Breaking News – Everybody Has Demons – The Screenplay & Song

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Breaking News – Everybody Has Demons Casting Screenplay

Everybody has Demons

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Everybody Has Demons Credits:

Everybody has Demons Registered with Writer Guild 2009 and expired in 2014 and was written by God himself, who is love and love is charity.  The purpose of the screenplay was to explore something very important, what we have become by time we made it to our new beginning destination. We forgot who we were and therefore are no longer who we are?

Everybody Has Demons is an Open Source Publication.

Open Source is 501 c 3

I own all charity, so if you want to borrow some of it ask for permission through my angry ass Queendom.

We will be doing a search for local support, food services, cleanup crews, carpentry & Construction worker and contractors, maintainer workers and if you really think you can out do a pro in the leading Role Rayvon, it  is open for grabs and whoever gets it has to beat out Jermaine Dupree and I AM certain a few most will.  In keeping it real!

Major construction takes place in this area some after the filming is completed in the SRA current structural state.

Starring: Jesus as Rayvon

The Casting:

Janet – Sister Peace – Janet would be Egeria – Notice the ages differences.  50 years old today.

Beyoncé – Sharon – Sharon is Pat Hilton – 51 years old today – But Beyoncé  is 35 years old or like Pat who is 12 years older than Pat Hilton and Ella Jones

Alicia Keys – Aisha – is Ella and Ella and Pat is one day apart in age. Read above to recall.  Alicia and Beyoncé is same seed 8 months apart.

Mariah – Maria – Maria is Maria who is always to me my Natalee.  She is exactly 8 months younger than me and I AM about 6 years younger than Egeria and 6 years older than Ella and Pat.  Mariah is Mariah and Maria is Mariah mother in reality.  They are both, all of them are my seeds under Egeria who loved me and that will get you eternal life. Janet is about 6 years older than Mariah as is Egeria is about 6 years older than Maria (Natalee).

Rayvon – This is me, Apostle Paul Castellano.  The key is when guys get married in the Army, it is usually to a woman close in age. He joins and makes Spec. 4 and new woman joins and is a Private, they meet in the EM club and become friends and grow their military careers together. I and Maria is exactly 8 months apart.  I joined at age 17.  I was emancipated, so my military careers wife, would have been maybe 1 year younger than Maria, who would have joined after High School graduation at age 18.

Tyra – The First Lady – The rational here is she and Michelle are both about the same complexion and age. 

A John Singleton Film

Act 1 The Chaotic Family



Aisha sits in the rocking chair rocking back and forth on nice sunny day in Florida you see her for a moment and then you see things that she discusses as she tells the story about herself and her family the story and the events that lead to her current situation.  In a somewhat country voice you hear her speak.


I do not know where to start my name is Aisha Johnson my daddy name is Rayvon Johnson they call him Big Ray he is a big name feared by many, they say he is mean but he is nice to me.  I remember the first time I saw him cry it broke my heart, not to mention it was at my mommas funeral she died when I was only 20 years old.


Big Ray was very emotional and was crying as they pulled him away from the casket of his deceased wife Leona.


Oh Leona how could you leave us so soon baby, what are we going to do without you?


The funeral was very emotional and was very crowded there was standing room only, I think the church was too small.  The funny thing is that I think my daddy felt guilt, because he often would beat my momma.  Maybe this had something to do with the decisions I made in life.  Then there is my little brother Rayvon, I call him little but he is bigger than me, but I am older than him by three years and he will always be my little brother.  My momma got sick when he was a little boy and that was the last time I saw him cry, he did not even cry at the funeral, he just stood there looking mad pouncing his fist and griding his teeth, him and Big Ray never really got along.


Rayvon mumbling to himself next to his sister Aisha.


One day Big Ray, one day I am going to be bigger and stronger than you, you killed my momma you killed my momma.


Rayvon always blamed daddy for mommas death, but my momma had high blood pressure stayed out in the streets late hours of the day gambling and drinking and I heard in fact I caught her cheating on my daddy.  That does not give him a reason to beat on her as he did, but she mistreated daddy and a man has pride and Big Ray was a very proud man.  I think they only stayed together because of us and they were old fashion and believed until death they should remain together.


Aisha riding on the train reading a book about the history of the black man in America.  You hear the train rumbling down the tracks and you hear the train horn blowing.



Come her baby give your grandmamma some sugar.  Everything is going to be alright Grandma Sugar is going to take care of her baby.  You remember your aunty Sister Peace?  She works at the college you will be attending


Come here girl, peace and love, give your aunt a hug.  Girl you got big and you are so pretty, you must have gotten that from you aunt.  You are going to be alright baby.


They say my grandmamma was an Native American, but my brother Rayvon said he heard her in a slip of the tongue say she was from Sicily and when he said something to her about it asking why she claims to be Indian, she said it is none of their damn business, which was strange coming from a pillar of a church.  She had my daddy and my uncle Shotgun as they call him for killing a man while he was young and years later she had Aunt Peace, who was not much older than me she is just 15 years my senior not long after she was born they say granddaddy died.  And this is where my story begins.


Shaking Aisha and tapping on her while in bed.


Wake up girl, wake up it is time for you to go and register for the new semester so you can get the classes of your choice.

Half awake Aisha looks at her alarm clock and notice it is just 5 am.


Aunty it is only 5 am, it is too early go away.


Look girl you do not think your aunt Peace keeps this figure laying in the bed all day do ya?  We have to do 2 miles every morning, now get your lazy behind up.

Now pulling Aisha out of the bed, Aisha is not used to getting up in the morning to exercise.


Please aunt Peace let me sleep.  Alright!

Aisha gets out of bed and puts on sweat suit Aunt Peace purchased for her the day before.


Does it fit?


Yes aunty!


Good lets go?

She said lets go but like a question.


Well can I at least brush my teeth.


I hope so we have a lot of catching up to do and I need not morning breath.

They go tracking around town, Avon Park, Florida is small town in population but a wide area, however the City limits are not that wide, but people like Sister Peace lives outside the City limits and commutes to town.  The University is right outside the city limits as they run they talk and you can see Sister Peace pointing at places and telling her about the town.


What is that a club Aunt Peace?


Oh no you stay away from that place, it is the dumps a man just got killed in there last week.  I do not know why they let that place operate, it is nothing but thugs, drugs and guns.


Oh really?

Aisha was thinking to herself, the audience hears her thinking to herself, “Maybe there is some action in Avon Park after all.”  She had no intentions of taking her aunt’s advice, but planned to do the very opposite.


Your going to need a car to go to the  college and get around.


I do not known how to drive, I cannot afford a car!


Your aunty got plenty of money,


Listen to your aunt, peace and love, let me handle things for you.


I still cannot drive and school starts soon.


I am sorry about your momma.  I will have you driving in no time.


Rayvon joined the Army he was 18 years old, he kept this to himself not even telling his friends.  He had his high school diploma and was finally old enough to move out from under Big Ray whom he was angry with because he felt Big Ray contributed to his mother’s death.


Daddy I have something to tell you, sit down man.


What’s wrong boy?


Na man it is all right in fact, just listen.


Now you ain’t funny boy like your first cousin?


Oh Jokes!  Stop kidding daddy this is serious business!

Holding his heart like he was having a heart attack in a joking manner he says.


Oh no my boy sell drugs, what are you cuz or bloods?


Your starting to worry me, let me break the news to you.  Are you ready?


Alright all jokes aside, what is it boy?


I-joined-the-Army.  I got it out.


No!  No!  Are you serious man?  I thought you was going to college like Aisha.  I know you blame me for your mamma boy but times are dangerous now.


I am not scared, more black young men; man the streets are more dangerous.


Those damn recruiters, I bet they fed you that bullshit, those boys are going to go to war.  Didn’t you see what happened to the World Trade Center?  But I am tired of fighting with you man, you are a man now you are emancipated, I cannot protect you anymore you are on your own as a military man.


Yea I am a man now, by the way I leave next week.


Next week?  Damn!  Anymore surprises?  I am about to lose my boy in a week.


I am just going to the Army!


Yea but you will be a man.

In a daze Rayvon realized he reached manhood the fast way and repeats his dad.


I am a man?


Aisha and Rayvon talks on the phone long distance about his decisions and conversation with his father.


Why you had to join the Army of all branches of the military, they send the Negroes straight to the front line.


There you go with you black talk.


Why you did not join the Air Force or something like the Navy.


The Army offered me the best deal and the best job, I shopped this out sister Aisha.


Oh well I hope you do not get yourself killed.


Don’t tell grandma, but I am going to surprise her after I finish training I am coming to Florida to see you’ll

Aisha act like she was going to tell and yelled out.



She hesitated for a moment and said.


Rayvon said hi!


You had me nervous for a moment.


You know your secrets are safe with me?


Yea right!  Daddy said this is long distance I have to get off the phone.


Well its been 30 minutes Rayvon.  Good luck boy.


I am a man, I have been emancipated.  Since you have all the sense explain that one to me.


That’s right you will be emancipated,  because now the Army is your daddy.  If daddy tells you to do something and the army tells you something else, you have to follow the orders you receive by the Army, that is why you have to be emancipated.


And that is called being a man?


I am going to tell you something and keep it to yourself.  Are you ready for the truth?




The meaning of man is one who pledges to an allegiance.  By joining that gang called Department of Defense, you became a man by American Law and the laws of secret orders.  Understood?




Good luck Man!


How is it down there?


For 30 minutes you talked about the Army, Goodbye.

Aisha hangs up and says to her grandmother.


Grandma the boy, excuse me man can talk.  I hope he makes it in the Army.


Oh lord my boy joined the Army.


He will be alright I feel it in my bones.


You was always a spiritual girl, the Lord is in your favor.


I don’t know grandma, he took my momma away.


Don’t be like Rayvon and be angry with the Lord.  He blames his daddy but he really believes the Lord has forsaken him.  Don’t be angry with the Lord no matter how hard things get, love the Lord with all your heart.


Thank you grandma, I needed that.


Aisha goes to the night club her aunt Sister Peace told her to never go to, but she was always to some degree rebellious.  While sitting at the bar drinking coke and young man about 3 years her senior approaches her.


Whatever she is drinking give her as many as she wants tonight.  Her drinks are on Jake.


That will be cokes on the house.


Rum and coke?


No big spender like I said coke, why don’t you find another girl she is not your type, in fact I do not think she belongs here, I should put her out.


Let me be honest with you Jake is your name?  I just came to get my dance on, you wanna dance with me?  I do not know what you do for a living but I can pay for my sodas.


Sure you right.  Let’s get our dance on.

They danced all night and at the end of the night jake starting his games.


That was the most fun I had in a long time.  So how do you plan to get home you need a ride?


I have a car, thanks but no thanks!


Than can you give me a ride?


Didn’t you just offer me a ride home, so you have your own car right?


Don’t make sense to burn two gas tanks for one trip


I am not going home with you man, what kind of woman do you think I am?  Later!


If you say so.


And I didn’t mean it like that, you must really think you are a thug.  You’ll country boys are trips.


Later?  I mean it like that.




Rayvon finished basic training and AIT and was set to go to his duty station at Fort Steward Georgia with the 3rd Infantry Division a highly honored Division, but a high percentage of them serve in the Middle East compared to other units so there was a good chance Rayvon would serve in the war against terrorism in response to the World Trade Attacks.  He call his grandmother to inform her he was about to visit her in Florida for a couple of weeks before going to Georgia.  The phone rings and Grandma Sugar answers the phone.


Hello, Hello, this is Mother Sugar speaking, who is calling and how can I help you?


Grandma it is Rayvon, how is everyone doing?


Boy how are you doing we have not heard from you in a three or four weeks.


I am in the Army grandma.


I do no care if you in the Army boy, I do not care where you are in the world you stay in touch with your family.


I love you Grandma, and I am sorry if I caused you’ll to worry, but I was under a lot of pressure, I did not know if I was going to make it.


That is even more reason to call, we are family and our job is to help each other through hard times, we are not family just in good times.


I am sorry grandma, but I am going to Florida for two weeks to see you and everybody in town, it has been years since I been down there.


Rayvon you coming to see your grandma Sugar?


Yes Grandma and how is Aisha and aunty Peace?


They are fine boy they are fine, Aisha goes to the college my baby teaches at, they get up and run together everyday, they have become close, they’re like sister’s, Peace found it in her heart to buy Aisha a car.


Aisha has her own ride now.


She got a nice little car, it is brand new, but I do not like the way she drives, she is learning.


Well I will see you in a couple of days.

Other soldiers wants to use the phone it is a phone line, they were not allowed cell phones in training.  They all started saying come on Rayvon we have to make our calls too.


Grandma I have to get off the phone, the other guys have to call home.  I love you and will see you soon.  Give my love to Aunt Peace and Aisha and tell daddy I will be headed to Avon Park and cannot make it to New York  this trip.


Goodbye baby and we will be happy to receive you.  Thank you Jesus!

They hang up the phone.  The other guys were so in a rush to get on the phone they almost knock Rayvon down.  Speaking to the next person on the phone line.


Damn you gonna knock me over?

Rayvon gets on the Commercial Jet at Fort Sill, Oklahoma headed to Orlando International Airport in Florida, he is in dress greens, about 3 hours before he boarded the Plane he called Grandma Sugar again to let her know he was on his way  and he gave them the boarding information being Aisha and Sister Peace, who was to meet him at the airport.

Grandma Sugar was running all over town getting all the little things to make Rayvon’s visit special, knowing it might be a while before they see him again and it was years since they saw him.  She was telling everyone about her baby Rayvon a soldier boy was coming home to see his grandma.


Jerry get those sheets right there.

Jerry is one of two of Sister Peace children, she has a son and a daughter and they call her husband Rev.  Dr. Love the head of the Love Ministries, which happens to actually be his last name.


Grandma you ain’t never went through all this for me.


You don’t think I love you?


I am sorry Grandma, I did not mean that, what color?


His favorite color was always blue, get the blue sheets.

Jerry was about 13 years old in middle school and a church goer all of his life and very mannerly.


I will never join the Army they are not going to get me killed, I am going to college.


You think my baby going to die?


No grandma, I did not mean it like that, but there is a war about to start and there is no draft, why in the world would someone volunteer to go in the military?


Oh Lord, Oh Lord I think this is the big one.


Grandma what is wrong, are you all right?


Oh Lord, I think this is the big one.

Grandma sugar was having a heart attack, from over excitement,  plus she was already sick.  She falls down in WalMart and passes out.  Jerry starts shaking her as he panicked, crying out.


Grandma, Grandma wake up, wake up grandma.


Call 9/11, someone call 9/11

Jerry calls 9/11 and the store manager gives her CPR until the Emergency Medical Technicians arrives.


Sister Peace cell phone rings it is sitting on the seat between her and Aisha.


Aisha who is that?


It is cousin Jerry.


I wonder what he wants, between Jerry and his sister Patricia I just do not know.


Well they are your children


What you waiting on answer that phone.


Jerry hi cousin, it’s Aisha, what’s up?


It is grandma.  I do not know nah nah.


What wrong man, speak clearly what’s up?


I think grandma is dead.


Do not play with me boy, now what is wrong, what’s up.


No jokes she had a heart attack in Walmart fell out and they could not revive her, they pronounce her dead upon arrival at the hospital.  I swear I am not lying.

Aisha gets excited and yelled out.


Grandma is dead Jerry?


Momma is dead?

Sister peace loses control of the car for a moment and almost gets into a high speed car accident, as she pull over to the side she starts saying.


Oh Lord I can’t breath, no this cannot be!

She pulls over and takes the phone from Aisha and confirms her mother just died.


Put a doctor on the phone.

She talks to the doctor and he explained to her what happened.  She gets back on the road to pickup Rayvon with tears running down her eyes and Aisha cries also.



Momma how did Grandma get all those things she left behind.


Well Big Ray Momma left you the family home and the side house, what you going to do?  I can look after Aisha.


I do not want to be a burden to anyone, I will just get a job and find me a place, maybe go back to New York City.


No I am coming back home and Aisha you gonna get that degree, if it is the last thing you do.  I will live off of my annuity money, my job is about to move to Ohio anyway, that is why I sent  Aisha down her in the first place, but I have to come home now.


It was my fault I should not have surprised her.


No momma was sick for a while now, don’t you feel guilty keep your focus in the Army.  I hear your unit sends a lot of men to the Middle East, you have to be focused and make it back to us Rayvon.


Well we will all be together soon the real estate man said momma is building me a house on that property across town.  I can retire in two years, he said it is paid for, I just have to tell them when to do the construction and with the insurance money we will be able to settle in with my retirement pay from transit.


You’ll are dividing the prey and she ain’t even buried yet.


She is right, let us pray and eat, bury momma and then discuss the future plans.


Your momma did in death what she could not do in life, she has brought her children back together.  I am going to miss that woman, if it was not for her, this ministry would have never been, she was truly the pillar of this church.


Lead of into prayer.

Rev.  Dr. Love leads them into prayer and they all say together.



They eat dinner passes the peas and has a family dinner.


Friends and family gather they pray and tell everyone to disperse after they lower her casket into the ground.  Sister Peace took it the hardest and could not stop crying.  Rayvon was again apathetic as he was since his mother had a stroke that led to her death, dress in his Army Uniform.  Aisha also cried.


The graduation was held in a huge auditorium on the campus, it was packed and the students was only allowed to invite two family members or friends.  Aunt Peace was a part of the faculty Aisha invited her father Big Ray and her cousin Patricia who was 11 years old at the time.  The graduates were separated my categories and Aisha was in the Professional section and each section was divided by grade point average, Aisha was towards the front of the class, they called two or three names as they received their diploma, then they called Aisha.


Aisha Johnson Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice.

She walks up to the stage and receives her degree, actually it is a rolled up piece of paper the degree is sent to them on a later date.


I am proud of that girl she made it through college.


I do not know by the grace of God she maintained that high grade point average.  She runs the streets half the time?  If Aisha applied herself she could be a doctor instead of earning BS.


Your not jealous of Aisha Patricia are you, this should be a joyous day.


No I just seem to have to work twice as hard to get the same grades in grade school.


It does no matter how you get them as long as you get them, this will be you in a few years.


True that!



Sharon  look at Aisha she is all grown up now, I remember when Leona brought her home I was 6 months pregnant with you.


What’s up cousin?


Who is that old man and those two little ones?


That is my old man Marlon, say hi to my cousin Marlon.

With a west Indian dialect he addresses Aisha


It is an honor to meet you Aisha


Same here.  But don’t you think you are rocking the cradle?  Sharon what happened to your husband?


Girl he left me for a white girl!


A white girl?  Sorry to hear that!  Well at least you get child support?


The man don’t have no job, the white girl supports him.  My marriage was fake he had no legal documentation, I do not know who that man was!


You know Marlon?


Why are you in my business like that cousin.  I heard you finished college you got a job?


I work for the department of corrections at the prison, doing administrative work.  I have B.S. in Criminal Justice.  So what’s your plans?


I do not know Aisha, I really do not know.


You are not going to bring those bad habits out of New York City here are you?

A tear ran down one of Sharon’s eyes as she spoke.


I don’t know cousin, I am so tired, I need a new life, that is why I came down her with Momma.


Well we always have aunt Peace, I am there for you.  But!


Don’t say it Aisha, do not change directions on me, please do not say but.


You know I love you Sharon and want the best for you.


And how is my cousin doing.




Rayvon, my fine ass cousin Rayvon.


He comes home next week and he says he has a big surprise for us.


You reckon he gonna make a career out of the military?


I don’t know what that man has planned, we have to wait and see.


Rayvon pops the horn several times, he is in the car with a woman, which is his surprise he got married while in the military, to a beautiful Puerto Rican young lady.  The problem is his sister Aisha does not like people other than blacks on a personal level and Rayvon knew this and that is why he waited to break the news, never telling his wife how she felt about other races.


Sister Peace rushes to the door and opens it and runs to the car.


My baby Rayvon made it back home to us.  Rayvon who is that pretty girl with you?  You found you a girlfriend?

Big Ray walks out of the door and watches them.


This is my surprise Aunt Peace, meet my wife Maria Johnson.


How could you Rayvon?


What did I do wrong I married the woman I love.


But you did not even ask for you daddy’s blessing.  You eloped?


When I left to the Army Big Ray told me I was a man.


But he is still your daddy, is he not?


He said I am emancipated!


Your a man and you are married so why did you come here, why did you send your stuff from Germany here?


It is only temporary, we will be gone before you notice we arrived.


Well Aisha rents the side house now and she has a lease, so you’ll can have her old room it is big enough for the two of you’ll.  I do not think Aisha is going to take this very well Rayvon, you know your sister.

Maria speaks with a Puerto Rican accent but you can tell she is from New York City, she is not country whatsoever.


What is that supposed to mean Rayvon?


She is the blackest red person I know.


What is that supposed to mean Rayvon?


Aisha do not like you!


Rayvon I never met your sister.


She does not like anyone who is not black.


Why did you bring me here, you know my past.  I will not be mistreated again.


Let me fry this fish, trust me, it will be alright and we will be out of her before you know it.


I trust you Rayvon, I trust you because I love you.


Rayvon found love.


I don’t know Aisha is set in her ways, but Rayvon will not be here long.


We will be gone before you know it.  Where is Aisha by the way.


She is at work, for some reason she is working late today, she will be home soon.  She cannot wait for your surprise!


Aisha pulls up to the house listening to her music very loud, the name of the song is “Symbolic Castration,” which is about how black men are oppressed in white society.



I told you she will be here soon

Aisha is dressed in correctional officer uniform well pressed and shiny shoes.  She even looks good at work in her uniform, she is a very neat person and very organized, she just has one hang up, she thinks that non blacks hate black people and are out to oppressed them and still their jobs.

Talking to herself.


I see Rayvon is in town and got his rented car in my spot, I see I am going to have to retrain the young one.



Hey sister looking sharp, like a soldier!


Rayvon what is that in your hand?


Just a beer.


When you get into town?


About one hour or two?


Damn you have not even settled in and you are drinking already?


It’s is just a beer, I only had a couple.


A couple as in more than one?  Damn you ain’t wasting no time.


Us soldiers we work hard and play hard.


That is your surprise you reenlisted?





Fuck the Army!


Rayvon where you learn to talk like that?


Excuse my French aunty.


So what is the big surprise?


I want to introduce you to someone.  She is in the house.


Rayvon done found him a girlfriend?



Meet Maria Johnson.  Maria this is my sister Aisha.


