crazy motherfuckers.

This was emotional, let me cool out?


The Blue House of God

  1. Included the fence plan. It is based on measurement using Goggle Earth Pro. All Account under the National Community Network, INC., has access to Google Earth Pro a $299 per year subscription and many greater office apps, plus intranet.
  2. Then you order home design software for about $299 top of the line, free via Microsoft, once I get into my account.
  3. I need a tub and shower and I will hyperlink to show you how easy and inexpensive this is and the value it adds to the whole neighborhood as the residence of God and his Queendom in transition to the Kingdom of God. And this is real and not Debar fake shit.
  4.   Up and down stair and call Kearney to make arrangements installation so time next week and I should by then have access to 917.  Problem: It is something about Robin sister Lujuana?
  5. can use another AC unit in here, but do it later. See, I have central heat set at 72 degrees.  But if I AM going to be here alone, in this big ass shit, I’d rather sleep in the streets and preserve my honor.  I have computer hard drives and floppy discs that need to go to the FBI. I have stuff I should not just throw into the streets. That is the type of help I need.  A loyal clean up squad.


Jesus Christ

Basic Black Community Defense Ruling


Basic Black Community Defense Ruling

By: Jesus Christ

Nationwide Black Community Alert:
Satan is about to raise havoc upon the black community. He is a Serpent who often you cannot see? Sure you see him, but you really do not know him.
1. Children must be among parents or Family members t all times and never say anything or answer to a stranger any questions.  Can you tell where? . The common trick question of the unseen, “How are you feeling today?” knowing you are catching hell and you say, “Fine?” You just lied. He can take your mind from a conversation that was none of their business or yours for that matter.  Do not be afraid to be rude to people who ask personal questions you knew would make you lie.  Damn last time I saw him, he made me lie.  Sorry I AM busy?  The expression means something too.  Maybe I was, maybe not?


2. Do not ask any questions of a friend to cause them to lie. How are you doing would mean the true answer, man like shit, these motherfuckers. Why? Never tell your enemy what you really think if you came. Avoid asking questions, let God do that.
D.B.A. Jesus Christ
The Common Language is French – If he cannot speak English in the Street, in Cabs, in Homeless Shelter he in not American

Breaking News – Gestapo Tactical Awareness  

Because you respect the illusion they have legal authority they can sway you in.  They say, we just want to talk to you softly.  We are not going to arrest you they say.


The Warning on Viagra – If you stay erected for over 4 hours?  The Serpent Code, because if you nut in 5 minutes that hard is gone.

Once place in custody they say, let me check your blood pressure?  A Serpent get no hard and therefore requires lower blood pressure than humans.  You take it and what did you do?  You went against the first law of nature, self-preservation.  You no longer have adrenaline and therefore become a passive,  6’3” bitch as nigger who cannot even get a hard without Viagra.  What goes on in prison stays in prison you tell my children, so they can do like you and find out, you a bitch ass nigger undercover faggot motherfucking weight lifting punk.  And you learn to do as you are told. Yes, your honor for 1-year probation. And know you did not even commit the crime.  Man I lucked out you say, Judge Ritenour usually is not so nice.  He is a faggot too? he acts like one walking around in cowboy hats carrying guns all paranoid and shit. Yea, I got my report. He is about to do about 40 years at least unless he testifies.


Now as I suffer among them and tell them the truth, they say “fuck you nigger, you down here with us.”  “The White Man Rules tis here.”  I say John Gotti and they laugh, you cannot see the Devil, not know it is they who cannot see me?

They say take these high blood pressure meds, I say, I’d rather die fucking.  Oh, now it is one shoe fits all, look I AM a Lamborghini and you are a fucking Volkswagen, I run on 107 octane and you 97 bitch, what you trying to regulated me?   I should have known it was John all along. He knows when my blood pressure goes up I become Spirit. That is why they let me out of jail, a boy threatened me and a long story made short.  The next morning my blood pressure was something like 220/194.  They knew they was about to get fucked up in there. Somewhat like the real life Hulk, but my favorite color is blue as in blue diamonds with I make these Serpents into Diamonds. They say Jesus is a Diamond.  An eternal rock?


