Breaking News – Bobby Daddy June “Fake Faggot” The Bug

Breaking News – Bobby Daddy June “Fake Faggot” The Bug

The Wendy Williams Show:

The word on the streets is June Bug, who is the towns queer, is not even gay.  He is the one who the homosexuals turn to for guidance.  He is the code to the Gay Mob?  He is known as the castrator. And some dude is said to have claimed he was the real Nicky Barnes aka Charles Nicolas.  So he is hanging out with June Bug and start to talking big time shit, name I have it going on. So thinking he had Nicky trapped in a safe house, he begins to defraud the United States Government, thinking Nicky is some loan Drug Dealer on who is underground and cannot move.

Then they say Daddy P. Federalized the whole county. You know like Washington D.C. but a tri city in one county.  He give Nicky all the authority necessary to coordinate the United States Joint Federal Task Force?  Can you believe this Nicky Barnes is name Top COP and John J. Gotti pronounced dead and nobody knows how they really look? Wow!

Then he named Bobby Brown as head of the Library of Congress?  Then there is talk that Bobbi Kristina is actually alive like Whitney, Michael, Tupac and so many more ad like MJJ, she has the spirit of God and we know only one dude gets up in those Spirit.  

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