Johnson, she looks Puerto Rican to me.  Oh no, oh no, don’t tell me!


She is my wife.


My brother married a Puerto Rican?  Big Ray, Aunty peace, what is the world coming to, first there is Sharon and Marlon, now it is Rayvon and Maria.


How about you and Jake?  That uneducated loser.


He is just a friend an oppressed black man I sm trying to help out


You are just wasting time Aisha.


Can we all just get along?

End Of 1

Act 2 Everybody has Demons

Aisha riding in her car about two years old a four door economy car 4 cylinder automobile.  The type of car to be named based on sponsorship.  She rides into town on her way home and sees Rayvon in front of the hangout storefront where the men mostly men anyway hangout and drink alcohol and talk about things of little importance.  She sees Rayvon behind a car on a dirt road with a malt liquor bottle turned up to his mouth taking a piss (Leak) drunk to the point of silly.  She opens the window that is electronic and waves at Rayvon.




Hey Rayvon

(She Yell)


What is up Sister?


You need a ride home?


I am alright, just getting my drink on.


When you have time we need to talk!  OK?



Aisha pulls into the driveway at the house and goes to the front house to see Maria.  She enters the house, she has a key to both homes.  Maria is sitting down watching television, it is about 5 pm and she is watching the evening news.




Hi Aisha how was your day?


Why are you trying to be nice to me you know I do not like you or your kind.


You need to get over it girl, Rayvon is my man now.


Well your man is up the hill pissy drunk.  I saw the fool drinking a beer and pissing at the same time behind a car.  I guess that is what happens when you marry outside you race, they drive you to booze?


I do not know what your problem is but on the s real, he was not always like that, when I met him he was the nicest person I even met.  I was a virgin when we married, he was that special to me, then something went wrong, he changed.  I am really ­afraid for him.


Do you really love my brother?


Yes I love Rayvon.


I just do not understand why you didn’t marry another Puerto Rican.


Does love really know color lines?


Maybe and maybe not, but people do.


And whose problem is that?


From the looks of things yours!




So how is everything going girl, how is you nd your daddy getting along?


Daddy is the least of my worries.


Tell me what is bothering you?


I do not know but I think Rayvon has a serious problem.  He drinks everyday all day long, comes in drunk everyday.  I do not know what that woman did to my brother but he is not the same.


Oh Rayvon is just in a station of life, he has been under a lot of stress, I am sure he will get himself together.


I do not know aunty, there is something wrong I know my brother even after being apart the last few years, he is not himself.


Give it time!  So how do you like working in classification out there in the prison?


Well I like the steady hours and the office environment, I cannot complain.


I am glad you are content with your job, not everyone gets to do something meaningful to them.



Me and Marlon is going to the store and will be back in a couple of hours.


So why don’t you take your two children with you?


I will be back!

Sharon walks out of the front door going towards her car, she has a pretty good used car, kind of big.  Marlon is setting in the driver seat.



You need to take care of your damn kids and stop running the streets with that sorry ass man.  And he don’t have  a damn drivers license that illegal son of a bitch.


She’s a blood clod.


Come on lets go start up the car.

Sharon hands him about $200 and he adds it to a pocket full of money and smiles.


Here is $20, I am going to the club after I drop you off at the old man’s house, he will spend money tonight on you.


I have to fuck him?


You know he likes head, but if you play it right you will not have to do anything he likes rocks, all you have to do is get him open with a few hits and take him for everything, then tell him you have to meet with your man and you will be back and leave him waiting until next month.  Give me mine’s and you can go and smoke your fucking brains out at the rock house.


You make me feel so dirty.


Save the bullshit for your tricks bitch.

They drive for about 10 minutes listening to Reggae music and he stops the car around the corner from the old man’s house


I am going to fuck him, then I will have him where I want him.


If you fuck him, fuck him good, then you can tell him good night instead of goodbye.


I can walk from here.


She knock on the door of an old dirty house and the door is answered by an old literally dirty man with a dirty mouth and she is fine as hell, but she does not care and is shameless.


Hi Daddy!  You going to let me in?

She walks into the house and he asked her why you never call me by my name?


Daddy you want to eat my pum pum, you give me some face and I will fuck you silly tonight.  I want you Daddy.



His eye opened up wide he was so excited.


In the bed together, you can tell they are nude but all you see is her shoulders and his chest, she covers herself as she gets up to take a shower as old man Daddy lays there with a big smile on his face.  She takes a shower and is dressed.


Good night Daddy, see you later.

Sharon walks out the door.


See you later baby.

After see walks out, he raises his arms up high saying Thank you, thank you, thank you, he was so happy.  Sharon walks around the corner and call Marlon on the cell phone to come and pick her up.



Get in the car woman


About time Marlon


I had some business to take care of.

Aisha hand Marlon $200 and counts it to him.


Just drop me off please.  I know you think small of me and is just using me.  I know you think I am a fool.


You know nothing bout what I think.  I drop you off now.

They drive to the crack spot where crack addicts hangout together and use and buy drugs.  There are a few of them in town.



Thanks for the meal Aisha, you sure can burn.  One day you will make someone a good wife.


I guess that someone will be you Jake.  I think you are a true friend, but I wish you would go back to school and at least get your GED, before you get yourself mixed up in something wrong.  Ain’t you tired of living with your momma?


You have 2 no 3 bedrooms, why won’t you let me use one.


Number one I have a roommate and number two the man I live under a roof with, the next one anyway will be my husband and if you really cared about me Jake you would go back to school so you can get a job, then maybe we could hold this conversation.  I  thought we had an understanding.

Together in harmony they say, “No sex before marriage.”


I respect your wishes you know that Aisha.


So how long do you think I am going to wait around.  Ain’t you tired of pulling yourself, get a job man and hold on to it for awhile.


Maybe I am not smart like you.


I did not say get a degree I said get a damn GED.  Is that asking too much?


No you are right Aisha.  Are you going to let me hold that?


And I am tired of supporting you, what kind of man always asked his woman for money.


I stopped slinging for you Aisha.


For me, For me or for you damn self?  You are staying out of jail for me?  I do not know who is worst you are the Puerto Rican.


How about your brother who drinks everyday?


Do not go there, Rayvon served this country in the army and gets unemployment and has his own money in the bank.  Don’t go there Jake, Rayvon is just going through a phase, but you have been singing the same old song since I met you.  Here take this $50 and go hangout with the boys.


Sharon is sitting in the crack spot smoking crack from the pipe.  The environment  is filthy loaded with people at the bottom of society, but it is orderly because it is run by gangs who demand order and if someone get beside themselves they are gang banged and taken out of the area and put on the streets to keep the heat away, you see someone disorderly dealt with while Sharon is smoking and in a daze.


Jake approaches a two story seemingly a lounge make out of wood and needs a paint job, he walk to the front door where there is a bouncer standing there mellow music is playing.  Jake show the bouncer the $50 Aisha gave him.


$20, $40, $50, I have my $50 is everything cool?


How you always come with the minimum wage and hang out so damn long?


I have friends?


In this place?  No way man!


Sometimes it is not what you know but who you know.


All right player!


Jake walk into the crack spot, now the audience knows what he is all about, he walks to the table where Sharon is at.


What’s up friend?


Jake Chill here take a hit, so my cousin done gave you some more of her hard earned money.  She is too nice you shouldn’t do her like take

Jake takes a hit.


I do not fuck her or pimp her, I just talk to her feed into her dreams and I tax her small time.  But you let Marlon treat you like a ho and bitch.


But I am different, I am no good.


I do not know Sharon but you do not belong here.




In this world, in this place, around people like Marlon.


You are blowing my mother fucking high either get the fuck up or shout the hell up.  There is the man.

The drug dealer walks up them.


I already know you want a $50 right, you minimum wage bitch.  Now Sharon is a good customer I heard you fucking with her on my way here.  Anymore shit out of you and you know, you get the treatment right out of here, understand bitch.


I just want to get my rock on, I promise you will not hear another thing out of me.


Sorry Jake but you was blowing my high.


You almost go my ass kicked in here.


Just chill man and lets mellow out, I got a few hundred to smoke up as long as you chill you are invited to hang with me and keep me company, now do you want to smoke or preach fool.




After the shit I did for this money, please do not blow my high.


OK Sharon, let’s chill.

They smoke crack together at the crack spot until they run out of money and crack at which time they are told they have to leave in 30 minutes after their table is empty of crack.  They smoke a cigarette and leave quietly.



You do not have to call Marlon, I will give you a ride home.


Thanks, but it won’t look right, plus I pay that nigger good he will pick me up.


Well I have to go in anyway.


Like you have a job, Jake I know you want to be my friend, but you cannot be my friend and Aisha’s friend also.


We don’t fuck!


Is that what it is?  You want some of this nasty ass pussy.


Later Sharon, I will see you later OK?


Later Jake!

Sharon calls Marlon on the cell phone and smoke a cigarette as she waits, Marlon pick her up and takes her home and leaves her at the front of the house.


It’s almost 2 o’clock in the morning and you said you would be gone 2 hours.  You should be a shamed of yourself.  No real man would keep a woman away from her children like this all the time.  Go take a shower you stink.


I am sorry momma, you just do not understand what I am going through everyday I am so tired momma.


Go take a shower, there is some food on the stove you just need to heat it up.

Sharon cries in sad scene, you see the hurt in her eyes and think it is because of her present actions, but momma hints to the problem but it is not given away yet.


You know you cannot live in the past forever, you are only hurting yourself child.  You are a child of God you just don’t know it yet.  We all have our trials and tribulations.


Jake goes to a nice size house and he gets the key from under the rug in front of the house and opens the door and walks in and a white woman in sexy lingerie approaches him.


Baby I got here as soon as I could.

He walks up to her and French kisses her, picks her up and carries her to one of many bedrooms.  Now the audience knows what Jake is all about.


Sister Peace and Momma drink coffee together on Saturdays regularly and gossip.  Sister Peace is the sister of Momma’s husband Shotgun and Aisha’s father Big Ray.  Momma is in her 50’s and Sister Peace is in her 40’s they are about 10 years apart.  They are seated at a coffee table, Sister Peace has a very nice house because she has a successful career as an educator at the college, she has a Master’s Degree, but knows how to communicate both as a professional and a neighbor of not as educated people.  Momma has a Associate Degree in Culinary Arts and is the head cook at the Church.  Also what contributes to Sister Peace success is her husband is a successful Preacher and has the biggest Ministry in this small City.


What is worrying you?  I can see it in your face.


This coffee taste good.  I do not understand what is going on with this family.


Momma I do not understand this myself.  I thought we would all be together and everything would just fall in place, but these children have gone crazy.


Between me and you sister, we have to do something, we have to get to the bottom of this craziness.  Between me and you, please keep it to yourself, when Sharon was 12 years old Junior got her pregnant and she had to get an abortion, that is why your brother is putting up with her it is guilt.


I knew there was something going on in her mind, because she was such a fine child and then one day she just went crazy.  You should not have kept it a secret you should have found her some help.


Yea but her Daddy was worried about that fool going to jail, he was 22 years old when it happened, so Shotgun just sent him packing and never allowed him back in his home.


It’s not too late I know some people who are in the profession of psychology that can help her, she might  need medications for awhile, but one thing for sure she needs professional help.

Momma starts to cry saying oh God what did I do to my child.


It gets worst, I think she is using drugs on a regular basis, she comes in smiling strange all late hours of the night and that man she be with, I do not know but he is no good.  She is so beautiful yet so ugly, she has low self esteem.


That Aisha she is running around with Jake he is not good, has no education not even a GED and he hits on her for money.  It seems that low self esteem is running rampant in this family.  She has never been the same since she lost her momma and then momma dead right behind her momma.  She just ran the streets during her college years and hooked up with that man.


I hope she don’t get AIDS!


That is the part I do not understand, she says she is not sleeping with him and they are waiting to marry before having sex, but he does not seem to be that type of guy.


He is using her, just like Marlon is using Sharon.  And Sister what the hell is wrong with Rayvon, he seems to have a fine wife she works and is in college working towards becoming a nurse and he has been drunk since he came home.  I do not understand this Sister?


There has to be something we can do, there has to be something.


I think we should hire a private investigator and have everybody check out.  If we spy on my children it is only right that we make sure your perfect family is all it seems.


I am married to a Paster and all my children do is hang out in the church and go to school, they are young children in grade school.


You should no better than anybody that everybody has demons.  If the devil is in my home the home of your brother and the home of your other brother, what makes you think he stop there?


I have a confession to make also, my home is not as happy as it seems.


Don’t tell my Dr. Rev.  Love don’t give you any love Sister.


It is not that.


You was never much for the streets, but you was always book smart, now how much sense does it make to you that a 50 year old man can’t get it up with some help, they have all kinds of stuff out there.


I think he is under a lot of pressure.


Sister it is more to that story, between me and you, don’t mention it to any of the other family members, lets go to Orlando and hire a private investigation firm and get to the bottom of this mess, it is our duty as the women of this family to get to the bottom of what is going here, it is just not right.  We will do this on our own do not tell your brothers or husband, they all will be checked out and you can have me checked out and I have you check out.


But if we know we are being checked out?

They say together


It will keep us honest


We will go to see a firm next week and say we are going shopping.  We have to find the firm on our own not to tip anyone off.


I will handle that, there is all types of information at the college and I am good at research I will find a good firm to do this job.







The walk into this high tech office with surveillance cameras and the works I leave this scene to the discretion of the director.


Welcome to the Advance Surveillance Investigations, INC.  How can we help you?


First of all money is not an issue as long as it is reasonable.  I did my research and have an idea as to what I need and according to your advertisement and a close friend said your firm is up to the task.


Sister this was supposed to be between us!


You worry too much.


Well informed clients are our best clients, this way we can cut through the chase.


I have everything I want typed up and itemized it is detailed but it is not very complex.  Basically it calls for background checks and undercover operations.  I have the names or alleged names of everyone we want investigated and recent photographs of everyone as well.


Let me set you up for an interview, sit down and relax it will not be long and while you are waiting you can fill out these forms.


Thank you.


Thanks you.

They filled out the forms and gave a copy of what they want done to the receptionist, who personally takes it to the interviewing officer.  After about 1/2 hour they are called in for an interview.  They walk into an office with three people sort of like a small board and are asked questions.


We understand what you want done and have a few suggestions but first we have to ask you why, are you investigation your own family


You ever heard the saying that your sickness are your secrets?


I am a firm believer in that clichÈ, so you believe there are hidden truths that is the underlying cause to your family problems?  And you admit Sharon was molested as a child and you Ms. Love has had no sexual relations with your husband for over a year, due to alleged stress problems, and is there anything else we should know?


Sharon is on drugs


And Rayvon has been drinking since he returned from the military and you think there is more to this?


This seems like a simple case, you just want  background checks and an accountability check.


Accountability check?


Basically what they are doing on a daily, weekly and in this case for one month.  We should have all your answers within one month according to the information you provided us, just keep this between us, they are all unsuspecting.  Do not call us we will call you and for security purposes we will give you’ll a couple of passwords that will identify our agents in situations that may make it necessary.  You will be billed accordingly can you handle $25G


How much up front?


50% up front and 50% at the time of the report.


You have a deal!  However there is one stipulation, I want you to break the news to the family all of us at one time, to include us.  Will there be any additional costs?


No additional costs as long as you setup the meeting.


You have a deal!  Sir this may sound strange to you, but I know in my heart that everybody has demons, and I know in my heart that something is wrong, very wrong!

They paid in the form of a cashiers check which is a service at the agency to conceal the clients.



I hope we are doing the right thing Sister?


It is done, now we went shopping, we got the stuff in the trunk, I have a safe deposit box to store the cashiers check we used to pay the firm and the  receipt and remember what he said keep this to ourselves, and it will only take one month, try to be as normal as possible.  You got it!


My lips are sealed.


Basically there are going to do two things on everyone which is:


#1: Background checks on all the people on the list.  In addition to the normal background checks there will be an investigation on Rayvon and Maria’s military records called 201 files.


#2: Undercover surveillance on all involved and an investigation into Love’s medical records.


$25,000 is lot of money.


I think we will be getting off cheap and it can save our family.


I guess you are right and they have a lot of people to investigate, I guess they have to get paid for their time and labor.  And what was the password?


“Satan’s time is up.”

They continued to drive home and gossip as the always do, Sister Peace dropped Momma off at her home and then went home.


At the CIA Headquarters in McLean, Virginia moments after Sister Peace and Momma visited the Advance Surveillance Investigations, INC. they came up on a data base, because Rayvon Johnson was put under investigation.  Rayvon Johnson was a intelligence courier, meaning he transmits information, but he did not know he was a part of black operations.  There were things about him that he was unaware of about himself, through the use of mind control.  This was a major SNAFU and it was reported all the way up the ladder.


Sir we have a major problem one of our major couriers have been compromised.  Rayvon Johnson has been put under investigation.


That is impossible, he is one of our untouchables, who gave the authority?


Advance Surveillance Investigations, INC.


That is impossible we are ASI.  Someone has explaining to to here.


His Aunts!


What do you mean by his aunts?


They put their whole damn family under investigation, using private investigators and they went to ASI.


Is there a reason for this decision known?


Ms. Love a wife to a Preacher last words at the interview was about everybody has demons.


Is this about their religion?


I do not think so, I think Rayvon’s cover backfired and the whole family is just in shambles and they are just concerned and can afford to hire help.  The good thing is they went to our agency I say we give them a feed and control the investigation.


What about Arlington?


I am sure the Department of Defense will cooperate, but there is a screw up in the works.  He was supposed to reenlist after his drunkard spree.  The plan was he get drunk for 6 months do not look for a job, blew his money and reenlist in the Army.  His wife is one of ours and she was going to support and influence the decision.


OK you contact the Advance Surveillance Investigations, INC. in Orlando, Florida, the DOD in Arlington, Virginia and the FBI in Washington DC and do not leave the Secret Service out of the loop, this guy belongs to the President.  If shit has to hit the fan we have to control it, on this one you report directly to me, no leaks, this is big Secret Agent Parks and even I do not know exactly how big yet.  I have to personally visit the White House and the Pentagon to measure the magnitude and until then nobody makes a move and I mean nobody, understood?


Yes sir!


There will be no questions answered any further at this time. Dismissed.


As they are tracking as they do 5 days a week, Aisha tells her aunt a a little bit about her suspicions due to a dream she had.  Aisha was always known for being very spiritual.


Aunty something about that Puerto Rican just does not meet the eye.


You want me to be honest with you, a lot doesn’t meet the eye.


No aunty Peace I had a dream and it was so real there is danger in our home.


Just give it time everything will be alright.


Aunty there is something about that girl I feel it, maybe it is all a dream, I hope so, but it seemed so real, she is not right and I am not saying this because she is not black, this is something I feel in my heart.


Everything will be alright, trust me, you do trust me, don’t you?


Yes aunt Peace I trust you, you have always been there for us.


Can I ask you something?


What do I see in Jake?


He is a waste of your time girl, can’t you see it?

They continue to run and the scene fades away.

You see Aisha pull off to work in her car, then you see Maria pull off to work in her car, then you see Rayvon vomit in the toilet bowl and then to see Big Ray in the kitchen.


That is one crazy son of a bitch, he cannot be my son.


Big Ray walks out of the kitchen to the living room and Rayvon comes into the living room behind him, the television is on CNN.  Commercials are on and before the conversation between Big Ray and Rayvon, you here the commercial about the Movie “the Son of the Made Man,” Starring Michael Jackson as the Son coming to theaters near you, a must film.


Can I change the station all they talk about is the war.


Sure son, are you still living in the war?


I don’t know but time flew by, I blew about 5G out of $10G, it has been 4 months and I have not even looked for a job, for some reason I am compelled to drink every damn day I have fucking nightmares, I am married to a damn stranger, I don’t know what the fuck.


Maybe you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and need to go to the VA for help?


I am fucking rewired man, fucking rewired and I know it;  I just do not understand why or what the fuck is going on anymore, I am so fucking far gone.


Let me take you to the hospital for help!


No!  Fuck no!  This is why I am reluctant to talk to anyone, because nobody will believe anything I have to say.  I know you think I am a drunk and I am crazy, those fucking bastards made me crazy.  They pick my fucking number out of a hat and they


Literally fucked me, they raped me daddy, they fucking raped me for no damn reason and now they are dead and nothing happened.  Fucking why man because they rewired me and I do not know why.


I do not know what to say, I know the government are crooks, but this is shit you read about, it never happens to you or your own.


Don’t say nothing just listen and help me think this out because I do not know what the hell is going on anymore.  I mean I hate the fucking Army, but all I can think about is reenlisting.  The Army is my revolving fucking door.


You plan to go back in and you hate that shit.


I am a trained fucking killer, that is all I am now, I thrust for blood.  Something is fucking very wrong and I cannot stay sober long enough to figure the shit out, I am fucking REWIRED!  Let me get a damn beer out of the refrigerator.  Daddy man, you know me, I had my grudges with you, but this is bigger than that they mind fucked me.


Rayvon I believe you and we may all be in danger.  Look I hate your drinking habits but between me and you, now this is between me and you, while they are gone to work and school, you do your drinking in the house and you talk to me and tell me everything and I mean everything.  Two heads is better than one especially if one is drunk and as you said it yourself brainwashed, to the point you are doing things and want to do things against your own will.  Listen to me you do not drive anymore, you do not hang up the streets so people can talk about you, Rayvon you have to trust someone and it cannot be a stranger and never tell her that.


Daddy man I am rewired, not stupid, she is fine she is a good fuck and beautiful person, so I asked myself, why in the fuck is she with me?  I do not deserve Maria!  Not in the condition I am in or was in when I married her, this cannot be right!  I never trusted her, I just married her because I thought it was a good fucking idea.  I have been mind fucked!


OK Rayvon now I am confused.  Let me think about this, we will talk again tomorrow or better yet a little later in a few hours, I believe you because Aisha always had an imagination, but you just have strong feelings and yes I abused your momma.  You are not crazy you saw what you saw but Aisha, if this was Aisha I would wonder but you Rayvon was always down to earth.  I believe you saw and see what it is for what it is worth.  I just do not know where this is going to lead to.


Maria goes to Aisha’s house and rings the bell and Aisha hear the bell and know it is Maria because she requested that she come over to have a talk.


That is you Maria?


Yes it is me!

Aisha opens the door and lets Maria in.


Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.


