American Hero Josephine Baker – A Spike Lee Joint – Coming Soon – Updated


Josephine Baker in her Prime

Tracy Momma Patelia  Meet Josephine out of Newark, N.J.

That makes it Blond Eva, Virgie Katherine and Josephine Podolia?  Wow, wow, wow-wow.  See Eddie was a drunk punk ass Serpent and Daddy Pee, was on the move.  I got Diana Ross too. Then  cam the new Jacks,  like Hallie Barry, see, she is mines too.

Loving U

A Great American Hero Josephine Baker


A Spike Lee Joint Coming Soon

She was a outspoken entertainer who demanded respect. She goes to a Harlem Restaurant Night Club and complained about the poor services she had and she was richer than all these people in here. Oh, its a black thing???

It gets the attention of Mr.. Walter Winchell, a reporter and J Edgar Hoover loyalist. He finds out JFK was a ploy and gets mad as hell with Hoover. You deceived me or to that effect.

So I go to France in about 1984 and I meet Josephine Baker’s Children, all in French Army Uniforms and every last one of them was black. I cried as I had to leave and gave them the things off of my back and vowed, “I will return.” I never left!!!!

The code here is Josephine built the Church of God by Faith. They claim the  Church in Lake Wales alone cost $8 million and they say who gets Beyoncé gets it all. I heard Water-Man thinking. But he did not know about Janet who is Hollywood.  See?

  • Uncle Billy aka  Prince Hall or Worshipful Master E.E.L Roberts took Elizabeth aka Whitney Houston and Mary J. Blige money right. They built the Masonic Lodges.  See?,
  • Michael, Prince and Janet built Kingdom Hall.  See?
  • Elijah aka Uncle Brother aka Honorable  Elijah Muhammad built the Nation of Islam and the many sects followed.  See?
  • Bob Harper aka Lucky Luciano built the Roman Catholic Church, post World War Two.
  • The Seventh Day Adventist another Jones project, where Robin Williams was within

They all go to me and must preach the one and only living God, Jesus Christ is reality.  And every last Minister must be ordained by me.

I think John just gave them up.  The code is Ray always says “David sent his General to get killed to steal his wife. ” That was the keynote in this mornings sermon.  A few days ago I saw Lawrence Taylor preaching about when I was a child, I talk like a child for about 45 minutes.  I think they got the point?  When I became a man????

Ray always says my two sons have the biggest Missionary in Santa Monica. The county is bankrupt.  See? As in the film and Ray is in fact John Joseph Gotti and check the FBI vault he is also John Gates the photo match is on Goggle Image.

He knocked down flight 800? Read it I never had time.

Check out this quarry?

The Santa Monica Rescue Mission. This Missionary is filled with X-cons calling him GOD and they are now lining up against me because he got them off of drugs and out of jail but he placed them in there in the first place.

He makes these dudes billionaires on paper knowing they are illiterate and cannot even endorse a check but I said, I will teach them to read and write and that means they have to learn and then run things. They are a do as you told operation. Dumb niggers and all his boys making moves are the white boys.

Look at the NAZI parades. Do you ever see any niggers at the end? No!  Why? They self destruct and then comes false history. But technology caught up to this ancient crap.

John talk like a Puerto Rican as Ray and now as James he is a country white boy. The Illuminati is a con game. Bill Clinton and remember Chelsea at the Avon Park Post Office? The real life Nutty Professor.

Jesus Christ

PS: I wonder now about Azalea, I so loved her, she had the prettiest skin tone and I heard she died. I paid it no attention, I guess I knew better. I always would sleep at funerals.

The Factual – Witness or Sworn Statements

Here is the catch to this filming. Podolia  live in Newark, N.J. and then I last visited her in Lake Wales, FL.  She was supposed to be senile or some shit. n other words she got tired of people robbing her all the time.

God Approved

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The Symbol of Perfection and Justice

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D.B.A Jesus Christ


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