The Power of the Spirit

The Power of the Spirit


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


First of all I am not Jesus Christ and please don’t get it twisted, but we have fulfilled the prophesy of the Bible, yet the world doesn’t know it yet.  What we have proven is that every name mankind has used to praise the Lord, was a name assigned by Satan. Because Satan’s master plan was to make all the world praise him.  This is the code of the mark of the beast and the 666 names assigned as a name of God, for all of the religions of the world to choose from. This is an important key.


The problem with so-called African American Christians as also other religions throughout the world is that they all think they got the right answer, yet the spiritual principles of all of these religions seem to be that they do not know what their God knows.  Yet, everyone seems to be denying me without any benefits of a doubt, simply because I presented myself to them with the right qualifications.  People like TD Jakes, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and even Tyler Perry are better received than I am about spiritual principles and the power of the spirit, yet none of them came with the right qualifications.  Being a broke down and a poor broke ass nigger, who knows something you don’t know and everyone thinks he is crazy and you are supposed to love me unlike the rest of the world and support me in faith and deeds. Sure you right!


But that isn’t the truth. I am the most hated man on earth and have to prove everything I say about my own experiences in life. The qualifications of having no honor, doesn’t give me more credibility, but removed even the littlest amount of dignity, I should have received for just being a US Veteran in America.  They treat people crying shellshock (PTSD) with more honor and much better than they treat me.  While you talk about faith and the power of the spirit, I can tell you what was accomplished through the spirit over the last 50 to 55 years and our place as a people on the historic timeline of humankind. But due to the proper qualifications seem you ignore or rebel to what seems like everyone knows but you.  They know who you are and what the plan was to oppress you and the world.


When we prove these things soon, which is that I performed the first successful human  testicle transplant, that produced an offspring and therefore we did in 1969, what they could not do until 2001  While I was only 11 years old, proven we was advanced in medical technology over mankind by 32 years at that early stage in my life.


What does this prove?  When we discover my blood fights off the AIDS virus.  You better start taking me more seriously, because what this should tell you, is there is nothing they could have possibly figured out or have done, that I cannot fix or repair through the spirit of God. This is the proof God exist. There is not a disease they could have possibly create I cannot cure. Why? Because they are simple minded, and God knows everything. 


Curing diseases and stuff like that will be the easy part. My problem than becomes, if we extend life to 150 years, cure most diseases to reduce the costs of medications or just save Medicare. What do I do, with a bunch of disloyal stupid people, who plan to praise Satan, for my work? Think about it 32 years advanced at 11 year old.  We could be 100 years beyond them now or even more?


Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano


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