Come on I was raised in New York City too, please do not play yourself, you do not like me because I am Puerto Rican, just say what it is you have to say.


Oh so spunky are you?


I am not afraid of you Aisha, just because you work at the prison?  I been to war!


In the rear!


And you is in the office, classifying people.


OK to the point, let me ask you one question.  Give me three reasons why you love my drunk ass brother?


I am out of here, why don’t you ask yourself that question?


I knew him all my life and we have the same blood running through our vain.


That is two reasons!


He is my brother.


That is still two reasons, so he is your blood brother.


And he loves me.  Now you give me just one reason.


Your love is prewar, mine’s is postwar, we have an understanding that you can never be a part of.


So what are you telling me this is a charity case, he told me about your being adopted and feeling you had no one until him and personally I think that is all bullshit.  What do you want from him, hell what does he even have that you do not have and do not say family, because I do not like you and you got that right.


I am out of here.



(to herself she says after Maria leaves)

That girl got game, she ain’t right?



Aunty I had a short discussion with Maria and she is not right the girl has game.


Oh Aisha you are going to ruin it.


Ruin what.


Stop for a moment.

They stopped running and Aisha put her hands to her side.


Ruin what aunty?


You have to promise not to mention a word to anyone especially Momma and Sharon, no, you have to keep this between me and you.  Do I have your word?


Yes you have my word, you can trust me with your secrets.


We are all under an investigation.


My God why and how do you know?


Me and Momma did it, there is too much going on in our home and we just wanted to get down to the bottom of it.


You what?  How could you?


It is done and there is no turning back, you can whistle blow or sit back and see what turns up.


Let finish our run, you was always there for us, thank you and thank you for your honesty, why didn’t you tell me sooner?


It is a long story.


I am all ears!


Assistant Director Richards calls a closed door meeting with Secret Agent Parks and Special Agent Garret who is a member of the Secret Service out of Washington, DC.  It was decided that this will be a joint detail force.


Secret Agent Parks meet Special Agent Garret, you’ll will be working this case together.  This will be a collaborative detail between the CIA and Secret Service and the two of you’ll will answer directly to me.  This action is of the highest priorities, confidentiality level is top secret and we cannot fail this is of the nature of national security.  Gentlemen it is that serious that nothing and I mean no corrective actions to any and all situations will be taken without the approval of the White House.  Agent Garret you have the floor.


It is a simple solution to a complex situation.  We have been given joint intelligence administrative privileges.  We have access to just about every database necessary to perform surveillance and and background checks at all levels and that is what we are required to do.  Gentlemen we have at our exposure the ability to see the date on a dime in the middle of a forest and hear a pin drop at a Rock Concert, well not outright but we have some of the highest technological equipment at our exposure for 30 days.


So exactly what is the mission?


Investigate and feed information to the  Advance Surveillance Investigation, INC. which I understand is one of your civilian operations.  Basically we are going to do their investigation and feed them on a need to know basis.  We are authorized to shed light on everything but that Rayvon is an intelligence courier and his wife and Agent observer, this two factors have to be concealed.  Sir I am done.


Get to work immediately.  Outline a plan of action and I will approve it ASAP with modifications only if absolutely necessary which means it is outside the boundaries of the protocol.  Your job is to find out everything most is a matter of review and take no actions but submit your corrective suggestions by all means.  Dismissed1

The two walks out discussing ideas Asst. Dir. Richards stares into the camera with the most serious look the scene is to tell the audience the seriousness of the situation at hand.


The two agents return to the office of the Asst. Dir. to gain approval for their plan of action.


Sir here is our suggested plan of action we submit for approval.

He looks it over mumbling to himself good, very good, I am impressed and so on.



The two agents shake hands for their first success as partners and then the Asst. Dir. Hands them their authorization codes.  Which are special identification cards with a special magnetic stripe.


Here are you’ll authorization code, these cards have tracking devices, picture ID blood sample DNA codes.  It will get you’ll in many major databases and will expire in 30 days.  All information acquired with these cards will cross my desk and the White House in parallel.  All information acquired should be mission oriented.  Now get to work.  Dismissed!


Sister Peace pops her horn in front of Big Ray’s House, to gain the attention of Big Ray.



Rayvon can you see who is popping the damn horn out front?


No problem!

Rayvon opens the door and sees Sister Peace in the car.


Rayvon how are you doing?


OK what’s up aunt Peace?


Is your daddy home?


Big Ray!  Big Ray!  Aunt Peace is out front, she wants you.

Big Ray comes to the door and walks outside.


Big Ray come here man.


Let me get my shoes!



Get in the car, just get in man.


They pull off.


Where are we going?


No where special, we have to talk.


In that case lets stop at the Supermarket on the 27.

They head to the Walmart Super store in the next town Sebring, which is about 10 miles south from Big Ray’s house.


I don’t know where to start Big Ray.


Start at the beginning!


Did you know Junior molested Sharon and she had to get an abortion when she was 12 years old?


This is the first I heard about it.  I know Junior was a pervert but I never heard anything about this.  But it makes sense!


It don’t make any sense Big Ray.  It doesn’t make any sense at all.


It explains why Shotgun puts up with all of her bullshit.  They kept this shit secret all of these years and it explains why she is acting out.  Damn the supermarket, let’s go see Shotgun.


But I promised Momma I would not say anything.


Everybody knows damn well you cannot keep a damn secret.  Telling you something is like yelling on the damn rooftop.  Now let’s go see Shotgun, damn it!

They turn around and head back to Avon Park to see Shotgun and Sister Peace tells him everything to include the investigation.


Big Ray get’s out of the car angry as hell and walks up to the door of Shotgun and bangs on the door.


Shotgun get your dumb ass out here you damn fool.


Shotgun opens the door.


Big Ray what’s wrong?


You are what is wrong, I should put my foot up your damn ass, you stupid son of a bitch.  You let me down Shotgun you let me down.


What are you talking about.


He knows Shotgun, now everybody knows, Sharon suffered long enough.


Why Shotgun, why?


I didn’t want my son to go to jail.


Fuck that punk ass bitch, get your ass in the damn car and let’s find Sharon.

Shotgun goes in the house and gets his sawed off shotgun.


I fucked up Big Brother, I have a wrong to try to right.


Not like that man, we will get that son of a bitch Marlon on our time on our terms, but we might need that, in fact Sister let’s double back to my house, so I can get my heat.

They headed to Big Ray’s house.



Keep the engine running!  In fact sister you go and stay at Aisha’s house to we get back and do not ask why just do it.  Shotgun I will drive!  I will be right back.

Sister Peace gets out of the car and goes to Aisha’s house.



Aunty what is going on?


Oh Lord what did I do.  What did I do?


You told my daddy that stuff you told me.  Why did I ask everybody knows you cannot keep a secret.  You was always there for us aunty!


You think I did the right thing?


I think you did the only thing, you don’t think Momma knew you could not keep a secret?  Everybody knows Sister Peace can keep no secrets.


Big Ray gets into the car on the driver side.


Now lets go find that girl Damn it!


They pull off to find Sharon.  They travel around town asking people about where do Sharon and Marlon hangs out together and they came across a young woman called Jill that hangs out in the same place and knows who Sharon is.


I know that red bone girl Sharon and her pimp Marlon.  They drive together but they do not smoke together.


You mean Marlon pimps my girl, what she takes from us is not enough.


Mr. I do not want to offend you but Sharon is such a pretty girl but she goes to bed with anything with legs on it.

Shotgun head bows down as he shakes his head in shame and then says.


Big Ray I did not know man.


Remember we will deal with this on our terms at our time, be cool man this has probably been going on for a some time now.

Then he directs himself to Jill and asks here.


So young lady where can we find my niece?


I am not petty like Red Bone the men do not spend on me like her, I will show you the place for $50, but you have to let me out around the corner, she is probably there right now.


You got it but why $50, why not $20, or $100, what is so damn special about $50.


That is what it cost to get in, you show them $50 at the door and they let you in and you have to buy a $50 piece .  After you smoke up your crack you have a half of an hour to leave.  I come and go and sharon be there still she is a big spender.  Sometimes she be alone and sometimes she be with this dude Jake, he is the only person she lets smoke her shit for free.


Jake?  Jake who?


You’ll sure be new in town.  Mr. you Sharon’s uncle?


Yea she is my niece and his daughter, why you ask.


Man I heard you’ll from New York City, but these country folks are making fools out of you’ll folks.  I heard about you folks.  You Aisha daddy ain’t you and you don’t know Jake?  Jake Greene!


You mean that dumb son of a bitch uses crack too?


He is playing you’ll book smarts don’t make you smart.  Everybody knows Jake gets high, he used to sell it until he messed up a package, I would buy from him.  He got Aisha here and a white girl in Lake Wales, they say he makes his rounds.


What do you mean, by make his rounds.


You’ll from New York City and don’t know.  Just follow him when he leaves the crack spot.  They should be there I just left about a half hour ago, I just left there and they was there, they say Sharon gets picked up by Marlon and Jake heads to Lake Wales to see his white girl.  I do not know where she lives.


Get in the car girl, what is your name.


My name Jill!


They drive to the crack spot Jill hides in the car and they take her around the corner down the block.


The best time to catch them her is on Friday night, especially every other week, they might not be there together next week but jake will sure be there the week after.  I hate Jake he made me suck a dog’s dick for a rock one time, he is evil and uses people.  Now you know where they be but they have guns in there, you have to careful, they are protected by the man and everything, you can’t just run up in there like hillbillies.


Here is your money girl, but you need to find help.


That’s $100, no I said $50 thank you.  Help your child Red Bone.


Thank you again.

Jill gets out of the car and they start talking about what to do.


Shotgun this is worst than I thought.


When it was Sharon it was in our time.


Damn man this is going to break Aisha’s heart.


What are we going to do Big Ray.


Let’s head back and get Sister and tell her we could not find her and find out what else she knows.  On the way to your house sister told me about an investigation she put the family under.  And my son Rayvon, thinks he is involved with some government shit.


What do you mean.


We might be under observation right this moment and no telling by who.  We have to watch what we  say and do from here on and we cannot get impulsive.

They head back to Aisha’s house to pick up Sister Peace to take her home and clarify their understanding of what she was saying.


They pop the horn yell sister.


You find that girl


No, we could not find her.


She will come home tonight, she always do.


Come on and get in your car and go home, Shotgun take my car and follow us and I will take you back before I go home.


Shotgun get Big Ray’s car and Sister Peace get in the front passenger seat.


I told my husband I will be in late I was waiting for you’ll to get back.


Sister you have to stop talking so damn much, I am not talking about letting your husband know you be in late but all these things you told me about the investigations and shit, we have to talk in private just me you and Shotgun tomorrow, there is more going on than you know trust me, stop the gossip I mean it.


I have the keys to a conference room at the church, I use for a women’s group we can meet there tomorrow, what time.  My group start at 2 pm


9 am, before anyone starts to arrive, we need about one half an hour to a hour I guess, I just want you to explain this shit to Shotgun, so we will all be on the same page.

They arrive at Sister Peace home and they leave in Big Ray’s car to Shotguns.


Shotgun we have to keep the women in the dark, we might need Rayvon, he told me some deep shit.  We meet with Sister at 9 pm at the church, then we have to meet with Rayvon, then  we will know where to go with this.


They met with Sister Peace for about 45 minutes and they leave the church conference room, as the audience sees them talking and the clock moving from 9:00 am until about 9:43 am then they leave back you Big Ray’s house.


They get out of the car and walk into the house and Rayvon was waiting for them in the living room.


The Superwoman is gone we can talk, she left to work.


How does she do it, she works damn near full time goes to school full time, gets excellent grades and has time for your drunk ass.


I do not understand this shit daddy.  What’s up uncle?




OK, lets talk about our situations at hand.  Then we have to make a plan and we do not have time on our side.  I already filled in Shotgun, you do not have to relive that mess again, but now we have to fill you in on some shit.  Rayvon in a nutshell, your aunty Sister put the family under background checks and surveillance, you cousin Sharon is a crack prostitute for that West Indian bastard Marlon and did you know Jake is a crack head and has him a bitch on the side?  This town must think we are a bunch of damn fools.


Not for long!


If there is anything I learned in the Army is how to be deceptive, we cannot start being smart we have to continue to play dumb and than use the element of surprise to our advantage.


He is right Shotgun, but the only missing link is who in the hell is Maria?


We have to find out that, if nothing else.


We have but one choice and that is to approach her.


Either she is a damn fool or the inside person, if Rayvon is engaged in anything.  Aisha said she is smart and has game, that may well count out the fool, therefore she has to have a motive to be fucking with this drunk ass fool.


That is what is my concern, what does she see in me?


OK, I know what we have to do, we will approach her when she gets home this evening, this is how we will do this.

Big Ray explains to them how they will approach her after work that evening.


Secret Agent Parks and Special Agent Garret walks up to Maria and says.


How is our old friend Maria?


How is our old friend Maria?


I go to lunch in about 15 minutes meet me in the parking lot.


No!  Go to Burger King and and a guy will be handing our surveys, he will hand you a questionnaire under the survey go into you car eat  and answer the questions and read the instructions and we will be on the same page.  Just hand it back to the man you got it from before to come back to work.


Good meeting you again



She walks by the survey man and get a survey and under it is paperwork for her to fill out.  She gets in her car and pulls out a clipboard and answers the questions and notice in the instructions Rayvon and the whole family is under an investigation initiated by Sister Peace and the CIA is handling it for national security purposes.


God Damn!  This was not a part of the deal!

She gets out of the car throws her garbage away and hands the survey back with the paperwork concealed underneath it  and drives back to work.


My God poor Rayvon


Big Ray, Rayvon and Shot Gun sits in the living room waiting for Maria to come home to approach her they figured that she is either stupid or in on something and she is not stupid so she must know something and their strategy is to be as vague as possible to try to trick her into telling them something they do not know, they plan to pull a bluff.

Maria pulls up turns off the music, locks the car doors and walks into the house and immediately noticed them sitting there.



Before she can complete the sentence Big Ray talks.


We know everything Maria, there is no sense in you pretending anymore, we know everything about


Oh shit!


Aunt Peace was right, she put you under investigation.




My aunt put the family under investigation and we know everything about you.


What you know about me Rayvon?  In fact what do you know about yourself?  Are you a drunk Rayvon?


I sorry Maria, we did not mean anything, but what do you see in Rayvon?


It was not supposed to happen like this, this was not supposed to happen.


What was not supposed to happen girl, the marriage are you pregnant?


What are you all a bunch of Country ass New Yorkers?  Wake the hell up!  Look I am going to open your eyes, because this has gone too far.


What are you talking about Maria?


I am an agent undercover.  Don’t say nothing just listen, because you need to know what is going on and who you are fucking with, just listen.


Rayvon I really care about you, but I am an undercover agent and you Rayvon is a very gifted young man and because of this the government uses you as a  intelligence courier.  They control half of your mind so to speak and they use you to calculate and manipulate information.


I don’t believe this shit!


You better!


That was a figure of speech, I smelled a fish I just did not know what.


No more interruptions, just listen to me because time is not on our side.


Our side?


Our side Rayvon, are you stupid, I just gave up my cover, but I know how to keep us alive.  Why I gave up my cover?  I am expendable as of today, this is business!


OK!  Now listen carefully.  I am an undercover observer and my job is observe you Rayvon.  Those dreams you be having, they are not as fictitious as you may think.  First of all I know you’ll do not know shit because I was contacted today and was told about your aunt’s investigation, whose firm is on a feed by the CIA and Secret Service.


Feed?  What is a feed?


The Agency is feeding information to the Advance Surveillance Investigations, INC a CIA civilian operations.  Everything that will come to you’ll will come from the government and not the people you hired.  And that is how I know you know nothing yet, because the operation goes into full effect tomorrow.


Operation?  What operation?


Whatever aunt Peace paid for you are going to get it, but it will be done by the agency, they say Rayvon is the best at what he does, which is to manipulate information, develop it and inform and I know this is something real big.



Those bastards, those fucking bastards, they mind fucked me.


Damn that what do you know man.


I have these repeated dreams about stem cells and the fountain of youth, where mankind will live 150, 200 even perhaps 300 years, because of the secret to the DNA, but it is just a dream


No Rayvon is is not just a dream, that is your mission it is the fountain of youth.  Now you know Rayvon, now you know?  All of that drinking was to keep you in the dark, when you go on covert operations you think you had a black out and you drink so much you really do not know.  Our lives depend on you staying sober.

They continue to talk for about 3 more hours and you see the clock go from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.


OK: Rayvon is the key to get us out of this mess, but we have other issues to address.  How do we deal with Marlon and Jake?


If Maria is on target I am an untouchable, that is why I got away with that shit in Germany and rid the scum that rape me and set me up.


Rayvon I didn’t know!


We will discuss it later.  Daddy, Uncle, let me fry this fish, I know everything I need to know now and they fucked with the wrong family.  What was said here stays in this circle and don’t you dear tell aunt Peace, she can’t keep a secret and her Aisha and aunt Momma talks and gossips about everything and for this to go down they can never know.


You can’t keep me out of the loop Rayvon.


For this to work we need normalcy.


I will take you home Shotgun


Uncle be cool and let me fry this fish.


That is my daughter Rayvon, if you cannot I will.


No you cannot and I can and that you have to understand this is no sacrifice, back down and let me do what I was trained to do for the right reason this time.


It is settled, let’s go Shotgun.



I want your word Shotgun, promise me!


You have my word.


Rev.  Dr. Love gives a sermon about how everybody has demons, the whole family is at the service to include Sharon, but Jake and Marlon were not there and are not a part of the family.  They are all seated in the same section, as the master plan is about to unfold.



My brothers and sisters, to the sick and the healed, know that we cannot just save the saved, but we have to save the sinners also.  We were all pure at some point in life be it as an embryo at conception.  Let us not get scientific, but let us talk about the inner being of every man woman and child.

Everybody has a demon; everybody has a secret or something they did that they are not proud of or was done to them. I am here to tell you that good people can do bad things because bad things were done to them and not because they are bad people.

A person may have been given up as a child at birth because their momma was not ready to raise them and because of that feel unwanted.  A person can have death in the family and want to play momma themselves and as a result become codependent and subjected to be misused and abused by men.  A person can be molested as a child and lose all of their self esteem and sell their body for a high to forget the pain, but only hurt themselves further.  A person can be raped and feel so ashamed that they stay intoxicated to numb the hurt.  Can anybody identify with what I am saying, I know this because somebody cannot keep a secret, but your secrets are your sickness.  Praise the Lord!  Everybody has a demon and brothers I am here to tell you that the truth will set you free!

Rev.  Dr. Love calls on people to confess and receive the holy spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.

Rayvon jumps up and starts praising the Lord, like if he received the holy ghost, jumping up and down acting crazy



Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus.

Then he start talking in tongues making no sense whatsoever, but the congregation got excited and they started praising the Lord.  Then the music started with Aisha at the piano.


Watching the outdoors of the church and looking through the tainted glass they see Rayvon via satellite and can hear everything as if they had eavesdropping device  inside the church they watch and listen.  You see a high technology conference room with a bunch of flat screens and computers connected to a satellite as they see and hear everything.


I do not believe this shit.


This shit cannot be, this fucking crazy mother fucking killer found God?


I thought the fucking guy was God.

Aisha goes crazy on the keyboards playing the hell out of the piano.


Rayvon found the Lord, thank you Jesus!


Everybody leaves the church it is a big church of about 200 or 300 people, that can be decided by the director and the movie budget for extras.  Aisha cries on Sister Peace Shoulders.

The scripture below is shown on the screen to end Act 2


Ac 9:3 As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.

Ac 9:4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

Ac 9:5 “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied.


Ac 9:6 “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”

End of Act 2

Act 3 The Truth will set you free



Aisha wakes up abruptly as if she had a bad dream, effect by the director is to momentarily make the audience think Rayvon was a dream but is was not as they will see as they being Sister Peace and Aisha goes through their routine on Monday Morning.


Aisha I frightened you?


Aunty I had the strangest dream.


Nothing is more strange than what happened yesterday.  Your brother done found the Lord!  Rayvon is saved!

Making a confused statement Aisha says.




Get up girl, what is wrong with you.


Nothing I am alright.


You got 15 minutes.

Aisha goes towards bathroom to get ready to exercise, then you see them running.  Then you see the satellite and you see the situation room at the CIA headquarters and you see a screen with a bunch of screens and everyone who is under investigation with writing on the bottom right corner it is written “Last Seen,” and on the top right it say current status and everybody is in their home, Aisha and Sister Peace are running.  You see every bodies homes as they are under surveillance.  You see a clock and it swings to 5:32 am.


You see Big Ray and Rayvon sitting in the living room, while Maria is leaving to work, Maria speaks as she walks out.


So what is next Rayvon


I think I will take that offer at the Correctional Institution and change uniforms, I think I will make a good C.O.


Just remember to put God first.


Have a safe trip to work, we can talk later.

Rayvon turns his attention to Big Ray and looks at his ring that represents Freemasonry, this is the first time the audience actually sees the G on his ring being Big Ray.  Big Ray twists the ring back and forth with his right hand, wearing the ring on his left hand.


Big Ray do you understand the significance of the Apostle Paul?


He was the greatest apostle to ever live.


That is not the significance, what is important is you wear that on your heart, to be a head and not a hand, but they will be my ears and eyes.


The all seeing eyes are everywhere, watching everything at all times


And for that reason the truth will come to the light.


In the Lord’s time!


Exactly and by then all his enemies will be under his feet.


And may they all rest in peace.


The Freemasons who go by the name of “the Proud of Avon,” deploy the men of their lodge to watch everything going on in that town different locations are shown at different times of the day and you see a man twist his G ring with his right hand on his left finger, but you do not see his face, just his hand and finger with the Masonic ring.

Jill On the street corner:

Marlon Picking Sharon up at Shotgun’s house

Jake and Sharon entering into the crack spot:

Sharon entering front of the old man’s house:

Jake coming out of Aisha’s apartment with $50:

Jake and Sharon leaving the Crack spot:

Jake going to the white woman’s house in Lake Wales:

Marlon picking up Sharon at the crack house:


The local police came to the church and spoke to Sharon, Momma and Shotgun and told them about Marlon.


Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Sharon Johnson we are sorry to inform you that there has been a murder in the driveway of your home.

Surprised Sharon replies:


Marlon is dead?


The Lord works in mysteries ways, that man was evil as sure as there is evil and he got what was coming to him.  He was not there when we left to church and we all were in church praising the Lord.  We do not know anything officers.


