Breaking News – Q.Q. Janet Saved Avon Park in Kidnap Plot

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Breaking News – Q.Q. Janet Saved Avon Park in Kidnap Plot

1 Th: 5:2 “for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”

The Words of Jesus Christ

John J. Gotti, Sammy “The Bull” Gravano and Amy are Kidnappers. And now I understand what happened. I saw Frank and saw him for only about a few seconds. I saw Emmy at Save-A-Lot with who is obviously my son, who I named Frank. It was both Paula Blue and Zula from Beyoncé. And from Alicia came Frank and Paul. They come in twos and not in splits between sisters. Just like Alicia and Beyoncé, it was in twos for both of them.

It seems Swizz Beatz is Steve Williams a dirt bag that never work an honest j0b, while Ella has me Baker Act she allowed this homosexual to attempt to defile my child Zula, to make her try to make me defile her.  This is call child molestation. Meanwhile Amy of Sammy Bull stole my son Frank, Jason T. Hunter is damn near every one of my identities. Word is the FBI is about to find out if my children are being locked up in this nuclear silo?  And if so, why?

I said and understand the nature of the teachings of Sodom. All King Sodom asked for was his children. He says, just give me back my people. But they knew they had to destroy the evidence, so they turn you out and then the kill you. And Janet is not pregnant, she bought time. And the plan is to castrate him. The catch is Janet did not carry that child and Egeria took down my posting, meaning something is wrong Paul. Then I get Baker Act the same day on the way back home.

I will build on this but it has to go up now as a means to surprise her, when they come to arrest her and get my son. I AM not angry at all with them and why? Had not, this town would have blown up and they was going to say, Jesus Christ did it, he hate GAYS. He hates homosexuals. No, I hate evil and you cannot justify this action. But I know it had to happen. They planned to mass murder these people.

More will be revealed.  Johnny Boy and Sammy is busted.

Jesus Christ

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