He Came Like a Thief in the Night

The Network

He Came Like a Thief in the Night

The Parable

When I travel by foot from Macon to Sandersville, I have to travel 60 miles and many hours at night.

I had a backpack to be able to change clothes in layers, based on temperature.  And I had a small blue high brilliance flashlight.  So had a wild animal saw me and attacked I could blind him, because the flashlight was very bright, making him sitting duck.

As I travel it became dark.  About 10 miles away and at dawn my flashlight got weak. So to conserve energy I had to turn it off. So during the darkest hours I had to travel in darkness.

Then the spirit said turn on the light so you see where you are.  Man it was really dark out there.  And there was a sign saying turn left to Sandersville at the next intersection.

I turned left and all I had to do was follow this road in.  I saw a store and told her o had food stamps but no money, she said from her mind, we do not need food stamps we are all rich. But her answer was we do not accept food stamps.

The sun started to come up and the morning dew made the grass wet.  Like a dummy I stepped in it and my walking sneakers got wet. Damn, I have change my socks?  I changed my socks and said, I do not think I AM going to make in schedule, my feet are wet and now I have been up almost 24 to 30 hours.

Then from nowhere a stranger pulls up and she says, you going to Sandersville?  When I saw how far I had to go, I told, I do not think I would have made it, thank you.  I had a long way to go I said.

And this is what just happened her. At the break of dawn I let you see me, but in the last hours it was dark man.

Any food establishment who food source is verified, get an Avon Park Certificate to sell hot food for food stamps.  I tried this in New York City briefly in I think the 1980s.

Anyone who buys hot food gets 50% more credits on those purchases.  This means if I get $200 in stamps, if you buy all McDonald’s food or restaurant food, I can spent $300.  You can then adjust this based on what they will really need.  I can be upped 100% if need and therefore $400.  If you only get say $50, due to income and need $200 to eat, you buy in at $150 and the amount it cost is again based on income criteria.

The buy in program states you can be a millionaire and if you join the buy in, I will give at least 25% more food buying power and you pau no taxes or deposits on sodas and stuff.

This will make this totally legal and now my dimes of weed will be two times as big off of the streets and about ten times more lucrative to the Network and everybody eats much better.

Jesus Paul Jones Messiah


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