We believe you, we just wanted to inform you that your residence is an investigation scene and we did not want you all to be shocked by the graphic scene there is blood everywhere the car will be moved as soon as the area is checked out.


Poor Marlon, poor Marlon, Lord knows I did not want him to die.


He was an evil man, do you think he would have let you go?


You sound happy that he is dead.


No I am saddened maybe the Lord could have touched him also, but the Lord works in mysterious ways Sharon and now I do not have to worry about you being hurt for choosing a new life style.  You have to let go Sharon, don’t be the slave that mourns over the death of her slave master.


I am tired of hating Momma.


I did not say hate I said let go and move on, everything happens for a reason in the Lord’s time.


Yes Momma and thank you sir, the scene would have shocked me but now I am prepared, thank you.



Rayvon goes to the mail box and gets about 15 pieces of mail.


Today must be your lucky day.


Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.


I am not a religious man but I am certainly glad you put down that damn bottle, because we all have a purpose in life and it is not to be the town’s drunk.

He takes his right hand and twists the G ring on his left finger and then says.


I hope you find what you are looking for.


Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.


I have to finish my run good luck man.




As they watch and listen in on the conversation they start to get suspicious but realize they were a little too late.


What the hell are they talking about?


The real question is what in the hell did he just hand him.  Something just is not right


I agree, we have to watch this guy closely.  I think he is making moves, but what is he up to hum!

You see the situation room and all the technology at their disposal, then you see Rayvon read his letters and shred them to confetti and put the confetti in a big pot and burn it in the yard.


We underestimated this guy, now he has a step on us.  It makes me wonder if Agent X is playing both sides?


I do not know but like you said, something just is not right.


In the living room are Big Ray, Shotgun and Rayvon.  Both Big Ray and Shotgun twists their G rings and Rayvon says.


The truth has come to the light and at best it is disturbing.


Well son the truth is the truth what happened, has happened you cannot change the past.


The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.

But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.

When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.


The ownerís servants came to him and said, ëSir, didnít you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?


An enemy did this, he replied. ìThe servants asked him, ëDo you want us to go and pull them up?


No, he answered, because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them.


Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.  So it was said?  The three agreed!


Momma was cooking breakfast as the family was preparing to go to Church as they do every Sunday it is the Johnson family tradition to go to church, regardless to how they behave during the week.  Sharon and her two little boys were getting dressed and Sharon had a look about her that morning like something happened to her and she was ready to turn her life over to God.  Her inner and outer beauty shined that morning, you would have never known she lived the life she lived so many years, she looked like a different person and paid attention to how she dressed that morning.


Momma I am tired of living my life the way I have been living it, why the Lord touched Rayvon and didn’t save me?


Well sharon let me ask you one question?  Do you Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind?


Yes Momma!


One more question.  Do you Love your neighbor as yourself?


Yes Momma!


Now I will let you in on a secret.

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.  You are already saved girl, you just have to let the Lord take the drivers seat.


But I want to receive the Holy Spirit like Rayvon.


Today at the church when the time comes for the calling, you get up and dance and rejoice in the Lord, see you already have the spirit, now you have to act like it.  See Sharon when you decide to act like you received the Holy Spirit and you know in your heart that you already have the Lord in your heart, the change will come forth.


I will feel the Holy Spirit.


Listen to you, you are already full of the spirit, but you have to let the people know, just rejoice in the Lord and watch how people begin to treat you as long as you love yourself from the moment on, it will be like being born again.  You are not ashamed of the Lord are you?


No Momma!


Then today is the new beginning.

Then Momma touched her on the forehead and said.


Lord please in the name of Jesus, free my girl from the demons that has taken control of her life.  We love you Jesus!

Then she pushed Sharon by the forehead and she fell to the floor and seemed to be having seizures crying out to the Lord.


Oh Lord please forgive me for my, oh Lord please forgive me for the shameful things I Have done against you Lord.

Sharon truly found the Lord that morning and she realized the act was for other people to see, but what was in heart heart, mind and soul was what really mattered, but she knew she had to put on an act at the church, because sometimes what people think matters also.


Rev.  Dr. Love gave a sermon about his ministry being married to the Lord and why the Lord did not die on a cross contrary to traditional Christian belief.


___I came across a Freemason the other day about these three ruffians (Thugs) he did not understand what I was saying, when I said they beat down a man who had a plan to build the temple (Of God) and took it from him.  I was talking about the so-called Christians, Muslims and Jews.  One claimed he died so that they could live (Christians), another said, God would not create such a person and anyone who follows him should be put to death (Muslims) and still another claimed he never came (Jews).  The common factor they all denied him and left him for dead.  This is a well kept secret concerning the Journey of the Lord.


I stand before you all to let you know we at the Love Ministries are married to the Lord and is damn proud of it.


I want to read something to you “A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.”


Understand that had the Lord died, we all would have been free to remarry, but because the Lord did not die on the cross or hanged on a tree, we remain married to the Lord and any relations we got into with anyone claiming to be a substitute to the lord has to be annulled, like it never existed.


We are all married to our Lord and savor Jesus Christ and there is no shame in our game praise the Lord and rejoice in him, the Lord is the head of this household.

The whole church went to praising the Lord and everyone was amazed at how Sharon had finally found the Lord, many family members went into tears.  There was plenty of praising, rejoicing, singing and dancing, it was a very inspirational moment.  Meanwhile on the other side of town.


The street corner where crack is sold at the Thug Club:

Every Sunday around church hours the neighborhood crack dealers leadership committee would meet in a building called the Thug nightclub, they were of different factions but they would meet to maintain the peace in the community.  The place was heavily guarded with drug dealers hanging on the streets.  The setup was there are 5 heads that sits around a table and they discuss things like the next shipment and how it would be distributed.  There is one bartender and two men at the door with guns.  They are all dressed in suits.


Let’s get this meeting done with fast I have a hot date, everything seems to be going smooth.


I have no problems, we can just split the package as normal.  Do any one have a complaint about our current arrangements.


Come on man, we all get an equal split at 20%, we get to hire who we please it is all good, we have multiple distribution, dependent on no one man this is how it is supposed to be.


Well it is about that time gentlemen.


Nigger what are you talking about Blood?


Satan time is up fool.

The two men at the door with guns, who worked for the organizer drug dealer one heard what he said.


If you plan to walk out of here alive you better explain yourself.

The doormen walk up to him with their guns out and said:


Just give us the word boss


What you say nigger?


I said in about 30 seconds Satan time will be up.

Drug dealer three than walks by the doormen and tells the bartender to buzz my men in.  The bartender presses the door button and four men his workers walk in.


Satan time is up!

The two doormen using silencers and shoots the other four drug dealers in the head they each got 3 shots to the head and they all being the 4 workers, drug dealer three, the 2 doormen and the bartender got down on the floor and outside three cars came driving through and in slow motion you see the three cars do a drive by shooting everyone in sight being all the drug dealers of the town.


Let’s finish the job.

They all pull out automatic revolvers and open the door and kill all of the survivors, there were two on the ground crying for help and three that was not hit trying to make a run for it.  Like expert hit men they aimed and shot them dead.  Then they made sure everyone was dead by shooting dead bodies in the head.  Then a SUV came and picked them up.



Marlon waiting Picking Sharon up at Shotgun’s house: 

Marlon was listening to loud music, in the car alone smoking weed when a car with two people drove to the side of him.  They greet Marlon to make sure he was the right person, they pull out a shotgun and shoot him in the head.

The crack spot:

Two cars roll up to the side of the crack spot, that was basically empty of customers but had a few watch out men

Two men drive up in a pickup truck and go to the back of the trucks bed and pull out two fire bombs and fire them into the crack house and it goes up in flames, they burned down the crack house made of wood and you see the guys inside catch fire and those who try to run out are shot dead.

The dirty old man’s house:

A woman knocks on the door.

She say Hi daddy you going to let me in and when he opens the door she throws acid in his face, then goes into the house and takes him out of his misery.  And she says never take advantage of God’s sick children.

Jake leaving the white woman’s house in Lake Wales:

As Jake is walking out of the house Sunday Morning two men are standing on the side of the building waiting for him.


Jake Greene?


Your are under arrest under the RICO Statute.

The white woman says I am sorry Jake but it was either me or you, I had turn you in I am sorry


What did I do, what did I do, who are you bitch.


I am sorry Jake but I had to tell them everything.


What the hell is going on I do not know this crazy bitch.


Now I am a bitch, a crazy bitch, if you did not know me why did you fuck me?  Can I go now?


That was the agreement, you give us the kingpin behind your operations and we turn our heads and let you go on your merry way, we got our package.


Kingpin, I smoke that shit ask my friends, ask Sharon Johnson we smoke together.


She said he was good, if I was you I would save it for the judge, read him his rights.

The word got around quickly in town about all of the events that took place and that Jake Greene was a kingpin on the down low in partnership with a white woman who went into witness protection and was unidentified and that one of the factions of the 5 factions that ran the town disappeared from the scene and there was no trace of them.  They blamed Jake for the killings also, they claimed he knew what was about to go down and tried to cover his tracks.


Aisha comes running to the main house crying with the newspaper in her hands on the front over it said Jake Greene the Mean Machine Busted with a picture of him


I am sorry Aisha I heard about Jake thank the Lord you did not get mixed up with that mess.


How could he do this to me?


Maybe now you will find someone right for you, your are still young, beautiful, educated and sister you deserve better.


Anyway I called in sick, I do not feel very well at the moment, not only was he selling drugs bumming off of me, but he had a white girl on the side, I was used.  Maybe Maria is not so bad, sometimes your worst enemy is yourself or the person you least suspect.  I still have my family.  I need some time alone, I am going to go home and just relax and reflect, this is shocking to me.


You sure you are alright Aisha?


Yes, I was about to give up on him anyway.  But it is crazy what happened yesterday with marlon and the the gangs up the street.  They called it the Black Sunday


Like a dude once told me about the drug dealer, when they sign their contract with Satan it is written in fine print, I can take this back from you at anytime.


I was such a fool!


No Aisha you just did not know and you was just trying to be nice, do not blame yourself for another person’s folly.


I will see you later!

Aisha walks off to her home and Rayvon turns his attention to Big Ray.


I have one more act of unfinished business to tend to and everything will be in place.


The white woman and the drug dealer number three and his four workers, the bartender and two hit men  meet in a private office.


Well gentlemen it was fine doing business with you all and with this kind of money you’ll can make a life for yourselves anywhere in the world.  Hell it was small town in the middle of nowhere, it is like we were ghost.


Yea this was one smooth operation, nobody will ever tie it all together, you are an ingenious white women.  I always wondered what was your name, but it is not important.  It was good doing business with you also.

She hands each of them a briefcase with one million dollars each.


There is a million dollars in each briefcase you do not have to count it.  Goodbye and good luck.

They all say goodbye and walk out of the office into rented cars.


Assistant Director Richards calls another closed door meeting with Secret Agent Parks and Special Agent Garret concerning the new developments that occurred on what became known as Black Sunday.


Something went down that was well coordinated and probably has been going on before this operation started, but we cannot count out Rayvon.  Advance Surveillance Investigations, INC. will contact Ms. Love and tell her the investigation is called off due to a Federal Government investigation into the matter of Black Sunday, because there are things that just cannot be made public.


What about Rayvon and Maria, I am totally convinced he knows something, maybe more than we think and should be bought out of the dark.  We need him but he has to know that he needs us also.


I agree contact Maria to set up a meet, make sure the meeting is on Rayvon’s terms.  The whole operation has to be rethought out.


What about Maria, what role will she play now?


That is to be determined based on their relations.  Just setup the meeting.


Sister Peace and Momma drink coffee together on Saturdays regularly and gossip.  The Agency knows this because they have been watching them and felt this would be an opportune time to contact the two to let them know the investigation is being taken over by the Federal Government.  The phone rings it is Sister Peace cell phone which she gave them as a contact number.  Sister Peace answers the phone after the third ring.  She recognizes the caller ID.


Hello this is Sister Peace and Love.


Satan’s Time is Up


So now it is time to find out exactly what is going on?


Actually Ms. Love depending on how you accept this information it could be considered good and bad.  As you know there as an incident in your hometown called Black Sunday and the fact of the matter, one of the people you had under investigation got killed and another was arrested under the RICO Statute.


You said RICO?  Isn’t that the Racketeering Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act.  Ain’t that the Mafia?


It could be they do not know or they are not telling us, but as you know we had these people under investigation and surveillance and the government basically said we cannot give you this information, now hear me out.  Because of our policy we will refund you double the deposit of $25G, but our information has been subpoenaed by the Federal Government.  How and where would you like to receive your money.



Give me back a cashiers check; me and Momma will come and  pick it up as soon as possible.


You can pick up up today.


Hold on for a moment.

She turns her attention to Momma and says:


Momma you feel like taking a ride to orlando?  I will explain on the way.


Satan’s time must be up!


I will explain on the way, are you ready to go?


I just have to use the bathroom first.


Hello, we will be on our way in about 10 minutes and should be there before 3:00 O’clock or 3:30.


Just go to the receptionist and tell her your password and show her your drivers license and your check will be given to you.  I am really sorry about the developing events.

They both hang up


Maria and Rayvon was setup to meet at the hospital as Rayvon had an appointment to meet with a psychiatrist, who handles these type of cases for the Agency.


Rayvon Johnson you can see the doctor now.


Hi Mr. Johnson, I am Dr. Lawson, and this must be your wife.  Come into my office.

They go into the office and it is just the three of them.


This meeting will be monitored is that alright with you.  First of all your PTSD application has been approved and you will be getting 100% Service Connected Disability, for now I want you in my office once a month that will eventually be reduced to once every three months, is that OK with you.


No problem!  Before I continue I have one request, Maria she is Puerto Rican, yet she is blacker than I am, the family that raised her was light and mistreated her.  Why would they adopt her if they had a problem with her color.  We want to know the connection.  Who are Maria’s real parents, she deserves to know this.


Just a moment.

He gets on the phone and gets the information.


The complete report will come to you in certified mail, but the bottom line is Maria’s mother is in fact Puerto Rican, she was 13 years old when she got pregnant by a black male who was 15 years old.  Gloria the woman who raised her is her biological aunt on her mother’s side, her mother; well that part you have to find out in the report.  I wish you all the luck Maria, it is not all bad.


Well now you will find out just who you are Maria.  One more thing, Maria as of this day works for me, I will report to you and she will report to me, I do not need a wife observer who works for the government.  Yes I know more than you think.  I know my dreams are not just fantasies.


Now we need to know one thing, because there is a full investigation going down concerning Black Sunday, was it you?


Wrong question!  Was it you?

End of Act 3













The Kingdom of God & The Disposition Ramifications


The Kingdom of God & The Disposition Ramifications

By: Whoever – Double Standards


From: Jesus Christ to the Queendom & the World


He who has eyes need to start seeing and fast!


I have today to check the Internet and survey my location a little more in-depth. I need to get some food and I want to go to a local community stores in community and buy at prices neighborhood prices in close proximity. I AM hungry, but a good sign why?

journey 4

Skid Row – July 2015

I slept about a good 6-7 hours last night.  Why?  Why? Why?  Why I cannot rest in my own house, but 1,000 miles away, in the first night, I slept better last night than I did the last 4 months or really 2 years.  Since October 2014, I have been on the run.  Meaning mistreated and often homeless and penniless. I said to a man, how is it, I cannot ever find fifty cents, but seem to always lose $50? I will tell you why, because they are robbing me.   He says, when you go to a fast food restaurant, go to where the driver opens the door, they often will drop something on the side. I said, I wish I would have known that 6 months ago.  There was a many of days I’d just hope I could just find a dollar on the streets.  Thank you man!


The Prelude to this letter is the passage below:


My Family: They rather steal from me and watch me catch hell then simply give me the honor of asking for what they want? So then their children grow up thieves like them and can only pass on, ill-gotten gains.  Satan owns nothing but the people he has doing what he says.  He has nothing but you honor and love for evils against me. It is like they are all running for who will the crackers new main man to rule niggers. Whoever can control Paul, us crackers will put you on. They are competing over who controls me to be whitey top aid against me.  They can deny it, but their actions speak for themselves.  My challenge is to find one lie in this fact pattern.

Blue Building

The Blue House of God

(Where they break in an steal and even change locks)

The AC in here is so cold, I had to turn it off. This is the most sleep I had really, I mean meaningful good sleep in about 4 months straight and 2 years overall it has been inconsistent.  You’ll need to start listening to me.  I have no time to flip pages in the Bible for cracker to confirm what I AM telling you. So just take word for it.  The Bible teaches meaning if you understand what s being said, only I (Jesus Christ) is without a place to rest his head. Now we have millions of homeless people, so what is being said?  If I do not sleep, these things do not come to me from the Father in the Spirit in my sleep and I will become very aggressive and it will not be by my decision, it will be self-preservation, the first law of nature.


I should never be without a bathroom and shower, I complained over week ago, since returning in November 2015 about this man being in my house with my shower, but Dale seems to still have the house and shower, while I wash up in a sink in a warm house, he has AC units in every room that I bought and then you say, why is he acting this way. Then I say, I AM going to get me a piece of ass now, I cannot take being alone anymore, maybe he needs to be in a shelter or a damn hospital, jail or institution, but my problem is that is what I had for the last 4 months to 2 years.  I need a break.


I once said to a person, out of the blue. Why is it in the Army they get 30 days paid vacation?  Hell even a janitor gets 2 weeks’ vacation, but me, I cannot even get a fucking days rest?

Tyra Baby move

Tyra Fake Ass Baby Satanic MEDDIAH or some shit

Then understand the only thing I have to communicate with is my computer and phone systems. So every time I get on the internet, you’ll tell the world, we suck white dick, we go from relationship to relationship and be fucking all these ugly damn ass fake mother-fuckers.  We get them to suck our pussy and all types of shit man.  Tyra says, I even let a cracker surrogate my ass and I feeds my white boy really good and pays him well too and all types of shit. “I gots me sa fine white baby.”  Being a good girl?

maria alicia-and-here-family beyonce-and-her-family janet-and-faggot-debarge janet-and-muslim janet-and-pigmymaria maria-white-boy mariah-and-white-boy tyra-and-white-boy janet-and-pigmy janet-and-muslim janet-and-faggot-debarge beyonce-and-her-family alicia-and-here-family

These are the Children of Jesus Christ? A Fucking Embarrassment

Yea we the bad black bitches with all the white men sucking our asses and dicking us good and they provide for us mansions and great careers to. We made it to the top in Hollywood, we are Satanic Stars. But I say, I AM lonely to you’ll, I AM hurting and the result. And, just to get a little rest and still in an uphill battle to get my tooth pulled I might get drunk and pull it my damn self and no I have no use for the medical system and who cares what the FDA approves, because I only told you’ll, I AM ready to just fuck me somebody.  See?  But I could even afford a hotel the last two years.  Get rejected at my own home and luxury hotels to the point that when I go there, I go there to be turned away. Never again.  No key no me.


She Sleeps but I never Even own my fucking Bed

In Avon Park I still have no shower in my damn house and you act like hey, he can sleep next year. And I explained Rest to you. If you don’t work you don’t eat and if you work and need rest, go home and rest every day is the Sabbath.  But Satan told you his plans, you get no rest, you will labor and you will feel pain and suffer. But you’ll have comfortable beds right?  You’ll can get good shit to help you sleep, can couple up to masturbate and all types of shit.  But Paul, we will worry his ass every day he looks on his computer.  He will not have shower in his house or any respect at his home, in fact he is not welcome here.  He will have no love.  Only I have no place to rest my head?  Be it on the computer, in a hotel, in the store, walking down the streets.  You just do not want me.  You want authority over me to be the white man’s main bitch and that is not good enough for me. If you did, I’d be able to afford a hotel anywhere I go.


I guess I have to marry faggot Rene DeBar Gambino

What then we can have a threesome?

Conclusion: You’ll think you are better than me. Why? You feel oh, I can be faithful, but him we must control, he might screw up and fuck one of those whores.  So I stay broke because you love me, but you live comfortable and to make sure you keep me a secret, you feed all these fagots motherfuckers and starve me.  You call that love.  MJJ said, “love is no possession.” You do not own me; I can walk the other direction at any time. God the Father owns me ‘I and the Father is one” and in reality I own you, but you listen to my adversary because you are slaves of Satan rather than slaves for Christ. Why?  Because Zulus just love those white boys. If I bleached my skin, then will I have a Queendom?  Or should or must I fuck Rene DeBar Gambino.  The argument of the day is “Same Sex Marriage.”


I will not write a whole lot to you’ll today, but by night, I will send you’ll my last list of dos and if it seems like every time I write and say shit and it works against me, I have to assume Janet is really dead.  Because whoever I AM writing is not life.  Nowhere is it in the Bible, I have faith in the dead.


The only thing that still sickens me is the fact, I just might have to go back. I considered Cuba, but you’ll will probably wage a bet, I bet he make, no way in hell. The wage will be can I swam back. Evil bastards. I say this, if I do start killing it will not end until ever until everything is destroyed and I start again without put you losers, If I get my hands dirty all these no good motherfuckers, I paid to handle these disrespectful motherfuckers. Because if I have to, what the fuck I need any of you for? If I AM my own hand, then you are not a part of my body and must be cut off period.


Now the Mafia, the fucking Nation, all your fake ass religions. All you nasty motherfuckers.  One day you will answer for this shit, so I’d start on my fucking report now. You starve me, so what the fuck I need you for. And this world is not about shit. All you have is people building shit for a fast buck. This architecture is fucking meaningless and ugly. So fuck the Ritz Carlton too.  Fuck this world, maybe nukes do have a purpose, to get rid of the fucking old.  You have nothing to offer me but a place to rest my fucking head you bitch. I AM starting to hate you’ll too. You no good motherfuckers. And you think, we are living up.


I AM starting to hate you’ll too. No good motherfucker.  What is the fucking problem illiteracy or plan evil?  The scripture tells you, do not leave him out there homeless, he has to have his rest his head. If he gets tired, he needs to rest or you will have a problem. But the Devil says, starve him, live him in the streets as a home, place him in jail and institutions, so what we cannot kill him, we can make him suffer, there are things worse than death you know and you do it.