Jesus Christ

The Duty of every Veteran:

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

“I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.” (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah – D.B.A. Jesus Christ and Title God placing me over the United States Constitution, hereby call to Arms every United States Army Veteran, who passing classified examination of physical and state of body and mind, is hereby called to Arms.

Miranda Rights: –

How can he arrest me if he cannot tell me I AM under arrest and you must do so and so and not explain his authority.?  Please show me your badge number and Miranda Rights Card?  He must read and not recite your rights.  “Man,” you say, “you might be a foreign legion, if you plan to kill me kill me here, I did nothing wrong.  Did I brothers?”  Hell no, man that cracker better get to stepping. Make sure you hangout in numbers and at least one holds a gun permit.  If he refuses to step call the FBI, but after this:

Arrest His Ass:

A citizen’s arrest is an arrest made by a person who is not acting as a sworn law-enforcement official.[1] In common law jurisdictions, the practice dates back to medieval England and the English common law, in which sheriffs encouraged ordinary citizens to help apprehend law breakers.

No Miranda means no good arrest. It has to be read to you, Gestapo Law Enforcement do not and cannot carry a Miranda Rights card and therefore the burden of proof of the arrest is on the officer.  The NAZI Code: Do not give them any rights.  Meaning they cannot arrest you, they only make you a POW of sorts.

police-report-doc z-the-highlands-county-class-action-lawsuit



Can you see the forest from the trees? I know, you was expecting an ending, but the conclusion to this story is “A New Beginning.” Humankind was given another chance, it’s a new beginning.


But lost thing and this is not a threat but my ruling:

Rev. 22:12-16

Now the typo is I AM of “David?” And how I become from Frank Jones to Frank “Shaka Zulu” Jones and shit?  And who is Jones as in DOW Jones? Shameless!  Anyway, good luck and you know a lot of you will not make it, so handle you business.  Get up off my Ritz and who bums can handle my and I say my bitch ass motherfuckers, Marriott International Hotels. Bob gets his hotels.  Good Luck or believe in me. The CRIPS must get their share of Marriott’s, you would starve them and they would wipe you out next time.


The Class Action Lawsuit of the History of America:

The Miranda warning, which can also be referred to as the Miranda rights, is a right to silence warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings.

The Miranda warning is part of a preventive criminal procedure rule that law enforcement are required to administer to protect an individual who is in custody and subject to direct questioning or its functional equivalent from a violation of his or her Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination. In Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the Supreme Court held that the admission of an elicited incriminating statement by a suspect not informed of these rights violates the Fifth Amendment and the Sixth Amendment right to counsel, through the incorporation of these rights into state law.[Note 1] Thus, if law enforcement officials decline to offer a Miranda warning to an individual in their custody, they may interrogate that person and act upon the knowledge gained, but may not use that person’s statements as evidence against him or her in a criminal trial.

Resisting Arrest W/out Violence a 1st degree Misdemeanor:

Florida Statue: 843.02

They hit you with this. But read the elements required for a conviction. See, if the arrest you on a false charge by law you really cannot resist arrest. So real when these guys go around just arresting people, they might run up on the wrong person it gets some federal law investigative treatment. When the FBI comes, they come with 1,000 counts each.

To prove the charge at trial, the prosecution must establish the following four elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. The defendant resisted, obstructed, or opposed a law enforcement officer;
  2. At the time, the officer was engaged in the execution of legal process or the lawful execution of a legal duty;
  3. The officer was a person legally authorized to execute process; and
  4. At the time, the defendant knew that the person resisted, obstructed, or opposed was in fact an officer or other person legally authorized to execute process.

