The State of the Queendom & my Grandson Malcolm

This was the last time I saw Malcom X

The State of the Queendom & my Grandson Malcolm

Malcom X: the Father of the Black Panther Party

Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.

I AM creating the Queens Tag, which will be used over and over times again.  I filed the IRS 990N this year, O lost money last year with the National Community Network, INC.  Nicki, think I and Nicky is jokes and Nicky is so mean and known to be notorious that if she want to NYC and said, Nicky Barnes is my daddy, they will look the other way.  I could not tax exempt Nicki Barnes.  But I know she is about to make me about one billion easy man.  Hey Nicky, buy 1,000,000 copies to giveaway in New York City?  See?  $1,000,000 x $6.00 = I just made $6,000,000 easy.  See?

Keba is my daughter, she tricked me by making me think it was me or Boykin. Boykin calling himself Rahmel the baby eater and Q, I saw some of your article, you need to read my stuff.  Because before you talk about him, get it right, he is my child, well Grandchild and I hate Allah.

Allah is bitch ass Mosses, who said to the Arab slave Muhammad, hey, I will make you a great nation and she made them the innate enemies of the Jews, who are Hebrew also, an Arab is a mere Hebrew Slave and I AM the only God.  Malcolm X® and add him as a Trademark is the Father of the Black Panthers and they are Made Men and Loyal

I Chicago I told a Panther these words after about talking to him 30 minutes.  The Black Panthers have been infiltrated by the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover, but they word for me now under the new Director (Comey).  Don’t listen to anything Louis says, because he is the dummy of the family, every family seems to have one. This is how you know a Panther “If you pull a gun out of a Panther, you have to pull that trigger, because he is not afraid to die.

The promise Malcolm the Panthers, was if you die for God (Jesus and not Allah) your children will live forever with him in his Kingdom.  Those are the Gangster Rappers, who made it to the other side and not Dr. King and not and not that Sunni or any Islam. Hell, what is wrong with the Nation of Islam, it is some new bullshit? And Illaysah, who saw him dead?  They said, I say him gasping for air, but I ran my bitch ass out of there. And you dignify these bastards as Men. They left him to fucking die! And that photo with the rifle and Malcolm, that was the last time I saw him, I cried and he said he had to go, he had to go.  Then came Louis and all those perpetuated lies.  Anyone who told you to not be proud of that photo hates me, now who was it.  You did not even remember.

Then when I came to NYC, I said, hey you get it all man, the Nation is out. This is the great battle. His response, “We have to vote on it?”  I bet he didn’t even tell you I been there in Harlem?  John, Eminent Domain Sunni liars and tell those bitch ass niggers to get to running and leave the women, I might take them all and those in the Dominican Republic.

And I AM so damn nice, I just take the blame for shit I did not do.  Rene Elizondo is the one who pointed the gun at my head and was told “That is Paul Castellano.”  And that no good bitch ass nigger, pulled the trigger and I had snipers and everything in Queensbridge on 5 July 1989.  Rene drank that shit and they basically tell you once you in no way out.  He turned into a faggot, because the Mafia do not make faggots, Carlo Gambino did and therefore he is the Mad Scientist and my men are mad Men tracking the dogs down. And what did Rene create? The faggot Brigade calling themselves Nazis the JDL and all types of bad shit.

And Whitney mommy on the Preachers Wife told Whitney, the Lord is not shit, in so many words. And everyone who followed Rene, said Paul ain’t shit and made the decision to continue your evil ways.

Now is Dante Bush Rene?  No!  And I am Sorry Dante and should give you the pleasure of making this right.

Tags in the making

King of Kings Jesus Paul Messiah – Lord of Lords Israel, New Jerusalem, Queen of Queens Illaysah Israel, Queen of Queens Qubilah Israel, Queen of Queens Janet Israel, Queen of Queens Maria of Israel, Queen of  Queens Alicia Keys Israel, Queens Queen Anansa Israel, Queen of  Queens Beyonce Israel, Queens Queen Casandra Israel, Queen of Queens Elizabeth Israel, Queen of Queens Mary Israel, Queens Queen Gwendolyn Israel, Queens Queen Latifah Israel, Queens Queen Latoya Israel, Queens Queen Mariah Israel, Emancipator Queen NaQuila Israel, Queens Queen Niecy Israel, Queens Queen Onika Israel, Queens Queen Renee Israel, Queens Queen Rihanna Israel, Queens Queen Serena Israel, Queens Queen Tamara Israel, Queens Queen Tatyana Israel, Queens Queen Tia Israel, Queens Queen Tyra Israel, Queens Queen Zendaya Israel, Emancipator Queen Nazirah Israel, Emancipator Queen Mary Ann Israel, Emancipator Queen Latoya, Queens Queen Tracy Israel, Queen of Queens The 24 Tribes Israel, The Kingdom of God, The Queendom of Jesus Paul Messiah


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