I have not one picture of me being showed Love from my whole Queendom

It says, God has to be loved this is something everybody as a little kid is taught. If God gets no love, you will all die, but if you love God, you will receive eternal life. But, Satan says he gets no love and you. And you say, I love Satan and his crew and fuck God.  This will I guarantee the end this fucking world for a lot of people if not every last one of you Sprit or not. Because Satan proved himself, you can be altered to hate God and love Death, so be it.  This I know. I cry and I cry, stop mistreating me, I cannot take anymore, I cannot or will not carry this cross anymore but in essence I AM crying please do not kill yourselves, there is no life without me.  If I stop supporting you, you will be like a Window XP computer and become obsolete, start catches all types of virus and die. But your concern is religion is a business. He cannot be God; we have game too. What business will you have if this shit is destroyed? I mean totally destroyed.  What rebuilding the ruble?  Dumb ass motherfuckers.  You make me sick.  Reading the fucking Qur’an. You’ll are all Lairs! And the code is a liar cannot serve God. So what good are you to God, an impediment of Satan. Fuck this world. It is the planet of the damn Serpents.


So the Bible says a man must leave who to be with his wife. I will accept a small city that is gated and you can just feast and eat each other and be without God, because you distaste towards me, became I cannot even bear being around you any longer than it takes to build my home. You can have the world for about8 ½ years to go. Prove me a liar, do what you got to do.  I will survive regardless.

Read Blue Link:  This shit is not me, this is Janet’s real King and it is not me.


Tell me who in the fuck is this shit?  This is evil low down bullshit and you can have your white boys, Muslims and faggots and Tyler Perry, because this shit is not me and you better never call me that shit ever. EVER!

Then named me some damn Jesus Paul MEDDIAH or some faggot Muslim ((so you must be trying to turn me out?) shit and I made it clear it was Jesus Paul Messiah or is that her white boy Muslim?  Maybe the name is right but it just is not me?  Tell that shit to Tyler Perry. Because that is not me, so this must not be my fucking Queendom.  AM I the latest Hollywood act, the Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah is really a Hollywood pretend and I AM the only sucker buying?

This really is not about shit unless the mystery is I end the world and destroy everything and everyone of you.  That seems to be where this shit is headed. You make me your hitman; I have to find the person who called in the hit. Right?  Or he will be the last man standing.  Anything you kill to have you must kill to keep?  A question. You answer it!

I’d rather be Spirit than in the flash to suffer among niggers!

Whoever you think I AM?

Janet’s Sexuality in Self Hatred – Hatred against God – Hate Crimes

To Queen of Queens Janet

From: Apostle Paul Castellano


Public Enemy

Janet’s Sexuality in Self Hatred – Hatred against God – Hate Crimes

30 August 2016 – Official Posting Date:

The View able Realty of Janet:  I AM love, so I had to see you in the light of love.  I pretended you was innocent.  But in clear few, you was clearly sexually immoral and I knew Eva better than anyone.  My reality gave her power, in my immoralities.   But Eva always gave Frank respect even as a cheat and he cheated two.  Frank was a breeder of many children.  Was he really cheating? . They was country niggers.


Janet’s Mixes

But to be the best head in Hollywood and sucked everybody’s dick but mine’s and their fear of me gave your clientele or was it prowess?  I would be drinking malt liquor on the street corners saying, “Janet Jackson is my wife.”  Meanwhile she is Queen of head, giver repeat, they look and say he really has a beautiful mind, I feel sorry for him, I knew Rene was not a faggot?????  (Phil: 3:2 therefore her pimp Rene has her as an aphrodisiac, “see, I take all of Paul Castellano flow and he is sprung on me. But you get my great head daddy and he gets a paradise of dreams.  “Yummy – Yummy.  Meanwhile, I AM getting kicked out of homeless shelters, sleeping in streets and she is sucking white, brown, yellow, red and every dick but mine’s. And bragged about how she was playing on me, being disrespected by dogs.  Because this is her craft?  She is the best and her worst of this sin was to intentionally dishonor me, as a turn on to her white John’s.  And made sure I was always broke and deprived.  Making me a mockery among white boys   they I took them down, they know their days are numbered, if they do not stop fucking with me. But you is very disrespectful. You say, “I love and is faithfully, but at like a whore right in the face of all nations of the world.” You made me look like a fool.  You say, “I hated you because you cut off my breast,” Then you learned I save you of breast cancer and you felt bad, but no apology.


The Setup:

  • Gas Stove
  • Electric Central Heating System
  • 2 ½ restrooms – Need Bathtub upgrades
  • Central Electric Heat & Electric Water Heater
  • AC Unit – Needs Central Blower installed in near of building after fencing
  • Curtains in Two Story Single Family Home – Commercial Specifications
  • High Quality Vacuum Tube Big Screen with theater System sound – Upgradable
  • Digital Convertor Box w/Powered Multi Directional Antenna – Free Local Television and 3.0 USB multi-player
  • My last deed is to move all that stuff out of the Walk-in Closet into the 2nd. Floor.


Here I AM, people making me waste my money, on simple neighborly love, evil weak ass shit:

If I must go on the road album. I will carry my backpack and I have a 22” duffel bag.  I AM going to make an album on my reality.  Now I stand alone on top, simply because all of you are full of shit.  I bet you tied your tubes and became a satanic bloodline O, Thank Alicia, my baby doll would never be such a fool.  How could you ever knew me?  This people are evil and had I went for this, as you did, I would have believed Satan over myself, Satan is a murder and a deceiver and  everything evil rolled up into one huge bag of ways to fuck you up.

Say My Name!

Money, Power, Sex.  “Once upon a time I was a trick, spending all my money, treating my dick and who I Licked.”  “Time after time.”  I didn’t need you then as you disrespected me and I might travel, the VA Homeless Shelter System and ride the Greyhound Bus System.

To: The Highlands County Police Department & the Postal Inspector

From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones D.B.A. Jesus Christ

923 S. A. AVE Order of Zews

Avon Park, FL. 33825

RE: Criminal Complaint Kidnapping Federal, State and County

Date: 25 May 2016

  1. I was kidnapped on about 12 April 2016. I was taken out of the Federal Jurisdiction, the United Post Office, at zip code 33826, by two men dress in Sherriff Uniforms with the Highlands County insignia.
  2. Then I was taken out of the County of Highlands, said to be Baker Act for a 72 hours observation, to Polk County, to a placed call Peace River. It was said to be sanctioned by the Sherriff Susan Benton her and signed by a Judge Canton?  My mother who has been legally dead since 1975, was said to be the person who requested this observation. But it was my sister Ella, who seems to be convince I AM crazy and did what law enforcement told her to do, to destroy my life, hopes and dreams.
  3. After arriving at Peace River, I saw no doctor and group forced me to take a shot Haldol, which I told them I was allergic to. Then I was quickly sent to the Central Florida Hospital in Orlando, FL.
  4. Upon arriving there, I was in a daze and was said to have told the on-call doctor in a court hearing, “I AM God and I was kidnapped.” He took me for a lunatic and simply process me as a Baker Act who got transferred. Again illegal, because if you get released from a Baker Act, they must send to only to another hospital upon your request. I was forced to go even further from my home. I was sent to Orange County and placed on the Palms Unit.
  5. They keep me for about 1 week before granting me a court hearing. At which time I was again committed for another 30 days. Again unlawful, because they was required to have me before a judge within 72 hours.  Then they extended this another 36 hour and again they went beyond the court order, by forcing to see a judge after the time sensitize court requirements.
  6. After about 36 days of being held against my will and unlawfully must I add, I was released from my Guardian Advocate, who did really nothing but try to have me committed with him as my court assigned representative and then I was sent home.
  7. When I got home, all my locks to my house was changed as if people was planning to move me out and them in. New clothing was placed in my home and I made a report to the Highlands County Sherriff office in Avon Park and I and an officer went to my sister Ella house. She gave me one key to the upstairs backdoor.  I found that my property was missing and my window was broking into. And was never repaired.
  8. I still have not recovered my power amplifier, my 150 watts set speakers and multi format cassette deck and since then people have been in and out of my house. She fraudulently took over my nonprofit organization and made herself the Agent over God and it was all done with the assistance of the law enforcement agencies in Highlands County, I AM not getting my mail, I have been waiting on a ATM card from Pay Pal for about two months, making me penniless due to these fraudulent attacks against me.
  9. I requested that my P.O Box 37, Avon Park, FL. 33825 lock be changed verbally, but not in writing and before we could discuss this, they removed the old lock. They never gave me the new key or got my old key back.  And then went further and told me, I had no more business at this Post Office, my P.O Box is no longer owned by me and if I come back I would be arrested.  This is what they told me and had me removed from the Post Office and told the law enforcement officers to Baker Act me, for threatening the Post Inspector over the phone and again this was a fabrication.
  10. In the last two months, I got about 5 pieces of mail in total and do not know who has the proper keys to get into my P.O Box 37. But I do know Ms. Maria Sutherland had the keys to my P.O. Box 37, but was never granted any authority to enter into it.  And when I approached her about getting my keys back, she did not give them to me.
  11. I request these criminal acts be investigated and a determination be made as to if this is a RICO Act conspiracy against Jesus Christ – God?
  12. I want immediate access to my P.O. Box and I want free P.O Box services from this Post Office perpetually, in that Jesus Christ must have mail rights and any services the Post Office renders, I get for free perpetually to include no limits on Postal Money orders and stamps.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones


The Fact Pattern:


I posted this letter on my blog and hand carried a copy to the Northern District Highlands County Sherriff Department in Avon Park, FL.  Then I hand carried my complaint to the United States Post office, located at Avon Park, FL. 33826.  Where I was arrested and told I was trespassing under Florida States Statue 810.08, because Vicky Dunn of the rest and powerful Dunn Family says, “I own this Post Office?”

Then this Case Became:  State of Florida v. Frank Paul Jones Case: 16-466-MM

I told them my name is Rev.  Frank Paul Jones – Messiah, I live on 923… – Order of Zews, Avon Park, FL. 33825.  I AM D.B.A. Jesus Christ and I also hold the title God under IRS laws and rules.  I said, this case is not in the proper jurisdiction, if I was charged, it would have to be under Federal Jurisdiction.  Judge Cowden had me illegally Baker Act – Code Kidnapped. Judge Rightnour tried to have me railroaded. I get charged on a misdemeanor, he tells me I AM involuntarily committed to a psychological evaluation, but under misdemeanor court he cannot enforce that court ruling.    Then they find me incompetent anyway without an evaluation and the Doctor committed perjury.  He has a M.D. A psychologist is unbiased in doctrine, but I psychiatrist has a pre-conceived notion that no God exist.  How can a man who clearly states there is not God and therefore he is not God.  He is incompetent.

The Real Estate Update:

Case: #15-00007400

CRA: (ord. No. 13-07 FS: 1, 6-25-2007)

I was told by the code enforcement that my home is filthy and unlivable due to my need for a paint job.  And they say and while, you are at it, get that mildew off the exterior structure.  These hate crimes continue.

Public Records on the Crimes of Hatred towards God:

The letter I wrote to the Postal Inspector and the Sheriff was responded to Chief Deputy Mark C. Schrader.  But it did not get to the Federal Postal Inspector. His letter give you the 3 Police Incident Reports and basically said, it is not in his jurisdiction or responsibility to carry out a RICO Act Investigation.


Jesus Christ

The Legal Assistant a Prison to Streets Movement Grant

beef Solar system hypnosis 2 Daddy P

The Legal Assistant a Prison to Streets Movement Grant

By: King of Kings Jesus Paul Jones Messiah bka Jesus Christ

  1. A six months course
    2.People like my cousin John Moss who is a Jail House Lawyer.
    3. Make them computer literate.
    4. Give them specific quarries to obtain specific answers and a handbook with this information updated ad necessary
    5. Give them legal software without disclaimer.
    6. Now we can made produce legal documents
    7. Prior to printing and execution, it goes to an attorney who vets these documents.
    8. Update all wireless contracts to insure prosecution if busted due to taped communications via Lady Bug
    9. Label drugs and the spread of AIDS the number one act if terror against America
    10. Made an executive order to eradicate AIDS from the world.  How can the Republicans even argue against this?
    11. Declare the spread of AIDS directly associated with bad hygiene’s.
    12. Make all government employees and social services recipients to get a physical every six months to include a hernias examination. That use to be the first thing a doctor did, now it is the only thing they do not do.
    13. Executive order. Declare that for a marriage to be under the constitution, it must define sex.  They say same sex marriage, therefore sexuality had to be defined. Another trap. Define a man as someone who developed from a boy to a man and is at least 18 years old. And that will grant him Man Rights. They have Woman rights.  Right?
    14. They will laugh at this new Obama Care agenda.
    15. Then call in the physical examination to prevent the spread of AIDS required by all government and social services recipients.
    16. Then say one these examinations they are considered non man type if they have no testicles, because a boy who develops into manhood has testicles.
    17. Draft an animal’s rights bill, granting animal the right to life without abuse. Nothing about a bank account or any right of a man.
    18. Then say all these castrate are in fact not a man and therefore cannot have the rights of men, but do fall under the criteria of an animal and had the right to life. They cannot be murdered, but they cannot vote, have a bank account, cannot have freedom, most have an owner and kick every last one if them out of government and take away all government benefits, place them in non-human shelters to be trained to be user friendly pets.
    19. And savage pets, we have the right to put to sleep.

Jesus Paul Jones Messiah bka Jesus Christ

The State of the Queendom & my Grandson Malcolm

This was the last time I saw Malcom X

The State of the Queendom & my Grandson Malcolm

Malcom X: the Father of the Black Panther Party

Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.

I AM creating the Queens Tag, which will be used over and over times again.  I filed the IRS 990N this year, O lost money last year with the National Community Network, INC.  Nicki, think I and Nicky is jokes and Nicky is so mean and known to be notorious that if she want to NYC and said, Nicky Barnes is my daddy, they will look the other way.  I could not tax exempt Nicki Barnes.  But I know she is about to make me about one billion easy man.  Hey Nicky, buy 1,000,000 copies to giveaway in New York City?  See?  $1,000,000 x $6.00 = I just made $6,000,000 easy.  See?

Keba is my daughter, she tricked me by making me think it was me or Boykin. Boykin calling himself Rahmel the baby eater and Q, I saw some of your article, you need to read my stuff.  Because before you talk about him, get it right, he is my child, well Grandchild and I hate Allah.

Allah is bitch ass Mosses, who said to the Arab slave Muhammad, hey, I will make you a great nation and she made them the innate enemies of the Jews, who are Hebrew also, an Arab is a mere Hebrew Slave and I AM the only God.  Malcolm X® and add him as a Trademark is the Father of the Black Panthers and they are Made Men and Loyal

I Chicago I told a Panther these words after about talking to him 30 minutes.  The Black Panthers have been infiltrated by the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover, but they word for me now under the new Director (Comey).  Don’t listen to anything Louis says, because he is the dummy of the family, every family seems to have one. This is how you know a Panther “If you pull a gun out of a Panther, you have to pull that trigger, because he is not afraid to die.

The promise Malcolm the Panthers, was if you die for God (Jesus and not Allah) your children will live forever with him in his Kingdom.  Those are the Gangster Rappers, who made it to the other side and not Dr. King and not and not that Sunni or any Islam. Hell, what is wrong with the Nation of Islam, it is some new bullshit? And Illaysah, who saw him dead?  They said, I say him gasping for air, but I ran my bitch ass out of there. And you dignify these bastards as Men. They left him to fucking die! And that photo with the rifle and Malcolm, that was the last time I saw him, I cried and he said he had to go, he had to go.  Then came Louis and all those perpetuated lies.  Anyone who told you to not be proud of that photo hates me, now who was it.  You did not even remember.

Then when I came to NYC, I said, hey you get it all man, the Nation is out. This is the great battle. His response, “We have to vote on it?”  I bet he didn’t even tell you I been there in Harlem?  John, Eminent Domain Sunni liars and tell those bitch ass niggers to get to running and leave the women, I might take them all and those in the Dominican Republic.

And I AM so damn nice, I just take the blame for shit I did not do.  Rene Elizondo is the one who pointed the gun at my head and was told “That is Paul Castellano.”  And that no good bitch ass nigger, pulled the trigger and I had snipers and everything in Queensbridge on 5 July 1989.  Rene drank that shit and they basically tell you once you in no way out.  He turned into a faggot, because the Mafia do not make faggots, Carlo Gambino did and therefore he is the Mad Scientist and my men are mad Men tracking the dogs down. And what did Rene create? The faggot Brigade calling themselves Nazis the JDL and all types of bad shit.

And Whitney mommy on the Preachers Wife told Whitney, the Lord is not shit, in so many words. And everyone who followed Rene, said Paul ain’t shit and made the decision to continue your evil ways.

Now is Dante Bush Rene?  No!  And I am Sorry Dante and should give you the pleasure of making this right.

Tags in the making

King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – Lord of Lords Israel, New Jerusalem, Queen of Queens Illaysah Israel, Queen of Queens Qubilah Israel, Queen of Queens Janet Israel, Queen of Queens Maria of Israel, Queen of  Queens Alicia Keys Israel, Queens Queen Anansa Israel, Queen of  Queens Beyonce Israel, Queens Queen Casandra Israel, Queen of Queens Elizabeth Israel, Queen of Queens Mary Israel, Queens Queen Gwendolyn Israel, Queens Queen Latifah Israel, Queens Queen Latoya Israel, Queens Queen Mariah Israel, Emancipator Queen NaQuila Israel, Queens Queen Niecy Israel, Queens Queen Onika Israel, Queens Queen Renee Israel, Queens Queen Rihanna Israel, Queens Queen Serena Israel, Queens Queen Tamara Israel, Queens Queen Tatyana Israel, Queens Queen Tia Israel, Queens Queen Tyra Israel, Queens Queen Zendaya Israel, Emancipator Queen Nazirah Israel, Emancipator Queen Mary Ann Israel, Emancipator Queen Latoya, Queens Queen Tracy Israel, Queen of Queens The 24 Tribes Israel, The Kingdom of God, The Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah


Agent of God John J. Gotti aka John the Baptist

March 12, 2016

The Jones Family

c/o: Agent of God John J. Gotti aka John the Baptist

The Mafia

1 Central Park West

New York, N.Y. 10023

Dear Nephew John:

On 5 July 1989, the Integration of Paul Castellano and Frank Paul Jones took place in the Queensbridge Projects, the completion took a few weeks and then my loving nephew had a convey of limousines take me to the Borden Avenue Veteran Residence (BAVR) in Long Island City and told this homo, hey if you watch him and make sure nothing happens to him, I will have him cure your AIDS.  His name was Eddie Lee, the brother to Tiffy (he could box – got hit in the chin?) and Tony Lee and the dead pimp Thomas.  Hey it was not intentional, I said “man you cannot just go to this man’s house a veteran of Vietnam and disrespect his wife, right in front of him and say jokes about that man’s condition.  Man you can get killed for shit like that.”  That was Daddy P. the pimp with no whorse, hell they ran the opposite direction, “Daddy P or Paul to the dummies, he is coming. Why?  I was known for killing evil doers and pimps are informants and placed on the top of the list.

On 4 July 2015, I emancipated the World, from the world, the little (g) became Daddy P. or Big (G) see? But the World still did not know it. The IRS acknowledged I AM God and have the right to all charity under 501 c 3 and under Martial law?  That is power, but these fools had more respect for Daddy P?  I got dogged out every step of the way.  I would say in the shelter, “I AM Jesus the Lord and what you are doing is low, you are a piece of shit scum and just talk shit until, Johnny Boy gets me kicked out into the damn streets.

On Thanksgiving Day 2015, I reiterated to Queen of Queens Maria, aka Maria Sutherland, to document the Establishment of the order of Zews by documenting this on Thanksgiving. The Order of Zews establishes separation of God and Satan, because state means Federation means Confederation, means Satanic Anti-Christ.

This is the establishment of the only church on earth and the foundation to all truth and religion.

On 12 March 2016, prophesy of the bible is fulfilled.  The IRS declared my business name is Jesus Christ®.


  • The use of my title God is blasphemy
  • Misuse of the name Jesus Christ is civil – I own the name Jesus Christ exclusively from the beginning 1776.
  • Rev. Frank Paul Jones is in the beginning Frank Jones or as you know him the Bloodline of the Zulus of over 380 million years Shaka Zulu and therefore the Father of all the living, certified in the birth of Frank Paul Jones, son of Frank Jones and Great Grand Father of Frank Clark Jones, son of Elijah Robert Jones, the seed of Frank Paul Jones, who is Frank Jones in the beginning and therefore the seed of Elijah and Esau and therefore you are all God’s children has true meaning.
  • The need of the Hebrew sons and daughters of Zulu and Arab Asia aka dumb ass slave Muslims fighting to eat their babies and claiming they are praying, when I never heard shit they ever said.  Liars, se that is the benefit of being God, people be praising the lord Satan.
  • I say you have not God in you, you is godless worthless (Don’t spare the rod on those you love – If I hit someone I might have to revive their asses).  They be thinking I AM just a higher degree of bullshit, while to know who I AM and can point your finger at me and say he is God. That is Power!  Because if someone says some shit like that to you, then the law of blasphemy goes into effect.  Whack him and take his shit on your way home.  This is based on convection, how you think you can deceive this man about God and try to cheat him out of eternal life to steal his everything and on his way home leave you behind to deceive other escapees?
  • The Nicky Barnes alert. What is good is bad and what is bad is good.  NaQuila is not Gotti and I will explain.  She is Nicki Barnes and is tax exempt as is all my Queendom acts.
    • Any money that goes to anyone will be transparent to include good dirty politicians. Otherwise we plant the seed for more deceptions.
    • You are either for me or against me and no saying thank you for your taxes God?  Get real!


Jesus Christ

The National Community Network Agenda 2014-15

The National Community Network Agenda 2014-15


Presented by: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


1: Operation Solution and Response: Pages – 1 – 18 Effective 1 November 2014 – 31 October 2015


2: Three Day Annual Thanksgiving Weekend Events: Pages 18 -21 Effective 27 November 2014 – 29 November 2014 – Gift collections should continue until the end of the holiday season.


3: Potential Funders: Pages 22 – 25 Solicit Grants from corporate Funders to support our programs continuously, promote our program to the community for grassroots support, sought after volunteer labor and work side by side with the local businesses as well.


4: Recording Studio Music Project:  Page 25  Social Impact” – 1 September 2014 – 30 November 2014 or as long as it takes.  We plan to record and master at least 12 songs by various local artist as a fund raising campaign and a message sender to our young adults and youth, which will be addressing issues such as AIDS, racism, drug infestation in black communities, the illiteracy challenge, black on black crime and so forth.


