Breaking News – The Establishment and Parameters of God’s Law’s

Breaking News – The Establishment and Parameters of God’s Law’s

  • Established is Safe House Location
  • Determined Sealed – One Year
  • With Road Map – Exit can be done in 3 hours established – Never without – A Tomb
  • Communications is Solar system wide
  • First line of defense Star Wars Technology & Lady Bug Technology
  • I AM Immortal and know where my family is located and tucked away.



First Actions

The Department of Army – Division of Engineers Fence in New Jerusalem Home Quarters:

Using high tech modulation fencing to allow the use of pinned locked bolting to achieve temporal sitting for planned events.  25 Feet Maximum and lower security standards as one enters the inner circle of the Queendom, meant to achieve a freedom environment within the Royal Quarters.

  • South Sebring at Memorial Exit
  • North to Health Center on Highway 27
  • West at Highway 27
  • East at Memorial Drive


Setup Public Wi-Fi and apply the New Jerusalem rules and use of Wi-Fi.  No password protections allowed, free public access at several public areas, to enhance community communications, security and electronic functionality to create and design an advance society.

Bring in a lot of fertilizer and associated tools and processes to enhance and advance the greenery in this area.  Create a direct line out of Sandersville, GA.

Convert a couple of Churches in first class recording studio incubators to advance the available entertainment and talents.

Occupy need homes found vacant over 30 days and establish a Israel Right to Housing Act. We eminent domain all property rights in Highlands County, under 501 3 c Law.  The tax collectors are nonprofit scams and those who engaged in this will forfeit every asset and every penny they own, because they are penniless thieves.

The law is the blessing, I get 10% and you pay no taxes, because municipalities make Mooney of fire city managers.

Therefore any and all hired personnel must be fired and then rehired and elected official will complete their terms under the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution. The only hired employee in Highlands County or the Tri City Area is Queen of Queens Maria, giving her sonority over every employee in Tri City.

For example, the only person who still has a job at the Sheriff office is Sheriff Benton under the Constitution and her department has to be granted a jurisdiction before execution and therefore place this whole County on Martial Law Security Measures and places Top COP Nicky Barnes as the grantor of the measures to prevent another Washington D.C. Gay Mob RICO Act Investigation.

Dump plenty of marijuana on the general public to create a proper marijuana social drug environment at Public Wi-Fi locations.

Shut down Safe-Link and implement the TRACFONE system and Smart Phone package for $9 per month paid for by Life-Line for $12.50 per month as allocated by the government.

Design the W.W.J.D. the children population placing them under our care over the world wide web.

COP Uniforms and Empathy

No handcuffs, just smack the disorderly bitch.  But handcuff is the excuse they used to abuse and murder, them shit be hurting and niggers be mad for the bullshit arrests to begin with.

Blue Baseball T-shirt of High Quality with a Baseball type number Example: SRA 25 – Southside Redevelopment Area, Officer #25

Teams of Two and one Worker Dog assigned per team

High-tech Projectable Urban Weapon – Will not kill you, but will fuck your ass up

Walking Sneakers- Black

Quality Blue Shorts

Special designed 3 seater high performance spurt cars and automatic weaponry and GPS


  • Then we can reassess and add on:



The Nationwide State bar Associations Unconstitutional

florida_seal_lrg NGC Photo NGC Map KKK Symbol KGC Symbol Religous SymbolsNGC Flag

The Nationwide State bar Associations Unconstitutional

  • The Union under the constitution won the Civil War.
  • Then the Knights of the Golden Circle Deceived the World – Like a Valentine
  • They faked President Abraham Lincoln Death
  • Making Johnson the President who was a Confederate – Under the Constitution he was unfit to lead the Union.
  • And by default or a say an override of his Veto, the 14th Amendment was drafted and approved but was unconstitutional because under the Constitution become one State under one Union.
  • The Bar Associations (separates the Law by States) and that is unconstitutional.
  • State Laws are unconstitutional if they are not consistent with the U.S. Constitutional.
  • If one state disagrees with the laws in another state and if effects an American, it becomes a United States Supreme Court Question of Law. And that decision is a Nationwide Unionized decision.
  • Therefore there can be no Bar (Separation of Laws) by State and any Government who does not follow the Laws of the Union is guilty of Treason.
  • For the Lord to lead this Nation under God, there can be but one Law and he is God and that is the decision under Martial Law.
  • The Federal Government and the People are under the care of God and Man has no right under the Constitution of the United States to even ask God to answer to them and under Martial Law the Supreme Court can only confirm and never question the legality of the law, in my decisions.
  • Therefore any Lawyer who passed the Bar in any State, as of Monday 14 Feb. 2016, can and will practice law in every state in the Union, because there is one God, one Law and one Union under the United States Constitution.
  • I saw Parke Sutherland at Palmer Electric yesterday and said hey, I cannot touch those who do not fear me, but those who fear me must be destroyed, because you will try to destroy me out of fear. “One destroy what you fear.” Therefore do not fear God, love God. Parke Sutherland and David Lanier I can use, but my lead Attorney is out of New York City, her name is Mary Donsky and she has a license to practice Law in the State of Florida and she and Parke and David can sign off on anything I decide under Martial Law.
  • These no good nasty niggers tried to trap Queen of Queens Janet, so let then get the weather they deserve.
KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE. The Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC) was a pre–Civil War, pro-Southern secret society founded in Ohio in 1854 by George W. L. Bickley, a Virginian, who soon moved the KGC to the South.