The Baker Act:

State of Florida v. Frank Paul Jones

Case: #28-2016-MM

Constitutionality is the condition of acting in accordance with an applicable constitution;[1] the status of a law, a procedure, or an act’s accordance with the laws or guidelines set forth in the applicable constitution. When one of these (laws, procedures, or acts) directly violates the constitution, it is unconstitutional. All the rest are considered constitutional until challenged and declared otherwise.

This is a violation of my 5th Amendment watch and the U.S.A. Freedom Act.

Every person who is ever alone at any time, should know at least the principles of what I just explained.

Jesus Christ

REAL ID ACT 2005 – Please every DMV Under Homeland Security

Homeland Secuirty Director

Homeland Security Director: Jeh Charles Johnson

Say My Name

Money, Power, Sex

REAL ID ACT 2005 – Please every  DMV Under Homeland Security

By: King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – God is Real:

REAL ID ACT 2005 – Places all U.S. DMV – Under Homeland Security Management and Database:

Foreign passport no proof of identity:

To use a passport as proof of identification, under the REAL ID Act of 2005, these three documents must be presented.  Though it states certain people do not need a U.S. Visa for U.S. Citizenship under this anti-terror act to gain a state ID, all three of the below are required under the law.  Why?  A passport is not proof of identification un the REAL ID Act, it is not a real identification and every government knows that. This is basic intelligence information.  A passport highlighted in red is an identification only for travel. By New York State accepts a foreign passport as proof of identification, which does not meet the criteria. And therefore any New York State Citizenship based on this is hereby revoked.’

Visa requirements for United States citizens are administrative entry restrictions by the authorities of other states placed on citizens of the United States.

In 2014, holders of a United States passport could visit 174 countries and territories visa-free or with visa on arrival, and the United States passport was ranked 1st (tied with GermanySwedenUnited Kingdom, and Finland) in terms of travel freedom according to the Visa Restrictions Index.[

A Certified  Copy of a Birth Certificate not proof of Birth date or anything?

certified copy is a copy (often a photocopy) of a primary document, that has on it an endorsement or certificate that it is a true copy of the primary document. It does not certify that the primary document is genuine, only that it is a true copy of the primary document.

I would revoke any birth certificate I check and it is not verifiable.

King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – God is Real


The Satanic Greatest Weakness & The Mined Fields

Daddy P

The Satanic Greatest Weakness & The Mined Fields

The Mood

Janet Jackson – So Much Better Space Mix

Nicki “Stackz Real” Barnes – People Crying

Capstone Zulu feat. Stackz – Save The World

By: Jesus Christ

The Dominion or Territory of Satan:

Funny things happen in my Spiritual Reality.  The Father says to be, you had enough rest so get up and get to stepping.  But I, was in pain and that sense of pain which I rarely feel, continued to become nagging.  I heart tells me, the father allowed an intruder to injure my mouth by cutting out my fillings and breaking up my teeth to cause high levels of sensitivity.  Then I was denied dental services for over 6 months.  Actually I was denied dental services for about the duration of the 7 years I was here.

The Satanic Environment:

In a Satanic environment, you are given biased options in life.  For example, before I made myself known to humankind, I myself was never a part of any form of organized membership religion.  In fact, I rarely even went to church as a child.  Had I.  But I was made where you could not see me.  So, that option was taken off the table for me.  The Pentecostals, the Freemasons, the Nation of Islam and Islamic Religion in the West, The Revolutionary Black Panthers, the Mafia or organized Crime, this is the code of the Poole Family of Sandersville, GA.  The Hilton’s the Hicks, the Poole’s and then came the Jones.  I was born Spirit and born within an environment of a Family who has gained status and position based on Satanic Ruler ship. 