We will advertise and request for songs and performers.  We plan to run our studio  around the hours of 12 AM – 5 AM.


5: Promotion of Establishment of AIDS Research Facility: Pages 25 – 28 We would like to be the organization at the forefront that helps revolve the many issues surrounding the AIDS pandemic and help find its cure or release it.  We believe we have the answer the world has be awaiting, which is the Blood of the Lamb.


6: Dinners & Fund Raisers: Page 28 We will support a food sale campaign whereby part for the proceeds will help pay monthly expenses, to allow us to run higher electric bills in order to run our office longer hours with more energy to search for funding for our programs and help fund our recording studio music project, which we hope will also raise money and resonate with the kids in a tasteful manner.


7: Promotion and Updates on the Legalization of Marijuana in the State of Florida and nationwide marijuana laws.  Page 28 We will cover the marijuana debate as we come close to the elections on 4 November 2014. And if legalized prepare to assist people in getting licenses to smoke it as a mean s of reducing crime and preventing recidivism.








1: Operation Solution and Response: Pages – 1 – 18


Operation Solution & Response

Rev. Frank Paul Jones

The National Community Network, INC

Formally: the National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC

923 South A Avenue

Avon Park, FL 33825

Office: (863) 657-2407




A Project of the National Community Network, INC.

The Agenda: November 1st – Fiscal Year 2014-15


Our Services Addresses these community related problems:


1: Preventing Criminal Recidivism


2: Education and Illiteracy


3: Hunger


4: Community Activities


5: Poor Community Economy


6: Disproportionately High Community Unemployment Rates


7: Homelessness and Housing Issues




9: Human Rights


Introduction and Overview:


The National Community Network, INC, was founded on October 20th, 2009, as the National Community Network and Coalition of Highlands, INC., in the State of Florida, in the City of Avon Park, located in Highlands County.  We were founded by siblings of the Jones Family, with a mission of “building a better community,” and an oath to “give back to the community.” This promise I made to Worshipful Master Eston E. L. Roberts, with an understanding we will be traveling in another direction, so to speak, “for those who have ears.”  The Co-founders were Rev. Frank Paul Jones, Rev. Egeria F. Jordan, Lujuana M. Flood and Rev. Ella E. Williams.  Egeria F. Jordan is deceased since July 13th, 2012, may she RIP, established our organization on 20 October 2009.


We owned our two story headquarters is located at 923 South A Avenue, Avon Park, FL. 33825, we refer to our headquarters location as the Blue Building, because of its Freemasonic history, this institution was once the home of Prince Hall Freemasons. The building is now in good condition, however we have some needed some capital

investments.  We need a 3 ton condenser unit for our downstairs central AC unit, two 12,000 BTU window units upstairs, a parking lot to expand our educational services and fence placed around our perimeter.


Our purposes, mission and vision was designed intentionally to act as the framework for different types of  comprehensive plans to redevelop poor communities that have falling behind economically across our nation, but this specific operation was designed for Avon Park, FL. 


The National Community Network, INC. is designed to face the challenges of economically deprived neighborhoods and has built in mechanisms to support Community Redevelopment Agencies “CRA” nationwide and not just in Avon Park, Fl where our headquarters is located.  Though we are operating as a local charity, with a current local agenda, in time we plan to branch out.  And hopefully as a result of our progress in Avon Park, FL., this program may be duplicated in another community in the State of Florida or even in States in America, such as New York City.


The function of the NCN is to act as an agent, to assistant and also to take on the leadership role in solving community problems with our main focus on economics and social issues. Our complete program design is meant to be duplicated with modifications to create community solutions wherever needed where there are programs designed with the intentions of  “building a better community” in mind.


The National Community Network, INC., admits to our humble beginnings, but what we are introducing is a potential nation builder. The reason for our limited community work so far was the lack of funds, because we didn’t have our 501 c 3 statuses, but now this has changed and hopefully we will be able to find Funders to support our programs designed for building a better community in the Southside Redevelopment Area and a build a better Avon Park.


1: The National Community Network , took ownership of the Business Area of the Southside Redevelopment Area around South Delaney Avenue, by maintaining the area daily by keeping it clear of garbage and debris.  We did this for over 3 years and will continue to do this.  Before the upcoming South Delaney Community Development Block Grant was even considered we were there on the frontline maintaining South Delaney Avenue, in hopes that someday would be today and today has seemed have found its way. The CDBG Grant is overdue!


2: We advocated for our community.  We plan to expand these services by creating a new Facebook page, blog, Website and Newsletter, to support these initiatives.


3: We took what once had life and became a skeleton after being closed down for over 5 years, with a seriously leaking roof and transformed it with a new tin roof, also fixing the water damages inside and we did a lot of other maintenance work  and repairs, all out of pocket.  Now we are well on our way of converting this once empty shell into a structure for a program of comprehensive community services, which will bring forth more unity among us.  Now as a post 501 c 3 commitment we will finish this job and transform our headquarters into respectful and accommodating place of community services, open for business.  We want our property to be  pleasing to the eyes of the community given the SRA new hope through the initiation of services through “Operation Solution & Response.”


Supporting the Local Businesses:


When Americain general faces a recession the people in poor communities across Americaalready are experiencing a depression.  Hard economic times is nothing new to poor America.  And the Southside Redevelopment Area is now in a state of depression.  Many of our businesses are failing or struggling because of the lack investment capital. Causing less money to circulate within our community, which is an already over unemployed population and under invested.  These are some of the after effects of long term poor economic conditions.


While the Avon Park CRA announced that South District’s South Delaney Avenuewill receive a much needed overhaul of the streets and roads through a federally funded CDBG Grant, the plans within local government to redevelop the businesses in this area do not go far enough.  While the CRA already condemned at least two major properties in this area in our recent history, we at the National Community Network is concerned with the remaining properties being determined as plight, as of the results of these improved streets and roads.  If the businesses are not improved the properties on the Delaney Avenue Strip may then appear to be plight as a result of progress community progress. And that would a be a sad time in the history of all of Avon Park, Fl.


The Avon Park “new historic facade grant,” is a step in the right direction, but is hardly enough.  First of all, for many of the businesses that could use these grants, they are struggling, or cannot reopen due lack of investment capital and/or is behind on property taxes. So to offer them a dollar for dollar grant to improve the external areas, with 100% upfront cash required, is really a slap in the face.  What is actually being said is if you can put up $10,000 to fix your property, we will give you a refund of $5,000 at a later date.


Here is the middle ground and what we think should be done. The properties that qualify for the new historic facade grant, be given the grant by creating an escrow account.  This way properties that need these grants most, can apply for them and when they come up with the matching funds, they will be able too use the money set aside for their property renovations.  This could be the beginning of a comprehensive program whereby government and citizens can work together, to accomplish the redevelopment of the Southside Redevelopment Area’s Southside District.


One must attempt to understand the reality and state of South Delaney Avenue.  It is a slum area.  And then one must take into  consideration the proud history of S. Delaney Ave.  With this understanding, we will be able to see the logic of trying to restore these business properties to their current owners.  By doing this, we will be able to start a transformation within community to become a safer, cleaner and more independent, by reducing crime based on property ownership  incentives to care take their restored properties.  Either this or the CDBG Grant will be meaningless to our current property owners, which means we are all be subject to a hostile takeover in the future, due to the increased value of the real estate.  It happened in New York City’s Harlem Communities and it can happen here.  We all know Avon Park, FL., is prime real estate just waiting for major investors to come to a compromise with these local agriculture tycoons.


Now what I will propose may have sounded far-reaching just a year ago, but today it is a rational thought process and its foundation is principle based.  We believe the solution to the redevelopment of the Southside Redevelopment Area, is the new taxes on the sales of medical marijuana in State of Florida and City of Avon Park. Whereby as of its inception into law, the City of Avon Park, FL., sell a 10 year – $150,000 municipal bond, splitting  the $150,000 equally among Avon Park CRA Districts and continue to give at least 50% of these taxes towards CRA designated areas in Avon Park for the history of this law or until it is determined to no loner be needed.  


The $50,000 for the Southside Redevelopment Area, should be used to start the redevelopment process of our businesses.  It should be a comprehensive plan that requires active participation by the grantees and or management of these businesses.  Because fixing a building and putting equipment inside it, without the assurance of proper management is a cocktail for failure. We believe that a major part of our problem is the lack of knowledge concerning business practices. Many of these properties were within families for more than one generation and while beneficiaries may have inherited the family properties, they did not necessarily inherit the family business or know how.


Helping our Disadvantage Young Adults:


We think the main problem in the United States today is the jobless rate that is causing us to create a generation of hopelessness among our youth and this is amplified in black communities nationwide and is now a serious issue in Avon Park’s Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park, Fl and this is what we will address. 


While our youth, sees Hollywood and Multimedia as outlets as a means to creates dreams about success and a way out of their state of oppression, what Hollywood depicts is often just an illusion that is often not obtainable by many of them due to the lack of education and connections and this degrades their moral fiber.  Because they grew to want something that they cannot have.  Too often due to joblessness, they stay home all day and play violent video games, listen to rap music often filled with filthy and degrading language and watch fantasy television shows, only to end up turning to the  streets with nothing to do (“an idle mind is the workshop of Satan”).  And too often this ends in violence, the loss of young lives which isn’t new to the Southside District and the incarceration of too many of our young adults.  And we want to curb this!  We want to curb crime and recidivism.  And because many of us within the National Community Network to include myself have been there and done that, by operating on the other side of the law, who better qualifies to reach out to our disadvantaged young adults, than one with a common past life of crime and/or just being on the streets.


They need to see a way out, today many of them would not and could accept an invitation to a better way of life, because it requires education and skills, something many of our disadvantaged young adults fear to take on the endeavor or simply do not understand the incentive in a tangible way.  Many of these young adults are even afraid to take on the simple task of obtaining a GED, to many of them this is not simple at all, but is a very complex measure.  Many of them are simply afraid to fail!  Yet many of them will need higher education beyond a GED in order to survive in the future Highlands County, which is headed for major development. We have a problem called hopelessness in the Southside Redevelopment Area and among the poor in Avon Parktoday.


We believe that the fastest way to create noticeable change in “building a better community,” is to put a major focus on the redevelopment of our young adults between the ages of 18-35 and older, because often it is at this age group when most of our young adults engage in self-destructive and/or unproductive behavior that could be modified if they were given other options with meaningful incentives.  Because these are truly the children who will be our leaders of tomorrow.


Helping our Young Children:


Before we created the disadvantaged young adult, we were handed an innocent child through the grace of God.  They did not ask to come on this earth because none of us did, but they were born and came to us as babies unable to support or even take care of themselves.  They therefore had to go through a molding process in order to function as upright American citizens, with the responsibility of someday being caretakers of Americathemselves.


Highlands County has some of the worst performing high schools in the state of Florida.  Only six Floridadistricts had lower graduation rates than Highlands Countyin 2011-12.  While the graduation rate was about 74% in the state of Florida, it was only 61% in Highlands County in 2012.   And AvonPark is the worst performing high school within Highlands County.  And the residents of the Southside Redevelopment Area and poor communities like the public housing complexes in Avon Park, are on the forefront of academic failure, which transcends and becomes a community filled with street crimes, violence, and intellectual vegetation.  This is an after effect of long term poor economic conditions.


Meanwhile our young children see our young adults on the streets 24/7 being unproductive or trying to survive. They live in a community whereby illegal drugs is the number one commodity. They see a community of victims being slaves to poverty and eventually see themselves as forever victims also, without any real option to gaining a part of the American dream, but often end up within a life of crimes, jails, institutions, long term addictions and death.  Our children need to feel safe, loved and protected and believe it or not and this is very important, they need to feel needed, because the reality is one day will depend on them or self-destruct. 


We believe as a community we must be the caretakers of our younger children, who are under 18 years old and are not emancipated. If we as a community do not raise our children properly, we as a community has failed tomorrow already.  Part of the cause of our current social and economic problems and conditions are our past failures in the molding processes of our children. It is due to our past failures as a community in education, crime prevention and community economics that this program we are presenting now has become a program of community need and not community convenience. Operation Solution and Response is a SRA community need.


We want to insure that every child in our community has a fair chance in life and will be able to grow and enjoy the Declaration of Independence in Americaas adults.  Something too often taking away from our youth due to their responses to the conditions of poverty.




Serving our Senior Citizens:


The senior citizen is the backbone of our community and it is from them that we gain our strength in character as a union throughout the world.  We will find within this group of people, a lot of knowledge, wisdom understanding through experience and education. It is a fact that through the process of life and aging, most people grow to care more about humanity as a whole and find a God of their understanding that they serve.  Like a child should be born innocent and it is the journey of humankind, to once again try to become righteous and be in service to the God of their understanding.  And often this is done through one’s community work.


But the reality is that many of our senior citizens are barley surviving in the Southside Redevelopment Area.  Most are living on a fixed incomes or food stamps that barely allows them to make all their bills and eat properly.  Many of senior citizens find themselves in really lonely situations, without anyone to socialize with.  Many of our senior citizens are without structure and only want to do some meaningful volunteerism.  Many of our senior citizens are huge resources of information waiting to be tapped for knowledge.  And some are just doing fine in retirement and just want to give back to our community.  Whatever it is, if it is good, our senior citizens deserve it and more.  So we set aside Sunday as “Weekly 50+ Senior Citizen Recreational Spot,” whereby we are open all day to address senior citizen issues, offer recreational activities, food  and other services.


Serving our Underserved:


With the mentality that “nobody will be left behind,” we try to help anyone experiencing misfortunes, with a focus on economic and social issues.


Serving People with AIDS/HIV:


We believe that the virus that causes AIDS, was developed in a laboratory in Germanyduring the winter of 1976-77. It was designed as a biological weapon to kill off people. The target was the Gay community, drug addicts and people of color. And it had early successes but resulted in a lot of unintended damages.  We believe the orders to create this deadly virus originated at the CIA.  And in 1980 it was released upon mankind.


We believe that in 1989 the cure to AIDS was developed, but never release, because the pharmaceutical industry is profiting from the many very expensive treatments being made available. Therefore our position isn’t to fight for a cure, but to fight for the release of the cure to AIDS.


Therefore our approach to dealing with the AIDS pandemic, is to inform the people as to what is really going on to create a movement of AIDS awareness that is based on the idea that this disease was not by chance, but was in fact develop in a laboratory and was government sanctioned.


Through AIDS awareness programs and advocacy, we believe we will the forefront and leaders of change in policy that will bring about the end of AIDS.


Helping Enforce the Human Rights of all people:


We realize that their a many important social issues that deserve and need to be resolved but are being denied of.  We believe the most relevant social issues of the day are Gay and Lesbian Rights, the marijuana dilemma concerning it legalization & uses and the AIDS pandemic.  And always we must keep close to us the ongoing fight of the African American, which is for the true emancipation of the African America Slaves in America, because we know that the 14 Amendment did not free black slaves, but was only a measure to reunite the Confederation back into the Union. No more and no less!


For this reason we will attempt to be at the forefront of information sharing and advocacy, through continuing campaigns designed to inform, lead, support and assemble people together. Though we are different we have a common enemy and through unity the war against humanity can be won.  We see us as a coalition of the diverse underserved and as a community against unjust laws and rules, whom will get a fair shot of true inclusion within American society as equal partners in the Union, unless we fight for our right.



Operation Solution & Response


The National Community Network has solutions that will help the Southside Redevelopment process and our future community economic growth as well as prepare the people in our community to be able to survive, excel and grow in the future Highlands County by becoming better prepared and therefore “building a community” and it is “Operation Solution and Response.”

What it is?


Operation Solution and Response is a long term initiative designed to perform services for  people in determined CRA eligible areas, Residents of Public Housing Complexes and other subsidized housing and communities determined poor in need of assistance by some government standards. We will assist in and  initiate and facilitate the renewal of physical, economic, and social conditions through the redevelopment and/or development of community structures but most importantly the people.  The OSR is designed to assist the people within these communities as well and not just fix the structural problems.  Because when communities become, blight, plight and slum areas, you can believe the mindset of the community also suffered drastically.


What is required?


Operation Solution and Response is a community response initiative. Therefore in order for this project to have any real successes, it will require a lot of community participation and dedicated volunteers. Therefore we call on other non profits, the churches, the local businesses and most importantly the people, to take an interest in this program and to do so is to take an interest in yourselves, by helping us build a better community.  Because we are in this together and together is the only solution.


How It Works:


By using a 7 tiers approach we address what we think are major problems associated with these type community problems, whereby the businesses are going out of business and or struggling, the residents also suffer due economic problems, crime and illiteracy and or in some cases  just being down in the dumps emotionally as well from the stresses of constant poverty.  Because poverty we understand, we drafted our response. 


We have a 7 tier approach: 


(1) Unemployment  (2) Education and Illiteracy (3) Hunger (4) Criminal Recidivism

(5) Poor Performing Economy. (6) Community Activities (7) Homelessness and Housing Issues


What are we designed to do?


The Operation Solution and Response is designed to reduce blight thru renovations as an alternative to demolition in designated CRA areas, develop community resources, stimulate government and private sector investment in the communities and cities we serve, give communities comprehensive support, organize and develop community leadership and create the leaders of tomorrow and create a network to collectively collaborate and address the social and economic problems in our communities and to solve them through a team effort using centralized and interactive communications, as the foundation  for  organized movements for economic and social development and redevelopment.


Its is our goal to expand our operations into other outside facilities, due to the limited space in our two story headquarters location.  It is our hopes that eventually our headquarters location will be used exclusively as the administrative and intelligence center of our operations to accommodate our organization’s staff, while we perform our services at other locations by allocating the needed personnel to serve in areas within AvonPark and Highlands County.


The Program Design:


The National Community Network, INC.


Operation Solution and Response is a long term initiative whose main focus will be on designated areas in Avon Park, FL, primarily on the Southside Redevelopment Area.


The Eagle Fellowship, is not a separate entity from the NCN, but is a board assigned by the Board of Directors of the NCN, to address these community issues. The NCN will facilitate their meetings at the Blue Building.


The Oversight Committee, is not a separate entity from the NCN, but is a board assigned by the Board of Directors of the NCN, to address these community issues. The NCN will facilitate their meetings at the Blue Building.


The Board of Local Clergy, is not a separate entity from the NCN, but is a board assigned by the Board of Directors of the NCN, to address these community issues. The NCN will facilitate their meetings at the Blue Building.


The PTS Movement “Prison to the Streets


Who is Prison to the Streets Movement?


The PTS Movement meaning “prison to the streets movement,” is a movement of men and women who were once a part of the prison system as inmates, who are committed to doing what is right for self and community.  Using our artistic skills as writers, producers, performers, actors and the many arts, we channel these energies towards our youth and young adults in an attempt to teach them not to do wrong based on our past experiences.   We do this through music and films and other means multimedia.  We believe that “a wise man will learn from the mistakes of others.” We feel through our past misfortunes which sent us to prison and present agenda of “building a better community,” we can be a springboard for positive change in our communities nationwide. Because who better than us to reach out to them?

The PTS Movement:  The purpose of the PTS Movement is to organize the people we serve and to create a united voice through our guidance and to create a network that collectively and cooperatively works together on social and economic issues, to find solutions and carry them out thereby fulfilling the mission of the NCN “building a better community.”  And to build better character from among and within our fellowship, because we realize we are stronger when united and together our body is the temple of God. We are a spiritual body but not a religious order. Though we are directed by God, we are not guided by any specific religious doctrine and therefore is bound by the purposes, mission and vision of the NCN during our fellowship meetings, addressing community issues.

The PTS Movement, who are committed to building a better community.  What goes on in those meetings is closed to the public and stays within this group, thereby creating an environment of trust and integrity.  Also note that many of the members of the PTS Movement hold religious titles such as Minister, Reverend, Rabbi and Apostle allowing us to congregate with other felons in doing what we understand is the work of God. And many members of the PTS Movement are the creators of our music library, developed through donations by artist and writers.  We hope through proper exploitation we will be able to raise substantial funding thru records sales, copyrights and royalties income, from these donated  artistic works.



The Oversight Committee:


The oversight committee can consist of 4 to 12 board members which will include the chairman of the board.  They will meet twice per month or more if special meetings are scheduled. 


1) The purpose of this committee is to act as a watchdog over government spending that effects local community. 


2) To advocate for more spending in communities it serves and design, advocate and implement plans to redevelop these communities. 


3) Attracting philanthropists to support “Operation Solution & Response.” Organize the community to address the agenda for the redevelopment and economic growth of their community. And other duties as determined necessary.


The Board of Local Clergy:


The board of local clergy is a religious group who addresses and focuses on economic and social issues and solutions. As we put God first in our decision making processes, we are all bound to leave our religious doctrine out of the process, making the fellowship spiritual and not religious, therefore making it a coalition of religious persons for improving social and economic issues in poor communities.


The BOC will meet on the first floor of our headquarters once per month or more often if a special meeting is scheduled. Our decisions and ideas are often exploited by the National Community Network, INC. The idea is to create a coalition of religious persons, who purpose of congregation is to deal with the community situations needing to be addressed.  We believe in most matters of legitimate concerns, we can find the funding to carryout corrective actions, if we get our local clergy to join in a cooperative effort.


If the BOC endorses a program, activity or event, we believe our 501 3 c will be to of great advance for all parties involved.  Thereby creating revenue circulation, jobs and social benefit to our community.  The Board of Clergy is a key component to our recruitment of people who just want to give back to the community. We need as many tore givers as possible.  We think it is imperative that we reach out and offer inclusion to the religious community, though we are not a religious organization.


The HIV/AIDS & Human Rights Consortium:


Because this section of our organization is mainly about communicating information to people for the purpose of social change and accountability, this will always be of a nationwide scope. Currently we are focusing on the East Coast and West Coast, mainly California, New York City , Florida and North Carolina, we plan to expand our services to other areas as well.


It is our goal to inform to develop leaders via multimedia who will recruit people and form active blocks that will understand the concept of unity based on needs.  Thereby bringing together people who are different but for common causes. It doesn’t matter if you are black or white, straight or gay, educated or uneducated, rich or poor, clean or dirty, drug free or active, God fearing or agnostic, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that until their is equal justice for all, there will never be peace of earth.  And we are peace makers! 