D.B.A. Jesus Christ

The Fundamentals of Highlands Municipality Development

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The Fundamentals of Highlands Municipality Development

Save the World

Smooth Gangster

By: Jesus Christ – Apollo Diamonds

Click Hyperlink & Learn about New Technology

My Arrangements:

The power to drive an economy in a location big enough to fit New York City inside of it. Taking into consideration the different type of soil here as opposed to New York City, whereby NYC is very solid sitting on the foundation rock. But Florida is the most fertile sort of like, “the land of milk and honey”

I plan to move to the Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah location in now called Long Island City within 10 years.  Once placed in full construction it is doable within that amount of time.  Concurrently The Lower East Side of Manhattan, The Woodside Project, Ravenswood’s Projects and Astoria Projects will go into a major overhaul.

Yes, I own about 4,200 Marriott International Hotels and about 247 Ritz Carlton International Luxury Hotels and the two Trump Towers in NYC and Chicago.  But these are business establishment type construction.  Great for moving people around and making someone known, but my family needs space and community.  So in the Queensbridge Houses, I have over 90 buildings at King Solomon Temple Construction specifications. The first floors are 10 feet high, great for guys like Lew Al, the roofs can connect via escalators and be placed with a Capstone on top and I just created our over-ground community.  All types of space and one can be a studio and another can be a chill out spot and another and another, I have over 90 roofs to work with, that will become wall to wall carpet and central air controlling units.

I can stucco the building with precious stones and I own Apollo Diamonds to create perfect shapes every time. So I AM covered and as you can see you all will not be all under me or my Queendom, in the future you get them on the radio and on television and I get to live with my children for change.


The Highlands 1,000 Year Energy Plan:

It will be based on the scientific fact that when George Washington crossed the Delaware the big thing about it was, it was during the ICE AGE. Then came the Industrial Revolution – Coal and the gas and we are facing global warming.  Great. So now we burn cleaner fuels, hydro fuels, solar energy which means by nature it is perpetual, the atom, the solar system, even the universe all seems to forever grow. As we travel around the universe in 220 million years, it continues to grow and grow, just as mankind seems to grow and grow, be he has become self-destructive now got all virus up with the damn Devil and fucking Serpent he calls Master.  By controlling the temperature, we control the water levels and I have something called the Water Ways Act to control water flow preventing floods and droughts.

Access the natural resources:

Due to this great soil and that is highly fertile, we will be able to raise huge amounts of Organic Beef. That has been covered. But we will also run a major highly fertilized cattle market and covert those cows into carbon to be made into diamonds at Apollo Diamonds.  And Apollo Diamonds is going to be used to subsidize the whole economy, to prevent a huge inflation surge.  My diamonds are valuable and has to stay that way for security reason, these things are really hard. 

In order to run our space program into 1,000 years to populate the now newly discovered 10th planet, which will be our deployment center to other solar ships and there are more solar ships to be populated right now than we have human-kind on earth AND AFTER HOW LONG?  At 10% we are talking perhaps and do not hold me to this, but 10 billion solar ships out there.

Production Process:

Main street will have major administrates supports.  My lawyers and accountant to serve the community as a whole.  Sebring will maintain document as the already do. 

Down Memorial Drive I will build Movie and Music Studio Administration and actually live studios to do those early morning shows with local audiences and so forth.

Going towards the junk yard, we have plenty of space to develop great filming sites.  Here we can even do great slave movies of the old days. The terrain is large and undeveloped and therefore we just have to do this right the first time


Here I will locate The IBM/Microsoft Castellano Studio Production Plant where they have that lot and sell videos or some shit.

The corporate store for Circuit City/Best Buy – Maron – Lorenzo & Raymond for starts. They need a board.  This is how I plan to sell my electronics.  I took my Circuit City back from bitch ass Carol Slim. I wonder what happened to him. The El-Chappo crew can have the rest of that $80 billion.  Like what is up with the $80 billion mark. The Clinton foundation $80 billion.  Bill Gates $80 billion, but Michael Bloomberg the crook of crooks $20 billion and he is Bloomberg, the word on who has what?  Come on!

You can diversify the names of the gas stations, but they all go under 7/11 which is a $4.2 trillion holding.  A great opportunity for someone who like to count money all damn day?  Beer, wine, blunts, numbers pooling – not state lotto, food and I want them to start making them fit a culture rather than this convenience store look.

Income Per Capita

The basis of a strong economy is now how much you make, but how much you produce and pass off to the consumers. Who is really doing God any good. The one who earn $100 billion and sell 10 items or the one who make $100,000 and sold 1,000,000,000 items?

If I pay non-believers a minimum wage of $15 per hour, a person who says, I Am not sure, I have to think about this a study the facts. I’d say, alright but you only have about 8 ½ years maximum name, so I’d make this a priority.  But since you were honest, I will give the agnostic a minimum of $25 per hour. And anyone who know God, gets $35 per hour minimum wage.

Now McDonald’s has this huge payroll to keep, but I AM subsidizing my diamond production to begin with, but even if not. Here is the secret unfolded.

If I pay everyone $25 per hour, you know what they will do? Spent $27 per hour.  If I have a car production plant and it can produce 100 cars per day using 100 employees.  So I say here is Robotics, you can now produce 1,000 cars per day with 25 employees.

Then they say, Robots are taking our jobs?  But it is called Product in Demand and not Demand in Supply.  Human create the demands.  But they are too concerned with dipartites to created hatred.

The Manhattan Project – It states 10% was spent on nuclear material and 90% on construction.  The Project’s.  These constructions are cement bunkers.  Once I was born, I became the nuclear umbrella.

The Construction History of New York City – These buildings were built to not burn down.  Like Queensbridge, we use to have incinerators to burn our garbage.  And Queensbridge was not only built based on Kin Solomon specs. and yea some might remember how our sidewalks was made of stones.  But these constructions are proof of the brick mason era and the birthplace of God.  The Queensbridge Construction a bulletproof cements bunker and the most value real estate in the world and across from the Great City Helena.