The Get Rich Illusion:

I did not know this world, I was really just walking a journey and was not a part of the things that would have given me noticeable financial prosperity (Power and Control), but in Satanic Economics, there is not such a thing as financial prosperity

Satanic non-prosperity EXPLAINED

If you are worth $1,000,000,000 on the books. Own mansions and condos inside of the urban areas for locational supports. You have a sport’s car or 2 or 3 whatever at home and get around in the city via limousine, and you travel back and forth from New York City to New Jersey and back via throughway of Penn Station, New York.  And every morning someone sees you in a suit and carrying a briefcase going to catch the morning commute. He says, “Hey mister can you spare 50 cents so I can get a cigarette?”  But you are bigger than that and say, no man here is $1.00.  You see the point?  Then you are worth $1.00.  If you have to see broken people, dirty and filthy streets, lies in the media to divide and upset the masses and violence if just on the television from where you stand, this is what you are worth. So even Bill Gates in this world cannot have financial power and influence or in one simple term prosperity, because the requirement not Satan is your own demise.

The Satanic Weakness:

But he has one great weakness.  He cannot see God.  I can travel on the train bus, be placed in jail with 50 Serpents and talk about them like the dogs they are and all they will know is, “He is not in pour codes.”  They cannot see God and cannot believe I exist.  It is not the biological anatomy of a Serpent.  Satan cannot and will not post me on the front page of the news, because then people will know I really exist and would be able to compare the God verse Satanic Benefit package.  But Serpents cut their balls or tie their tubes.  Once they do that, they cannot even see me even if I jump in his face and say, “I AM JESUS CHRIST YOU PUNK ASS BITCH.”  All he can say is shut up.  I can just say to anyone, man tonight you are going home to suck a damn dogs dick, you really dig those Pit Bulls.  And that is what you will become. I just do not get off on fucking people over. But I can and will if I find myself trapped behind Satanic Barriers.  Like in Jail.  See?  They run a serial operation, whereby everything has to come from Satan and down a ladder.  But my Spirit is omnipresent.  Really in the Spirit you just know what to do and will do it, but sometimes like this time I was cry reluctant. But I fel much better and could not have recover here near as fast.

D.B.A. Jesus Christ & Title God


Tough Love Beat No-Love – Hurricane Janet


AIDS Without Inhibitors – Who created this medications line?

By: Capstone Zulu – AIDS – Biological Warfare

(Could not Get Cure through FDA)  But it Gov. Pence gets his way, they will cut off all AIDS medications and I can executive order the cure like we did Ebola.  So what 250,000 get killed?  You don’t love me?  Do you or AM I someone to be used by mere mortals?  Or is it you like getting fucked over by your master?

Tough Love Beat No-Love – Hurricane Janet

From: Jesus Christ

 Have to be honest so you know beforehand what you’re doing to yourselves.  I not need you, to the point that I want my little plot of land to separate myself from you no good evil dogs.  I really mean this, I have very little in common with you and since I cannot die, I AM not going nowhere, but I cannot say the same for you, if you keep trying to hurt me.  Because one day, this world is going to get what they asking for.

Placing like Cancun, Mexico and great Hurricane whose eye hit them point blank, to South Carolina going under water, the fires in California, the floods in Louisiana and maybe it is time for these people here who hate me so bad to find out.  This place need Hurricane Janet.  I need to fix my window.

Then you have the Zika virus, some Harry Potter shit.  I AM the blood of the lamb meaning all diseases is cured through me. There is research on usages, side effect and test trials, but they do not figure shit out, I get shot up with shit and the blood is drawn they have the cure.  The problem here is Mrs. Zika loves her some sweet blood.  I AM AB+ and Zika like 0 type blood.  That is the Satanic bloodline as a result of sterilization.  Phil: 3.2 If I cannot catch, my blood will not attack and destroy it. See?  This Zika virus they say will be around for about 10 years? This is self-destruction shit, because in 2014 it was Ebola, you do not hear about that anymore. Oh?  See? No they say first cure Zika?  I can’t, so they are on their own self destructive path Man up and get a free testicle.  They are now in limited supplies for real.