The Volunteer Redevelopment Workforce:


This is a group of volunteers at different capacities, from assistance in advocating pro community issues, by just being in attendance to support us at places we speak, when we want to voice our position concerning community issues, to actual hands on volunteerism and labor in doing community work and service.



The Food Kitchen and Food Services:


We will serve meals out of our headquarters location, hold BBQ’s and other eating events in the Southside Redevelopment Area, give out food pantries for special events and certain holidays and give out gift cards for food during special events and holidays. We will attempt to open a full time food kitchen to expand our services elsewhere in the future.


The Network Newsletter:


The purpose of our newsletter is to promote our community, attract investment into our community, inform the community about relevant and contemporary issues, inform the community about what is going on in Highlands Countyand Avon Park and how it effects the communities within their boundaries.  We will try to be informative and try not to be  biased, however, we will not hide our positions and will sometimes be opinionated.


The National Community Network Website:


We will maintain our corporate website and will keep it up to date.  One form of technology that we will implement that is different from many websites, is that we will on occasion have our documents posted as mp-3 files, so that people can listen to us instead of reading what we have to say. We think this will attract some of the people we are trying to reach out to, by making it easier for people who do not like to read and in some cases cannot read well due to a disability and/or illiteracy which in our opinion is one form of a disability that has crippled our community for generations and some people simply cannot see and are blind and should be included in our forum and be informed as well about the community.



The National Community Network Computer Workstation Center:


Four Computers connected to one wireless printer and receive wifi signals from our router upstairs. The computers are available to clients, however due to tight scheduling unless it is program associated there is limit availability because staff also relies on these computers to assist in the performance of project oriented tasks. 


General Needs and Capital Improvements:


We need a one time grant for: a) one air conditioning 3 ton condenser for our central AC unit already installed downstairs and b) two12,000 BTU window unit upstairs, a one time grant to put c) a fence around our property to reduce loitering and prevent crime on our property  a safety issue and d) a one time grant to paint our building blue and e) funding to carryout our operations to include utilities and salaries where necessary though we heavily depend on volunteers.  Though we operate with a team of volunteers, we realize we need to find funding to pay them in the future if we are to grow as well.


Public Benefit from this Project:


Operation Solution and Response is designed to serve the entire population of our community, through structural, economic and social redevelopment, however our targeted audiences are the disadvantaged young adults between the ages of 18 to 35+, our younger children, our senior citizens and the underserved population or in other words people simply needing help. 


When we say disadvantaged young adults, we are describing the young adult population who are often chronically unemployed often due to several factors such as the lack of education and job skills, criminal records, the lack of networks and connections, their residing in redlining districts, lack of direction, hopelessness as well as other personal issues, to include their psyche (mindset) in some cases as the result of being in a slum area too long, economic related stress and trauma.  Because many poor people experience traumas too, but simply have no medical coverage, especially in places like Florida, whereby so many lack health coverage.   


We believe that the young disadvantage adults are the centerpieces of the redevelopment of any poor community and its future growth.  And they are the centerpiece to the redevelopment of the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park, FL.  If we do not address their problems and their issues, how can we help those we call our children who are strongly influenced by them, if not under the care and supervision of our young adults?  Because in reality our children we are talking about our their children, who are often disadvantaged young adults.


The disadvantage young adults are often the parents of today’s troubled children and is next in line to lead our community.  We are hopeless without them because we cannot help our children without the support of the children’s parents unless we resort to mass institutionalizing, which we do when they grow up anyway, when we send them to prison, because we failed them as children.


And we feel many of the answers we are searching for are within the senior citizens in our community. Only good things can happen by giving them a day which we call at the Blue Buildingevery Sunday the “Weekly 50+ Senior Citizen Recreational Spot.”  Whereby we pay close attention to our senior citizens, give them some recreational activities, services, food, other activities and simply ask them for their advice.


What Operation Solution and Response offers to the community is hope through networking.  OSR offers the community a constant flow of information, social services support when in need, community unity thru community activities and community leadership by getting involved and by molding our leaders of tomorrow. The idea behind Operation Solution & Response is that with the understanding that most poor communities in Americaare assigned to some sort of assistance from the government, such as CRA designated areas and housing complexes, but the problem is that poverty seems to be generational.  People who are born into poverty have a much better chance of living most of their lives in poverty and also dying poor on top of that.  And places like public housing and CRA designated areas tend to become permanent dwellings for many of us. We want to end this viscous cycle or change the dimensions of our community altogether, by making it a nicer place to live and therefore bring back community pride, through community ownership.


It is our goal to make disadvantaged young adults who we feel are a misunderstood population, understood and accepted by those whose doors are shut or closed to them.  We want to be a pathway and a conduit to close  the chasms that prevents these disadvantage young adults from gaining opportunities in furthering their education, employment and even intercommunity social engagements with the rest of the AvonPark, the State of Florida, America and world, which is realistic with today’s cyber technology for even the poor in America.  We want to help them become a part of mainstream Americaand put an end to the repressive behaviorisms that does not allow them to move beyond these neighborhood invisible gates.  We believe a lot of the problems they face are self induced and a lot of the problems they face are due to not knowing any other way, but also a lot of their problems they face is also due to discrimination be it racial, cultural and otherwise and is often due to a misunderstanding of some type in many cases.


We believe our program can reduce crime and prevent recidivism, because we plan to attract the leaders of tomorrow into our movement for social and economic redevelopment. We understand the posse (gang) mentality of our youth today.  We know that there a very few leaders and a host of followers.  And one of the main problems in poor communities  like ours in Avon Parkand in Highlands County, is where you find a high rate of disenfranchised individuals who are young, is that often the hand full of leaders that attract posses (gangs) do not know any other way, but to join into a life of crime to survive.  Operation Solution and Response we bill as a program to show them another way that is better, by creating a mentality of building up instead of destroying our community.


Once Operation Solution and Response is fully functional, we will act as a center of resources and information within the Southside Redevelopment Area .  By focusing on our young disadvantage adults, while serving our children as their caretakers, senior citizens and the underserved in our community, we will offer a comprehensive program that can truly make a difference. 


And the goal is for these plans to develop into autonomous operations that will continue to operate until they are no longer needed. We must design a platform to create achievers in our community.  Because achievements are so important in building up someone’s self esteem, which will allow personal growth, which will transcend into community improvements.  And self worth is the beginning of self sustaining independence.  We want to restore hope in our community, which is something many of our potential clients never knew, many never knew hope in these tough economic times.


The closing:

In closing, we want to so our gratitude, by describing the backbone of our operation. Our workforce of volunteers:

The Volunteer Workforce Strategy:

It is our goal to operate at 100% volunteer capacity for the first year, after which we will readdress our economic position. It is our goal to operate at no more than 50% volunteer capacity in the future and for most paid positions to be part time positions, until we can afford full time personnel.

The strength of the National Community Network, INC., is our volunteers. The spirit of our network is in the heart of mankind.  We are able to carryout our services, because of professionals whose services fall under our purposes and the caring individual volunteers.

Our strategy to convert some of these voluntary positions into paying positions is to tabulate all the hours worked by each volunteer weekly at a pay rate of about an average of about $15 per hour. This is probably more than we will actually be able to pay our volunteers next year who become paid employees.  However our goal is to create living wage position for our employees.

By doing this it increases our revenue for the fiscal year. By increasing our revenue, when we go after larger grants that might help us create salary positions and therefore be able to get more money by having a larger budget the previous year.  Because many Foundation Grants give you a grant based on a percentage of your previous budget. So in reality our employees will create their own jobs, by demonstrating a demand for their labor. Our job is simply to manage and manipulate their activities in a way as to create productivity. Productivity is the key to economic growth, which merely organized movements producing a positive outcome.

Short Term Success:

1: The setup of our system of communications to include our website, email newsletter, blogs and so forth.

2: Finding and recruiting  the needed personnel to carryout “Operation Solution and Response.”

3: Setting up the program design  which consist of a) The role of the National Community Network, The Board of Clergy, The Eagle Fellowship, the Volunteer Redevelopment Workforce, do some Food Services – free meals and so forth, setup the newsletter, website, setup computer stations and get the needed capital investment necessary to make our headquarters fully functional.


4: By fiscal year 2016-17 have about 50% paid employee capacity, by creating a demand for their labor as a result of their volunteerism.



Long Term Success:

Once we succeeded in our short term goals, our long term goal will be create an autonomous system of operations, thereby creating a community that will no longer require these services.  The long term goal is to eliminate, blight and slum communities and thereby removing the effects of poverty which is a plight community.

Success Monitored by:

1: We will keep a record of all donations from outside sources, to include grants and cash gifts. And we will keep a record of all charitable services we render to the community and our clients. This is not a direct measure of our successes, but a measure of our community activities, which so far has been limited.  Records of revenue verse expenses and the size of our budget is sign of our activity levels.

2: Secondly, we will measure how much is cost us out of pocket, to continue to keep our door open and run our programs.  A sign of success will be our ability to operate without the need of key staff member contributions.  I think it is enough that we are an all volunteer organization at this time and should not have to fund all our work.

3: Early on, we will measure our successes by the amount of people we serve and the size of our budget in combination.  Because we believe m any of our potential clients, are being underserved by local charities, due to the lack of knowledge as to what is available to them.  So getting services to underserved populations is a measure of success.

4: As time passes however, we will start to measure our successes based on the property value of our communities of services, the crime rates, the illiteracy rates, the average income and rate of unemployment. Basally we will measure our successes based on local statistics on economics and social development in the areas we operate within.

Examples of Success:

1: A disadvantage young adult at age 31 years old, with 2 children ages 13 and 11, finds herself short on money to meet her bills. The 2 children are performing poorly in school and the home seems to be dysfunctional.  The father’s of these children are both convicted felons, without any marketable skills and therefore often miss payments of child support and do not take part in these children lives.  They all reside in the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park, FL., which has been determined blight, plight and slum.

A: As a result of Operation Solution and Response, immediately she is assisted with money to make her bills. 

B: Her children receive assistance with books and supplies and even clothing for school.

C: They all receive access to information relevant to building better live for themselves and therefore building a better community.

The Key: When a person is hungry and not acting properly, first you must feed their hunger, so that they can pay attention to you. The key is what do you tell them once you gain their attention. The bottom line is most poor people simply want a better life and often do not know how to go about crating the environment to produce the fruits they want to harvest.

2: A business is behind on their taxes, struggling to make end meets, let alone making profits:  The business needs renovations, because it is beginning to look blight.  The business needs investment capital to expand it business as well.

A: Though advocacy and simply making things going on become knowledge that can be used the local businesses. We will make funding both government and private made know to our local businesses.

B: Though our program, we will promote that our local Avon Park Community Redevelopment Agency fulfill their obligation to expand business in  the Southside Redevelopment Area and help our business owners with funding to create business plans for each business and a business model for the future development of the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park, FL.

C: We plan to sponsor a petition to request that the Avon Park CRA and City Council agree to sell a municipal bond for the amount of $150,000 over 10 years, to use the money to renovate as opposed to demolish properties needing renovations. This will be use to match the current historical facade grant now available.  The bond will be based on the legalization of medical marijuana in the State of Florida and its sales in the City of Avon Park.

D: The business receives renovations through government and private grants, making it property more valuable and able to function at a higher profit margin. Even as we are in a redlining district, investment capital is found at competitive interest rates. The business turns a profit for several years, paying all its back taxes, further renovates its property, creates living wages for its workers and owners and crime is reduced in the area due to land owner contributions to community, because they cause to protect their investment worth protecting.

2: The NCN Thanksgiving Weekend Annual Events 2014 – Pages 18 -23


Ella Williams – Thanksgiving Day Dinner Host: (Vice President)


1: Thanksgiving day Dinner @ the Blue Building:  We will serve food for several hours on the basis of eat in or takeout.  I suggest members of the National Community Network, INC. plan to eat their Thanksgiving meal at the Blue Building as a united family.  As of 10 Aug. 2014, we have $1,000to use towards foods and supplies as a result of a local grant awarded to us by the Wal-Mart store in Avon Park.  We will offer food and refreshments to all we can serve based on some invitation criteria and needs, we will accept other food donations from our staff and volunteers and request members help cook or help support with food donations, basic cable television upgradeable if the funds are found to pay for HBO and music.  We want this to be an all day event. It’s a day of recreation and relaxation, with no strings attached.


John Moss (Director) and Albert Moss (Secretary) – Black Friday Event – Games for Gifts Host:


2: Black Friday Event Games for Gifts @ the Blue Building: We will design several games and please think beyond bingo that our youth can play to win Christmas gifts.  We will request funding to purchase different types of gifts that our youth can win, but will create a limit as to how much one child can win. Our goal is to sought after at least $2,500+ in cash and/or gifts donations. We would like more, however, we feel we can reach at least 50 kids who can get an average of $50 per in gifts on that day and event.


We have to search for a sponsors who will donate the needed goods as a part of their annual services towards the needy and we can set a criteria for who may participate based on the conditions of these grants, if any restrictions exist.  The idea is to give kids who parents cannot afford to go shopping on Black Friday to have an opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie of other children their ages, enjoy refreshments, win gifts, watch cable television, listen music and we should insure each and every child wins something worth at least $25. It’s a day of recreation and relaxation, with no strings attached.



NaQuila L. Hardy – (Promoter)  Surviving in the Hood Presentation Host:


3: Surviving in the Hood Presentation @ The Avon Park Community Center:   We have the Community center tentatively book for 29 November 2014.  Our proposal has to be on Ms. Maria Sutherland – Administrative Services Director desk by the end of August and we will know if the Main Street CRA approve us for the Event Grant, which we have to modify it original intent around 7 October 2014.  Therefore we will also solicit other Funders just in case we are not approved by the Main Street CRA of Avon Park.  It is our hope to get $550 in event grant funds and have them cover our deposit of $700 which will be returned to them because we will get insurance to protect our assets in case the community center experiences damages above the deposit.


To qualify for this grant event grant for $2,000 or less from the City of Avon Park main Street CRA, this event must take place on Main Street to promote Main Street, but understand Main Streetrepresents all of Avon Park and it’s city residents and is not really a residential area.  With this understanding!  Therefore this event will be opened to all of Highlands County.  Which might require some form of lottery if we find quality entertainment within 2 weeks of this event to really promote interest.  Finding quality entertainment and funding for it or getting a donated performance is the key to this events success. 


We will attempt to find a sponsor to pay for these artists and/or sought after a donated performance in exchange for tax deductibility, for their performance, which would therefore be revenue to our non profit organization to be used in future grant proposals.


I think realistically we should be looking for a sponsor in the area of about $10,000. I think we can start with people like Pepsi and Coke, but who knows if presented properly the gates Foundation might find this attraction a good way to gain our youth attention and be sponsors. In any case, this is a real area of needed attention to make this event a sure success, requiring last minute announcements for added excitement.  


We need $550 be used for rent and to cover our $700 deposit for both up and downstairs, with alcohol being served upstairs in  an all adult environment with the children downstairs. 


A) Upstairs we want the 51-100 deal = We plan for about 50+ guest at this time subject to change if interest increases (w/tables) for $200, plus alcohol served = Deposit of $700. 


B) Downstairs we want 101-200 Guest for $350 = We plan for about 150 guest and this can be changed, but I think for crowd control and better insurance offers, we should go with 150 guest.


Total Rent = $550


We will hire Lil Italy Italian Restaurant who is located on Main Street to handle all food. We will assign a budget for food and refreshments at about $3,000 or about $20 per person in a bulk purchase.  This covers only downstairs events for the kids. If they cannot handle all of our business in that day with a month advanced notice, we will consider other venders as added support and added diversity to our menus using venders on or near Main Street.


We will submit a grant at the Sebring Wal-Mart store based on the same principles used in the Wal-Mart Avon Park Store to cover $2,500 for food and solicit other companies that feed the hungry.  Thereby allowing us to pay at least $3,000 for the catering services for the kids.


Plus we will search for other sponsors to make the event be as enjoyable as possible.  On the list of ideas is live entertainment by a popular artist downstairs for a one hour performance open only to all participants of this event at closing. This would require searching for an artist willing to support our agenda, in this case Disadvantaged Youth Development and AIDS/Crime Prevention.


Total Food and Refreshments = $3,000 + $550 Rent + $700 Deposit that will be returned, for a total of $4,250 – $1,250 from the City – $2,500 from Wal-Mart = $500 outstanding funds needed for food and refreshments.


Insurance: We cannot carryout this event without insurance.  Because we cannot afford to pay for damages in that building due to an unforeseen riot or accident.  Funds needed for insurance = $377.49


Renters Insurance: $134.25

Liquor Liability Insurance: $243.24



We will need to come up with insurance money and about $1,000 outstanding funds to carryout this function.


Program: Surviving in the Hood Presentation


A: We will determine the proper hours to carryout this event that would be during reasonable hours no later than 11 PM as an ending time for the youth and by law for upstairs adults which is about 2 AM and perhaps an after party for the performers and VIP.


B: We will update our database on all organizations and professionals who are involved in the fields of practice and research in AIDS, Education Grants and Programs, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention, education and treatment, Employment and job opportunities and other ideas are welcome.


C: We will sought after funding to carryout this event through organizations such as The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Magic Johnson Foundation, with a scope of a comprehensive agenda towards bringing AIDS research to Highlands County.  We will also do research on this area to insure the proper information is being transmitted and is condoned by our organization.  We do not want to post any disclaimers for our presenters. If necessary we will carryout this program within our organization’s staff.


D: We will design a presentation that will help develop our youth into better and more responsible and productive individuals, by teaching them things in areas of AIDS/HIV facts verse myths, drug and alcohol abuse and prevention, understanding education as a requirement for economic growth, crime prevention techniques, avoid peer pressure and whatever we can put together that will not require their attention span more past 2 hours and will deliver a meaningful and comprehensive message they will want to remember and therefore will remember and learn a lifelong lesson.  We know they are kids and we feel if we highjack them for two hours of intense learning, they deserve at least that much time in recreational activities.  We think catered food and a live performance would be a fair payoffs for their undivided attention for 2 hours of their time, which may save their lives.


E: Upstairs we want to invite community leaders in the non profit and profit sector to both discuss a vision for our future Avon Parkand our roles in it.  We will require non profit volunteers to man the doors and supervise these kids in the downstairs event and we will document and calculate all man-hours as revenue to our organization.


F: Funding Source for Upstairs: This will require about $50 per individual to provide professional catering services at a minimum or at least $2,500 to cover all costs.




A) We need printed materials.


B) Business Class Refreshments


We will announce in advance of four week if possible our Agenda of Discussion to be known prior to meeting date and time to assure total inclusion and participation in these meetings.


This funding resources will have to come from grants that are set aside to redevelop communities, create economic growth and we need grants designated towards community unification and planning and Main Street is CRA designated area.


3: Funders: Pages 22 – 25


Potential Funders:

Local and Community Funders in Highlands County:

Highlands County built up State Highway 27 with lots of retail establishments. The key to philanthropic giving by businesses is that they usually support the communities they do business in.  Often they give out grants for things like feeding the hungry, community programs, educational programs and so forth, which is consistent with our purposes and they give much more to comprehensive plans and proposals.


The first year due our previous lack of revenue, we will go after as many local charities as possible thru the retail establishment located on State Highway 27 and then venture out to bigger charities and foundation grants, once we establish a fiscal year with substantial revenue through the services of our volunteer redevelopment workforce.


How cars are donated to charities. We wouldn’t benefit from this specific program, but this is an incentive to do a search on car donations.


Community Improvement Projects


Home Improvements


Food and School Supplies for children and Families in need


Building communities and disaster relief




Youth, homelessness and hunger


Hunger Relief


Education and community initiatives


Local Charities


Youth Charities , Healthcare and Hunger Relief


Financial support for Charities


Youth, Education and Technology


Education, environment and energy and community development


Health and Welfare, Education, Arts and Culture


16: The Avon Park CRA:  The CRA is supposed to be committed to the redevelopment of the Southside Redevelopment Area of Avon Park. The program we want to assist in is the Business Expansion program. Read the Avon Park Redevelopment Plan for further information




We have until June 30th 2014 to apply for a foundation Grant. We must apply 6 months in advance for major sponsorships and can ask for Grassroots Gift Card Donations at anytime.


Sponsorships – Plan 6  months in advance

Foundation Grant – Deadline June 30th 2014

Grassroots Gift Card Donations – Directed at Store Director



Hunger Relief & Healthy Eating:  We will give away Free Meals thru donations from Wal-Mart. We will select a predetermined amount of food events for the year and use Wal-Mart to stock the food.  We can go after local grants which are $250 to $2,500 and we should go after the high end of $2,500, thinking in terms of each event costing an average of $500 or about a total of about 5 eating events per calendar year sponsored by Wal-Mart. Other Wal-Mart initiatives are below.




The Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) provides federal funds to designated local governments and non-profit agencies called Community Action Agencies to assist eligible low-income households in attaining the skills, knowledge and motivation necessary to achieve self sufficiency. The agencies may provide a variety of antipoverty services such as emergency health, food, housing, day care, transportation assistance; housing counseling; financial management assistance; nutrition programs including federal surplus food distribution, community gardening projects, food banks, job counseling, placement and training services, and homeless prevention programs.

Ninety percent of the Community Services Block Grant program funds are allocated to the state’s existing network of Community Action Agencies. This is a formula based grant and is not competitive.





1: Omidyar Network:When we come up with big ideas I think we should write them a proposal. They fund major projects all over the world.


Omidyar Network is an investment firm established in 2004 by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and his wife Pam. To date, Omidyar Network has committed more than $290 million to for-profit companies and nonprofit organizations that foster economic advancement and encourage individual participation across multiple investment areas, including microfinance, property rights, government transparency and social media.


They are a philanthropic investment firm.  The Omidyar Network has 5 initiatives, which are hyperlinked below to check for further information. I think we want to do business with the Omidyar Network and they have no entrepreneurship programs in the United States. If we deal with them we have to think big.




They capital intermediaries and technology companies that provide entrepreneurs with Financial Services, Business Development Assistance and Technical Support. I think this is our fit in with them, if can provide services for entrepreneurs with a program to, if our program creates opportunities for people to improve their lives and make powerful lasting contributions to our community.






The Gates Foundation might support our AIDS anthem idea, as a means of AIDS prevention and awareness.  Maybe we will have to come up with politically correct lyrics.  Like the Magic Johnson Foundation the Gates Foundation serves where his factories or stores are at.  The AIDS program is a global initiative.