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Jesus Christ

Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

Daddy P

The National Community Network, INC.

923 S. A. Ave

Order of Zews

Avon Park, FL. 33825

Executive Order under Martial Law For God Himself #: FL-000,010

RE: National Security

Date: 15 March 2016

RE: Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

Executive Order by God # FL-000,010

Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

 Martial law: Under the Emergencies Act:

 RE: Executive Order – National Urgent Security Measures

We have reason to believe we are about to be attacked from the North, by the French Foreign Legion.  We shut down the Northern Borders and to infiltrate us they have to go through the United States Army and Air Force in full effect.

We opened the Borders to the South to allow entry of the many who are also being eaten in the Caribbean’s.  And we give special open hands to all who are from Haiti and know God, for they are the Saints or angel of God. How can recognize God and not his Cherubim’s.  The wrath of God is near and to prevent their entry is treason. 

We have 4,500,000 homes vacant and about 90,000 Americans who just disappeared in these mental institutions and ended up on a French gourmet.   They eat you dumb niggers. But will get every America of the street and into one of these beautiful homes and design communities without strangers.

You have spies down here, the real life Joseph’s who spy on you and you report’s us back to New York City?   When I was 15 years old, I made my first $50 million and invested in Bridgewater and Associates and it became hundreds of billions. So how much to Lil King Solomon have down here?

For this reason and the suspension that we might have a cell operating out of the Avon Park Housing Authority.  Lakeside Community is hereby transferred from The APHA and goes to the 5th Infantry Division Covert Units.  If they do not know God, they have to go and to in all rightness, if they have no job, they get transferred up North and out of Florida and receive $50,000 to go and do not come back. If they have a job, find out if they are a mole, who do not even qualify.  Still they have to leave Lakeside Community.

All nonprofit transportation is hereby placed under the National Community Network, INC control.  We got all the Florida Hospitals and all Zews will used Florida Hospital in Florida and for that end we provide transportation.  But more importantly is I need to watch this City 24/7 and these Vans that I plan to replace later anyway, will allow us to move around and report to Central Command sing  Lady Bug technology and a permanent satellite build just for the New Jerusalem.

This is in addition to all other Executive Orders ALREADY into effect.

All veterans how join the military prior to 1 January 1977, is the only citizen of the United States of America under the REAL ID Act of 2005.

The REAL ID Act of 2005Pub. L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, is an Act of Congress that modifies U.S. federal law pertaining to securityauthentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver’s licenses and identification (ID) cards, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.

Under Martial it will be applied properly and it an anti-terrorism bill.

The requirement to either produce an original variable birth certificate or a DD-214, are the only two was to prove you was born in America. And foreigner who did not enter into this country with un-expired Visa an I-94 and passport, are illegal aliens and must be place IN concentration camps until someone send for them back to their original country.

All veteran under the Old GI Bill has the right to bear arms and deny any search or seizures, upon disclosing their VA ID card.

Haiti and Cuba have free access in and out of the United States of America.


I grant the authority of the National Community Network, INC to enforce this executive order upon these three agreeing signatures, John J. Gotti, Janet D. Jackson and Maria Sutherland, upon the complication vetting process by my Legal Team, under Florida law.



John Joseph Gotti




Janet D. Jackson




Maria T. Sutherland




Mary Donsky


Upon the three agreeing persons above and its being found lawful under the United States Constitution, I grant John J. Gotti and Nicky Barnes, my two top covert operatives the authority to deputize the needed staff and carry out this and all following executive orders using these same tests.





Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah better known as Jesus Christ, who chose the names Jesus Paul Messiah – The Capstone Zulu




Baker Act is Unconstitutional & Constitutionality  tests


This is a Mental Institution – My own Family Feels these places are good for me to get back on my medication they say, “take you meds.” Now understand the NAZI mindset.  This is supposed to be what they placed upon you, these guys are just models. See?

Baker Act is Unconstitutional & Constitutionality  tests

The Annulment – The Entertainment Version – The Lesson on mp-3

The Creation Theory Defined – The Lesson on mp-3

Can We Make It?  – The Song

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah

  • Is the Baker Act Constitutional?
  • Is the law of marriage constitutional?
  • Do the supreme Justice protections extend to the Family of the United States Supreme Justices?  If yes.  How do we protect the integrity of the courts, ?once your family is allowed to go beyond these legal boundaries?
  • Is God above the United States Constitution?

State of Florida v. Frank Paul Jones

Case: #28-2016-MM

Constitutionality is the condition of acting in accordance with an applicable constitution;[1] the status of a law, a procedure, or an act’s accordance with the laws or guidelines set forth in the applicable constitution. When one of these (laws, procedures, or acts) directly violates the constitution, it is unconstitutional. All the rest are considered constitutional until challenged and declared otherwise.

Under Baker Act You Have No rights as a Citizen:

This is an easy one to solve.  To lawfully Baker Act someone under this unconstitutional act to steal ones right to think as they place, practice their faith in God and it is even an end run to one’s rights under Miranda.  When you are Baker Act, you are being taken into custody by law enforcement to be transferred to a hospital not even of your choice, but you are not being arrested under the law in the State of Florida, so the Miranda Rights is not acknowledged.

Violation of the 5th Amendment

You are being said to be a danger to yourself or someone else and it means homicidal or suicidal. And the main flaw is it is based on your own testimony, which is against the 5th Amendment right, you no longer in acknowledged as having anyway, because you do not require Miranda Right, meaning you have no rights as a citizen on this law.  And the claim to take your rights, is that have ideas in your head to harm yourself or others, with is a civil action as punishment for even thinking about a criminal offense you never even tried too carryout.  And even in civil court, you are subject to being found guilty by a preponderance of evidence at least. But under Baker Act, you go straight to lock down and two weeks later and bunch of shoots also, they say you feel better you can go home. Leaving you without any civil or criminal recourse.  This is NAZI written all over it.

