The Black Community and Police Disharmony

The Black Community and Police Disharmony

By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

You may not want to hear the truth, but the problem is attitude.  Many poor black young men and women lack basic respect.  They do not respect their parents who just tolerate them.  But the idea that a police officer is sworn to enforce the law and carries a gun.  And most importantly you must understand he is human with character defects.  But in both cases you had men talking shit to police officers who had guns and was white on top of that.  Then they get killed and we want justice or destruction of self.

I think a start would be family counseling.  I think the problem we are seeing is starting at the home.  A kid pointing a play gun at people at 12 years old? Get serious!  Two black men talking shit while doing wrong (minor but wrong) to white police officers with guns and they are unarmed.  So I guess they thought they could not get killed because they were unarmed?

People need to learn to respect their elders, the authority and themselves.  I felt what happened in Long Island, New York was wrong. But he showed no respect thinking he was safe, because he was unarmed before men he really did not know who had guns in blue uniforms?

Had those police officers been drug dealers with guns, would he had put on that same show?  No!  He would have had fear of those thugs.  But police have no honor, just as parents no longer do.  Police officers have no honor, respect or any type of reverence but false preachers do?

No what? a Nationwide march to create a wider chism in our communities.  While we insist on being slaves we talk about white COPs as white crackers, but we call Satan god who is the German Reich the Original White Man.  A COP is code for Christian on Patrol, but you claim to be of God and hate them, but love Bill Clinton and hate Ronald Reagan and want Hillary in the White House?  But all the Police do is enforce the law. Do you know the law?

The black problem start in the black community. They talk injustice, but look how they treat me, God their King, who has come to emancipate them?  But they want to rally behind Al Sharpton the FBI informant?  But they say the Police is the problem?  No! They are the problem.  How can you expect your grown child to respect you and you do not have God in you at all?

To expect the child to honor their parents, those same parents must honor God.  You say, if he is God, why are the white man killing us in the streets?  But who are you?  Do you duly recognize me.  No!  Do I know any of these people getting killed personally. No!  But now, I want to protest beside the FBI snitch to make my problem greater. When I know, I am playing a game that backfired.

See I never played the police brutality game unless I had my people in that crowd.  Niggers see someone in blue with a gun and first of all assume they are real cops and we can we the guns are real and decide because he made an oath to uphold the law, I can talk shit to him.

Now since when was a white man word his bond. They always talked with fork tongue, but now you believe these crazy white boys got a gun and a badge to uphold the law and not linch niggers, so you try them, instead of saying yes sir and no sir. But you address a false preacher as Daddy and all kinds of shit. But they be kissing ass behind the scenes, while you try the same COPs.  And you think you are smart?

I need the police to do what I need to get done, but I do not need a bunch of disloyal niggers, who pace themselves in harms way out of stupidity.  Talking anti police to the crowd and getting paid for information all the time.  Everywhere Al Sharpton goes, so does an FBI report, so how can he lead a crowd against COPs?  And is the real problem seen when we look in the mirror?

Solution is Simply:

The churches need to start doing charity and stop trying to direct traffic, like the Dr. King crew in Atlanta. Always a one liner of what Dr. King said, that seems so enlightening.  But all they do is try to tell me what to do, because they cannot do anything but get media attention to say what they think I should do with my money and my power.  But they are all talk and can’t do shit but spread false religion.  This is the black community as a whole, a bunch of lying ass false prophets, without any God in them. But they want’s God’s justice or Satan’s justice?  Who are they really calling on?

Start community crime watch organizations and tenant patrol systems in poor communities. Funding will come from the government and the churches through grants.  Also, it will be tied to benefits in many of our project complexes.  Too many people get benefits and do nothing to clean their own hallways and stairwells.  Housing can  give up a few apartments to security organizations such as tenant patrol and crime watch as well as church services accommodations.

We need to bring back basic respectful communication styles.  We cannot vent our frustrations on the police every time we have an encounter with them and make scenes.  The police of the future will be God loving men and women.  The mistake blacks are making is that we assume COPs are supposed to be good people, but think they are not.  So we let our guards down by talking shit to them and they have the authority to kill you on the spot and the law they are enforcing provokes this behavior.  It is the laws and the attitudes that must change on both sides at the same time.  That is the challenge.  All this shit talking about the white man and calling on Satan in the same sentence?  Get real!

Rev. Frank Paul Jones aka Apostle Paul Castellano bka Jesus Christ

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