The potential Funders list and Operation Solution and Response will continually be updated to address our needs and the needs of the community as they present themselves.



4: Recording Studio Music Project – Page 25:


We will advertise on our website and by word of mouth to attract young talent, willing to donate their time and skills to produce a socially relevant album, to attempt to reach out to out young adult and youth.  For our non profit organization to promote and sell this album, it must be a non commercial project, meaning our organization must own the copyrights and royalties.



The benefits to the artist include promotions of their music giving them name recognition for future project, studio experience for those who never experienced studio recording sessions, tax deduction based on sales and earnings by our organization and the artist will have first shot at selling these CD’s to the public at a reasonable markup.



5: Promotion of Establishment of AIDS Research Facility – Pages 25 – 28:


VA Response to Request & Full Request is below


Dear Rev. Jones:

This is in response to your inquiry to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) dated July 23, 2014.

We have forwarded your inquiry to your regional office to address your statements. If additional information has been needed, you will be contacted.

Thank you for contacting us. If you have questions or need additional help with the information in our reply, please respond to this message or see our other contact information below.

Sincerely yours, 

C. Boyd
National IRIS Response Center Manager

The Request:

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano

Date: 12 August 2014


1: I want my blood tested against the AIDS/HIV Virus.  What you will find is my blood fights off the virus, which is the key to finding a cure.


The people I informed to create financial interest:


A: The Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation

B: The Magic Johnson Foundation

C: amfar – Foundation for AIDS Research

D: Oprah Winfrey


This will force at least a consideration as to my creating the AIDS virus during the winter of 1976-77.  And at a minimum it will require an AIDS Research Facility placed in Highlands County and I being well compensated, not only for this, but for all the years I work for the United States Government.  This would then be assumed do to this discovery.  Because I am the only person on the planet whose blood will fight off the virus that causes AIDS/HIV.


2: Please confirm or disproved that I performed the first successful testicle transplant in 1969 at age 10.  I caused Tyler Brooks to lose both his testicles due to a bicycle accident.  Then my mother instructed me to correct it.  I place one of Richard Starks testicles into his first cousin Tyler Brooks.  The proof is the DNA of Tyler Brooks one testicle is of Richard Starks and the level of healing process will determine when it was done. They are both from the Queensbridge Projects and should be easily to locate.


Richard Starks was raised in 41-01 10th street.

Tyler Brooks was raise on the 41st Avenue and Vernon Blvd, which is a across the street form 10th street.


What this will proves is that at about age of 10, I was about 32 years ahead of mankind in medical technology sector.  Mankind did not accomplish a successful testicle transplant that produced a child until 2001.  This not only proves I am the wisest man in the world at 10 years old, but that I may even be as much as 100 years advanced mankind in technological intelligence.  This brings to question what else have I done since age 11 to 55.


Also this brings into question as to what my capacity and security level were while in the military. It brings in to concern our national security, because you would have to assume that if I am the wisest man on earth, there could not have been anyone in the military or scientific community would could have been more competent on nation al security issues or weapons technology and design.  Therefore you would have to at least give me the benefit of the doubt or a preponderance of evidence that I really designed Star Wars Technology during my enlistment between 1981-84.  That was my mission.


This make sense of something that made my case not considerable.  The basis of consideration is in this paragraph.


Excerpt from my appeal:


Finally, the parties to the appeal agreed that the probative value of an undated

clinical record must be specifically considered in the adjudication of the Veteran’s

claims. This clinical record demonstrated that the Veteran “reported having his first

delusional/psychotic experience involving ideation of world conflict destruction in

connection with viewing maps during a war game” while in Germany. This clinical

record also indicated that the examiner stated that “there is some indication that [the

Veteran] had at least one delusional episode in the early 1980s while in the service.”


The key code is “World Destruction,” being a conclusion by a Sp. 4 based on  a war game.  A Spec. 4 Fire support Specialist reads maps dealing with local geographical areas. This is to adjust artillery and light air support.  And has nothing to do with a world tactical view concerning our national defense.


If you find I am the cure to AIDS and transplanted those testicles, these are things outside Pentagon  classifications and need not their verification. We have three living human beings that require tests, being I, Richard Starks and Tyler Brooks.  You would have to assume when I tell you this. I designed the nuclear umbrella and proved I could override the system and caused total destruction, because nothing I create will allow them to use it against me.


I understand I have a daughter her name is Keba and she has 7 children and never received a dime of any type of support from me or the government in behalf of me and I am an America hero and greatest spy to ever live and she deserves financial compensation beyond what I give her.  She deserves at a minimum 18 years dependent pay at a very high pay grade, when you accept I created AIDS and will cure it and designed Star Wars our nuclear umbrella.  You have  to assume, I worked for the government since September 1976, when I was emancipated into the US Army. Now at 55 years of age which is the age to retire a CIA operative, I will begin a new mission of space exploration, which is another story.  But we plan to pay the national debt, thereby becoming the nation sole creditor and thereby receive the interest payments, which will be used for America, but under our management.  We are talking a $500B annual budget.


This is to establish my insanity defense, not solely or at all based on delusions which may be of national security decision, but the real reason for my insanity defense is the nature of my duties. For example when I went AWOL I had to be in New York Cityfor an important Gambino Crime Family Meeting, that determined Big Paul Castellano demise.  Note my enlistment into the Army was a Gambino and  Government agreement, so both had to be honored.  I had to do compulsive things and well, things that may not have seemed of rational thinking to be able to act at both capacities of Paul Castellano your spy and Spec. 4 Frank Paul Jones a normal GI.  For example I had to get drunk the day before to have a blackout to not know what I was made to do that night.  And they violated me using drugs and had me raped.  This wasn’t an act of lust and was done to break me and since it really did cause me to modify my behavior.  The problem the VA and government has deal with is the separation of Frank Paul Jones and Paul Castellano.  You are not required to compensated Paul Castellano, you are required to compensate Frank Paul Jones, because without my body or his temple, he cannot exist.  And the person who endured the pain and suffering that went with these conditions as a covert operative wasn’t Paul Castellano, but Frank Paul Jones, who should be duly recognized as an American hero.  And for this reason, my third discharge must be upgraded and I must receive a presidential pardon.  Because Paul Castellano is God, he is above the law, but everything he did was done by Frank Paul Jones, who is not above the law and therefore must be pardoned or the United States would have to duly recognize me in the United States Constitution is the one and only living God, to place me above the law. I must receive a presidential pardon and an upgrade my third discharge to medical based on me becoming insane.




6: Dinners & Fund Raisers – Page 28:


We will sell breakfasts, lunch and dinners to raise money to help pay monthly expenses until we begin our programs.  Thereby  making it possible to focus on searching for grants and other funding to carryout our programs.


7: Promotion and Updates on the Legalization of Marijuana in the State of Floridaand nationwide marijuana laws – Page 28.


We will blog at least once a week on the issue and make relevant information available to the general public as to what they need to know to make the right decision on election day in Florida. We support the legalization of medical marijuana and will make it our priority to inform the public as to how to get medical licenses to smoke as a means of reducing crime and preventing recidivism.


Thank you,


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


The Local Leadership Alliance of Highlands County

The Local Leadership Alliance of Highlands County


Check us out at:


Operation Solution and Response: Fiscal year 1 Nov. 2014-15:


From: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – aka Apostle Paul Castellano


Office Phone: (863) 657-2407


The Calling:  I will contact the necessary people needed to make this happen.


1: The NAACP – Our Political Arm:


First of all Al Hinson is running for an elected position and is the President of the NAACP, which is a 501 c (4) non profit organization.  They are designed to help us promote our political views and bring our voting constituency together to gain political influence, by getting people who are for our agenda.


What I realize is he is lacking support, signs of this is his NAACP E-mail is not up to receive correspondence, his website is not up and on 26 August 2014, we are about to have a primary election and I had no idea about this or what is about to be decided on.  They are about to vote on a one penny tax in the city and chances are the turn out will be very low and only those who endorse this idea will be present to vote.


We as a black community will never prosper economically or socially until we are not politically empowered.  If we become united politically, we can change things like city the city ordinance that prevents economic growth in our communities, have a voice in the educational system, which an understanding they often influence the molding of our children  and therefore how they interact with each other.  No thought are original among man.  Therefore the issue is the procreation of alike being process, be it mentally should have our input, because we have to like with the final product.

We must support the NAACP community wide and a membership drive may be necessary, one I will support.


2: The Prince Hall Freemasons – 15+ Armed Security Detail:


This will be the foundation of the Federalized Crips, whom will gain Federal recognition and the authority of a Federal Peace Officer’s Agency, for the protection of our community from crime and intrusion, the prevention of terrorist threats, with the understanding of our plan for redevelopment and the significance of our infrastructure and we must be able to protect our supporters at meetings and clients during our events.




1: All security personnel will be without a felony conviction or psychiatric profile, preventing them the ability to handle firearms and have a concealed weapons gun permit.


2: Be registered to vote.


3: Register to carry a conceal firearm.


4: Be available a set amount of hours per week, using a scheduling system that will work around each of our security personnel’s personal and employment responsibilities. This is why we need 15 armed security personnel at a minimum, to allow shifts to insure needed support when needed.


The Director of Security:  Should have either military or law enforcement experience, be respected by the team we assemble, be mature, not a abuser of alcohol or drugs and of sound mind and body.


3: The Community Leaders – Help raise funds and carryout coordinated community services:  We need to apply our 501 c 3 benefits in coordinated projects and offer volunteerism exchange and support to carry out events and agendas.


4: The Clergy and the Churches: – Help raise funds and carryout coordinated community services:  We need to apply our 501 c 3 benefits in coordinated projects and offer volunteerism exchange and support to carry out events and agendas.  But also I recognize that he church is the bridge to reaching a certain demographic that will only appeal to them.  I call on the church to take the leading role in feeding our hungry, but consistently devising food programs.


I have an offer for a restaurant on Main Street for $850 per month. It is owned by a Christian man named Ray. He is a wise man and seems to understand what I am saying, his only wise is, “I just want to see when you become Jesus.”  But the problem is when I forgive all the world and become pure and holy again, as I was a s a child, then comes the judgment.  Something I really do not think we are ready for now.  But Ray does have a profound understand of God and would probably give us a better deal if we approach him for the church, who will guarantee us the necessary labor and should help fund this as well. We will be able to get an un limited food supply from the food banks.


Our Services Addresses these community related problems:


1: Preventing Criminal Recidivism


2: Education and Illiteracy


3: Hunger


4: Community Activities


5: Poor Community Economy


6: Disproportionately High Community Unemployment Rates


7: Homelessness and Housing Issues




9: Human Rights


Our Targeting Clients is based on:


1: Supporting the Local Businesses:


2: Helping our Disadvantage Young Adults:


3: Helping our Young Children:


4: Serving our Senior Citizens:


5: Serving our Underserved:


6: Serving People with AIDS/HIV:


7: Helping Enforce the Human Rights of all people:


We have a 7 tier approach: 


(1) Unemployment  (2) Education and Illiteracy (3) Hunger (4) Criminal Recidivism

(5) Poor Performing Economy. (6) Community Activities (7) Homelessness and Housing Issues.


The Program Basic Figures: 


Hours of Availability Operations Maximum: 112 hour per week or 16 hours per day.


Availability will be 7 days Sunday through Saturday we will be available if necessary from 8:00 am to 12:00 am

Sunday: 9.00 am to 11 pm – Weekly 50+ Senior Citizen Recreational Spot: Giving us one hour to open and one hour to shutdown.


Total Costs Itemization:


1) Total hrs. Blue BuildingAvailable: 112 hrs per week or 16 hours per day max @ 20 per hour costs = @ $2,240 overhead budget per week for outside presenters = 50% of operation costs or $58,240 annually or $1,120


2) Total hrs. Blue Buildingused: Minimum 108 hrs per week or 2,239.92


3) Total hrs. of support projected labor minimum: 174 hrs. weekly or $3,695.76


4) Administrative Man hours needed: 200 man-hrs wkly min. 5 full time or at least 10 part time jobs. Value of labor = $4,248 0r $200,896


5) Security: 16 hours times 2 = $679.68 weekly x 5 x 52 = $179,716.80 per year.


6) Value of labor per week @ $21.24 per hour @ Florida Volunteer labor valuation – $11,983.39 weekly or $623,116.28 total In-Kind Contributions annually to run the essentials of Operation Solution and Response.


7) Value of labor per week does not include the costs of the actual services being rendered by outside entities performing the seminars in our building, this is only the costs required by us to facilitate these services and events and the needed supporting personnel.  We can expect at least another 112/2 weekly being hours used times 2 visitors per presentation on average = $2,378.88 or $123,701.75 per year.


8) Total Minimum In-Kind Contributions: $623,116.28 per year.


9) Overhead: At 16 hour per day availability if deem necessary the cost of operation is $20 about per hour, because we own our headquarters location which is two stories tall with about, which makes this a donation of space that could be rented. We will apply 75% of the cost or  $15 x $10 x 52 = $7,800 for overhead that is subject to adjustments to meet our current demands.


10) Stationary: $100 per week or $5,200 per year.


11) Miscellaneous supplies: $50 per week or $2,600 per year.


12) Events:  $150,000 annually.


13) Initial investment: $20,049.33 to $23,168.91


14) Fence: $13,628.91


Total Essentials for Solution and Response:


Basic Daily Operations: $1,337,154.20 annual budget.


The New Coffee & Weed Parlor Industry



The New Coffee & Weed Parlor Industry

Jesus Paul Messiah

My Blessing cost 10%

Note: Starbuck Weed & Coffee Parlor goes under new management.

All four territories

Nationwide Director: Kareem  Abdul Jabber with Vern Fleming Business Manager – Victor Fleming Accounting:

The four territories – Upon Agreement with Kareem he might not like you sinners.

East Coast -Patrick Ewing – The Knicks

North – Michael Jordan- The Bulls

West Coast – Ervin Magic Johnson – The Lakers

South –  Shaq O’Neal- The Heat

Then say:

Utah – Carl Malone

Indiana – Larry Bird


This is our marijuana shops worldwide. We will create buzz to our service line of cafe, wi-fi, nice environment weed and ice coffee. Everyone who is against will have to play catch-up.

chock full o nuts

We Own Chock Full o’ Nuts

Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group 

Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group is an Italian coffee company that owns brands such as Segafredo and MJB. With turnover of around US$ 1.2 billion per year, it claims to be the biggest private company in the coffee industry.[1]

Massimo Zanetti Beverage USA is a division of Massimo Zanetti Beverage Group, a privately held, vertically integrated organization that grows, processes, trades, roasts and distributes coffee throughout the world.

Today, the Bologna, Italy-based group sells 120,000 tons of coffee annually.


We Own Starbucks Plus Much More

In 1998, Schultz co-founded Maveron, an investment group

Starbucks Corporation, generally known as Starbucks Coffee, is an American global coffee company and coffeehouse chainbased in SeattleWashington. Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world ahead of UK rival Costa Coffee, with 21,160 stores in 63 countries and territories, including 12,067 in the United States, 1,570 in China, 1,451 in Canada, 1,070 inJapan and 793 in the United Kingdom

Maveron is a venture capital firm with offices in Seattle and San Francisco that invests in consumer-only businesses centered on technology-enabled products and services in commerce, education, and health and wellness. The firm was co-founded by Dan Levitan, a former managing director at Schroder Wertheim & Co., and Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

Howard D. Schultz (born July 19, 1953) is an American businessman. He is best known as the chairman and CEO[3] of Starbucksand a former owner of the Seattle SuperSonics. He was a member of the Board of Directors at Square, Inc..[4]

In 1998, Schultz co-founded Maveron, an investment group, with Dan Levitan.[5]

In 2012, Forbes magazine ranked Schultz as the 354th richest person in the United States, with a net worth of $1.5 billion.


King of King Jesus Paul Messiah

The Journey to the Promised Land & Just Ruler Ship

Solar system hypnosis 2 Daddy P

The Journey to the Promised Land & Just Ruler Ship

Under the Current Calendar

Approximately 6,600 BC – The Land of Hebrew under attack at the Cradle of Africa aka Rome the Financial Capital. The 6,600 years is 4,600 + 2,000 at 1959.  Distance in miles and Direction in degrees

The Retreat to the Headquarters Location the Land of Hebrew – aka Egypt – Figuratively Slavery.

Approximately 550 AD = 6,600 BC – 4,600 BC = 2,000 – 550 years into AD = 2,000 – 550 in AD = 1,450 BC. This is when the Hebrews in captivity made a deal with the Devil in the name of Moses, under the deception of Muhammad.  Making Hebrew and Jews innate enemies and the Middle East a long term food source.  So-called Islam and Israel at war until the end.  Yet both believe in the same false god – Moses.  Distance in mile and Direction in degrees

From Arabia to Ethiopia (The Assembly Area) From the Land of Zulu the Ethiopia (The Zulus travelled North and the Hebrews continued traveling west.  Distance from Saudi Arabia to Zulu to Ethiopia in miles and in the Direction NW from Saudi to Zulu and from Zulu North to Ethiopia.

From Ethiopia (Can an Ethiopian change the complexion of his skin?  Hum umm… Can a leopard change his spots?  Hebrew and Zulu Code) to Castellammare Del-Golfo, Sicily. Distance in Miles and Direction in degrees.

From Castellammare Del-Golfo, Sicily to Sandersville, GA, the Garden of Eden (The fertilizer of the World).  Frank Jones became Apostle Paul Castellamarese aka Apostle Paul bka Paul Castellano.

Important Note: Sandersville City is where the people Washington County live.  There is a total of nine towns in Washington County and 8 are for mining white gold bka Fertilizer. The Genealogy of the Sandersville Plantation is located on Jones Street.  This must be where they was born. (Confirm).

Important Note:  Georgia was the Headquarters of the Confederacy and is where General Sherman told the lie 40 aches and a mull.  He burned down all the Red Neck Jews Property, gave a huge sum of land to African slaves, but not the right to bear arms. Faked Abraham Lincoln Death, in Georgia back then you can come in Castellamarese and leave out Jones without any records.  The Knights of the Golden Circle disappeared into the Sunset and said this war is not over by Far, we will return.

The South Became Egypt and Sandersville was the Capital and home of the Poole Family who was down with the Devil.

From Sandersville City, GA in Washington County to Washington D.C. (crossing the Delaware) Established the Capital of The United States of America and the Founding Father became George Washington, the First President was a Hebrew and his Twin Brother was the Butler Uncle Ben and the carrier of the covenant.  Played by Esau and Elijah. Distance in miles and direction in degrees.

Esau makes babies in Mount Vernon, New York and this is where his children are found as the origin place.  George Washington Carver, Jenkins, Dudley and more.

Elijah goes to Sandersville, GA and is called Elijah Poole.  This is the birth place of both Esau and Elijah in 1897.

Frank Paul Jones is conceived in the Garden of Eden on 27 June 1958, this is when life begins at conception and then he is birthed in Long Island City, New York, on 4 March 1959, which shares the Foundation Rock of Manhattan.  He came from the womb of Eva. Distance in miles and direction in degrees.

Then Jesus goes to the birthplace of the Mother of all the living Eva in Avon Park, FL and this land is promised to the heir of the Zulus Nation, Frank Paul Jones – The Capstone Zulu, Distance in miles and direction in degrees.

On 4 July 2015 in the name of Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah, Jesus emancipated the World out of Denver, Colorado a city a state, where the war on drugs ceased to exist.

The Clarification of the Lord’s Prayer

Our Father (King of Kings Jesus Paul Jones – (The Capstone Zulu) in Heaven, purified be your name (Jesus Paul Messiah (Lord of Lords Israel)

Your Kingdom (Monarchy, Empire & Nation of Israel) has come, it is your will that must be done

On Earth (The World), as it is in Heaven (The New Jerusalem & Wherever God is)

Give us each day our daily bread (Currency – Money and Finances)

And forgive us our daily our depts. as we forgive those who trespass (Interlope, intrude & Infringe) against us

And lead us not into temptation (the Incentives of bribery due to captivation & charm), but deliver us from the Evil (Wicked, Immoral, Criminal & Sinful Nature).

For you is the eternal God (the Spirit Source) and all reverence (devotion, respect & admiration) goes to you, from the beginning and never ending.

Amen (Agreed, Agreed, Agreed) on 4 March 2016, the emancipation goes into full effect and the reconstruction begins.

  • Agreed – You must carry my name – Example Queen of Queens Janet and not Janet. Why? The reason you carry everyone but me in media, is your tag or brand label. Even as I boost about you every day, you remain synonymous with the Satanic and never me. Stop being Janet Jackson and say, “Call me Queen of Queens Janet” (And then I will be there)
  • Agreed – Because they did not know I exist, they have to be save by my seed. (Boost in the Lord and not how rich you are, because what people need is not abundance but God’s favor.
  • Agreed – Everyday at the floor on Jones Street, formerly Wall (Barrier & Barricade) Street aka The Glass Ceiling, open with this pray, because this is law of the fair trade agreement.


Then and only then will the body of Christ be unbreakable and your name untouchable, because if they lie about this, it is blasphemy and the sentence is death.  For Janet®, Mary J®, Beyonce®, Alicia Keys®, Diana Ross®, Whitney Houston®, Mariah® and the list goes on are business names and civil matter, but the name I gave you, must never be dishonored.  What you want me to do? 

You’ll only problem is you never acknowledge God, had you, they would have love, respected or feared you.  Now they see all of you as stupid bitches claiming some bitch ass motherfucker is you man, who is a pedigree dog.  Yet they know you’ll belong to God. Every last one of you can honestly say, “I AM a child of God.”

The Order of Zews the only true religion established: Thanksgiving Day 2015

This Lease Agreement (this “Lease”) is dated December 08, 2015, by and between The National Community Network, INC. (“Landlord”), and Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah (“Tenant”).  The parties agree as follows:


The National Community Network, INC.

923 South A Avenue

Avon Park, FL 33825


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – Messiah

923 South A Avenue

Avon Park, FL 33825

Such addresses may be changed from time to time by either party by providing notice as set forth above.

GOVERNING LAW.  This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.

The Queendom of Jesus Paul Jones Messiah, INC®2016 becomes a Union and under the security and executioners of: The National Community Network, INC

The Promise of Prince Paul to remove the Satanic curse from The House of King Eston Edward Lee Roberts formerly Prince Hall Freemasonry is fulfilled.

The Order of Zews in Full Effect.

King of Kings Jesus Paul Jones Messiah – Lord of Lords Israel