Baker Act is Florida Law & not Federal Law Enforcement:

The Florida Mental Health Act of 1971 (Florida Statute 394.451-394.47891 (2009 rev.)), commonly known as the “Baker Act,” allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of an individual. The Baker Act allows for involuntary examination (what some call emergency or involuntary commitment).

RE: MENTAL HEALTH–BAKER ACT–UNITED STATES–LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS–VETERANS AFFAIRS–federal veterans’ affairs police officer not a law enforcement officer for purposes of Baker Act. ss. 394.462 and 394.463, Fla. Stat.

Federal law enforcement officers do not constitute law enforcement officers for purposes of Florida’s Baker Act, and thus possess no authority under the act to initiate the involuntary examination of a person or to transport such person as law enforcement officers.

The Martha Mitchell effect is the process by which a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health clinician labels the patient’s accurate perception of real events as delusional and misdiagnoses accordingly.


According to Bell et al., “Sometimes, improbable reports are erroneously assumed to be symptoms of mental illness”, due to a “failure or inability to verify whether the events have actually taken place, no matter how improbable intuitively they might appear to the busy clinician”.[1] They note that typical examples of such situations, may include:


  • Infidelity by a spouse
  • Physical issues

Quoting psychotherapist Joseph Berke, the authors note that “even paranoids have enemies”. Any patient, they explain, can be misdiagnosed by clinicians, especially patients with a history of paranoid delusions.

Of note is how habitually patients are diagnosed as delusional when their grievances concern health care workers and/or health care institutions, even when the patient has no history of delusion. “A patient arriving claiming to have been injured by another health care professional is regarded as a crazy person who potentially could ruin the career of an innocent colleague.”[2]

Here are five key points about the PATRIOT Act:


  1. It protects civil liberties and provides for the common defense. The Constitution requires the President and Congress to respect and defend individual civil liberties but also provide for the common defense. The Constitution weighs heavily on both sides of the debate over national security and civil liberties—it is important to recognize both factors.
  2. Expectation of privacy is not unlimited. The Supreme Court has ruled that Americans enjoy a “reasonable” expectation of privacy; however, this is not an unlimited expectation of privacy. This means that anything one exposes voluntarily to the public—or even to a third party—is not considered protected. Congress of course can expand these rights (and it has repeatedly); however, these protections yield to criminal and national security investigations.
  3. The law provides significant safeguards. The PATRIOT Act does not provide investigators with unfettered power to spy on innocent Americans. What it does do is ensure that national security investigators have the same tools at their disposal to investigate terrorists that law enforcement agents have to investigate and prosecute drug dealers and rapists. These tools come with significant procedural safeguards, oversight, and reporting requirements and are subject to routine and aggressive oversight by the FISA court and Congress.  
  4. It has passed constitutional muster. No single provision of the PATRIOT Act has ever been found unconstitutional. This is a testament to the act’s limited applicability, procedural safeguards, and extensive oversight mechanisms—as well as the fact that it often provides more protections than are afforded in criminal proceedings.
  5. Disagreements over the role of government are different from actual abuse. Mere expansion of executive authority in the context of national security investigations alone does not in itself create actual abuse. Certainly, there are fundamental disagreements over the role of the executive branch during wartime. However, careful monitoring and vigilant oversight are oftentimes the answer to potential abuses of power—not all-out prohibition.


 Following a lack of Congressional approval, parts of the Patriot Act expired on June 1, 2015.[5] With the passage of the USA Freedom Act on June 2, 2015, the expired parts were restored and renewed through 2019.[6] However, Section 215 of the law was amended to stop the National Security Agency from continuing its mass phone data collection program.[6] Instead, phone companies will retain the data and the NSA can obtain information about targeted individuals with permission from a federal court.[

The USA Freedom Act (“H.R. 2048”. , Pub.L. 114–23) is a U.S. law enacted on June 2, 2015 that restored in modified form several provisions of the Patriot Act, which had expired the day before. The act imposes some new limits on the bulk collection of telecommunication metadata on U.S. citizens by American intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency. It also restores authorization for roving wiretaps and tracking lone wolf terrorists.[1][2] The title of the act originally was a ten-letter backronym (USA FREEDOM) that stood for “Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ending Eavesdropping, Dragnet-collection and Online Monitoring Act.“.

Baker Act 2009 – I came to Florida November 2009 – What is the intent?

Fact: I was Baker Act perhaps 20 to 25 or even 35 times in the last 7 years here in Avon Park, FL. by a psychiatrist named Dr. Doris Borden, at the VA clinic in Sebring.  I was even Baker Act out of a U.S. Post Office, under Federal Jurisdiction, by the County Sheriff Department, of Highlands County, Florida and then arrest after 36 days in a psychiatric ward, the next day, for going back to make a complaint to the Postal Inspector because the Van Duyn Family child Vicky Dunn said she owns that Federal Post Office, we the big bad Illuminati Duyn Family because I spotted Chelsea Clinton posing as fatty stealing my mail and shit.  Now you understand how they use these unconstitutional  powers to control the masses.

The Florida Mental Health Act of 1971 (Florida Statute 394.451-394.47891[1] (2009 rev.)), commonly known as the “Baker Act,” allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of an individual.

The Baker Act allows for involuntary examination (what some call emergency or involuntary commitment). It can be initiated by judges, law enforcement officials, physicians, or mental health professionals. There must be evidence that the person:

  • possibly has a mental illness (as defined in the Baker Act).
  • is a harm to self, harm to others, or self neglectful (as defined in the Baker Act).

