The Formation of the Zews

The Formation of the Zews


By: Rev. Frank Paul Jones – President and CEO – The National Community Network


The term Zew should be added to you dictionary and is the name assigned to the African American Slave to differentiate us for the So-Called Jews


I will operate out of Floridaand I and my associates out of New York City will handle the East Coast. We will have the Nation of Islam from the North, the Crips from the West and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge uniting Prince Hall Freemasons under the banner of the true Living Son of Man, will handle the south.


The East Coast: Capital Investment and Oversight of operation.


The West Coast: Using Hollywoodand Entertainment as a means to unit, in reality this is our army. When we did a roll call in 1991, the numbers came out to 100,000 strong. This was prior to the inclusion of the Bloods who will fall under the same banner.


The South: The Promise land or headquarters location, the foundation of black Christianity and the place where we must begin the process of  change. The Prince Hall Freemasons must take the lead in the re-reaching the Church. We must understand who we are in the bible, for any advancement to come our way. I want the Prince hall Freemasons to write us a new bible based on the historical journey of the Apostle Paul, Castellano. Understand the Mafia holds the scrolls, that must be made into a scripture for the Zews and the Nation Of Islam, who will need to change their name, will re-teach the masses something the Churches must learn to duplicated and thereby unify our people as one church and as one nation of people under one God.


The North: The place where we ran to escape oppression for opportunity, only to be repressed, trapped, confined and jam-packed.  The Nation of Islam.  This is who will be responsible for re-teaching our people. It may be required to establish a relocation program for certain talented or educated or skilled people to be brought to Highlands County, some to be assisted to return to the battle in Chicago with solutions and others to be giving a chance of resettlement in the South. Chicago is in crisis mode and people are dying on the streets and has become a  national responsibility.


In 2013 they had 415 homicides, which was 88 less from the year before. I think it is time to remove certain selected people from it,  to better be able to address and examine it.  And, I believe a recognized voice out of Chicago (in exile), can be very effective in challenging its corruption, if he is not located in Chicago.  Because he will be able to tell the truth without any negative consequences as a result of exposing these people.  I think we should design a program to relocate Chicagoans out of this mess but for a reason.  We cannot give up on Chicago.


Rev. Frank Paul Jones – President and CEO

The National Community Network, INC.

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