President Obama warned them of Global warming.  He said we need to watch how we fuel the economy.  They said fuck no, it is not man it is God.  But it was God telling Barrack to tell them, look, we need a 1,000 years’ energy plan.  Fine!  Now you said it is God but I AM not he, everybody get love but me.  And the Bible tells you the one requirement for God is love, no love and you will find out.

This year will be the coldest winter in the history of South Florida.  So cold, I already order salt for the roads, military style sleeping bags, sealing on the windows here in town, winter coats and a lot of charitable supports system, because some people down here, just might freeze to death.  Really!

You might get some more rain in this area, so you can fight fires in the dead cold winter, to prevent icing of the roads due to snow storms it will be a dry but very cold winter almost never going about 32 degrees. 

The orange groves are about to die. Not just the tree. I’d consider selling if I was a fruit grower. As Mexico got the word, I need your meat, agriculture and marijuana.  See?  So it will get harder and harder to get their cheap labor here anymore, they can do better at home.  Many of them anyway?  See?  Then Zika will slow down big time, but about May, the Zika Mosquitoes are on attack again.  And the only way to rid yourself of the Satanic Blood-line type “0” is to untie those tubes and get some balls.  The testicles, I own a monopoly on testicle transplants. See?  No doctors are recorded as know this craft. When was the first or last successful testicle transplant?   I performed the first successful testicle transplant about 1970, when I was 11-year-old.  See?  Do you still want me to cure your Zika Virus, Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, wars, drug abuses, diseases?  But why should I when you are going to eat each other soon anyway. Keep playing bitch ass games with God.

Jesus Christ

A Miracle in a Child


A Miracle in a Child

I just have to share this emotional story.  I was able to perform a miracle with an 11-year-old child in about 1 half an hour, yet here in Avon Park, I AM still having these dead end conversations about who I AM or not.

In the Manhattan VA Office, I walked in.  I saw this old man and this young boy. I saw other things, but this is where my focus locked in.  So the old man goes on ranting about how the boy grades are falling and he is not acting right. How he is trying to get him through school as fast as possible, but the boy just does not want to do right.  Then he hit the boy with his cane, not to abuse then, but you say something nigger and I got your ass back home.  That was my observation.

I say to the boy how old are you? 11.  I remember when I was 11 years old, my mother had a stroke. I touched his neck with my fingers.  Listen, I AM going to tell you something.  God touched you on this day. God touched you.  Do you believe in God? Yes!  Good, now listen, you have to have faith now, you have to know that there is a living God.  Out of 8 billion people, somebody has to be God. You understand, there is a God and he is with you. Do you believe there is really a living God?  Yes.

So, I turned to his grandfather and said. “I AM Jesus Christ.” “Yea, I AM God.” He starts laughing. Oh, so I AM some bitch ass punk motherfucker? Oh, and what you is a bad man. To this effect. You is a bitch ass motherfucker and if you keep laughing I might put my foot up you motherfucking ass bitch ass motherfucker.  I AM not that little boy, I AM God.

The little boy stood up and looked that man in the face and said these words.  “I am not afraid anymore, I am not afraid anymore more, I am not afraid of you anymore.”  Then I walked out and noticed the social worker on the way out and he smiled. That made me feel good about what I just did. Then I walked about 4 blocks away, I sat down on the bus bench and I cried like water falling from my eyes at least 20 minutes. I took away that child’s pain and every time I think about this I cry over and over again.  That meant something to me. And I know I AM feeling pain, because my focus is on the wrong people. The children is my hope.

On my way out I said, “No more, no more abuse, you will not abuse my children anymore.”’  I aid to that boy, “One day, you will be able to write a letter to “Jesus Christ” without a stamp or forwarding address.  And if you say, my daddy hates God, somebody will come and see about that.  See, I’d rather have this child for eternity in my room and have to die following behind an un-Godly man.

Jesus Christ