Examinations may last up to 72 hours after a person is deemed medically stable and occur in over 100 Florida Department of Children and Families-designated receiving facilities statewide.

There are many possible outcomes following examination of the patient. This includes the release of the individual to the community (or other community placement), a petition for involuntary inpatient placement (what some call civil commitment), involuntary outpatient placement (what some call outpatient commitment or assisted treatment orders), or voluntary treatment (if the person is competent to consent to voluntary treatment and consents to voluntary treatment). The involuntary outpatient placement language in the Baker Act took effect as part of the Baker Act reform in 2005.

The act was named for a Florida state representative from Miami, Maxine Baker,[2] who had a strong interest in mental health issues, served as chair of a House Committee on Mental Health, and was the sponsor of the bill.

The nickname of the legislation has led to the term “Baker Act” as a transitive verb, and “Baker Acted” as a passive-voice verb, for invoking the Act to force an individual’s commitment. Although the Baker Act is a statute only for the state of Florida, use of “Baker Acting” as a verb has become prevalent as a slang term for involuntary commitment in other regions of the United States.

mount-sinai-emsEmergency Means Emergency not Survey looking for Food @ Mount of Deception
Baker Act Transport clearly states – There is no transfer of custody from State to Federal in Baker Act law 

In summary, law enforcement is required to complete the front side of the mandatory CF-MH 3100 form titled “Transport to Receiving facility” for every individual on involuntary status.  if the county contracts with a medical transport company for the primary transport of persons under the Baker Act, the law enforcement officer is still required to complete the form, but the back side of the form must also be completed by law enforcement and the transporter to document that the continued presence of law enforcement is not needed for the safety of the person or others.

No one except law enforcement has the authority to take a person against his/her will or without express and informed consent to a facility under the Baker Act unless there is a specific exception under the law.  Only after an officer has determined a lack of dangerousness can the individual be “consigned” to the care of a medical transporter.

Q. I have read the statute on transportation and understand that once a patient is on a BA that LEO must be called to transport to our central receiving center.  The question I have is #1.  How is it that other VA Hospitals that have Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOC) can transport via ambulance to the VA hospital/mother facility?  Are they going against the statute since the CBOCs are in different counties?  Should they be calling LEO and sending those patients to the local receiving facility?  And  #2. If the above is possible, then what would we need to do transport a BA in our county to a VA hospital which is in a separate county?   Would we require a Transportation Exception Plan that would permit us to use an ambulance to transport to the other county?

Only law enforcement is authorized to take persons against their will or without their informed consent under the involuntary provisions of the Baker Act.  The officer can only decline to transport if one of the specified exceptions identified in the Baker Act is met.  There are 4-5 counties in the state that have contracted (at the sole cost of the county) for medical transport of persons under the Baker Act.  In addition, if an officer believes for the safety of the officer or person in custody EMS is required, the officer can request assistance – this often results in EMS conducting the transport.  In any case, the officer is required to report to the scene and must complete the BA-3100 Transport form.  The officer can assess whether medical transport is needed and if so, co-sign the back of the form with the medical transporter documenting that the continued presence of law enforcement personnel isn’t necessary for the safety of the person or others as required by law.

If other VA outpatient clinics around the state aren’t following the law, this should be corrected and shouldn’t be a basis for you to do likewise. The law requires that a person under involuntary examination status be taken to the nearest receiving facility.  Your county has a legally sanction exception to this provision approved by the Board of County Commissioners and the Secretary of DCF that allows adults to be taken to the Central Receiving Center instead of the nearest receiving facility.  This is the only legal exception that has been approved in your County.  You can see the various exceptions approved around the state on page P-6 of the 2011 Baker Act Handbook.

You could seek another Transportation Exception Plan for veterans to be taken to a VA hospital once the law enforcement officer had completed the transport form.  However, this isn’t a quick process and may not be needed by the time your new VA hospital is completed.  For the time being, you may want to collaborate with the CRC to see if the transfer from the CRC to the out of county VA hospital can be expedited.  You might want to investigate whether a “virtual” transfer might work, if legally sufficient to meet the requirements of the law.

One of the authorized reasons for a Transportation Exception Plan is for a “specialized transportation system that provides an efficient and human method of transporting patients to receiving facilities, among receiving facilities, and to treatment facilities” (see bottom of page 89 and top of page 90 in the 2011 Baker Act Handbook.  This would
permit VA to arrange and pay for ambulance transport from your county to the out of county VA hospital if the law enforcement officer had completed the 3100 form with concurrence from the ambulance driver and the Board of County Commission/DCF Secretary had formally approved the Plan.

Q. The Baker Act appears very clear in its requirement that law enforcement respond to and transport Baker Acts. In our county, the Sheriff has instituted a policy in which they only respond to and transport violent Baker Acts.  When Staff try to place a call to “911,” the dispatcher asks detailed questions about the individual being Baker Acted. If the dispatcher determines they are not violent at that moment, they instruct the caller to call non-emergency transport. We have attempted to explain the law to dispatchers, EMS, and law enforcement officers, to no avail. Once, a “911” dispatcher hung up on us.  Our clinicians only initiate a Baker Act if the individual is mentally ill, an imminent risk to self or another, as a direct consequence of their illness and refusing voluntary treatment. We do not have the authority to physically restrain someone if they choose to elope. We continue to follow the law and call our local law enforcement agency when we Baker Act someone, but frequently struggle with this issue.








Jesus Christ


Breaking news – Code Breaker Daddy P. Again

Breaking news – Code Breaker Daddy P. Again

The code is simple and do not have to be proven case by case.  Everywhere there was a strategic position power, the Satanic Blood line was replaced and they was the Poole’s, who was not evil, but who carried the covenant.  But everywhere all the way down to Queen Elizabeth to Peter the Pope, every last one of them are frauds to include Prime Minister Netanyahu. So strategically, I AM going to direct you in taking my shit back.  Not too much that you be confused and they band together, but these today and those tomorrow and this way until it is over, they will all stand and fall alone.  Satan is a divided Kingdom.  

The Fact Pattern:

Patricia Joanne “Jenny” O’Hara

Patricia Joanne “Jenny” O’Hara (born February 24, 1942) is an American film, television and stage actress.


Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940) was an American novelist and short story writer, whose works are the paradigmatic writings of the Jazz Age. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the “Lost Generation” of the 1920s. He finished four novels: This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby (his best known), and Tender Is the Night. A fifth, unfinished novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon, was published posthumously. Fitzgerald also wrote numerous short stories, many of which treat themes of youth and promise, and age and despair.

My Four Queens

  1. Sonora she loved me, we went to school to together.  I still have her email address?  She was so loving and kind. I knew I could have had her and wanted her, but would never even try her? She was like my heart and only competition and was smart to be number two?
  2. It must be Keisha and prettiest one – the youngest one and not Shawanda Adams.  Keisha, yea, I was mad because she was fucking someone else and not me and that is the type of shit you could not tell NaQuila.
  3. Jill right her in Avon Park mad me mad, she pick Boykin over me and said, I can have Sheela
  4. Pat Hilton she was my secret love, but I do not know how they did that one?

Sonora, California

O’Hara was born in Sonora, California. Her father, John B. O’Hara, was a salesman, and her mother, Edith (née Hopkins), was a journalist and drama teacher, who founded and continues to run the storied 13th Street Repertory Company in New York City. Jenny, her singer/actress younger sister Jill O’Hara, and her singer/guitarist brother Jack O’Hara, grew up amid their mother’s pursuit of a theatrical career. Edith O’Hara directed a children’s theater in Warren, Pennsylvania, where the two daughters occasionally acted

Warren (2), Pennsylvania

She spent a year at Carnegie Tech (now part of Carnegie-Mellon University) in Pittsburgh and a summer playing in stock theater, and then came to New York to study with Lee Strasberg and Sanford Meisner. In the 1960s she appeared in the dramatic play Dylan opposite Sir Alec Guinness, and in the short-lived musical The Fig Leaves Are Falling with Dorothy Loudon.

In 1970, O’Hara succeeded her younger sister, Jill (who had been nominated for a Tony Award) in the musical Promises, Promises. By the mid-1970s, Edith O’Hara was running the 13th Street Theatre in Greenwich Village (a major venue for off-off-Broadway and children’s theater), and her brother Jack was in London, playing guitar and bass and singing with the band Eggs Over Easy, pioneering the pub rock scene in England. She graduated to television, both in series and made-for-TV features, including starring roles in: Brinks: The Great Robbery, The Return of the World’s Greatest Detective, Blind Ambition and Blinded by the Light with Kristy McNichol.

She later worked in movies such as Career Opportunities, A Mother’s Prayer, Mystic River, Matchstick Men, Extract and Devil, was part of the ensemble cast for the first season of The Facts of Life and the entire run of My Sister Sam, and had guest roles on television series such as Kojak, Charlie’s Angels, Quinn Martin’s Tales of the Unexpected (known in the United Kingdom as Twist in the Tale),[2] Barney Miller, Law & Order, Beverly Hills, 90210, NYPD Blue, ER,CHiPs, House M.D., Reba, Six Feet Under, and Big Love. She has also made appearances over the years on various TV game shows.

She had a recurring role as Doug Heffernan‘s mother, Janet Heffernan, on the 1998-2007 sitcom The King of Queens. She also had roles in the 2009 film, Extract, and the 2010 horror film, Devil.[3]



Operation Shudown New York City- The Code: 1,600 stadia

The Network

“Keep your friends close but you enemy closer.”

By: King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – The Corporation ®

Estimated time of Assault 5 hours 

Corporate Status Document 4 July 2015

This was my last act concerning the Board of the Corporation ®

Then came several acts of Fraud – It was Sign God as Agent and to change this is Blasphemy

AM I Going To Hell?

Say My Name Remix 92 BPM

The National Community Network, INC.  has Top Secret Management & Top Secret Finances.  On 4 July 2015, at about 8:00 PM, while in the state of Denver, I announced the Emancipation in a state that has recreational and medical marijuana and is not involved with the unconstitutional war on drugs.  “Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.” “My children know my voice and are quick to listen and slow to speak.


Before the Shutdown:

  1. Give every French Foreign Legion a chance to register as a Serpent, to get on free testicle, on the side that do not allow reproduction but allows sexual activity.
  2. Put into law under Homeland Security, the procedure to  check all people in America, to identify all existing Serpents and an every an examination every six months.  All Serpents are bar from all government programs except homeless shelters and all Registered Serpents cannot bear Arms or work for the government at any capacity.
  3. Forewarn France to remove these Ultimate Fighting Serpents, they committed and act of war and if this happens he attack, they will be nuke off of the planet.
  4. My Red Neck Nazi Jews can have all those French whores to teach them how to love and occupy French for eternity.
  5. France is renamed, the United Red Neck Nazi Jew Land of Israel
  6. Shutdown New York City and whack some Nazis, I will issue out animal hunting licenses to reduce this animal population, the same way we do any other animal that is eating up our crop.
Shutting Down New York City for Final Assault

lincoln tunnel

The Lincoln Tunnel


Compliments of the Teamsters Union

  1. Place  tracker Trailers at the end of at every bridge, poll and tunnels connecting to or into New York City.  Fill them up with High Explosives and let it be known, no one is to get within 250 feet from these trucks and it not explode.

Air Traffic Control Tower JFK

Air Traffic Control JFK

Black Panther Symbol

Compliments of the Black Panther Party

  1. For every air traffic control tower assign 25-50 men to overtake each of them.  Let it be know nobody who love God is to fly into New York City again.  The Commercial airport business in New York City is closing down.  If a flight is running out of fuel say crash in the damn river.

Homeless People Bus

The Homeless In NYC at Bus Stop

Homeless Veterans of America

Compliments of the Homeless Veterans of America

  1. Have the homeless get on all the City Bus and refuse to pay bus fare and disrupt the whole public transportation system. They will all be dirty and will say, “The Lord said, I need a place to rest my head and lay down and go to sleep.

Bank NYC

NYC Banks

  1.  Send at least 5- 10 men to rob 50 banks in Manhattan and make them give up the cash or else.


Compliments of Black Business Men for Jesus

  1. Motorcycle Gangs infiltrate and maneuver thru traffic Jams in Search of the Enemy Illuminati Serpent Dogs.
African American Outlaws Gangs
Compliments of the Outlaw Gangs
Motorcycle Machine Gun
Weaponry Compliments of Lockheed & Martin
Supplies in the Bowery
Street Soldiers Lockdown Supplies
Compliments of the L.A. CRIPS
Queensbridge Houses
Queensbridge Houses – The Old Jerusalem
All the Project Complexes Placed on Community Alert and Patrol
The Nation of Islam
Compliments of the Nation of Islam
Wall Street Goes Under Assault
Meet you maker Bitch Ass Nigger!
Compliments of the Jewish Defense League aka The JDL Nazi Niggers
Anyone who Denies Jesus Paul Messiah in the Kingdom of God Get’s it
Veterans Day
Compliments of Real Veterans under Chapter 38 of the United States Constitution

Michael Bloomberg

Corrupt Politicians hit by Snipers with nowhere to go and /or hung in the street

U.S. Snipers

The United States Army Homeland Security Division Sanctioned by God


Anyone who claim ownership or Landlord Tax Collector Status in NYC Whacked


Compliments of the Six Families of New York and The New – New York City Realtor Agents Union

Trading Places

The Real Life Trading Places

Sleeping on the A Train

The Illuminati Dogs Sleeps in the Subways

Homeless Shelter

The Illuminati Dogs have no desires – The Shelter will be find for you


The Illuminati Dogs Go To The Prisons but I AM Into Corrections -You Get the Family Plan, meaning one testicle allowing sexual activity and no reproduction.

Lethel Injection

Under the Constitution I cannot hang the worst of the worst, but I can have a public lethal ejection , rid the world of worthless scum.

Witness Protection

To the really convincing snitches I give Witness Protection. But first come first will receive, I will not give this saved by grace act to old news.

King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – Lord of Lords God Is Real

My Understanding

Good Morning Queendom

From: Jesus Paul

RE: My Understanding

Date: 30 September 2016


I Believe in you and me


My Baby

I have this one joint; I think the weed is keeping the pain in my mouth down.  I got the cloves aspirin.  Also, I know it was something special about that hotel manager in Augusta, GA. She was tall, very light and about my age?  And her harmonics seemed to comfort me, I enjoyed talking to her.  I will leave this one alone, but my Spirit was telling me, go and talk to her man, they are telling you too. Then I said no, because I will have to keep coming back to see her or take her back with me.  I knew I felt the need, but I do not know who is who.


I realize, I could not have done this had I known what I know now.  Look at all the love I have created. When Janet said, I am married to James, Rene and them see her code is she do not like white boys and she said Jermaine Dupri is the one you have to worry about. Now they are laughing at the Services of the Underserved.  Janet sucking Jermaine Dupri dick now. I can’t take it.  Here I AM just jerking off yelling off of the top of the roof, Janet this and that.  If I knew about Beyoncé living in Mercy Hart, across the streets from the Marcy Projects and knew Jay-Z came there on Christmas with Beyoncé, Jay-Z would have committed suicide that Christmas and I would have done what I had to do to convince Beyoncé, I AM who you been looking for.


But I knew nothing about her at the time and even forgot about the love letter I wrote to Whitney that set off her destiny of being blackmailed.  

Her fake ass daddy blackmailed her and said if you do not give me your money, I am going to tell everyone we are having an affair.  I saw the setup and how he made the transactions, the FBI has the full report as they knew as it was ongoing.  How could you know this and not pull her out?  He was pulled, but by who? This is real shit. Had I known, Janet would have found her ass out there alone. Loving U, was really pain, suffering and loneness and it just felt going through the mistreatment and verbal abuse, because I really love Janet and it is in my heart and if nothing else, I was going to prove it, even if it meant dying in the process.  But had I known, I was the biggest fucking joke, they just died laughing at me. Then some crazy shit. A brother from Barbatus, I AM looking at his face but cannot remember his name right now, oh, Greg Allen.


He says, Rhianna is ours.  Rhianna, who is Rhianna?  I did my research and said, is she the Queen of the Caribbean’s?   Again it was strange how her Father blood line was explained.  Then when I say her on television in a fur coat saying ‘Give me my money,” And that NAZI laughed at her and said, I will give you your money bitch. I was in the room with NaQuila.  That was when the Spirit said, she is your child.  And I said, they will give her, her damn money, that is why she was the first pick for Royalty, but Mariah association with SESAC is the Key to breaking this scam up and she an older Queen of Queens, so I placed them together on this. 


But when I hear her cry, I knew then where this was going. And there is something about Hallie Barry and Tatyana Ali who like Janet I got to watch grow up on television and all I could remember is a dude I met saying for no reason at all, Tatyana, Tatyana, umm, that is Muhammad Ali’s daughter, you know that?  To that effect.  And I always would ponder based on the assumption this was a fact without study or investigation.  And once again upon investigation, I found something strange about her father on Wiki? 


This was the last strew as she claimed she has one night stands? Tatyana another name fucked up.

Then I got mad at her, I started bragging and next thing she is hanging out with the swinger Super Serpent Will Smith?  Hell no!  She is a fucking bitch. I went off. I  can name a bunch of beautiful Hu women, but I do not know for sure but a handful, because I know they are Eva II.  But, I AM really walking by faith and not by sight.  And even I AM some time reluctant to do what the Father tells me to do, but when I do and people start trying to control and guide shit, I feel like, how are you going to tell the Father what to tell me to do?  How can you say shut-up to me or go right when I turn left and I AM doing what the Father is telling me to do and is saying what the Father told me to say?  You have no authority over me.  And that is what you’ll cannot do. You want to vetted me, but you are trying to Boss God who I AM one with. You see me as saying I AM the Man, but in reality there is more to it, I AM the Human Being that the Spirit of God, who is the Father and is all knowing from the beginning, has become one in me and it was an eternal decision.


Would you rather be a damn Spirit who worked through a bunch of lying motherfuckers, because they know nobody can see me. Or be in the flesh surrounded by all the pussy in the world. Meanwhile Lil dog cuts of his nuts. He has already been disqualified of the prize.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27New International Version (NIV)

The Need for Self-Discipline

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

The Code here is Masturbation.  Sinner Gentiles are not circumcised and sex is painful, but the circumcised can actually enjoy masturbation.  But the best place to ever ejaculate is into a woman’s womb.  But regardless ejaculation usually always feel good.  But to the uncircumcised, this is not an option, so castration can become a way to have relief.  The Circumcised who is Peter the Pope’s flock is the self mutilated (code: Circumcised)  My flock the flock of the Apostle Paul who is D.B.A. Jesus Christ is the uncircumcised meaning not self mutilated.  But the uncircumcised in this sense must have that foreskin removed or they too can end up being the Circumcised, so they must actually be circumcised to be in my Family.


Hangings is about Food

Phil: 3:2 (NIV)

Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh.

All it is saying is, see I jerk off. I get that pressure off of me, to have self-control.  I AM not going be disqualified from my pussy. My shit is going to be intact and up and working me. See you get all screwed up and backed up and self-mutilation becomes an option of relief, but I beat my body.

 JAy Z

The Code of Illuminati – Cannibalism

Rev.22: 12 “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David Jesus Christ” in the beginning, and “the optimistic Pre-lunch Interplanetary” for I and the Father is one.


This could have become America Reality

I fix it up some at the end. How can I be of David and David call me God?  Or was he yelling out to G.O.D.  See the old testament is clearly Satanic. It calls God LORD God.  That is an acronym. It implies an entity of more than one. But the new testament refers to Lord.  The mission in fulfilling the Bible is that I had to prove Satan a liar, while you’ll is looking for someone to do what he says do. No, that is not the Bible you say, because King James said so and so.  Then I had to make it right.  Revelations is the Satanic Prophesy and not mine’s. He is into people dying and blood on the streets and all that crazy shit. He never stops fighting wars and never fight to the end. These are battles and a battle is a killing field for cannibal to collect meat and that is all they are. The dead must live off of the dead to survive.


This is a European Human Food Plant – England?

This world the Planet of the Serpents was one step for open cannibal season, almost right out of the walking dead. And they are eating people now. 90,000 disappeared just last year alone. While in Atlanta when Williams had to take A fall to stop these killings, I agreed with John, OK, I will free him some day. But look at this shit now. They eat our children. When that shit went down in Atlanta, we had every Federal Agency on the case. This was a body count of just 25 children. Now I tell you and it is documented facts, 90,000 people disappeared just last years alone, when do we call in the troops. This is a major military operation. Where is these people?  Are they running human cattle farms out there?  And that is why everyone I America must get a food stamp card. I have to track our food supplies, because the American People Have become the hunted. Ina Nation whereby you have police with guns and badges and no Miranda Rights?  Why?  Because they are foreign legions and not America enforcing the NAZI ruler ship as you hate me so damn bad.  You think the war started when the NAZI’s come march down your streets?  You think the war just begun when the bombs start dropping?  Hell no. When you see these Nation Alerts at Faggot Marches, the NAZI done already declared victory and upon all-out war ISIS, who is really the NAZI or Republican Party fake ASS VIRTUAL VIDEO ARMY.  WHY? They are broke, I took all the everything and I own Lockheed and Martin the biggest arms dealership in the world. And they are a bunch of broke ass bitch, but they still got you dumb motherfucker doing what he says. That is all he has now, dumb fucking follows headed to extinction.


This Human Head with Price Tag

Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings. A person who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal. The expression “cannibalism” has been extended into zoology to mean one individual of a species consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food, including sexual cannibalism. 

Jesus Christ

The Squatter Rights Law


The Squatter Rights Law


Queen of Queens Janet Mixes

Say My Name – Bitch Ass Nigger the Remix Beat

By: Jesus Christ

  1. I own the banks and have all these real estates with no market
  2. This law states if a house is left vacant and you are homeless and move in and stay there 7 years you own it.
  3. You simply seek the house and take photos and share them on the internet. Yea on such and such it is for the taking.
  4. Find the address you want and your mail redirected to that house.
  5. Then go to property appraiser and say hey, I have been living at such and such for about 6 months now, this is where my mail has been going. See?  I declare squatters’ rights and it is yours.
  6. Then turn it over to Order of Zews and we register you into the never be homeless again programs.
  7. I AM going to name the cure to AIDS the Alicia serum. They tried to use my baby.

Property Appraiser

Home Design Software


Jesus Christ